Igadevil's Kamen Rider Page

Rider Break! is the official podcast of igadevil.com. Your host Paul "Igadevil" Sullivan shares his thoughts on all things Kamen Rider, the long-running live-action Japanese super hero series.

Rider Break! Episode 25: The Last Ride

For the 45th time, Rider Break! returns as Hiroshi Fujioka returns as Takeshi Hongō, who returns after 45 years (maybe?) in the 45th Anniversary movie Kamen Rider 1, as Kamen Rider returns to the big screen and Rider Break! returns as well. Hongō returns to Japan, meeting faces old and new. Shocker once again looms large, but is now split in two. Despite a beefy new appearance and an updated version of the Cyclone, something is wrong with our hero, and with each breath and battle, the end draws near... Is this Rider 1's greatest adventure? Is it Hongo's final day? Is this Rider Break's last episode? There's only one way to find out! In This Episode:  • Rider Break! (like somebody in this movie, it turns out) is immortal! • Once again Craig of The Repacked Podcast joined in to help as I (very badly) recap the movie, and hey, this time we're actually getting it out on time! • Oh yeah and RIDER SPOILERS! Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: Excerpt from "Let's Go!! Rider Kick -2016 movie ver.-". Get it on Amazon Japan! A BGM track from the V3 PS1 game. • As before, Skype recorder was used for most of this, hence the slight drop in audio quality. I wanted to get this one out as soon as possible. This time, I succeeded! • This episode (which really is 25) marks a transitional phase of sorts for Rider Break!, though it's not going to be immediately obvious here. Wait until next episode (hopefully coming... well, sooner than usual! There may just be a little Q&A involved!) • Okay, real talk time. As much as I bag on Novashocker's plan for comedic effect, I have only seen the movie once, so it's possible I missed the justification for everything (like why they show up at the beginning to confront actual Shocker in full force yet can still operate as a real company, or what legal loophole they're using to get away with blackmailing everybody face-to-face and not just getting sued/arrested.) On the other hand, I forgot to mention it at the time, but the way Ghost and Specter are able to locate their base? It's noticed to be the only building with any electric power left and where a huge energy beam is projecting from (this was from the dialogue) so I'm starting to think the rest of Shocker didn't exactly mind losing those guys. • Yeah yeah yeah I'll do something about Drive in the background (this will make no sense if you're reading this any time after 2016). Timestamps: 00:00 - Speaker-destroying sound time. Less than a minute in - a badly edited-in appearance from late-afternoon Igadevil. 22:45 - (most) Spoilers for the movie begin! 02:09:25 - The (I believe) longest episode of Rider Break! thus far comes to an end! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 24: Tragical History Tour (Part 3)

Rider 3 confronts his destiny, Drive confronts mind-controlled damn near everyone, and Igadevil confronts trying to keep his food down in the sense-shattering conclusion to the Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3 review. After that, Craig and I talk about our hypothetical team-up movies that will probably never happen. Then again, I once thought a movie with Kamen Rider 3 would never happen, so who knows? Also, Rider Break bids a farewell to Masayuki Izumi, Kamen Rider Faiz's own Yuki Kiba/Horse Orphenoch. In This Episode:  • Rider Break! is back as promised. A little close to my self-imposed deadline, but at least we don't get bought out by Saban now. PS I am Warrior Leader! • Things start off on a somber note as I share a few thoughts about the recent passing of Masayuki Izumi, who sadly passed away last month. I'm going to miss him, and I hope I did a good enough job establishing that. • Part 3 (of 3) the second part of the spoiler-filled review/recap of Kamen Rider x Super Sentai Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3 where I told Craig of The Repacked Podcast all about the movie, but months ago so like half of what I say is out-of-date and probably incorrect. Fun times! Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: Excerpt from "Who's That Guy" the movie's theme song by Mitsuhiro Oikawa. Get it on Amazon Japan! • I often joke about how illness-prone I can be, but I'm not kidding about having a stomach flu or virus literally the weekend I sat down to finish editing this. I spent most of today with my stomach going nuclear and the worst headache of my life. Still, a promise is a promise! Now time to go fall into a ditch and pass out. • As before, Skype recorder was used for most of this, hence the slight drop in audio quality. I wanted to get this one out as soon as possible. As you can tell, I failed. • Part 3 is out, which means that the next episode, will, at last, be... wait, there's another movie out now? Well, I'll figure something out. Q&A is still happening! Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! 02:27- My thoughts on Masayuki Izumi's passing 15:30 - Back into the review, which picks up right where Part 2 ended. 01:12:34 - Where the plot summary ends, final thoughts and team-up movie discussion begins! 01:41:06 - Another episode in the can! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 23: Tragical History Tour (Part 2)

