Human Design with Jenna Zoe

Human Design is a part science, part spiritual system that tells you who you came here to be. You have your own blueprint, your own way of becoming successful, your own way your dreams are going to come true. It's the way you're going to experience the most joy and fulfillment. Your instruction manual for how to move through the world is custom to you. When you act according to that manual, when you act as the real you, everything in life comes to you with more ease and less resistance. We all know we're different yet we're acting like there is one way to do life. Let's talk about out. To look up your Human Design chart enter your birth information on our website or download our app by searching 'My Human Design' in the App Store and on Google Play.

Childhood Wounds

Abandonment, Trust Issues, Not feeling seen - theres a reason why we all contend with these things. What if we all HAVE to address these themes as part of being human? What if the first time we feel someone temporarily leave, whether we are 4 months or 40 years old, that awareness of a human potentially leaving is a feeling we HAVE to feel at some point in our lives, so that we feel that pain of a lack of togetherness. If we are here to create love and belonging, a fear of abandonment makes sure we are more ride or die and less conditional in the way we treat others. Trust issues make us discerning about who we let in, and make us be honest and intentional with our own words. My point is, we all choose to come up against these wounds as part of the journey of learning to be more loving humans, and that we will feel them somehow, somewhere along the way, no matter how great or terrible our parents or our paths might be. And maybe thats a beautiful thing, especially if we become the kinds of people who learn how to alchemise them into the love we know we are capable of.Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Law of Attraction and Human Design

We can manifest anything we want - but trying to feel joy and abundant when you feel far away from it is hard. Whereas when you become your Real Self, your life starts to align itself without you ‘trying’ to manifest anything - and what appears in your reality is far more wonder-full and delightful than you ever could have asked for or imagined anyway. The best part? You witness your dreams as your Real Self, having loved who you became along the way. And you realize, that was the ultimate manifestation of them all.Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Anxiety, Surrender, And Not Losing Hope

In todays episode, we discuss and reframe some topics that we’re all feeling right now. Go easy on yourselves if you feel like these are top of mind for you, because we’re all here to break them down together, holding hands as we go. We love you. Here’s to your RisingDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


You Are Never Stuck

There are times along everyone’s journey that you just feel so damn stuck - and I want you to know that this doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong. In fact, its an inherent part of the journey of growth, because the Universe makes you feel stuck in order to make you change your life. Feeling the pain and discomfort of stuckness is actually a sign that your Soul is ready for more and that you are motivated to not stay where you are. That catalystic magic kicks in where we realize we want something more than what currently IS. So let’s talk about it and celebrate this magical feeling leading us to better. And you couldn't want better if you weren't already perfectly placed to CREATE better.Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Letting Life Be Really Good

Life has felt so crazy lately - for all of us. It’s like the Universe has thrown all the pieces in the air for us to look at, but now we’re going into a different phase where the pieces are landing. We get to rearrange the pieces of life, but we have to purposefully CHOOSE how they look, and we can’t do that by looking around us and seeing what the current situation of the world looks like. We have to believe in a different version of it in order for it to even become real - for our Selves and for others. We have the responsibility of holding down a different understanding of Life, before the world catches up.Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Getting Out of Attention Deficit

Mental health is a huge hot button right now - and often we might feel helpless against these diagnoses we receive. But I want you to know that they might be less permanent than you think, and that every human is way more capable of being a genius and achieving their dreams than we imagine. It’s all about not judging a ‘right’ way of thinking and operating, and embracing the unique way YOUR mind operates - and you will discover the jewels it will lead you to. There is absolutely NOTHING flawed, faulty, or wrong with you. And you can be so well and bright and clear in your Self - that’s my promise to you. It starts with being open to the idea that you might just be greater than you’ve believed before. Here’s to your Rising.Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Intuition vs Subconscious Beliefs

We have so many voices in our heads, competing for our attention. Often listening to your Intution can be hard because there is so much other gunk in the way - the subconscious, the fears, the ego and conditioning. Let’s talk about how we can make it easier to clear all of these and hear the right guidance. Heres to your RisingDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Being Guided by the Universe

We’re all going through such change right now, and wanting to know how we get these dreams that wait for us on the other side. Most of us are using our minds to ‘think’ our way into the how we’re gonna get there. But theres a better way: learning to get guidance from a place greater than your mind. Not knowing exactly how its gonna get us there, but knowing that it will get us there regardless.Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Become an Independent Thinker

In this episode we talk about this wild energy we’re in, where we feel like we’re in a washing machine - we feel up AND down, hopeful AND hopeless, optimistic AND slightly scared. Now that we’re opened up our consciousness so much, now is the time to only invest in what serves our alignment and makes sense TO US, to filter everything through our own common sense and give ourselves power to healthily question everything. I hope this episode empowers you to remember you don’t need to buy into everyone else’s truths as a false sense of certainty, but that there is one so much deeper and truer inside you - that you just need to keep looking for amongst all the noise.Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Consciousness for Growing Pains with David Ghiyam

