Hypnotherapy Training

Hypnotherapy videos featuring the latest research in the hypnotic industry by hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G. Jones. Get certified in hypnosis NOW by visiting SteveGJones.com/learn/

Hypnosis for Memory Improvement

Using hypnosis to improve recall is all about understanding the simple mechanics behind hypnotherapy for memory improvement. I’m going to show you what the clinical research tells us about the factors that affect how hypnotic trance can help people improve their ability to recall memories.


Hypnotic Suggestibility Tests

Understanding hypnotic suggestibility is all about understanding the research on hypnotherapy. I’m going to show you what the science behind hypnosis tells us about the factors that affect how easy or difficult it would be to hypnotize a particular person. You’re also going to find out how suggestible YOU are, because I have a hypnosis suggestibility test you can do on yourself.


Hypnosis for Weight Loss

How to hypnotize someone to lose weight is all about understanding the simple mechanics behind weight loss hypnosis. I’m going to show you what the clinical research tells us about the factors that affect how hypnotherapy can help people to lose weight.


History of Hypnosis

Learning the history of hypnosis is all about understanding the people and methods that influenced its development. I’m going to show you what history tells us about the factors that affect how hypnotherapy, as we know it today, came to be.


How to Hypnotize Someone

Learning how to hypnotize someone is all about knowing what to say and how and when to say it. I’m going to show you how to put someone into hypnosis, so that you can help them work on anything that is causing them a challenge. This means you can help them work on issues such as weight loss, stopping smoking and increasing confidence. You can also use hypnotherapy on yourself.


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