Hey uh, weren't we talking about a movie or something? In This Episode:  • Rider Break! took off close to 5 months because my life is a neverending cycle of pain. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you all soon. Soon. Soooooooon... • Part 2 (of 3) which is actually the first part of the spoiler-filled review/recap of Kamen Rider x Super Sentai Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3 where I told Craig of The Repacked Podcast all about the movie, months ago. Confused yet? • This part of the review contains massive spoilers for the film and basically every Kamen Rider thing that has ever happened, including the finale of the original series. Don't worry though, the movie comes out on DVD/Blu-ray tomorrow, so they won't be massive spoilers much longer! Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Fight! Kamen Rider V3" with some...alterations. A sample of Rider 3 & Drive's Henshin music from Taisen GP. • As before, Skype recorder was used for most of this, hence the slight drop in audio quality. I wanted to get this one out as soon as possible. As you can tell, I failed. • If Part 3 doesn't come out within a week, it means I have quit being Igadevil and this becomes Saban's Masked Rider Page, the Second-Worst Rider Website On The Internet. Believe Dat! Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! 04:30 - Reviewing begins. 01;11;16 - Reviewing takes a coffee break • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 22: Tragical History Tour (Part 1)

In the first of a probable trilogy of episodes, Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3 is discussed by one person who hasn't seen the movie yet, and one who has but can barely remember what he did last week. This part is mostly spoiler-free, and just covers my initial feelings, reactions and stuff you'll have already know unless you were without internet access for the past several months. In This Episode:  • Rider Break! has now set a record for how many times a podcast can die and return, approximately eleventy-billion. • I'm once again joined by Craig of The Repacked Podcast (which I'm on a hiatus from at the moment due to work-related stuff, but I will return to!) Craig volunteered to be somebody to bounce off of and keep me focused when going through the film, which really helps, especially when recapping something as long and detailed as this. Next time I'll see if I can't get someone who also saw the film to join in. I do know these guys... Also, I'm always open to having more voices join in on Rider Break! in the future! • As mentioned, this is mostly just the basics, and the real meat/summary of the movie will be in the next two parts (or one part, I'm still not sure how I'll do it, but it will be soon.) Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp The music from the Taisen GP trailer mentioned. • As mentioned, Skype recorder was used for most of this, hence the slight drop in audio quality. I wanted to get this one out as soon as possible (and it's already a couple weeks late!) so pardon the half-boiledness of this production. • Parts 2 (and hypothetical 3) will be coming along soon, and they will be spoiler-filled! And after that... yeah, I do have to do that damned Q & A episode, don't I? Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! 16:45 - Around here was where I initially planned to start getting into spoilers for the plot. That doesn't quite happen, though there is some discussion of who appears (and who doesn't appear) in the movie from here on, so listener be aware! 49:23 - End of Part 1 • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 21: Drive Is Live

You Are The Wheelman. In This Episode:  • Rider Break! has another episode in less than 24 hours! A new record! • It's another first-reaction commentary, this time for Kamen Rider Drive episode 1, "Why Did My Time Stop?" • Spoiler Warning because duh. Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp "SURPRISE-DRIVE" TV-size ripped from the episode. CD release forthcoming! • Not much to say that isn't said in the episode! I got up, sat down with my microphone, and recorded my thoughts. I did go back and edit this one later since there were periods of silence while I took things in (that didn't exactly make for great listening) so the timing may be a bit off and there's no commercial breaks (not that there's much to say. The toy ads are great, the fish sausage ad is deceptively cool, and the gummy ad is still drug-fueled. Can't wait to try the monaka snack though.) • And that's it! More Rider Break! (and more other stuff) to come eventually! Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! 02:30 - Commentary begins and runs a little longer than the actual episode (minus CM breaks.) • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 20: When Gaim Ends, Drive Begins

