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HuffPost Love + Sex

Author: HuffPost

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A show that seeks to re-define the way we talk about love and sex by examining it from an anthropological perspective. Hosts Noah Michelson and Carina Kolodny begin each episode with a single question. Questions like: How will Artificial Intelligence change the future of sex? Or, what is going to a sex party really like? To find answers, they look to experts and listeners like you.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

40 Episodes
In this week’s episode Noah & Carina chat about Ashley Madison's rebranding, as well as a new porn site that donates money every time you have an orgasm, and a Chinese artist who is hot water for filming a woman using her vagina to paint calligraphy. The episode also features an interview with Kate McCombs, a sex educator who explains why adults need sex ed as much as kids. Finally they answer listener questions – including one from a man who likes to watch peeping tom porn but wants to know if there’s a way to do it ethically. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jonesing for some oral sex with your caffeine? Soon you'll be able to satisfy both cravings at the same time – at least if you're a straight man living in Switzerland. A new cafe is set to open by the end of the year in Geneva, where sex work is legal and regulated, and will allow patrons to order a coffee drink and then use an iPad to choose a sex worker who will perform fellatio.In this episode of the HuffPost Love + Sex Podcast, Noah & Carina chat about this new cafe and ponder exactly how much money someone should charge – or pay – for a blow job.Later, Carina interviews Jillian Keenan, the author of Sex with Shakespeare: Here's Much to Do with Pain, but More with Love, which explores Keenan’s spanking fetish and how reading the great British playwright as erotica came to her rescue while she was learning to accept and explore her own sexuality.Finally they answer listener questions, including one from a man who wants to know why he hates cuddling with his girlfriend after sex. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A new store that caters to people with adult baby fetishes is drawing outrage in a Chicago suburb. How does what consenting adults choose to do in their own homes with items they purchased with their own money affect anyone else? And why does our culture still have so many issues when it comes to fetishes and kink? Those are just two of the questions co-hosts Carina Kolodny & Noah Michelson tackle on the latest episode of the HuffPost Love + Sex Podcast.Elsewhere in the show, they discuss Bobby Brown's claim that he had ghost sex, chat with feminist author Jessica Valenti about her new memoir, Sex Object, and answer more listener questions. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Imagine a sex party where one of the guests is HIV positive and no one knows who it is -- and no one is allowed to use protection.In this episode co-host Noah Michelson speaks with psychotherapist, sexologist and sex therapist Dr. Michael Aaron to find out more about these alleged sex roulette parties, how the story might have originated and the psychology behind people who get a thrill from sexual practices that many others might consider unorthodox or even dangerous.Elsewhere in the episode, Noah & Carina chat about some of the biggest sex headlines of the week -- including why you may never want to have sex in front your TV ever again -- and answer a few listener questions like "Is it OK to fantasize about rape?" Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On this week's Love + Sex Podcast, Noah & Carina chat about the future of vehicular sex, as well as other exciting developments in the world of love and sex, like a new bluetooth tampon, a reality TV show that will crown America's next porn superstar, and America's first penis transplant.Later on, we’re joined by Shakina Nayfack, a trans actress and performance artist, who is headed to North Carolina where she promises to protest the recent anti-queer law that was passed, by "pissing in all of the wrong bathrooms."Finally, Carina and Noah tackle a few sex and love questions, including one from a listener who wants to know if coming cleaning about cheating is a good -- or an awful idea. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hosts Noah Michelson and Carina Kolodny are joined by special guest Dr. Zhana Vrangalova to answer listener's questions. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Can you find your match, based on smell alone? In this episode, host Noah Michelson tries the new Smell Dating service to find out if it can help him find love. Producer, Katelyn Bogucki joins him on his journey, and together they explore the power of smell and its effect on love. The episode features conversations with the Smell Dating founders, Tega Brain and Sam Levine; smell dating participant, Adam Simon and Dr. Charles Wysocki, Emeritus Member of the Monell Senses Center. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We recently received an email from a listener talking about his experiences with his chastity device, as there is a lack of information available on chastity devices. Intrigued, Noah set-out to explore the world of enforced chastity by speaking with his friend, Brian Moylan, who tried out a chastity device for a Vice article. He also speaks with the listener who wrote in and a couple who claim that a chastity device saved their marriage. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The way sex is depicted on camera and how people can experience it is changing. Emma Gray, Executive Editor of HuffPost's Women vertical, recently collaborated with the site's multimedia team to create a stunning look at the unexpectedly vibrant female-centered world of porn thriving on Tumblr. Inspired by Tumblr's radical shift, co-hosts Carina Kolodny and Noah Michelson investigate how the porn industry is rapidly changing in other arenas too. They speak with Cindy Gallop, the founder and CEO of Make Love Not Porn, a site that features real people having real sex, and Ela Darling, one of the co-founders of and a pioneer in the burgeoning world of virtual reality porn. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
What it means to be celibate in 2016? What can people who aren't celibate can learn about their own sex lives from those who are? Co-hosts Noah Michelson and Carina Kolodny interview a woman who recently became celibate to heal after a divorce, a woman who became celibate to help her with self-control and become closer to God and author Eve Tushnet, who wrote “Gay and Catholic: Accepting My Sexuality, Finding Community, Living my Faith” and “Amends: A Novel.” She became Catholic in college and, in doing so, began a life of celibacy. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
