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How to Get Over Your Ex

Author: Breakup Coach Dorothy

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Breakup coach Dorothy, outlines the steps to get over your ex without it “just taking time”.

She has combined her background in psychology with her life coach certification tools to provide actionable insights so that you're not only learning the why but you're learning the HOW to getting over your ex.

Note: Dorothy utilizes the "he" pronoun when talking about her ex but this work can be applied to anyone. All genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to listen and apply the tools.

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Grab the Get Over Your Ex in 3 months or less course and get started applying the tools you're learning today for only $185! Here's the link to get started feeling better TODAY:
283 Episodes
If you feel like you lost yourself in your last relationship, today is the day we talk about how to feel like yourself again after a breakup. Leave with brilliant insights and mind blowing moments that will help you feel like yourself again TODAY. The Get Over Your Ex COURSE:
You're worth it

You're worth it


Bravehearts, to truly learn something is not to simply “know it”. To truly learn something is to “master it.” You cannot master something unless you put it to practice. When I hear Bravehearts saying “I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying” or “I logically know…” it shows me they’ve learned to the point of “knowing” but not to the point of mastering.  You’re worth it to master the art of non attachment. You’re worth more than 5 days. You’re worth the time, energy, and effort you put into your last relationship.  THE GOYE COURSE (start today for only $185):
Feeling suffocated by your intense attachment to something, only to see it slip further away  (like your ex)? In this powerful episode, we dive into “the attachment cycle” and how it's keeping you stuck, whether it's a relationship, a goal, or a dream. Discover how understanding and navigating the attachment cycle can help you collapse the timeframe to bring your desires into reality. Learn practical steps to recognize when you're gripping too tightly, move through resistance, cultivate curiosity, and ultimately release attachment. Join me as we explore how to create safety in your mind and body, propelling you toward the life you've always wanted (regardless of what your ex is doing). Don't miss this transformative discussion—click to listen now! With a special announcement from Breakup Coach Dorothy that long time listeners will love!  PS. The LAST ENROLLMENT for the Get Over Your Ex in 3 months or less program is open. The deadline to enroll is Friday, June 14th at midnight:
Struggling to manage anger after a breakup? You're not alone. In this episode, we tackle the challenge of dealing with post-breakup anger head-on. Learn why it's essential to let yourself be angry and how to channel that anger through physical movement. Then, discover how to identify the root causes of your anger and decide if you're ready to shift out of it. By following these steps, you'll find a healthier way to process your emotions and move forward. Tune in today to gain practical insights and exact steps to managing YOUR anger after a breakup. 5 months of healing in 5 days at the How to Get Over Your Ex 5 day training starting today! (June 3 - 7): The last enrollment is open this week for the Get Over Your Ex program. Enrollment will close Friday, June 14th at midnight, if you’ve wanted to work with Dorothy, this will be the last chance for the remainder of 2024:
Join us in this week’s episode as we discuss what it’s like to grieve together and dream together. Friendship plays a huge role in the healing journey. You don’t have to go through this terrible heartbreak alone. Leave this episode feeling connected to others and confident in your ability to grieve and dream in a brand new way.  LIVE 5 day How to Get Over Your Ex training! Happening June 3rd - 7th. Come join Breakup Coach Dorothy and other bravehearts taking the work from the podcast and implementing these tools over five days completely free!  Accomplish 5 months of healing in just 5 days!
We dive deep today into the distinction between experiencing grief and truly being over your ex. Discover 5 different forms of grief that you have never heard of before and how experiencing these forms of grief cannot define your progress towards being over him/her. Listen today to transform your relationship with grief and take the next step toward a life that’s bigger and better than the one you had with your ex. LIVE 5 day How to Get Over Your Ex training! Happening June 3rd - 7th. Come join Breakup Coach Dorothy and other bravehearts taking the work from the podcast and implementing these tools over five days completely free!  Accomplish 5 months of healing in just 5 days!
In today's episode, we're tackling a tough yet crucial aspect of healing post-breakup: sharing your story with friends and family. It's a daunting prospect, especially when loved ones were invested in your relationship. But fear not! We've got you covered with five key points to navigate this conversation with grace and empowerment. From avoiding the victim-villain narrative to setting boundaries on support, we'll guide you through each step. Tune in now for invaluable insights and practical advice. 
Today, we're diving into a powerful concept: 'what you focus on grows.' It's a game-changer, especially after a breakup. Instead of getting stuck on what's broken, let's pivot towards what's working and celebrate our progress. We'll tackle how to redirect our focus for a smoother journey towards our goals. Let's choose progress over pessimism, celebration over stagnation. Tune in now for practical tips and inspiring insights. It's time to seize the day and create the life you deserve, not just the one you think you can get.
In this episode, we're tackling the paralysis of choice post-breakup. Ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of lifestyles you could pursue? Or perhaps you don’t even know where to start? Join me as we cut through the noise and find clarity amidst the chaos. From past reflections to future aspirations, we're breaking down decision-making into actionable steps. It's not about finding the perfect path for eternity, but rather removing the “pressure” of a forever decision through the framework provided in the episode. So, if you're ready to stop overthinking and start living, hit play and let's navigate this journey together! Friendly reminder only 2 more days to book your trip to the Heartbreak Hotel:  