Kamen Rider Drive is just hours away, and Kamen Rider Gaim has had 46 47 weeks (plus a few weekends off for golf, Super Sentai crossovers, etc.) to tell a tale of Armored Riders warring all so that a DJ can make one of them into a space god to save Christmas. Or something. I wasn't really paying much attention, but I did like that Bravo fella. Fortunately this episode I'm joined by Craig & Nikki from The Repacked Podcast to figure all this stuff out! In This Episode:  • Rider Break! is back. Hey, it was quicker than last time. There's several episodes being edited right now (Kikaider REBOOT, that Damned Q&A, and yet another one that isn't about Kamen Rider at all!) but very likely the next one will be about Kamen Rider Drive episode 1 anyway. But hey, that's a lot of Rider Breakage on the way! • Yes, actual human contact! Craig makes his return, and our mutual pal Nikki also chimes in as we discuss general thoughts on the most-recently-finished and soon-to-air Kamen Rider series. I still do a lot of the talking (per their choice) but it's always good to get some more voices in the mix. You can hear all three of us talk toys every week over at The Repacked Podcast. Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp "JUST LIVE MORE" by Shōnan no Kaze (TV Size) Get it on amazon.co.jp Sound & music from the Kamen Rider Drive deluxe belt ad • As mentioned, this episode was recorded Thursday, October 2nd. More news, reviews & bits of juicy info have been released since then (such as the title of the next Movie War.) During recording we used the Kamen Rider Drive tumblr which compiled all the scans together nicely, as well as The Tokusatsu Network for information (they've got a great interview with Riku Sanjo that just went up not long after we recorded this.) The Drive toy ad mentioned can be found here (At least as of October 2014.) • We mention HJU Radio here and there; if you want a more comprehensive analysis of Gaim that'll probably be the place to hear it (and probably not from me, because I won't have gotten a chance to rewatch the whole show this time!) This episode's really more of a general thoughts type deal, very free-flowing (which is why we jump around from one show to the other near the end.) • I think there are two points where I started to form an idea, then went off on a tangent and never returned. One is about episode 46, and if that had been the actual ending. What I was going to say was that I'd still probably be okay with it. But for me, if 46 is the "Gaim" ending, episode 47 feels like the "Kamen Rider" ending for the show (if that makes any sense), and it brings 46 up a little more in my book. Now the penultimate chapter is more like the close of Kōta/Kaito/Mai/Sagara's story, with a 'final battle' that is more bittersweet in nature. Whereas 47 wraps up (most) everyone else, and has that Hell Yeah Rider Final Battle in it. They're two parts of a whole to me. The other was Marika/Yoko, who I don't think I really gave a clear answer on (she is probably my favorite character in the show, but a lot of that is down to liking the actress. I think Minami Tsukui could lead a series, she's that good.) What I'm trying to get at is that while her ultimate fate doesn't spoil the whole show (for me; but I understand if it does for you) it is one of the parts I'm having the hardest time figuring out. I'd love to know if Urobuchi or anybody commented on it. • Yes, I know that every non-Rider badass rival villain reminds me of Apollo Geist. That's pretty much down to Apollo Geist being that great and memorable of a character. I like him about as much as I like Doctor Shinigami/Ikadevil, and I like Doctor Shinigami/Ikadevil more than is probably healthy. • My big thanks to Craig for soldiering it out (he was coming off of a cold) and Nikki as well (who had to jump away from the computer a couple times.) They will return some day. And they're not the only ones! I'm always looking for interesting new voices to come on and talk all things Rider or Tokusatsu. At least, once I get the current crop of episodes squared away. • And yes, that Q&A episode is STILL actually happening! Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! Around 35 minutes in - Drive talk begins (and eventually returns to Gaim.) 01:32:55 - The end! Man, that Kamen Rider Drive just can't wait to start, can he? • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 19: Rider War Part 2

Can the classic and modern (and guys that are like 15 years old but we'll still pretend they're sorta modern) Riders put aside their vaguely-defined differences in time to save the world? Will Shu reunite with his mother? Will Super Sentai actually show up? Who will survive, and what will be left of them? It's an overlong, incoherent nonsensical monstrosity... but enough about this episode of Rider Break! Listen in as Heisei Riders vs. Shōwa Riders: Kamen Rider Taisen feat. Super Sentai concludes in the only way it possibly could (or at least one of two ways)... ...and stuff like that. In This Episode:  • Did you listen to Part 1 yet? • You did? Great! Here's Part 2! • The movie "review" concludes with more Riders fightin', an epic final battle, a REALLY epic cross-generational transformation, and an unbelievable ending that is bound to be super unpopular. And of course, I love it. Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp "Dragon Road 2014" by Akira Kushida & Kamen Rider Girls (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp The eyecatch music cue from Kamen Rider X • I'll fully admit, I blanked on a few things during the big explanation scene on the bridge, so I'm not kidding when I say it's very likely better than I make it sound. It still doesn't come across as completely in-character to me personally, but I think it's better than the crazy-go-nuts motivations for heroes in previous films. Ultimately it'll come down to a matter of opinion. Some might find it all a load of hogwash; others may be more okay with it than me. Still others will wonder who the hell still says things like "a load of hogwash". • There are probably tons of mistakes and out-of-order scenes near the end. One I can already recall offhand is that Fourze was just in regular Base States with the Rocket Arm... I think. Guess we'll find out in a few more days! • For even more laughs though, continue that drinking game of how many times: - A sentence ends on "...and stuff like that" - "You know" is used as a bridge between two thoughts - I stop talking about the actual movie plot to talk about something tangentially related, like the history of X-Rider's transformation or my own theory about the rest of the Faiz cast. -A character's reaction is described as being "What the he-" or some variations thereof. -I put off a thought by saying "but I'll get to that..." • And as mentioned, this is Part 2! Make sure you listen to Part 1 first! • And yes, that Q&A episode is still actually happening, just as soon as I finish editing Episode 20... Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers...!? 45:23 - Super Sentai finally appears! 01:37:17 - At long last, it's over! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 18: Rider War Part 1

