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ITG Instructor Training & First Aid Inst

Author: ITG Instructor Training Ltd

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Podcasts for first aid instructors and first aiders alike. Information videos and news. Regular updates from ITG Instructor Training. More details call 01206 805380 or visit We also offer AET, CET, Assessor and Verifier RQF qualifications. Full video online courses. FPOS, Food and H&S level 3. Register for our comprehensive blog for email updates and discussions, see website for link.
32 Episodes
This video is from our First Aid Show and gives information on the treatment you need to give in a high pressure injury. We are often asked about injuries and illnesses that happen and we just wanted to tell you about a case in a factory, where hydraulic equipment was being used. A gentleman there, one of the workers, maintenance workers there, felt as though he had his hand stung whilst reaching inside a machine. And as a result of this, he sucked his finger and did nothing about it. That gentleman, later, lost his finger; in fact, he lost two fingers.  “What could we have done?” And in that situation, the answer is recognising that something had happened, and not ignoring something that appeared very, very minor, because actually that stinging sensation that that chap felt, was the injection of a very high-pressure hydraulic fluid through his skin and into the inside of his hand. What are the consequences of that? Well, the consequences were, he lost two fingers; this will have a dramatic effect on how he lives his life from now on. In fact, he is no longer a maintenance engineer. We have got to imagine that the skin, which is the largest organ of the body, is actually very porous, it is very soft, it is very vascular, it is very fluid. So, for anything that is injected towards the skin at high pressure, will immediately penetrate through the skin, destroying the soft tissues, the blood vessels and the nervous control over those blood vessels very, very easily. It is almost like a liquid bullet; an invisible, liquid bullet in fact. You cannot see immediately, other than maybe a tiny red spot, what has happened, but when that fluid enters into the inside of the skin, beyond the dermis, into the subcutaneous fat, we have got two problems here. The first problem is that it is space-occupying, and the second problem is that it is a poisonous substance to the body, it would not naturally be inside the body. And in the case of hydraulic fluid, it is very hygroscopic. Now that means it attracts water, it draws fluid towards itself. Now this has the effect of further increasing the space-occupying lesion. Couple this with the body’s natural inflammatory response, you can see how very quickly that the swelling inside the internal structures will start to crush nerves and blood vessels and muscles inside there. And because the hand and the forearm are very compartmentalised in terms of fascia and muscle tissue, it is very easy for the pressure inside these compartments to build up, so that blood flow in and out of those is affected. Now this can happen in the space of a few minutes to a few hours after the initial injury. And the first thing that you will notice, or the patient will notice, is that it is starting to become hot, inflamed and painful, and perhaps, as in this case that I am talking about, the chap took a few… Two Paracetamol and a couple of Nurofen and hoping that the pain would go away. Now all the time that you are in pain is a sign that the tissue is actually dying. This patient should have immediately been taken to the local A&E department with a full description of what had happened because at that time, something could have been done about it. And that something would have been surgical intervention to debride the wound, to remove the poisonous substance, and to allow the swelling to swell without causing a compartment syndrome. Had that happened to this chap, the outcome would have been very different. As it stands, he is now without two fingers and unable to do his normal job. The moral of the story is to be aware of the hazards that are around us when we are working in an industrial environment. It is impossible to know every day and during every situation, but when you are repetitively working with high-pressure fluids, hot fluids, chemicals, you should be fully aware of the potential hazards that can occur and know what to do with them when they do occur. If you are interested in more information on training, please call ProTrainings Europe on 01206 805359 or email
Does GDPR apply to me?

Does GDPR apply to me?


Another video from our video online Data Protection and GDPR course at GDPR applies to everyone. As an employee, your employer will hold your personal data and in this way, you have the same rights as any other data subject. As an employee, you also have a responsibility to your organisation to make sure that you are not responsible for a breach of anybody's personal data. We will cover the subject of data security later on in the course. As an individual GDPR provides you with more rights, some of which include: The right to be informed, the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability, the right to object and rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling. This means that an individual has the right to be informed about when and how their data was collected and how and why it is used. This information should be provided in the privacy policy at the time the data is collected. Where the data is collected from another source, the data subject should be provided with privacy information within a reasonable period, deemed to be no longer than one month. Information should be provided in a clear, concise way and be easily accessible. This could be an email attachment, a printed out notice, or a privacy policy on a website. This means that an individual can ask an organisation to provide them with information about the personal data that organisation holds which gives them far more control over how their personal data is processed.
In this podcast we looka t a video we produced for our sister companies Data Protection and GDPR video onine course.  Visit the course at This course has been designed to provide awareness and information about the new General Data Protection Regulations or GDPR. There are many decisions to be made and steps to be taken by organisations who want to ensure that they are GDPR compliant and the decisions made will not necessarily be the same for all organisations. During this course, we will provide an understanding of the terminology, principles and basic rules that will help to make GDPR compliance a little less daunting. The ultimate decision on how you work towards GDPR compliance in your workplace is down to you. We cannot in this course make you GDPR compliant as you need to actually apply the information to your workplace and make your own decisions. GDPR is already here but the principle is an ongoing process of data protection, which should ensure that you are always reviewing and improving your data security. The General Data Protection Regulations took effect on the 25th May 2018. It builds on the Data Protection Act and strengthens and unifies data protection with a new single set of rules for all EU Citizens. The key changes are in relation to consent, transparency, expansion of personal data and special categories of personal data, children, communicating breaches, data protection by design, enhanced rights for data subjects and rules relating to using pseudonyms. It has increased the scope of personal data, provides new rights for data subjects in regard to transparency, notification, access, portability and erasure, and mandates organisation requirements. It should also not be forgotten that compensation and fines of up to 20 million euros or 4% of a business's annual revenue can be enforced, for those that breach GDPR compliance. For more information on our ITG train the trainer courses contact us.
The new BSi first aid kit is explained in this video.  F
ProTraininings are our sister company offering over 170 class courses and 70 video online courses. Learn more at or call 01206 805359
ITG is easy to find and this video tells you how to find us.



