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If You Can’t Handle The Heat

Author: outofsystem

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BOOYAKASHA! Welcome to the biggest volleyball podcast in the WORLD! Are names are Gage, Joe & Micah and are three best friends who have grown up playing together and are now playing professional volleyball overseas. We love to talk story on volleyball and pop culture, but just remember... if you can’t handle the heat... GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN! This podcast is brought to you by Out of System.
163 Episodes
If You Can't Handle The Heat KEOONNIIIII HIMOTHYYYYYYYYYYY. That's All.   Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website-    #volleyball #podcast #keonithiim #byu #byuvolleyball #hawaiivolleyball #ncaavolleyball 
If You Can't Handle The Heat Ladies and gentleman we welcome back one of our favorite all time guests.. Simeon Nikolov. Enough Said.   Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website-    #volleyball #podcast #simeonnikolov #lbsu #ncaavolleyball #bulgarian #bulgarianvolleyball #vnl
If You Can't Handle The Heat We welcome on this absolute beast of a middle Cameron Thorne. Cameron is if not one of the top middles in the country and has continued to ball out this year after transferring from GCU to UCLA. They just had their first match against Long Beach and Simeon Nikolov and things did not go their way. Butttttt they do have another shot at them as they have a rematch this Wednesday(2-11) at home. Let's see how things turn out...   Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website-    #volleyball #podcast #cameronthorne #ucla #uclavolleyball #lbsu #longbeach #simeonnikolov #ncaavolleyball
If You Can't Handle The Heat The US has just announced its 4th professional pro league in 3 years... is this good for volleyball? Who will come up on top? The boys delve into wether this is good and bad for the support and wether a mens league will ever survive in the US... 4 Leagues: LOVB, PVF, Athletes Unlimited and now Major League Volleyball   Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website-    #vollleyball #podcast #provolleyball #lovb #PVF #AU #MLV
If You Can't Handle The Heat This week we welcome on the viral sensation PME volleyball. We had been meaning to collaborate with PME for a while now and glad we finally got the chance. We dove into his Volleyworld partnership, he he begun and dropping out of college to pursue content creation.   Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website-     #pmevolleyball #volleyball #podcast
If You Can't Handle The Heat We welcome on, probably the most polarizing club volleyball coach in the country, Arielle Houlihan. The Bay2Bay Co-Director was one of the main rivals of the Worsley's while growing up... but now enemies are friends haha. Arielle has become insanely viral since she started posting her coaching micd up videos. But with fame comes haters, and let us tell you, SHE DOESN'T GIVE AF(which is why we love her)   Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website-   #baytobay #ariellehoulihan #volleyball #podcast
If You Can't Handle The Heat What? Are you surprised we’re bringing a HISTORY-MAKER on the pod? SHOCKING!👀🏆 Natty Champ and the FIRST WOMAN IN HISTORY to do it Coach Katie Schumacher-Cawley joins us on the pod to talk about winning the first national championship in 10 years for Penn State (and being the first woman to do so). We also dive into transfer portal and how she runs her practices to build a championship team. Let us know what you think! #WEAREPENNSTATE Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website-   #pennstate #pennstatevolleyball #ncaavolleyball #nationalchampionships
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes Buy Merch Here:   Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 7:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email: We welcome on the new phenomenon of the volleyball world, the 18 year old setter from Bulgaria.. SIMOEN NIKOLOV! Simeon and Gage go way back, when Simeon was 15/16 years old and Gage was playing in his first pro season ever. They played each other and had some epic battles. Now Simeon is the new starting setter at Long Beach. Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website- #volleyball #podcast #simeonnikolov #longbeach
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes Buy Merch Here:   Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 7:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email: Joe and Gage played each other for the first time ever and of course it had be in an epic way.. CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. Gage goes into the match and his thoughts on the whole situation. Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website- #volleyball #podcast #championsleague