At long last, Igadevil & Rider Break! return for the gajillionth time to bring you the overdue epic mess of a review for Heisei Riders vs. Shōwa Riders: Kamen Rider Taisen feat. Super Sentai... less than 48 hours before the movie comes out on home video! It's a Rider Break! so big, we had to Rider Break! it in half! Exclamation points! In This Episode:  • Rider Break! returns for the second third fourth hundredth millionth bajillionth gajillionth time, utterly failing to produce any new episodes since October 2013 January 2014! Basically in the last few months I have finished one job, started another, moved, had two severe colds and various other injuries, and done a lot of things which aren't as painful but are time-consuming. Also several other movies have come out, including Gaim's. Real life is brutal kids, never grow up. • I'm back to flying solo this week, but fear not! I hope to have many more guests pop up in the near future! Just as soon as many more episodes start popping up in the near future! • It's the first half of a long, long, long review of the biggest Rider movie in a while, which was the focus of last episode, will be the focus of next episode, and will probably be the focus of a future episode! There are spoilers for everything under the sun (after a point), including this movie, previous movies, multiple Rider series... heck, probably even some things that aren't Kamen Rider! Part 1 of 2. Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp "Dragon Road 2014" by Akira Kushida & Kamen Rider Girls (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp The eyecatch music cue from Kamen Rider • Not much to say other than what's in the show itself. As mentioned, this was recorded some time after seeing the movie (and I saw it quite a few times, after a very long break between the first and second time.) So there are a lot of details that may be incorrect or left out. But before editing, this thing wound up being nearly 4 hours long, and even then has been cut down to about 3 hours and 20 minutes split into two halves, so there still is a LOT of talking about this film. • For laughs though, make a drinking game out of how many times: - A sentence ends on "...and stuff like that" - "You know" is used as a bridge between two thoughts. - I stop talking about the actual movie plot to talk about something tangentially related, like the history of X-Rider's transformation or my own theory about the rest of the Faiz cast. -A character's reaction is described as being "What the he-" or some variations thereof. -I put off a thought by saying "but I'll get to that..." • And as mentioned, this is just Part 1! The rest of the movie, including the infamous ending, will be covered in the next episode (which will go up shortly after this one.) Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! Until 24:22 - Mostly spoiler-free thoughts on the film 24:22 - Spoilers Ahead! 01:40:08 - End of Part 1 • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 17: Triumphant Return

