I've Got Questions

The amazing Pio Terei talks to his 'brainy mate' Kathryn Berkett. They talk all things 'neuroscience', with a lot of laughs, and hopefully a bit of useful information thrown in. Please enjoy!!

#20 : I've Got Questions About the Effect Pornography is Having

Send us a textWARNING: This session talks about sex, pornography and a few other topics that might be hard to listen to for some people. However, we feel it is really important to talk about, as it is something that our young people can access, freely. This means as adults, we have to understand the potential impact it can have, so we can support more appropriate learning. Listen with caution, and with an open mind.


#18 : I've Got Questions About How Technology is Impacting Relationships

Send us a textPio and Kathryn talk about the good and bad of technology, how it is impacting our ability to form strong relational bonds, and of course we get off topic a bit too.


#19 : I've Got Questions About Myself - What About MY Self-Care?

Send us a textA dysregulated adult cannot regulate a dysregulated child, or in that fact, anyone. So we need to start with ourselves if we want to create positive, safe, sharing spaces. This session talks about the neuroscience of looking after ourselves.


#17 : I've Got Questions About 'The Darkness'

Send us a textNOTE: This session talks about the difficult subject of suicide. Please be kind to yourself and only listen if you are ready, replay where necessary, and take breaks if you need to. Kia kaha - Pio and Kathryn


#16 : I've Got Questions about Adolescent Anger

Send us a textWhy is it that our adolescents can seem so angry. What creates that emotional space? What can we do about it?


#13 : I've Got Questions about Racism

Send us a textThe way to change is through understanding. Conversation is so important for understanding. This is a conversation, discussion, discovery of what racism means for Pio and Kathryn.


#14 : I've Got Questions about The Impact of Neglect

Send us a textWe want to talk about what happens when the brain doesn't get the inputs that it needs, this is what 'neglect' means. This is a discussion around the impact neglect can have on the brain, and on how we grow, behave and think.


#11 : I've Got Questions: What is trauma?

Send us a textThe word trauma is used a lot. What do we actually mean by that word, and how can we recognise it in ourselves and others?


#12 : I've Got Questions about 'Keeping the Score' in games

Send us a textShould we keep the score? Is it okay to tell our tamariki if they have won or lost? It isn't as simple as 'yes' or 'no', so Pio and Kathryn discuss this, (and maybe go off topic a few times as usual)....


#10 : I've Got Questions about Rising Crime

Send us a textIn our typically random way, Pio and Kathryn discuss why so many of our rangatahi are involving themselves in violent, disobedient behaviour. What can we do as a community to help stem the trend?


#9 : I've Got Questions about Exam Stress

Send us a textWhat is going on when we sit an exam? What impact does it have on the brain and what are we actually testing? We also discuss discussions... How important it is to challenge the topic, not the person.


#8 : I've Got Questions about the Importance of Connection

Send us a textWe korero about the importance of connections, how Covid restrictions can potentially impact and other subjects like jail time, fishing and sleep. Yes, we get off topic again! lol.


#7 : I've Got Questions about Supporting our Adolescents Through the Whitewater Years

Send us a textMany of our rangitahi are engaging in worrying activities. Often we are asked "how do I stop them doing it?". In this episode we korero around how we can support them through this stage the best that we can....


#1 : I've Got Questions about the Stress Response

Send us a textWe talk about why we might sometimes 'lose the plot'. Unpacking sandpaper moments and the normality of stress.


#2 : I've Got Questions about Resilience

Send us a textWhat is resilience? How do we build it? Pio has a lot of questions around this subject, and Kathryn tries her hardest to answer them...


#3 : I've Got Questions about Intergenerational Trauma

Send us a textA big subject, and an incredibly important one. We do our best to work through some of the neuroscience, because through understanding we can move forward.


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