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes   ALL VOLLEYBALL: Use promo code: OOS20 at checkout for 20% off   Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 7:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email: We welcome on a close friend of the show.. TJ DEFALCO. The Out of System Boyz have been playing against and alongside each other since they were 12 years old. TJ has made himself premier, world class volleyball player and we couldn't be more stoked for him. This pas year, he has debuted his first season in Japan for the JTEKT Stings of the V League. He plays along other incredible players such as Brazils, Ricardo Lucarelli and Japans Kento Miyaura, and Masahiro Sekita. USA Volleyball has also made some big changes within their company and staff. This includes John Speraw's departure as the USA and UCLA's Men's Head Coach into his new role as the CEO of USA Volleyball. This opened up Karch Kiraly to be hired as the new coach on the mens side. Support The Boys! USE PROMO CODE "heat" FOR 20% OFF Buy Merch Here: Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website- #volleyball #podcast #tjdefalco #japanvolleyball #volleyballadvice
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes   ‼️MERCH SALE‼️- October 16-18 20% OFF EVERYTHING Buy Merch Here:    Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 7:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email:   We welcome on some of the greatest jumpers in volleyball - BYU's Keoni Thiim and AVP's Troy Field. Both of these athletes are insane athletic specimens and we got them in the same place at the same time to make this happen. We delve deep into the differences between beach and indoor as well as the training of the different sports. Of course, we had to ask the age old question of "How Do I Improve My Vertical?" P.S. There will be a llootttttt more content coming from these three coming out...   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website- #vertical #training #volleyball #podcast #keonithiim #troyfield
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 7:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email: Reid Priddy is one of the greatest American volleyball players of all time. 4 Time Olympian, Olympic Gold Medalist, Olympic Silver Medalist, as well as winning the illustrious Manhattan Beach Open at the age of 45 years. It is safe to say he has done it all and volleyball has taken him everywhere. Italy, Greece, Turkey, Austria, South Korea and Russia. Over his long career he gives us an insight on what it was like playing for the top clubs in the world. Support The Boys! USE PROMO CODE "heat" FOR 20% OFF Buy Merch Here: Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website- #elevateyourself #coachdonny #podcast #volleyball #usavolleyball
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 7:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email: We are FINALLY pulling out this pod(that we've been sitting on for a while a now) with Coach Donny. We filmed it in May and are finally releasing it now. This is the second time we have had Coach Donny on the pod and lemme tell you he never disappoints. Coach goes into what it takes to run his HUGE social platform "Elevate Yourself" and of course, like always, his top and not top shoes of the season. ALSO, Joe and Gage give you a sneak peak into their choice to run OOS instead of going through the USA Volleyball pipeline. Support The Boys! USE PROMO CODE "heat" FOR 20% OFF Buy Merch Here: Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website- #elevateyourself #coachdonny #podcast #volleyball #usavolleyball
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 7:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email: WE ARE BACK! What a summer it has been for the OOS BOYZ, with Micah going to the Olympics, Joe & Gage on tour and Jake starting a new job. We know it has been 3 months since we have last posted a podcast and for the rest of the season we will consistently post every other Wednesday @ 7:00 AM. Support The Boys! USE PROMO CODE "heat" FOR 20% OFF Buy Merch Here: Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website- #Paris #olympics #bronzemedal #volleyball #usavolleyball
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 10:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email: By now everyone knows that Micah is going to the 2024 Olympics in Paris. Not a lot of news/transparency is given on how they actually choose the roster, so we had Micah come on and give us allllll the details.   SIGN UP FOR TOUR CAMPS/EVENTS ⬇️ Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website-   ➡️ 20% OFF VBTV (code OOS20) - ➡️ 20% OFF Dr. Prices Electrolytes (code OUTOFSYSTEM) - ➡️ 20% OFF Wilson (code OUTOFSYSTEM20) -     #podcast #volleyball #usavolleyball #olympics