Fujioka & Hayami are back to show the new kids how we do it old-school this spring. Igadevil is back and is so excited, he has no clue how to string together a coherent sentence. Fortunately, he has some help from Down Under. In This Episode:  • Rider Break! returns for the bajillionth time, utterly failing to produce any new episodes since October 2013! There's reasons, but I don't get into those this week. • For the first time ever, the show has a guest host! Craig of the Repacked Podcast joins in to discuss the exciting news about Heisei Rider vs. Showa Rider: Kamen Rider Taisen feat. Super Sentai. Primarily this consists of me talking, and him making the episode actually interesting to listen to. Basically, I just recorded and edited down the kind of chats we have every week. • Various things are touched on, such as the current status of the classic Rider actors, the aging (or lack thereof) of cyborgs, what I like the Kamen Rider name to stand for (most of the time) and the shocking true origin of the Henshin pose! Which I'm sure I've mentioned before somewhere else! Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp "Sega Saturn, Shiro!" by MoJo (yes, that one) • As the conversation was recorded via Skype Recorder, it's a bit more muffled than the usual level of audio quality for the latest episodes (but probably better than earlier Rider Break! episodes.) This was my decision as it was just an experiment and something I thought up on the quick. I might stick with this in the future, or try the "everybody records and I edit later" approach like the pros! We'll see. • This was recorded on Saturday, January 18th, and has now gone on the site a few days later, so it was before the first real trailer hit. I had seen a variation of it in theaters, minus the Rider 1 vs. Gaim bit at the end, and I wasn't sure at the time if Haruto was in the movie or not (he is.) Also, we did indeed record that HJU Radio episode the next day! • The time-displaced Samurai movie I was trying to think of is called Ghost Warrior in the US, and SF Sword Kill in Japan. • As we mention more than a few times, check out the Repacked Podcast. I'm on it sometimes! • My deepest thanks again go to Craig for being a good sport and joining in to keep things flowing. As mentioned, this won't be the last episode to feature a guest or two (or more) though I'm not sure yet of the who's, when's, where's and why's. • That very-long-delayed Q & A episode will finally be next. Like, hopefully before-the-end-of-the-month next After that, the one I originally planned on being about the last two episodes of Wizard will happen at some point, in greatly expanded form. I'll talk a bit about other upcoming and long-overdue episodes in a future post. Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! 04:17 - The actual conversation starts here! 01:14:30-something - I said it would be short! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 16: Not From Concentrate

Rider Break! is back with another "live" first reaction, this time to the first episode of Kamen Rider Gaim! Is it a fresh new direction for the series, or did the months of waiting just amount to a crate of old fruit rotting in a run-down warehouse? Expect no clear answer to this question, plus more! In This Episode:  • Rider Break! returns to its normal schedule of releasing once in a blue moon, but fortunately in October there will be a few more blue moons. This time, I talk over the entirety of Kamen Rider Gaim episode 1 because if there's one thing everybody loves, it's when people talk over the movie. • Spoilers for episode 1 of Kamen Rider Gaim because duh. • And because it's a live first impression commentary recorded at 8 in the morning, expect complete incoherence. You can make a drinking game out of how many times "really" is said in the first 5 minutes alone. Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp • The show's soundtrack came from the episodes via a captured stream, so there's some short pauses in the audio. This isn't a really big deal because my comments are a bit delayed anyway (i.e. I note Gaim is riding a horse like 5 seconds after we see him on the horse) but if you're actually attempting to watch this alongside video, it probably won't align perfectly. Ultimately I think the podcast just works on its own, watched with the original episode still fresh in one's mind, though if it does actually go along with the video at all, I'd be happy to know! Note in advance: I paused for the first two commercial breaks, and didn't say anything really interesting after the belt commercial at the end, hence going right into the wrap-up. • As mentioned, Wizard 52/53 & the long-delayed Q & A episode will be next. This isn't really a note, but it's worth repeating as a reminder to myself! Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! 05:30 - The actual commentary starts around here. 33:30-something - I said it would be short! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 15: Super Hero Telethon

My "live" first reaction to the new footage of Kamen Rider Gaim! And while waiting for that to air, I watched Super Hero Taisen (with commercial interruptions) and pondered the colors of good and evil, the true nature of insanity, and the timeless beauty that dwells within everything. Also: Shôtarô and Gentarô feel each other up. In This Episode:  • Rider Break! is back in less than a month as I woke up for a 6 AM "live" recording of the Kamen Rider Gaim trailer, preceded by Super Hero Taisen, a movie I'm probably much kinder on than most. • Spoilers that I keep forgetting to mention until it's too late, including Super Hero Taisen (admittedly, it would be hard not to spoil it) its sequel (nothing too major, but I do bring it up) numerous other Rider movies (many of which are my favorites!) and Ryuki (spoiler: somebody dies in Ryuki.) • Complete incoherence. Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary" (excerpt) Yup, I'm stretching that far for a joke. "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp • For the third episode in a row, I get sick, though only by the end. It's the rain, man. • Speaking of the rain, you can hear it in the background for most of the podcast. The sound levels on this episode were also a bit wacky since I had turned the whole table so I could face the TV, and the result is that I think the microphone was closer to me than usual. I need to invest in a good stand next! • I mention somewhere in there about the Q & A episode. That's coming up next, and I'll probably get to it today or tomorrow depending on how the vocal chords feel. Thanks for waiting! • Mentioned in this episode (to explain why I keep repeating myself so much): HJU Radio The Fwooshcast Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! 01:28:00 - If you want to skip all the other nonsense and just get right to where the Kamen Rider Gaim trailer comes on, start here. 01:31:31 - Second-longest episode yet!? • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 14: Magic Kingdumb

