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How to Record a Podcast
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How to Record a Podcast

Author: The Pod Farm

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How to Record a Podcast is a fortnightly podcast from The Pod Farm featuring tips and tricks to help you record a successful show, from a professional podcast editor and producer.
68 Episodes
Hi there! You haven’t heard from me in a while, so I wanted to fill you in with some changes happening to The Pod Farm. When I started The Pod Farm, it was kind of a punt. I didn't know if podcast editing was a thing I could do for work, and The Pod Farm was purely a passion project. But as it has evolved and become a real business, I've felt like there are ways I can better serve my clients and attract new ones. So I’ve decided it’s time to put those things into practice, and there are a few reasons why now was the right time. For one, most of my clients now fall into a few categories - health & wellness, spirituality, education. This wasn't intentional, but as lots of my clients are through recommendation, it's just turned out that way. Also, earlier this year my Instagram account was deactivated so The Pod Farm's social media presence has disappeared, which seemed like an opportunity for something new. And finally, The Pod Farm was an experiment at first, and it was a messy one. There's a confusion of branding, starts and restarts, too many facets to the business etc. Basically, I'm seeing the new year as a time to start fresh with everything I've learned along the way... The first stage of this change will just be a reskinning of The Pod Farm you all know - there's a new name, more gender-neutral branding, new website etc., but the day to day operation will be the same. You'll still send me podcasts and get them back a few days later, same as always. This new brand will hopefully attract more clients in the specific categories I've mentioned above, and create a stronger identity for the type of client I work with. Further down the line, I hope to use this identity to attract advertisers for the podcasts I work with, and perhaps even operate as a podcast network. But first, a facelift... The Pod Farm is now Ora Podcast. The word Ora kind of struck me out of the blue, and as I looked into it, as a part of words like oral or oracle, as a homophone to aura, and the many languages that use the word, it grew on me more and more. I feel it represents the feel I want for the new business, and how I want it to be perceived by my clients. You can visit to find out more, and just to have a poke around. You can also follow @orapodcasts on instagram, although I haven't posted anything yet! Also, unfortunately I’m not going to continue releasing podcasts at the moment. These podcasts will stay up, so anyone can access episodes that have been helpful to them, but I won't be releasing more under Ora Podcasts for now. Thanks so much to everyone who has listened, to anyone who has got in touch and anyone who has found them helpful. You can still follow The Pod Farm and my work as Ora Podcasts, and I hope to be able to work with many of you in the future to nurture new podcast projects and help you make them a reality - see you soon.
As we enter the final few months of the year, I've been thinking about those people who might want to start a new podcast with the new year. The audio from this episode is taken from several episodes I released last year about starting a new podcast in 2021 and I hope it will be helpful to anyone looking to start their podcast in January. Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
This is a bi-weekly podcast. I release an episode every other week, without breaks between seasons. This format works for me, and I’m able to record episodes in advance when I need to, or record them week to week when I need to, and still fit in podcasting around my editing work. But I’m in a fortunate position. Podcasting is my job - not just recording one, but working with clients to record thiers, editing, consultation etc. But to those people who have other jobs, to whom podcasting is a side hustle or hobby, or who have multiple other facets of their business to run, I don't recommend recording in this consistent pattern. I recommend recording and releasing a podcast in seasons... Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
I took some time off this summer and went away. I still had some work to do so I took my laptop, a stand, and a bluetooth keyboard and mouse - a super light and compact mobile office setup I've put together over the years. I pre-recorded my podcasts so I didn’t need to take any recording gear with me, but it did get me thinking… What’s the best setup for recording a podcast away from home? What is a compact and portable setup that can fit in a bag or suitcase? Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