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 10:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email: We welcome, our childhood friend/teammate Spencer Wickens onto the pod! Spencer has played with us since we were 6 and 7 at Pace Bootlegger, before we eventually moved to the West Coast. He played college at Pepperdine, where he came in as a libero and ended as an All American outside hitter. He then went on to be a grad assistant coach at the University of Nebraska and is now the Assistant Coach at Stanford for the mens volleyball program.   SIGN UP FOR TOUR CAMPS/EVENTS ⬇️ Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website-   ➡️ 20% OFF VBTV (code OOS20) - ➡️ 20% OFF Dr. Prices Electrolytes (code OUTOFSYSTEM) - ➡️ 20% OFF Wilson (code OUTOFSYSTEM20) -     #podcast #volleyball #stanford #stanfordvolleyball #ncaamensvolleyball
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 10:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email:   After 8 long months the boys are finally heading home for the 2024 OOS Summer Tour! On Today’s episode we discuss how all 3 boys seasons went. Congrats to our very own, Micah on winning The Turkish Cup & Turkish League! All this and more on this week’s episode of If You Can't Handle The Heat!   SIGN UP FOR TOUR CAMPS/EVENTS ⬇️   Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website- #podcast #volleyballl #wrapup
If You Can't Handle The Heat Episodes Drop Every Other Wednesday @ 10:00 AM EST Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email:   This is probably the biggest/most anticipated podcast we have done to date. Ladies and Gentleman we bring you... EARVIN N'GAPETH! One of the best players in the world and probably the most influential volleyball player of all time, hop's on to talk about his rap career, if he invented the on 2 set/spike, wining the Olympic Gold Medal and much, much more on this weeks episode of If You Can't Handle The Heat   SIGN UP FOR TOUR CAMPS/EVENTS ⬇️ Support The Boys! Buy Merch Here:   Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website-   0:00 - Intro 1:05 - Update on Season 10:45 - Earvin N'Gapeth 46:56 - Outro   #ngapeth #francevolleyball #cev #championsleague #olympicgoldmedal
Join us on If You Can't Handle The Heat for a laid-back chat. This week, we hosted a contest where listeners submitted their wildest volleyball stories for a chance to win a pair of our brand-new Slunks "The Silks". Plus, we'll take you on a tangent as we dive deep into Jake's fraternity escapades (because who doesn't love Frat Jake?), share some fire fun facts and discuss trending topics like Dune 2. It's a big day of banter with the boys you won't want to miss on this weeks episode of If You Can't Handle The Heat! Catch our HUGE Merch drop this Friday on March 15 at 12pm PST on!   0:00:00 Intro 0:05:20 Jake Frat Dialogue 0:12:04 NEW OOS MERCH 0:14:55 Updates on Seasons 0:22:08 Fire Facts 0:34:00 Slunks Winning Crazy Stories 0:57:00 Picking the Winner 1:06:25 Micah Kazakhstan Story 1:08:18 Gage "Dune 2" Bout 1:15:18 Pittsburgh "Guess Who" Quiz 1:17:14 Conclusion
If You Can't Handle The Heat Want To Be Part Of The Show🤔🎤? Send In Stories/Questions To This Email: Tag Our TikTok Account:   The NCAA has just changed the double contact rule so that doubles on the second contact are now nullified. Of course former NCAA All-Americans and current professional setters Joe Worsley and Micah Ma'a share their insights on this rule change and how this will change the game. Gage was DM'ed an absolute GEM of a clip of two 4th league Greek team rivals that turned into an absolute brawl between fans, players and coaches. Also we answer one of the most frequently asked questions "Which USA players would form the PERFECT 3 man grass team team?" Watch, listen and judge as Micah Joe and Gage fill out their perfect 3 man grass team from the 2023 VNL roster. Listen to much more on this week's episode of "If You Can't Handle The Heat" presented by Out of System.   Support The Boys! JOIN US ON TOUR: Buy Merch Here: Follow Us: Instagram- Tik Tok- Website- 
Comments (2)

Alex Sami

The ASICS Gel Rocket series stands out as one of the best volleyball shoes of all time. Renowned for their comfort, support, and affordability, Gel Rocket shoes cater to both beginners and intermediate players, making them a popular and reliable choice on the volleyball court. Answer Credit

Jan 15th

Danny K

video of wr serve where??

Dec 8th