Don't worry, I liked the movies. That title just made me laugh far, far more than it really should have. Igadevil and Rider Break! return with new hardware, a new remix of the theme song, and a new double feature summer film to review with Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: Gaburincho of Music / Kamen Rider Wizard in Magic Land. So it's sort of like episode 14 of the original Kamen Rider only not as exciting and with less explosions. Plus, one more farewell to the other man who made Kamen Rider. In This Episode:  • Rider Break! "returns" for what I swear will be the last time; from now on it will "get revenge" or "strike back". Also, we (and by we I mean I) talk about some movie. • Lots of spoilers. I mean, lots. Don't say I didn't warn you. • In fact, there may even spoilers in the episode notes! Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp "It's Show Time" from the Kamen Rider Wizard OST (excerpt) Get it on amazon.co.jp • In a bizarre redux of last episode (which was also a long-overdue return with a movie review) I got stuffed up while recording this, and you can hear it in my voice. But you can hear it even better, because in the time since 13 & 14 I've upgraded my microphone from a cheapo special deluxe two-in-one to a Blue Yeti! Go back and listen to 13 and hear the difference! That said, I'm still getting used to it, and will probably be updating the arrangement as time goes by (getting a proper stand, pop guard, and so forth.) But so far, I'm very happy with it, and it's made editing much, much easier. • Although the first few minutes of the review are "spoiler free", I do still touch on a few revelations, so if you want to go in completely unaware about plot details... avert your ears (and eyes) for the next few months. Also, I do talk about parts of a few other Rider films (Project G4, Episode Final, and God Speed Love.) And yes I know I said "ZAI-U-ranger". As this episode reveals, me have double trouble reading English good now. • BIG thanks to the following for submitting questions: Yuican, Bueno RX, Unkamenrx, Frobman, GSavior Sorry if I forgot anybody, and sorry to everyone whose names I horribly mispronounced. If you have further questions about the movie, fire away and I'll do my best to answer! • And BIG apologies to: Eric Henry Fear not, I'll get to all your questions next episode! There's a lot to cover! • Stuff mentioned that I recommend checking outt: HJU Radio The Fwooshcast Low Visibility Garage Hero Productions Frobman on Tumblr The Fwooshcast/Low Visibility/Some Other Guy Crossover Gaim Spectacular Some thoughts on the passing of Toru Hirayama (Well okay that's mine. But I did mention it!) Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! 00:51 - Actual talking begins! 01:31 - Mostly-spoiler free Kyoryuger & Wizard stuff. 19:50 - Spoilers begin for both. 01:03:21 - Movie talk (and spoilers) end, and I finish out by discussion boring real life stuff, Kamen Rider Gaim, and some more thoughts on my favorite Tokusatsu producer of 'em all. 01:18:30 - It's end of the episode. Episode 15 coming... well, in less than 3 months, I can promise that at least. • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 13: Oh SHT, There Goes The Planet

The latest Super Hero Taisen movie has descended upon us. Is it a superheroic cinematic masterpiece, or a crime against humanity? But more importantly, what does Space-Igadevil think? In This Episode:  • Rider Break! "returns" for the gajillionth time with a review of Kamen Rider x Super Sentai x Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z! • Lots of spoilers. I mean, lots. Don't say I didn't warn you. • In fact, there are even spoilers in the episode notes! Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Theme from Star Trek" (Excerpt) by Alexander Courage "Jôchaku ~We are Brothers~" by Hero Music All Stars Z • I'll save the long, boring story of why it's taken forever for this episode to come out/the site to update/etc. for another time. Just enjoy the episode! • During recording of this episode, I actually became afflicted with a sudden snap cold, including sore throat and rather violent cough that delayed recording by a few hours. You can't make this up. If I sound a bit haggard throughout, that's why. • A minor spoiler I didn't mention, but I think is worth bringing up: the Land Style costumes must have all be in the laundry when they filmed this movie. Flame, Water, & Hurricane (plus the accompanying Dragon versions of each) all show up, but not Land. Nor Infinity, but that's understandable. • BIG thanks to the following for submitting questions: Frobman, Tokugami, Pundercracker, kamen-rider-philze, Cassius335, Tanikaze, drawnrobots yuioshi48 Sorry if I forgot anybody, and sorry to everyone whose names I horribly mispronounced. Like I said, if you have further questions about the movie, fire away and I'll do my best to answer! Timestamps: 00:00 - Watch those speakers! 00:01 - I'll admit, this edited intro makes no sense if you think about it for 3 seconds. But it makes me smile. 08:37 - From this point on, serious spoilers begin. 31:50 - If there's ever a fandub of this movie, I want to play Space-Ikadevil, and use this exact voice. 43:05 - If you're going Spoiler-Free but still want a bit more, from here on it's mostly pretty safe. Mostly. 47:19 - It's over! Rider Break! will return sometime in the next month, I hope! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 12: Dodging Questions

