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Human Monsters

Author: Morgan Rector & Glassbox Media

Subscribed: 2,213Played: 134,707


These people specialize in the unthinkable.

302 Episodes
This tigress retaliated against tiger parenting, with deadly results. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Cassie Moore was abused in every way by her parents and then suffered years of domestic violence throughout two dysfunctional marriages. Still, she managed to transform her life and find happiness. One of those surprisingly uplifting HUMO episodes. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
An examination of the case of 19th century serial killer Martin Dumollard and the rape crisis in the Congo. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dwight York abused his followers emotionally, sexually and financially all in the name of his self-invented god (him). Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A murderer with a fixation on trees. He must have fallen out of one as a child. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Cameron Hooker was outfitted to the gills with BDSM equipment and related paraphernalia with which to torture Colleen Stan. The one missing element was consent. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sometimes you gotta keep it in your pants. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What’s the deal with serial killers and hookers? Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A horrific story about a pious Muslim man’s hypocritical conduct. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Six more injections of inhumanity. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Ronald Simmons knew how to keep his family in line...permanently. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This list of offenders represents more than 100 victims. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When it came to Leonarda Cianciulla, soap never seemed so filthy. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Leonard Lake feared that a nuclear holocaust was imminent, but he, along with his accomplice Charles Ng, became an event of mass destruction in the lives of many innocent people. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The story of how a dysfunctional family drove one of their own into the arms of a predator. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
More grisly snapshots of less commonly known cases. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A strong woman has survived a life marked by horrific child abuse. It’s your turn to be inspired. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When he said, ”I would like to have you for dinner sometime...” it would have been in your best interests to take it literally. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A new segment of four short cases: Baby Brianna, Kelly Anne Bates, Jennifer Daugherty and Tsutomu Miyazaki. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Everything you’ve suspected about creepy carnies is true, apparently. Sign up for Human Monsters Premium here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (112)

Luke Baylie

I wonder where they stole this script?

Jul 14th


plagiarized podcast.

Jul 10th
Reply (4)

Luke Baylie

wow. you got called out for blatant plagiarism, which you did commit. Then you refused to take any responsibility. Now you're calling his fans scum bags for digging deeper and finding that a lot of your content is plagiarism? Seems like you are the scum bag. Please keep our names out of your filth stained mouth. I don't make a habit of wishing ill on others, but you, sir make me want to send curses that would make Steven King take pause. 'd say "good day, sir" but I don't wish that upon you

Jul 9th

Luke Baylie

wow. you got called out for blatant plagiarism, which you did commit. Then you refused to take any responsibility. Now you're calling his fans scum bags for digging deeper and finding that a lot of your content is plagiarism? Seems like you are the scum bag. Please keep our names out of your filth stained mouth. I don't make a habit of wishing ill on others, but you, sir, make me want to send curses that would make Steven King take pause. 'd say "good day, sir" but I don't wish that upon you

Jul 9th

Luke Baylie

wow. you got called out for blatant plagiarism, which you did commit. Then you refused to take any responsibility. Now you're calling his fans scum bags for digging deeper and finding that a lot of your content is plagiarism? Seems like you are the scum bag. Please keep our names out of your filth stained mouth. I don't make a habit of wishing ill on others, ubut you, sir make me want to send curses that would make Steven King take pause. I'd say "good day, sir" but I don't wish that upon you.

Jul 9th
Reply (3)

Tim Langlois

Dog, you need to do more research on ol Dick Turd.

Jun 10th
Reply (1)


wow, the second part with the interview was very powerful. You should consider writing more in the description meta data to attract more listeners.

Jun 7th
Reply (2)

Sean Rosenau

If I ever have a son, I think I'm gonna name him... GEORGE OR BILL. ANYTHING BUT SUE!!!

May 31st

Preston Polley


May 31st

Luke Baylie

poor baby got called out on his numerous thefts and attacks his accusers. neat

May 30th

Matt Worley

wow and I thought your plagerism was bad... Rachel makes this so much worse. just scream and interupt constantly... she keeps calling Kyle a child, but he handles himself better than her in much more stressful situations.

May 26th

Tim Hensley

It’s actually Richard Dick Turd. The pride of Winnemucca. If you’re going to tell a story, tell it right. Where’s my hairbrush?

May 23rd

Sean Rosenau

Nice. I've only heard of Peter Kurten. Three brand new freaks to hear about.

Feb 29th


so at 17 you can't make a grown up decision but the screamer probably supports actual children to transition. Typical blue haired screamer. BTW stay out Oregon we teach OUR YOUNG ONES TO HUNT

Feb 4th


she needs to stfu! Typical sky screamer, if she over talks she believes she's doing an amazing job. This bitch is horrible

Feb 4th


if you keep this libbiot bitch on your podcast I will no longer listen!!! She is rude and has NO CLUE OF THE ACTUAL TRUTH. EVERYTHING YOUR GUEST HHAS SAID HAS BEEN PROVEN IN COURT!

Feb 4th
Reply (1)

Henna Kreed

I just wanna say that with Andrea Yates, there was A LOT more than that. Her husband and their pastor and the pastor's wife were all telling her she was a shitty mother if she took her meds and didn't reproduce. Rusty would also leave her alone for HOURS despite being told not to. He also withheld her meds from her.

Dec 25th

Aric Lawrence

i love your show Morgan, but this ep was terrible with everyone tripping over each other too interrupt

Nov 1st

Brandon Kyser

Good episode

Oct 13th


listening on 1.5 speed so I don't fall asleep 🥱

Sep 13th