So now that we’ve looked at some of the reasons people struggle to keep their podcasts going - let’s talk about how we can address it.  I want to be really clear off the bat, that there is such a thing as doing too much, and no amount of tips or tricks or hacks will give you more hours in the day. I want you to have a sustainable and consistent lifestyle, not just a podcast, and if trying to produce this podcast is affecting your work or deteriorating your quality of life - even after implementing these strategies - then perhaps it’s time to think about how much you’re doing. But for the majority of people, with a few tweaks and adjustments, podcasting can enhance their current business or life situation in a meaningful and positive way. I'm taking some time off this summer, so this audio is taken from the private podcast feed I released earlier this month. Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
In the last episode I spoke about just some of the many benefits of podcasting, but if that’s all true, why isn’t everyone doing it? What are the downsides? What’s the catch?  Well sometimes it does seem like everyone is doing it. Especially during last years (and this years) lockdowns, more people than ever were trying their hand at podcasting. The number of podcasts has more than tripled in a year, from 700,000 in the final quarter of 2019 to 2.2m at the end of 2020 and obviously rising since then. But most of these shows don’t last. So what’s happening? I'm taking some time off this summer, so this audio is taken from the private podcast feed I released earlier this month. Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
Whether you’re a business, an individual, a freelancer or whatever - someone who's trying to get a message across to people - podcasting is a powerful way to do this. It’s great for connecting to people, it’s great for generating interest, and it’s great for selling. Whatever your reason is for starting a podcast, there are benefits to be found, and advantages that this type of media has over others.  I'm taking some time off this summer, so this audio is taken from the private podcast feed I released earlier this month.  Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
I’m still enrolling people on my podcast summer camp for the next couple of days.  This 6 week program takes people through every step of starting a podcast and gives them a strong base to build from. Over the 6 weeks, participants will have live coaching calls with me where we set clear goals and progress markers for the podcast, and discuss any challenges and issues that come up. I will also edit the first 6/8/10 episodes of this new podcast (depending on the length) so you can focus on learning how to get the recording right and building an audience first. Participants will have full access to my podcasting course completely free, and each week during the 6 weeks there will be check-ins and resources emailed out. I’ll also provide feedback on recordings and together we can work out how to improve the quality of these recordings.  By the end of our time together, I aim to have participants comfortable with the podcasting process, with a practice that suits their schedule and a direction going forward. Check out the Podcast Summer Camp ( here.  Spaces are limited so if you're interested, book in a call with me and let's chat. Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
Many people start their podcasts with the intention of it becoming an income stream, only to get disheartened when creating that income isn’t as quick or simple as it initially seemed. Huge income generating podcasts are still the exception, but many, many podcasters are able to supplement their incomes, or even live off the profits of their moderately sized podcasts, and there are a number of ways to do this, some of which we’ll cover today... Access the private podcast feed here: Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
Premium content, paid content, paywalled content, whatever you want to call it - bonus content that your audience pays for on top of your free content is a great way to start monetising your podcast, and with the advent of Apple and Spotify's subscription options, and third party companies like Patreon or Buy Me a Coffee, it's easier than ever to set up. But how do you know if it's time to start creating premium content? And how do you know if it's right for your audience? Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
Airplanes, loud motorcycles, wind, birds, sirens and construction work - these are just some of the sounds that might pop up to ruin a recording taken outside. But by choosing the right type of microphone and positioning it correctly, using the right accessories, and paying attention to the right things, we can overcome most of these problems, and that’s what we’re going to talk about in this episode... Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
I used this exercise in the webinar the other day, and I find it a really useful tool for generating loads of episode ideas quickly. It’s pretty simple, but super effective for generating content that is valuable and relevant to your audience. You’ll need a pen and paper, or writing application of some kind... Find out all about and enroll on the podcasting course at Enter code PODCAST for 20% off and extra bonuses. Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
Great editing is imperceptible, it should be subtle, seamless, and shouldn't distract the listener from being absorbed in the content. If you can't tell what's been edited, you're doing something right. So to help you achieve these stealthy edits too, this episode will look at some of the common mistakes people make when editing a podcast, and how we can avoid them. Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