You've heard of sleepwalking, night terrors and possibly even people who have sleep-related eating disorders, but you may have never heard of sexsomnia, a condition that causes people to engage in sexual activities -- ranging from making sexual noises to pelvic thrusting to masturbation to sexual intercourse -- while they’re asleep.The condition, which falls under the umbrella of parasomnia, or disorders that cause abnormal or unusual behavior of the nervous system during sleep, is still relatively unknown to the general public. Sexsomnia, in some cases for some people, can be experienced as an unusual or perhaps annoying event, but in rarer, more extreme cases, it can be the cause of sexual assault or molestation, which can make being diagnosed with the disorder -- or being in a relationship, whether romantic or familial -- troubling and even dangerous to all those affected.Co-hosts Carina Kolodny and Noah Michelson speak with Stephen Klinck, a man who has compellingly written several pieces about his... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Co-hosts Carina Kolodny and Noah Michelson are joined by Dr. Zhana Vrangalova, a sex expert and professor at New York University, to tackle listener questions that ranged from "Is it too soon to getting married if you've only known someone for three weeks?" to "are golden showers safe?" Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Overcoming an addiction comes with a variety of challenges but one aspect of sobriety that's often left undiscussed is how it can affect sex and relationships.Co-hosts Carina Kolodny and Noah Michelson speak with three recovering addicts to learn about how their sobriety has changed the way they look at and experience sex and intimacy: Scott, a gay man from Australia who was addicted to crystal methamphetamine for 15 years; Brian Rinker, a journalist who has written extensively about his addiction to heroin; and Sacha Zimmerman, formally Sacha Z. Scoblic, author of Unwasted: My Lush Sobriety and an editor at The Atlantic. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Some people aren't interested in sex. During this episode, Noah and Carina explore the spectrum of asexuality through the stories of ACE individuals and expertise of Anthony Bogaert. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hosts Noah and Carina share their favorite moments from 2015 and resolutions for 2016. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Your most pressing sex and relationship questions, answered. Each week, we receive lots of questions from our listeners and they keep getting better. We invited Kaitlin Prest and Samara Breger from Radiotopia's The Heart Podcast to help answer the latest round of inquiries. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The search for a relationship -- or just a decent date -- can be difficult for anyone. But for people who identify as overweight, the journey can be even more daunting.In the latest episode of the HuffPost Love+Sex Podcast, co-hosts Carina Kolodny and Noah Michelson explore how weight can affect relationships and sex. The episode was inspired by a young man named Daniel who is overweight and emailed asking for advice about finding a woman to date. Along with Daniel's very personal story, Kolodny and Michelson also talked to Kelly Shibari (pictured above), a model, adult entertainer, publicist and the first plus-size woman to appear on the cover of Penthouse Forum; Substantia Jones, who proudly embraces the term "fat" and launched the Adipositivity Project to help others discover their own beauty; and Sarah Varney, the author of "XL Love: How The Obesity Crisis Is Complicating America's Love Life" Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
If a man is having sex with other men, he must be gay or bi or somewhere on the queer spectrum, right? Not necessarily. At least not according to some men who feel their sexual activities and their sexual identities don't have to -- and do not -- align.In this episode of The HuffPost Love+Sex Podcast co-hosts Carina Kolodny and Noah Michelson speak with two of these men: Mike, 36, and Christopher, 20, both of whom identify as straight even though they have sex with other men. Kolodny and Michelson also chat with Chelsea Reynolds, a doctoral candidate at the University of Minnesota, whose investigations of online identities was partly inspired by her discovery of straight men cruising Craiglist to find male sexual partners. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sex tourism can mean many different things depending on who you are and what you're looking to find. For some people, booking a vacation that will center around a sexual event, like San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair, allows them to meet other people who have similar sexual interests. For others, traveling for sex means not having to worry about running into someone they know while in an intimate position. And some people just want the thrill of visiting a place like Amsterdam's Red Light District that welcomes and encourages sexual exploration.In this episode of HuffPost's Love+Sex Podcast, co-hosts Carina Kolodny and Noah Michelson take a virtual trip around the world to learn more about sex tourism and what motivates people to hit the road in search of sexual adventures. They speak with Matt, a DJ from Australia who travels halfway around the world each year to attend the world's biggest leather event; Jody Hanson, an academic and author who has written extensively about sex tourism; and Elard Tissot... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Where do teens turn when they aren't getting the information they want and need from their schools (or often parents)? For many, it's their local bookstore or library.In this episode of The Huffington Post's Love+Sex Podcast, co-hosts Carina Kolodny and Noah Michelson explore how young adult (YA) literature -- from classics like Clan of the Cave Bear to more recent favorites like Twilight -- is providing many teens with information about sex and sexuality they aren't getting anywhere else.Kolodny and Michelson chatted with Emily M. Danforth, the author of The Misadventures of Cameron Post, Megan McCafferty, the author of the New York Times-bestselling Jessica Darling series which includes Sloppy Firsts and Amy Lang, the founder of Birds And Bees And Kids, which helps parents figure out how to approach that important -- and often intimidating -- talk about sex with their kids. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.