Hybrid Calisthenics Podcast

You can cultivate long-term health and fitness with calisthenics

Dealing with Loneliness

I get asked a lot about how to deal with loneliness. Unfortunately, like many others, there were times in my life when I felt lonely, deserted, and isolated.    Here are my thoughts on dealing with loneliness.   I mention in the video that it's probably not necessarily our fault if we're lonely. The way our society is constructed has us further apart than we've been in the past.   The benefit of this is that there are places you can find like-minded people and form connections!   On the other hand... Sometimes it is our fault. At least to some extent.   It may sound harsh, but there's a very real possibility that we may have some character flaw that seems to drive people away from us.   It may be easier to think of this in terms of other people, and not ourselves. For example, there may have been an overly aggressive person from whom you've distanced.   If this is you, that's okay. We all have flaws. We're all on a journey to self-improvement.   Even if you've irrevocably angered EVERY person you've met (which is highly unlikely), it's still not the end of the world.   There are people you haven't met yet that will love you.   At the end of the day, we don't need an army of friends to not be lonely.    In fact, it's entirely possible to be around many people and still lonely.   There is a HUGE difference between having 1 person and having nobody.   I hope this video can help some of you find that one person.   Legal Notice: Consult your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise program. This video does not replace a physical therapy program or consultation with a medical professional.


Using Yoga to Improve Your Mind & Body | with SarahBethYoga

I talk with the wonderful SarahBethYoga about the benefits of yoga, the origins behind the practice, and how  anybody can incorporate the practice into their lives if they choose. I had a lot of fun talking with Sarah and learned a lot. I hope this  podcast can intrigue some people who know of yoga but would like to  learn more about it. Sarah Beth's channel: https://www.youtube.com/sarahbethyoga Free 7 Day Beginner Yoga Challenge: https://www.sarahbethyoga.com/byc  Legal Notice: Consult your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise  program. This content does not replace a physical therapy program or  consultation with a medical professional.


Bulletproof Knees: Heal Pain Through Mobility | Ben Patrick the "Knees Over Toes Guy"

I talk with Ben Patrick aka the Knees Over Toes Guy about his story and fitness philosophy. Joining us was his lovely wife Alissa aka the Knees Over Toes Girl. What really impressed me during our discussion—which could have been a LOT longer if it wasn't for our busy schedules—was that how training strength through our natural full range of motion could improve so many things. Not only can we actively decrease so-called "chronic" pain in our lives, we can also skyrocket our athleticism. I learned a lot during our talk and I hope this can benefit you! You can find Ben at atgonlinecoaching.com or just as "the knees over toes guy" on social media.


Build a Healthy Relationship With Food - Christi Brown, Intuitively Strong Podcast

This is a great episode where I talk with my good friend Christi Brown of Intuitively Strong about building a healthy relationship with food and the psychology behind eating. You can reach her on her website www.intuitivelystrong.com or on her Instagram @intuitively_strong!


Happiness, Creating, & Self-awareness

In this solo podcast, I discuss some thoughts on cultivating happiness.


Modeling, Cars, Entrepreneurship, and Females in STEM // Shareen Queen

My guest Shareen Queen and I discuss her career in modeling, her vehicle engineering studies, favorite cars, online entrepreneurship, fitness, diet, and more!


Hybrid Calisthenics Manifesto

In this solo podcast episode, I discuss my philosophy on fitness, calisthenics, and diet! I also do Q&A with my live audience.


Arlin Hicks // Growing & Eating Healthy Food

This is the live broadcast with my good friend and farmer Arlin Hicks on what constitutes a good diet and how to grow healthy food. Those that follow my content know that a quick "hack" to healthy eating is growing and making your own food. We simply have much more control over what we're eating and ingest fewer toxins and chemical fillers. Arlin also gives his opinion on organic and non-GMO foods, the agriculture industry, and the future of farming.


