House of Cards

<p>Analysis and your feedback covering House of Cards on Netflix. For more episodes and other shows, visit</p>

413 – Chapter 52

We wrap up our coverage of House of Cards season four today with a deep dive on the stunning finale, “Chapter 52”.  All out war has been declared, as it feels like 7 shoes have dropped on the Underwoods, and we’re waiting for the other 3.  We discuss foreign policy, the touching love story of lizard man and liver woman, Presidential gaming, and FBI goon squads.  Then we discuss our overall thoughts on season four, look ahead to season five, and cover the final thoughts from our listeners.  Thanks for coming along with us, we had a great time, enjoyed all of the discussion, and greatly appreciate your support. See you next year! Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


410, 411, 412 – Chapters 49-51

We’re nearing the home stretch.  Just one episode left to cover after this, and then the season re-cap.  But there is plenty of machinations left to unravel.  Frank uses national security, the death of a mother-in-law, and the inexperience and ambition of his political rival for his own gain, aided and abetted by his right hand woman, Claire.  Can frank defeat both political parties, a skilled and savvy reporter with a lot of axe to grind, as well as the terrorist organization ICO in just one more hour of television?  We’ll find out! Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


407, 408, 409 – Chapters 46-48

It’s all out political war as Frank and Claire fight on all fronts, Islamic terror organizations, search engine snooping, the vice presidential nomination, Republican opposition, gun control, Supreme Court nominations, domestic surveillance… it’s like the Underwoods want to touch every third rail in politics simultaneously.  What’s next, taking on Social Security?  Are they insane?  We’ll check back in with you next week on Tuesday to see how they manage to escape from the various predicaments they find themselves, then we’ll wrap things up with the finale and wrap up podcast Friday! Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


404, 405, 406 – Chapters 43-45

Jim and A.Ron are impressed with the strongest stretch of House of Cards in any a season.  With events both shocking and eminently watchable, we praise the opportunism of Claire as she waylays the entire government apparatus as a sort of audition for her role in higher power.  Will her daring gambit pay off, or will the Underwoods, and the United States of America, pay too high a price?  Join us as we discuss and debate organ donation, the various schemes and power grabs, and analyze the potential treacheries and betrayals ahead. Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


401, 402, 403: Chapters 40-42

Jim and A.Ron return to the seedy amoral world of “House of Cards”, taking in the first three episodes and finding it more nuanced and complex as it returns to the purer forms of politics from the first two seasons.  Frank is trying to prove that he doesn’t need Claire to win, and failing miserably.  Claire schemes on a plan that seems on the face of it insane, but what is she actually getting at?  And how will Lucas’ sudden return to relevancy impact Frank?  Which of the seemingly endless stream of weapons of mass destruction being hurled at the highest levels of government will be the first to go off and destroy everyone?  Is there any good to root for at this point?  We’ll be back with coverage of the next six episodes over the course of next week.  See you then! Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Season Four Preview Cast

It’s looking like Season Four of Netflix’s House of Cards is going to be Frank v. Claire, no holds barred. Are you ready?  Jim and A.Ron discuss the upcoming season, our coverage of same as well as our thoughts on Beau Willimon’s upcoming departure from the series in this brief preview podcast. See you back tomorrow for coverage of the first three episodes! Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


313 – “Chapter Thirty Nine”

Jim and A.Ron have seen the finale of House of Cards, episode 313, “Chapter Thirty Nine”, and are left wanting; like showing up to Freddy’s for a full rack of ribs and getting served a McRib, with not even a consolation slice of cornbread or side of fried okra to be seen… Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


312 – “Chapter Thirty Eight”

Jim and A.Ron have been waiting for a breathless thrill ride these last few hours, but in episode 312, “Chapter 38”, what we’re getting is MacBeth. And maybe that’s okay?… Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter Either way, Doug is back in a big way, Claire is shaken to her core, Dunbar dons the black hat, Thomas finds he has a story that must be told, and is Seth really going to be the professional? All this is considered and much more. What will the season finale hold? Tune in Friday and find out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


311 – “Chapter Thirty Seven”

House of Cards episode 311, “Chapter Thirty Seven” finds yet another crisis in the Underwood administration… Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter His increasingly imperious tone and ruthless manner seem to be driving away allies and attracting ever more enemies. We discuss Claire’s seven year plan, Frank’s fangs, Doug learning how to love, your feedback, and much more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


310 – “Chapter Thirty Six”

In this episode of House of Cards, number 310, “Chapter 36”, Thomas makes an indecent proposal, Fake Putin plays hard ball, Doug faces children for the first time of his life, and Gavin abandons his beloved guinea pig. Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


309 – “Chapter Thirty Five”