We are all being pushed and challenged to levels we haven’t really witnessed before, and it’s because Life is pushing us to greater heights right now. We are on the fast track, but getting there ain’t easy. In this episode I sat down with David Ghiyam to discuss how the process works, why it’s set up that way, and how to get through it. More importantly, please know it’s not happening to you because you’re doing anything wrong, and it’s set up for you get through it. And blessings await on the other side. Here’s to your Rising 💛To learn more about David's work click HERETo follow David on Instagram click HEREDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE


There's No Such Thing As Bad Timing

In this episode we answer the question, is there such a thing as bad timing. A lot of us wonder if we can ever ‘miss it’ or get it wrong, and it takes up a lot of emotional space inside. Let’s clear it together 🤍 so we can be freed up to riseDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Kabbalah on Reincarnation & Death with Marcus Weston

Every human being’s biggest question is, what am I here to do? And I believe the answers come when you zoom out and look at your current life in the context of your soul’s whole journey, through many lives. When you understand where you’ve been, you can more easily make sense of where you need to head as a result. When you know your wounds, you can more easily identify what’s medicine. When you know your past mistakes, you know what to transform now. It was such a blessing to have one of my first Kabbalah teachers, Marcus Weston, on the podcast to share some deep ancient wisdom on reincarnation, death, and birth. I had tears in my eyes multiple times in this episode because I was so moved by the beauty and the perfection of it all. I hope it serves you so well. Here’s to your RisingTo see Marcus live in Australia click HERETo learn more about Kabbalah click HERETo connect with Marcus Weston click HEREDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE


No One Gets A Free Pass

Life, is A LOT. And sometimes we want to just tell ourselves its not, and thats ok. But we need to come back to the reality that the Gift, IS that it pushes us, rubs our wounds, challenges us and calls us to new heights EVERY TIME we think we’ve got to a new resting place. It’s designed that way to give us the best chances of becoming our most Divine self whilst here on this earth. And it wouldn’t be designed that way if we weren’t also built to handle it. This week’s epsiode is designed to remind us of this when we falter. I hope it’s one you’ll listen to now whilst we’re all in this uncomfy in-between, but also one you’ll come back to whenever you need to remind yourself of these truths. I hope it serves you so well; this one is really from me heart. Here’s to Your RisingDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Energy Check In with Jenna

Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


How to Get Aligned in Work with Heath Ellis

I am so grateful to share a very gifted human with you who is a total wizard at upleveling your business and creative life - Heath Ellis is a see-er on another level whose insights will change the way you see alignment. I hope this serves you so well. Here's to your RisingTo follow Heath on Instagram click HERETo learn more about Heath's work click HEREDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE


Fear vs Intuition

This episode is dedicated to one of the most common spiritual conundrums we all face - how we do know what voice is talking to us right now? Which ones do we trust, and listen to? The journey of honing your intuition is one of the most important pillars of coming into self, and we all have access to all of the creator's infinite intelligence when we learn how to get our limited, human side, out of the way. Intuition is not reserved for the few, it's who we all are. I hope this episode can help you connect deeper to the ineffable ability inside you. Here's to Your RisingDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Getting Into Spiritual Integrity with David Ghiyam

Now more than ever, it's so important to get our consciousness in the best, truest state possible - one where we see Life the same way the Creator does. David Ghiyam is back to share some kabbalistic consciousness on all the pertinent topics we desire aligning with the creator on most - worry, fear, love, soulmates, and so much more. I hope this serves you so well.Here's to your Rising 💕To learn more about David's work click HERETo follow David on Instagram click HEREDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE


Food and Consciousness with Natalia Rose

This week I am delighted to share a peak into a genius mind: the inimitable Natalia Rose. We talk about building a way of life that makes the road to Consciousness so much more ease-ful. From bucking trends, to going in the sun, word magic and so much more, I hope this episode opens up doors in your heart and mind like Natalia always does for me.Here’s to your Rising 💛Join Natalia Rose's Pure Power Online CommunityExplore all of Natalia Rose's CoursesRead Best-Selling Books by Natalia RoseNatalia's free course The Beginners Guide to CleansingTo follow Natalia on Instagram click HEREIf you liked this episode you may also like New Paradigm Diet or Using Human Design for Diet + LifestyleDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE


New Paradigm Diet

Our bodies are the form that house our consciousness. With the paradigm shifting and becoming lighter, quicker, and more challenging, we can support our evolution by building our house the exact way we would love it to feel and be. When we understand food not just as a mechanism to survive, but one to play a role in making mental and emotional transformation easier, something clicks. It starts to matter so much more and we make different decisions. I hope this episode helps you see food differently that what ever has been conditioned to us before. Here’s to your Rising If you liked this episode you may also like Using Human Design for Diet + LifestyleDive Deeper into eating according to your Human Design with these courses: Human Design Diet | Eating For Your Energy TypeDownload the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE


Mapping Your Destiny with Manex Ibar

I am so excited to have the man who taught me human design, Manex Ibar, on the podcast today. Being an MG he is a true master of many things - shamanism, clairvoyance, tarot, human design, and the Sphinx Code, to name a few. I can’t wait for you to hear all the magic that’s contained in this episode and to feel reconnected back to the truly magical forces that are at play in our lives.To get the Sphinx Code app click HERETo follow The Sphinx Code click HERETo get a reading from a Wisdom Keeper click HERETo get your Sphinx Code click HERETo learn more about Manex Ibar click HERETo follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE


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