A nearly 2-hour-long podcast recorded across two years, featuring one guy talking about speculative alternate universes, bromances, and his own obscure fanfiction. CAN. YOU. SURVIVE? This episode was originally released on 1/1/2013 In This Episode:  • You asked the questions, Igadevil fails to answer! • Lots of spoilers. Expect discussion on the endings of Ryuki (both of them) & Blade, W, OOO, various Rider movies, Stronger, Kikaider-01, Akumaizer-3... it's basically the most new-fan-unfriendly episode ever! Basically, make sure you either watched Ryuki or don't care about spoilers before listening to this. • I also finally talk about the "S" word. And by "early 2013" I mean "summer". Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka "Lonely Kamen Rider" from the Playstation 1 Kamen Rider game. Various sound effects from Kamen Rider: Genealogy of Justice. • This is the longest episode of Rider Break! yet, clocking in at just under 2 hours. I'll probably stick with the under-an-hour format most of the time, and only go this long if it's a special occasion or there's just that much to talk about. And I did have plenty to talk about this time! • This episode took ages to put together, but was a load of fun to do. Obviously being busy around New Year's meant that half of it was technically recorded in 2013 (when most of you will be listening to it) though I still pretend it's 2012... at least, until I start saying stuff like "later this year". You know what I mean. I'm considering it the last 2012 episode of Rider Break! and the next episode episode after the next one will debut a few... changes. Maybe. One of them will be, eventually, a new microphone! • Other stuff mentioned in this episode: The art of Frobman Pez's Sweet Nothings Rising Sun Tokucast HJU Radio (not really, but it may as well have been) • BIG thanks to the following for submitting questions: frobman, whotookwittyurlihateyou, yuioshi48, rising7, godzilla606, bookishdelight, terthna, akuulgai, cap-matches-color, Imani Marks, Liam Morgan, Wesley Rea, Waleed Al-Haddad,KamenRiderPEZ, LarzArz, InuiTakumi23, jahijohnson, Irregularcog, KRSRSimsLifeAKB, MatiRosero, TokuDeka, & Indra Giri. Sorry if I forgot anybody, and sorry to everyone whose names I horribly mispronounced. I know how you feel. Listen to the first HJU Radio I was on! Timestamps: 00:00 - Speakers blown! 02:09 - Questions from tumblr 45:27 - Questions from Facebook 01:08:18 - Questions from twitter 01: 51: 13 - The last question, and I tried to keep it brief. Believe me, I can go on about that at great length. 01:56:24 - It's over! Rider Break! will return. • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 11: Shabadoobie Christmas

It's a kind of magic. This episode was originally released on 12/25/2012 In This Episode:  • At long last, I talk about Kamen Rider Wizard. The first 16 episodes, the entire 2012 run of the show, the whole shebang. Wizard, Wizard and nearly nothing but Wizard. • And that's it! Yes, this is a "Christmas" episode in the way Ryuki's was: Santa's in there somewhere. • Obviously, spoilers for every episode of Wizard so far, plus minor ones for Faiz, Kiva and the Blade movie (minor as in, if you've never heard of those shows, they could be considered spoilers.) Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: Samples from "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" by the great Andy Williams "Life is SHOW TIME" by Kiryūin Shō from Golden Bomber • The HJU Radio episode I keep referring to can be found here. Also, that's where you can get my thoughts on the last two episodes of Fourze, which I never got around to on RB! proper, but I'll probably revisit some day. Short version: I like 'em a lot. Timestamps: Because I'm lazy it's Christmas and I need to spend time with loved ones, I'll just give it to you straight: this episode runs just over an hour and is entirely about Wizard. There's a big chunk where I go through the story arcs individually a couple minutes in, but it's otherwise mostly free-flowing. Thanks for listening, and have a very merry holiday season! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 10: Ultimatum Online