In this episode of House of Cards, number 309 entitled “Chapter Thirty Five”, Russians die, threatening the fragile Middle Eastern peace, Remy gets a ticket, Frank gives a fateful order, and Doug buries his face in Frank’s crotch.  But in a totally not-Meechum kind of way.  We think. Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


308 – “Chapter Thirty Four”

In this episode 308 of House of Cards, “Chapter Thirty Four”, Faith and AmWorks both fizzle, Jackie gets caught red handed, and an old friend visits the White House. Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


307 – “Chapter Thirty Three”

Jim and A.Ron get philosophical and meditative in this episode 307 of House of Cards entitled “Chapter Thirty Three”… Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter We discuss sand mandalas, New Jersey cultural exchange, passive aggressive relationships, journalistic integrity, jetpack cuddling, and lots of feedback. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


306 – “Chapter Thirty Two”

In this episode of House of Cards, episode 306, “Chapter Thirty Two”, international pressures mount as domestic issues simmer…. Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter We discuss how the Kremlin > The White House, how gay rights in Russia can inform our knowledge of the Underwood’s marriage, shocking developments involving Claire’s scarf, and Gavin setting the hook on his social engineering hack. All this, and a ton of feedback, coming your way! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


305 – “Chapter Thirty One”

A.Ron and Jim are shocked at the post-Spitgate recovery House of Cards episode 305, “Chapter Thirty One” makes. Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter Full of interesting and intense scenes, and topped off by an absolutely dominant First Ladies Room sequence, there was a lot to chew on.  Mickey Doyle is in House of Cards now, minus the creepy laugh.  And one other surprise guest shows up before the episode is over, opening up mouthwatering possibilities.  And just a TON of feedback.  Hope you have as much fun listening as we did watching and recording… Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


304 – “Chapter Thirty”

In this episode 306 of House of Cards, “Chapter 30”, Jim and A.Ron are struggling with a seemingly and suddenly petty, spiteful, and surprisingly weak Underwood White House… Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter In this episode 306 of House of Cards, “Chapter 30”, Jim and A.Ron are struggling with a seemingly and suddenly petty, spiteful, and surprisingly weak Underwood White House.  We discuss burying soldiers, senior moments on the Supreme Court with Justice Jimmy Carter, surprise candidacies, pulling journalist credentials, and Gavin’s latest social hacking, plus a very controversial presidential spit take.  All this and your feedback as the binge rolls on. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


303 – “Chapter Twenty Nine”

Jim and A.Ron come to dinner and bring an apetite talking about House of Cards episode 303, “Chapter Twenty Nine”… Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter We discuss Pussy Riots, terrible surfboards, truly excellent vodka, Russian oral aggression, ill advised press conferences, and declare that the Cold War is back on!  All this plus more of your feedback and reactions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


302 – “Chapter Twenty Eight”

On this podcast, covering Netflix’s House of Cards episode 302, “Chapter Twenty Eight”, Jim and A.Ron discuss egg motifs, grandstanding, sob sex, long memories, and non-entitled entitlements.  All this plus your feedback! Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter On this podcast, covering Netflix’s House of Cards episode 302, “Chapter Twenty Eight”, Jim and A.Ron discuss egg motifs, grandstanding, sob sex, long memories, and non-entitled entitlements.  All this plus your feedback! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


301 – “Chapter Twenty Seven”

A.Ron and Jim begin their watch of Netflix’s House of Cards season 3, with episode 301 entitled “Chapter Twenty Seven”… Support Bald Move:  Amazon  |  Club Bald Move Leave Us A Review Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums  |  Facebook  |  Twitter In this episode Frank waters his father’s tomb, Doug claws his way back from the grave, Claire demands her turn at the reins of power, and we’re introduced to the hot new trend from DC, syringe shots!  All this and some earlybird feedback, coming at you. Programming note.  After today’s release, we’re adopting a Monday / Wednesday / Friday release schedule over the next four weeks.  We’ll decide whether or not to do a wrap up based on how the season goes and how much post-show feedback we get. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Season Two Wrap Up

A belated wrap up for Season Two of Netflix’s House of Cards, ready for your perusal.  We discuss a metric ton of feedback, ponder how we want season three to go down, and talk about things we’ve learned from our marathon coverage and how that will inform our coverage of season three. Some links of interest: * The Ypsilanti Water Tower referenced in the podcast. * Gregg Housh’s article for The Guardian regarding his role as technical advisor for season two. If you like our podcasts, please consider rating and reviewing us on iTunes. You can also support us financially by using our Amazon affiliate link to shop online. We get a cut of Amazon’s profits, and it costs you absolutely nothing. You can also check out our Subbable page to find out how you can back our podcasts and get some cool stuff in return.  If you’d like to join in the discussion, you can reach us by email, Facebook, or Twitter. Our theme song is called “Playing the Game” by JJ Reinhold. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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