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I Am Your Korean Mom

Author: Simone Grace Seol

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I teach life coaches how to market joyfully, and with their full humanity intact.

308 Episodes



All good things come to an end, including this podcast!This is the bittersweet final episode of I Am Your Korean Mom, and a farewell message. Listen to find out why this podcast is going into retirement, and how to stay connected with me.~~~Join my email list here: along on Instagram: the Simone Starter Pack here:
Complexity is a dimension of business that is extremely under-discussed, and yet, it’s a powerful determining factor that leads to businesses sinking every single day.Join me in this episode to learn why we’re inclined to underestimate the cost of complexity, and examples of how adding complexity sneaks up on us. I’m sharing what happens when you don’t account for complexity in advance, and how I’ve gone against the grain when it comes to adding complexity to my business. Find links to everyt...
What does the true nature of generosity entail, and how can we embody the power position that is generosity? Most of us know generosity is a great trait to uphold and we want to be generous, but the reality is it’s rarely found in the world. Tune in this week to learn how generosity is profoundly misunderstood, why true generosity is the key to unlocking wealth, and how to be a titan of generosity in your own life and business.Find links to everything mentioned in this episode here: https://w...
The spirit of your business existed before it landed on you as its human collaborator, and it is talking to you all the time.In this episode, you’ll learn how to pay attention to the spirit of your business and notice when it is talking to you. I share why collaborating with the spirit of your business makes fulfilling your and its purpose so much more enjoyable, and a special tool I created to help you connect with it. Find links to everything mentioned in this episode here: https://www.simo...
Are your posts consistently falling flat? And what’s the secret to creating unforgettable content that makes people stop dead in their tracks?Tune in this week to hear why your copy might be falling flat right now, the antidote to forgettable copy, and how incorporating this one practice I’m offering will help you cultivate a relationship of trust and realness with your audience.Find links to everything mentioned in this episode here:
I went from making zero dollars in my coaching business to a million dollars in two years, and this kind of shocking growth doesn’t happen every day. In this time-capsule episode, I’m taking stock of how I produced four six-figure launches in 2020.Tune in this week to hear what contributed to my million-dollar journey, and the grit, sacrifice, and work I had to put in at that stage of my business. I’m sharing the common traps that make achieving goals a miserable experience for so many entrep...
When should you raise your prices? When should you NOT raise your prices? And how do you know if your current services are set to the right price? Pricing your offers often comes with a ton of mental drama, so I hope this episode offers clarity and allows you to have fun along the way because this is why you started your business in the first place. Join me on this episode to hear my top four pieces of wisdom as they relate to pricing. Find links to everything mentioned in this episode h...
Strap yourselves in because I’m offering you nine pieces of rapid-fire business advice in the hopes that at least some of them are exactly what you need to hear right now.Listen in this week to learn how to be courageous in online business, why it doesn’t make sense for most people to have separate personal and professional social media profiles, how to be more honest with your people, and so much more.Find links to everything mentioned in this episode here:
Rest conjures images of escaping our real lives by going on vacation, taking a nap, or simply doing nothing, and the reality is that some people don’t have the time, money, or logistical ability to do that. Join me on this episode to hear how resting doesn’t have to involve more consumption or luxurious stretches of time away from the chaos of life. I’m showing you what it actually means to rest, and how you can begin to liberate yourself through rest.Find everything mentioned in this ep...
Consistency is undoubtedly one of the keys to success, but what do you do when trying to be consistent feels like a drag? Is consistency possible without white-knuckling, willpower, and discipline? While we all know that consistency is the secret to creating the results we want, it’s often tragically misunderstood and misapplied. Join me on this episode to hear how to make effortless consistency inevitable and learn what has allowed me to be effortlessly consistent in my business.Find everyth...
Some days, just being alive and making it through the day feels impossible. At the same time, we worry about taking a break from our businesses. If you’re wondering how to serve your clients, even on your worst days, you’re in the right place.Tune in this week to hear my thoughts on how to show up for your business while undergoing a traumatic experience. You’ll learn why you don’t have to be the most perfect, whole, high-energy version of yourself to serve your clients, and how showing...
Simone’s Slumber Party is my most recent program that teaches you how to market to the unconscious mind and it was the most painful launch I’ve ever done. If you are going through a tough patch in your business and it’s lasting longer than you’d like, you are not alone. Join me on this episode to hear what contributed to the pain I experienced during the launch of Slumber Party, and how I committed to my vision, even though the execution of it felt like garbage. Find everything mentioned in t...
This live interview got more views and likes than any of my other lives, by a wide margin, and a torrent of comments expressing awe and gratitude. When you listen, you'll see why.Check out this conversation with one of the most extraordinary humans I've ever met about a very important topic. Follow Imam Ahmad Deeb
So much of the online business world has relied on the avoidance of difficult questions. No one wants to sit with the hard questions, but the truth is it’s going to be increasingly difficult to evade them if you want to create sustainable success. This week I’m showing you how people have begun to feel fatigued and disillusioned by strategies that used to work, examples of hard questions we avoid, and what needs to shift for sustainable business success.Find everything mentioned in this episo...
What do you imagine when you hear the term hypnosis? Whether you have preconceived notions about what hypnosis entails or it’s something you’ve never given much thought to, this week, I can guarantee you’ll never think about it the same way again.Melissa Tiers has been a leading teacher of hypnosis for decades, with doctors, psychiatrists, and therapists from all over the world flocking to attend her trainings. Join us on this episode as Melissa breaks down the nature of hypnosis and ho...
Trying to guarantee that every decision you make is bettering the world is something to be acknowledged and celebrated, but if the fear of getting it “wrong” is paralyzing you to the point of hiding, listen in.Tune in this week to discover why moral perfectionism is an impossible standard to hold yourself to, what a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset in ethics looks like, and a set of guidelines to consider as you strive to grow in your virtue.Find links to everything mentioned in this epi...
Is your business’s growth too slow for your liking? What if I told you “fast” business growth was a giant lie and that it’s not your fault if you’re experiencing slow business growth?Business growth is not supposed to be fast. Join me on this episode to hear the myths that feed the expectation of fast business growth, and why these myths are making your business an emotional burden. Find links to everything mentioned in this episode here:
The bigger your voice and impact, the more hate you’ll inevitably get, and I believe this is a great thing.While having haters ultimately means you’re using your voice in a meaningful way, it’s important to consider that not all haters are created equal. Listen in this week to discover what it means if you’re receiving hate, and why I believe having haters is a sign that you’re challenging the status quo.Find links to everything mentioned in this episode here:
Speaking our truth is a hard and scary thing for all of us to do at the best of times. If you worry about ruffling feathers, doing right by everyone, saying the wrong thing, or the consequences of not saying anything due to fear, you’re in the right place. Join me on this episode to discover two important considerations to keep in mind if you feel called to speak your truth, and five key questions to ask yourself that will guide you in using your voice in an intentional and aligned way. ...
At its core, marketing is about solving people’s problems. That’s because of one simple fact: people want their problems to be solved! The key, as I share, is making solutions accessible. Making that first step easy enough for someone to take it, that is the value of a good marketer. In this episode, I’ll show you how clients can be taught pragmatism to achieve the solutions you lay out for them. Find links to everything mentioned in this episode here: