Talking about the newest news and the hardest topics. Going into conversations ready to have our minds changed. Overthink and IMO is proudly sponsored by Audio Technica. Microphones: AT2040 & AT2020 Headphones: ATH-M40x & ATH-G1WL

Do Cancelled Influencers Deserve A Second Chance? | IMO Ep.130

Logan Paul has recently got into some drama again after YouTuber Coffeezilla's three part exposé about Logan Paul's failed crypto project CryptoZoo. Despite many believing Logan to be on a redemption arc since his incident in Japan, the infamous YouTuber seems to be always involved in controversy. Do people truly change? In this episode of IMO, we discuss if cancelled influencers such as Logan Paul deserve a second chance, and how that second chance looks like.   *UPDATE* It was mentioned in the podcast that Logan Paul has lost a million subscribers from this saga, this is incorrect. He has not lost or gained subscribers according to Social Blade. Sorry for the mistake.   He has also now released a second video about his refund plan for CryptoZoo here:


We Roast Each Other's New Year Resolutions | IMO Ep.129

With the new year under way, we start off as per usual: full of vigour and with our hopes and dreams still intact. That is until we decided to do this episode, where we roast each other's new year resolutions. Watch as we destroy each other's aspirations, and put our friendship on the line.


TSL First Year Full-Timers Share First Job Tips (ft. Brad) | IMO Ep.128

As the year came to an end, it is time to reflect on our first year as full-timers in TheSmartLocal. In this episode of IMO, we share our experiences and tips for anyone entering their first jobs.


Are Influencer Clout Chasing Tactics A Bad Thing? | IMO Ep.132

Nicholas Teo, aka Hargaohunk, recently was involved in some drama due to a game he organised on his platform. On this episode of IMO, we discuss if stunts on social media by influencers are a good or bad thing. Link to article:


Being Homeless In SG For 72 Hours (ft Brad Lee) | IMO Ep.131

Brad and Alastair recently did a video on being homeless in Singapore by sleeping rough for 72 hours. On this episode of IMO, we explore the parts that did not make the cut and to share the harsh reality of homelessness in our country. Link to video:


Housemates Share Their Housemate Irks And Boundaries (ft. Doreen Fan) | IMO Ep.127

Renting with friends and even other strangers is becoming more common in recent times, but what is it really like to live with others you may not be very familiar with? What if they cross some of your boundaries? In this episode of IMO, John and Doreen discuss their personal housemate irks, and how to communicate them.


The Struggles Of Making A Gay Short Film In Singapore (ft. Sean Foo from Dear Straight People) | IMO Ep.126

Home Par is the latest short film produced by Sean Foo, the founder of Dear Straight People. On this episode of IMO, we discuss the ups and down of filmmaking with Sean.


Sharing Our Greatest Podcasting Mistakes At The Asia Podcast Festival | IMO Ep.125

It has been a good couple of years for us and IMO and we wouldn't be here without your support. In this episode of IMO, we revisit all the mistakes we have made during our podcasting journey, while we share our experiences LIVE at the Asia Podcast Festival at *SCAPE.


One Week Love Director On The Controversy And Struggles Of Making A Reality Show (ft. Julian) | IMO Ep.124

One Week Love is TSL's brand new hit reality show, garnering over 100K views on every single episode in the season. But with views, came its fair share of controversy due to the behaviour of some participants. In this episode of IMO, we invited the director of One Week Love, Julian, to share a bit more about what are the hidden struggles behind producing a reality show, and the moral dilemmas faced as a producer and editor of such content.


What If You Had Only 24 More Hours To Live? (ft. Estee Woo) | IMO Ep.123

"Live everyday like it's your last day", the stereotypical motivational speaker advice that we all have heard but probably haven't heeded. But what if you really only had 24 more hours to live? In this episode of IMO, we discuss what we would do if we were in that situation, and about our existential dread.


Gay Guy & Straight Guy Reacts To Reddit Sex Stories (ft. Huy) | IMO Ep.122

Everyone knows the TikTok Reddit videos where people confide in others about their problems in life. In this episode of IMO, we react to some Reddit sex stories and share our thoughts on how we would deal with these problems.


Why Does Singapore STILL Ban Movies? | IMO Ep.121

Local film #LookAtMe has recently been banned in Singapore for potential to cause enmity and social division. But what are the unseen consequences of banning a movie, and is it still effective to do so in the Internet age? In this episode of IMO, we speculate why Singapore still bans movies, and whether they should in the first place.


I Quit My Job To Travel For 2 Months (ft. Nicole Lim) | IMO Ep.120

We all know the cliched "Live Laugh Love" trip that everyone seems to be going on these days, but is it really for everybody? In this episode of IMO, Nicole shares her experience going on an extended break from work, and what she has learnt from the 2 months she was overseas.


Why Does Race Swapping Make Us Uncomfortable? | IMO Ep.119

There has been controversy surrounding the newly announced "Velma" by Mindy Kaling, a spin-off from Scooby Doo which changed a few key points of the original show, such as the races of 3/4 of the main characters. This is not the first time a show got flak for race swapping, but why exactly do we feel so averse to this "trend"? In this episode of IMO, we discuss our thoughts on race swapping, and explore why the Internet has responded so strongly against them.


What Are Our Relationship Boundaries? (ft. Estee Woo) | IMO Ep.118

Titus Low and his wife, Cheryl Chin, recently got into a bit of drama with Pui Yi following a suggestive TikTok which Titus filmed with Pui Yi. This got us thinking: what are our relationship boundaries? In this episode of IMO, we discuss how we would've reacted to the situation, and how much of our relationship boundaries we are willing to compromise for the sake of content/money.


Why Celebrity Couples Are Doomed To Fail | IMO Ep.117

Ned Fulmer recently got exposed on social media for cheating, joining the likes of Adam Levine and other celebrities who have found themselves in controversy surrounding adultery. This got us wondering: are celebrity couples doomed to fail? Listen as we discuss the pitfalls of being a celebrity couple, and how we as audience members might contribute to it as well.


Should Andrew Tate Have A Platform? (ft. Nicole Lim) | IMO Ep.116

Andrew Tate has become quite an infamous personality online due to his controversial opinions and aggressive behaviour. All of this led to him being de-platformed on multiple social media sites. In this episode of IMO, we discuss our opinions on Andrew Tate, and whether or not he should have been banned.   (A little bit biased) video on Andrew Tate:


Is Quiet Quitting A Bad Thing? (ft. Breanna Bay) | IMO Ep.115

Quiet quitting has been getting mixed reviews on the internet. But is doing the bare minimum at work proof of lousy work ethic? Listen as we discuss our take on quiet quitting and how it came to be.


Couple Review's Each Other's Sex Playlist (ft. Breanna Bay) | IMO Ep.114

Cbat by Hudson Mohawke has been blowing up on social media because of an interesting sexual story. But is it really a bad bedroom song? Listen as we discuss our sex songs, and see if they are deal breakers for our sex lives.


Being On A One Month Long Work Trip | IMO Ep.113

Being on a sponsored work trip sounds like a dream for some but is it all butterfly and rainbows? Listen as we discuss Alastair's ups and downs as he continues with his one month long work trip in Thailand.


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