Join us in today's episode of 'The Breakup Police' as we dive into a world where justice for heartbreaks is served. Ever wished there were actual officers to ticket those who leave us feeling shattered? We get it. From unfair moves to blatant disregard, navigating post-breakup turmoil can feel like a solo journey. Explore with us as we unravel the power of perspective. Imagine feeling seen, validated, and liberated from the weight of proving your pain. What if you could reclaim your peace without waiting for external validation? Tune in to discover how to find solace, and embrace a future where your worth isn't defined by past hurts.  The Braveheart Experience: Heartbreak Hotel:
Prepare to be captivated by an enchanting narrative of healing and transformation as our host unveils the secrets of the Heartbreak Hotel and her most recent journey from miscarriage, called off engagement, new home and marriage. Journey with us as we explore the transformative power of sacred spaces, the magic of self-reflection, and the art of finding peace amidst chaos. This episode promises to inspire and empower you to embark on your own journey of healing, growth, and self-discovery. Heartbreak Hotel: The Braveheart Experience: House Numerology:
Discover the key to breaking free from the endless loop of overthinking in today's episode. Whether you're stuck reminiscing about your ex, fixating on past mistakes, or worrying about what's to come, we've got you covered. Tune in to learn practical strategies for getting out of your head and fully embracing the present moment. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped to live your life free from the shackles of rumination and truly savor every moment. Don't miss out on this opportunity to reclaim your mental freedom and start living fully today!
Today we address the common anxiety of envisioning your ex-partner attaining perfection with someone new. We navigate through two scenarios, challenging you to confront the uncertainties of speculating about their ex's future. With empathy and wisdom, you’ll learn to refocus on your own worth, reminding you that your ex's actions do not define your value. Tune in to reclaim agency over your narrative and have exact next steps for when you find yourself consumed with how your ex will treat their new partner. 
In today’s episode, Breakup Coach Dorothy and guest Luke Shillings, whose ex was a Braveheart, talk about getting over an ex who betrayed you and the lessons he’s learned from the betrayal.  Join them as they talk about Luke’s journey from his experience of betrayal, co-parenting and healing his relationship with his ex, learning to become a better parent, and becoming a coach himself. If you’ve experienced betrayal, today’s episode will leave you with tangible tools and also hope in overcoming and getting to the other side of betrayal. You’ve got this braveheart! Learn more about Luke:
In today’s episode learn what you can do to feel better when you feel like your ex was everything you ever wanted. Through practical exercises and insightful anecdotes, discover the importance of separating fact from fiction post-breakup, and learn how relying on data over drama can empower you to reclaim your agency and uncover the truth about your past relationships. You’ll leave today’s episode knowing exactly what steps to take to go from panic and devastation to calm and hopeful.  How to Fast Forward Getting Over Your Ex – Without wasting months (or years) feeling angry, jealous or unlovable:
In today’s episode we delve into the theme of preventing past heartaches, urging listeners to embrace self-discovery, and cultivate inner peace instead of fixating on external threats. We talk about love bombing, is this lust or is this love, and the common fear of what if I get cheated on again? Through introspection and emotional grounding, we confront fears, acknowledge vulnerabilities, and empower ourselves to foster authentic connections rooted in mutual respect and understanding. Leave today’s episode knowing a 5 step process for leaving your fear of bad things behind and embracing the calm.  The NEW Get Over Your Ex Course: Deadline to enroll is Sunday, March 17th, 2024 Angie Griffith host of the “You Get What I’m Saying” podcast: Our episode together airs Tuesday, March 26th, 2024
In today’s episode, Breakup Coach Dorothy and guest Braveheart Melissa, a mom to two teenagers, talk about how she went from depressed to empowered after a breakup.  Join them as they talk about Melissa’s journey from splitting with her children’s father, meeting her now ex-boyfriend, feeling depressed and dealing with her breakup, to feeling empowered and reaching her goals.
Today, we're debunking myths about getting over your ex. We are going to cover 5 things you might THINK you need to get over your ex that in fact you don’t actually need. Join us as we uncover the truth and empower you to move forward into a bigger, better life. You’ll leave this episode feeling free to move on in a way that is way more simple than you ever thought possible.
In today’s episode we explore common fears and challenges experienced post-breakup.  Invaluable wisdom on navigating setbacks with resilience and grace is discussed. You will leave the episode knowing exactly what steps to take after a “breakup backslide” to reclaim your power towards emotional liberation and freedom from your ex.  5 day LIVE How to Get Over Your Ex training!
Join us as we delve into the complexities of secondary grief, exploring the myriad losses that accompany breakups and divorces. Beyond the initial heartache lies a landscape of secondary losses—shattered dreams, financial instability, and fractured social networks. But amidst the pain, there is resilience, as we uncover the concept of secondary gains: the hidden opportunities and newfound freedoms that emerge from loss. Through heartfelt stories and insightful coaching, we navigate the delicate balance of acknowledging our losses while embracing the potential for growth and transformation. So, grab your journal and prepare to journey with us through the depths of grief to the heights of healing. And remember, Braveheart, your path to a brighter future begins with a single step—join us for our upcoming 5-day How to Get Over Your Ex training during Valentine's Day week and discover the power of reclaiming your joy and vitality.  Save your spot here: