I Was Told

I Was Told

1. I Was Told... There'd Be A Podcast

Flagship episode! Listen to me uncomfortably talk about who I am for those who don't know me, in this mini-episode. I also break down what you can look forward to with this little slice of podcast.


Jessica Hester

you are so right!! I agree completely. It actually makes me quite angry when I see the whole body positivity movement when it's used as you're talking about! Personally I know that my need/ desire to be skinny 90% comes from vanity and only 10% comes from desire to be healthy. OK, maybe 85/15 because the lighter you are, the faster you run. 😄

07-18 Reply

Jessica Hester

always lovely to hear from you, jackie!! super excited to hear your thoughts on the near future!!

07-16 Reply

Jessica Hester

jacq is absolutely amazing!! Her vibrancy and beautiful language are a peaceful reminder that we as women are capable of anything. She uses humor and grace to provide enlightened chats about real topics we as women want to talk about. 5+ stars for this podcast!!

11-08 Reply

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