Prevention is usually better than cure, and this goes for monitoring your cholesterol levels to help reduce your risk of heart attack and Stroke. The press reports on Cholesterol along with Television adverts have made this more of a talking point over recent years.  It has been portrayed, as the silent killer but there is more to Cholesterol than just a number as you have to take into account many other factors.   Some people have genetically high cholesterol problem.  They may not realise till they are tested that high cholesterol was a family problem. This is controlled by exercise, better diet, cholesterol reducing drinks and Statins which we will discuss later. ----more---- There are two types of Cholesterol, the LDL "bad Cholesterol" and HDL the "good Cholesterol". LDL contributes to cardiovascular disease and HDL help reduces Cholesterol and protects against atherosclerosis.  The lower your LDL cholesterol, the lower your risk of heart attack and stroke.   LDL Cholesterol Levels of less than 100 mg/dl are Ideal level; 100 to 129 mg/dl  are near or above ideal; 130 to 159 mg/dl  are classified ad boarder line high level and 160 to 189 mg/dl a high level.  If you have levels above 190 mg/dl this is very high and prompt action is required to reduce to a more acceptable level. 70-80 percent of Cholesterol produced in body and rest from dietary sources and  is a type of fat. Cholesterol levels should be checked and monitored if at risk and routine checks from time to time can identify a potential problem early.   The test is a simple blood test and you can buy kits from chemists for under £20, or more accurate tests for about £100. You can usually get tested for free at your Doctors or health clinic and many chemists also offer tests, sometimes free or at a low price of £5-15.   The level should be less than 5.0 and as a guide the following shows higher levels: Very high if over 7.8 mmol/l High 6.5 to 7.8 mmol/l Mildly high 5-6.40 mmol/l If levels are high then this alone is not a major problem as there are other factors that need to be considered like, age, sex, size, parents levels, smoking, exercise to list a few. If you have a higher reading get advice and maybe look at lifestyle, exercise and diet. The use of foods like Benacol have excellent real success on reducing Cholesterol levels.   Triglyceride levels are also connected and as we get this involved we are starting to need to ask for advice from a Doctor. Not many home test kits show this but it is a good indication on the level of the problem.  Triglyceride is a form of fat in the blood and if you have high triglycerides your total cholesterol level are usually high, including high LDL (bad) cholesterol and low HDL (good) cholesterol levels.   Your triglyceride levels are defined as: Normal: less than 150 mg/dL Borderline-High: 150–199 mg/dL High: 200–499 mg/dL; Very High: 500 mg/dL Blood pressure is also an area of concern if Cholesterol levels are high. Blood pressure should be under 140/90 ideally but again this is not an exact science either. Finally there is a lot of talk on whether Statins are a good idea. They certainly work, but they do have some side effects and are not a replacement for good diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Consult your doctor who will advise on whether Statins or similar tablets are to be advised.
ProTrainings have launched a new course as a video online course in first aid for martial arts. This course can be completed 100% online but class or blended courses also available. See for mor details or call 01206 585068
This video looks at the treatment for fainting form our new 50 Plus First Aid course.  To learn more about this video based online course call us on 1223 911805 or visit
AED units are also located in the community
Social media and ProTrainings can help develop your business by expanding your web presence and therefore the leads you receive. See for more details.
There are many types of auto injector for use by an anaphylaxis sufferer in an emergency.  In this video we look at the different types and if you would like more information please see our video online anaphylaxis course.
Introduction to the ITG PTLLS course which is available as a level 3 or 4 and as a classroom or distance course avian the classroom to one day with home study. For more information see
ProTrainings Pet First Aid "movie" trailer staring Deco for our pet first id online course.  Have a look and for more information see
Our Pet First Aid Course and Instructor rating are covered in this short introduction video.  If you would like more details on our pet first aid courses see or call 01223 911805 to discuss teaching our courses.
AED unit programming changed since the ERC guideline changes. In this video we go through some of the main points.  AED Units are available from
First aid equipment is available from our sister company ITG Supplies on Over 1000 products online.  Also register for our affiliate program.
The Pro Pet Aid instructor course will allow you to teach Pet First Aid to your community, customers or friends. After successful completion, you will be able to hold open courses that will be advertised on the Pro Pet Aid website and on As an instructor, you will also have access to promotional materials, and you will receive commission for e-Learning course sales. Join the growing network of Pet First Aid instructors by calling 01223 911805 today. Pet FIrst Aid Instructor course 15th October open to anyone, existing instructors or not.
There are many types of manikin. Here we show you some that we sell at
This is a short video to explain the history and the links of ITG and ProTrainings. ITG Instructors all can work with ProTrianings as well as other instructors trained by other companies.
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