Dr. Ryan Warren // Chiropractor & Entrepreneur // Episode 2

I sat down with my old classmate and friend Dr. Ryan Warren. He has a successful chiropractic practice in Rogers, AR called Warren Family Chiropractic. Ryan is a straight shooter who is excellent at explaining his craft. We discuss chiropractic application to health, wellness, strength, athleticism, pain, immune response, and more. I loved talking with him, learned a LOT, and hope to have him back soon. You can find him on social media and at http://www.warrenfc.com/


Tom Bryant // Wrestler & Rock Singer // Episode 1

I interview my good friend and mentor Tom Bryant! We discuss diet, fitness, calisthenics, wrestling, sports, rock music, addiction, cannabis, and much more!


3 Ways to Improve Your Life (That Aren't Related to Appearance)

Here are some ways to improve life that AREN'T related to your physical appearance. Appearance does matter in some contexts, but they're not the only thing. Sometimes we may lose perspective on this in our pursuit of self-improvement. There may be other, more impactful ways you can strive to improve yourself! In this video, I talk about some ways to improve, how they've impacted me, and some methods I've picked up while working on myself.


Your "laziness" could be a feature — not a bug

Lacking motivation could be "laziness," but it could also be a sign of something deeper.


why authenticity matters more than ever

Here are some thoughts on balancing self-improvement with authenticity! There are 2 perspectives I guess 1.) Don't be yourself. Be better. 2.) Be yourself, but explore new things to learn what "yourself" means. Ultimately, I guess these are roads that lead to similar destinations. Have a wonderful day!


Building the Foundation for Long-term Change

Sometimes it helps to get some clarity before even deciding what long-term changes we want to make! Getting to a relaxed, energized state can really help this. You only need a few hours.


Personal Finance & Content Creation (Feat. Humphrey Yang)

I speak with the wonderful Humphrey Yang on his career, his financial advice, and content creation. Humphrey Yang on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFBpVaKCC0ajGps1vf0AgBg v


Advice to My Single Self (Thoughts on Finding Love)

This is a follow up to last year's video on finding friends. I don't claim to be a "dating expert" - do those exist? However, these are things I do wish I knew when I was single. If they can help you, that's great!


My Selfish Intent - Balancing Personal Desire with Service to Others

I talk a little bit about what I *personally* want from my life and career.  I want to protect and provide for my family and loved ones. I want that possibly more than anything else in the world.  But I also want to give to others and help them freely.  So while providing for my family often involves material goods, I never want to do this through taking from others.  I want to make money through serving the needs and wants of others. I want to provide for my family by providing for others. This is just using myself as an example. Watching back, I wish I'd talked a little more about how this could apply to you (the viewers watching this), but hopefully this example can give viewers thought over how it applies to them. As usual - just some thoughts! Hope you're all well.


What's Missing from Modern Fitness Training? (Feat. The Bioneer)

I chat with Adam about his "Superfunctional Training" approach and what he thinks can be added to modern training! https://www.thebioneer.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIh_TPYPqjJuS_-nOfAIlfg


Building Muscle with Calisthenics (feat. FitnessFAQs)

Daniel from FitnessFAQs chats with me on growing muscle with calisthenics, building his brand, and other parts of life. Great chat! Body By Rings: https://fitnessfaqs.com/product/body-by-rings/ FitnessFAQs YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/FitnessFAQs FitnessFAQs Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitnessfaqs/


How to Forgive

Learning to forgive others has been one of the most powerful skills for my happiness, success, and mental health. I used to think it was bogus, but a MAJOR turning point for me was learning that forgiveness wasn't necessarily to help others, but to help ourselves. I talk about 2 stories where I was wronged. One was an inconsequential story back when I was in college, and another was a very serious wrongdoing from a case worker at the hospital when my mother was sick. Using these 2 stories as context, I talk about how learning to feel love and compassion for those that hurt us ultimately make us stronger and more resilient. I hope this can help!


Dino Ćosićkić

this episode cuts off at the end for some reason 😅

06-24 Reply

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