To this day, the most downloaded episode and the most visited article on the website, are the ones comparing Audacity and GarageBand - and that makes sense. One of the biggest draws of starting a podcast is that it has a low point of entry and can be done with very little budget, or even for free. Both Audacity and GarageBand are free programmes, and are how the majority of podcasts are edited today. Audacity is the go-to choice for PC users at the start of their podcasting journey, and GarageBand is the go-to for Mac users. But neither of these are the industry standard for audio editing, and there are other options - Adobe Audition and Logic Pro X. Plus, there have been some updates since I wrote the last piece, so I thought it was time to revisit podcast editors, and start round two of the battle of the audio editors... Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
Most content creators will at some point bump into the restrictions of copyright law. That may be YouTube removing a reaction video due to a copyright infringement, or in the case of podcasting, trying to find some music for your podcast that is free and legal to use.  There is lots of misleading information out there about copyright laws, so listen to this episode to help you navigate it and make sure that you are using appropriate, legal music that looks out for artists... Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
Understanding your analytics is an effective way to improve your podcast’s reach, and build a loyal and engaged audience. Your analytics data provides you with a window into your audience’s behaviour and how they interact with your content. By understanding which topics get the most downloads, when listeners tune out of your episode and the demographics of those listeners, you can optimise and refine your content.  Listen to this episode to learn all about analytics data, and how it can inform your podcasting practice... Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources.
For the next 8 weeks I'm going to be delivering the course, so I'm taking a break from the podcast. During that time, I'll be posting 8 of the most popular episodes from 2020 for anyone who's new around here, or as a refresher to everyone else. I'll be back with new content very soon! The most important piece of advice for recording a clear and professional sounding podcast: get your audio sounding as good as possible before you press record. Post-production editing and effects are great for enhancing already great audio, but they are limited when it comes to repairing bad audio. The best way to ensure a top-quality recording is to nail your set-up and record with proper technique. And an aspect of this technique is microphone placement. Listen to this episode for tips on how to get your mic placement right. Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources. Music: Sunshower - LATASHÁ
For the next 8 weeks I'm going to be delivering the course, so I'm taking a break from the podcast. During that time, I'll be posting 8 of the most popular episodes from 2020 for anyone who's new around here, or as a refresher to everyone else. I'll be back with new content very soon! Recording an interview on Zoom has become an important aspect of podcasting. Not only have worldwide restrictions on travel and meetings meant that it’s much easier and safer to record interviews remotely, but Zoom is also free and has a built-in recorder. However, there are a few sound issues that people report with recording Zoom calls - noisy fans, poor signal quality, sound cutting out when the other person speaks. Listen to this episode to hear some tips and settings to get the best quality from your Zoom recordings and avoid these annoying mistakes. Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources. Music: Sunshower - LATASHÁ
For the next 8 weeks I'm going to be delivering the course, so I'm taking a break from the podcast. During that time, I'll be posting 8 of the most popular episodes from 2020 for anyone who's new around here, or as a refresher to everyone else. I'll be back with new content very soon! We do so much remotely now, and that includes podcasting. Zoom ( so far seems to be the dominant way that people record podcasts interviews, but there are other options. In this episode we look at how Zencastr ( compares to Zoom and what might be the better option for your podcast. Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources. Music: Sunshower - LATASHÁ
For the next 8 weeks I'm going to be delivering the course, so I'm taking a break from the podcast. During that time, I'll be posting 8 of the most popular episodes from 2020 for anyone who's new around here, or as a refresher to everyone else. I'll be back with new content very soon! There are lots of options available when discussing the best budget podcasting equipment for beginners, but for me there’s one clear winner - Samson. In this episode, we’ll discuss some of the best budget equipment for podcast beginners that Samson has to offer. Blog post: Visit to check out more of what we do and check out our other resources. Music: Sunshower - LATASHÁ
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