Igadevil returns, battling a cold to review Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Wizard & Fourze Movie War Ultimatum. Or as I like to call it, Movie War Ishinomori. Warning! It's Spoiler Time! This episode was originally released on 12/08/2012 In This Episode:  • Oh hey, look, an episode actually about Kamen Rider! • Well aside from all the time spent dwelling on Inazuman, Poitrine and Akumaizer-3. • But you would too, believe me. Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka "Fight! Inazuman" (Unused version) by Masato Shimon (hey, where else are you gonna hear this?) • I was sick while recording this and I'm still sick after recording it. I hope it was worth it! • Here's the movie synopsis at Henshin Justice Unlimited. That should have most everything I failed to mention. Also to correct myself: it's actually gleaned from several Japanese fans, and was compiled and translated by DecaEnd. Timestamps:  00:00 - It begins. 07:45 - If I haven't been spoiling enough before this, this is the point where I go whole-hog into Spoilers! 45:24 - Fake-out ending! 46:00 - By this point the cold medicine was kicking in and I was really losing it. "The thread" Wha? 46:12 - Of course! 49:32 - It ends. • As always, let me know what topics you'd like to hear in future episodes, and I'll put them on the roster! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 009: THE RE:VIEW

Joe and the gang are back for the brand-new movie 009 RE:CYBORG. Can they come together to save the world once more from the vaguely-defined threat of misleading MIBS, an enigmatic "voice", and allegiance-confused cybernetic stormtroopers? Or do they even need to? Warning! Spoilers ahead if anyone actually cares! This episode was originally released on 10/28/2012 In This Episode:  • A "review" of 009 RE:CYBORG • As opposed to, you know, Kamen Rider. • Seriously, next episode better have a lot of Kamen Rider in it! Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Cyborg 009" (Excerpt) by Tokyo Meistersinger "genesis of next" (TV Size) by globe • Not much to say here, other than that yes, next episode will be all Rider, all the time, as will 99.9% of all future episodes. The next movie review, in a little over a month, will be a Kamen Rider movie no less! Huzzah! • Yes, I know that there's a tie-in comic that's also just come out, I should probably check it out. If you're interested in reading the original Cyborg 009 comic, not to mention other great Ishinomori comics, make sure you check this out! Timestamps:  00:00 - One more time: Make sure your volume isn't up too high! 00:34 - Actual talking starts. 07:00 - From this point onward, spoilers are present. 43:47 - You don't know how long I've waited for a chance to do this. 46:54 - My favorite line from the episode (it is a huge spoiler though.) 56:21 - Conclusion (God's War) • As always, let me know what topics you'd like to hear in future episodes, and I'll put them on the roster! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 08: There's A New Sheriff In Town

Rider Break! returns (again) as Igadevil checks out the new Space Sheriff Gavan movie. But only because Date is in it, I swear. Warning! There be spoilers ahead. This episode was originally released on 10/21/2012 In This Episode:  • It's a review of Space Sheriff Gavan: THE MOVIE by someone who confesses to be little more than a "casual fan" of the source material. What do you think is going to happen? • I do my best to tell you what I think of the new Gavan movie for about half an hour, then basically give up because I run out of ways to say "I liked it" and "this was cool". • Rider Break! completely fails this week because it's about a show that isn't Kamen Rider. Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: A bunch of stuff that isn't Kamen Rider. Buy the soundtrack! • This is the first episode of Rider Break! in over a month, though it won't be the last. It also won't be the last time I talk about a just-released movie, though I promise next week will be slightly more interesting in that it's about a franchise I have stronger feelings about. As promised, following that (episode 10, finally) will be back to the standard topics of Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider and more Kamen Rider. • I joke, but I did try to squeeze in as many Kamen Rider references as I could despite talking about something outside my usual comfort zone. • After recording this, I went online to see what others were saying about the movie on Japanese sites. Sure enough, it's getting one helluva a mixed reaction! That's what I mean about "wondering what the hardcore Metal Hero fans will think". I still enjoyed it, but at the end of the day I'll freely admit I'm not the target audience on this one (and even less so than usual.) Timestamps:  00:00 - Speaker-blowing, eardrum-destroying fun commences! 01:24 - Actual talking starts 39:35 - "As always"? What was I thinking? 40:06 - Shortest. Episode. Ever! • As always, let me know what topics you'd like to hear in future episodes, and I'll put them on the roster! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 07: It's Far From Being All Over

With time running out and destiny drawing near, Rider Break! ventures into controversial territory with an examination of the last two episodes of Kamen Rider Decade. Three years on, is it still the destroyer of fans, or a misunderstood masterpiece? Also, how many Rider finales can get spoiled while just trying to cover one!? This episode was originally released on 8/20/2012 In This Episode:  • Rider Break! returns one more time before another extended leave of absence! • Some brief thoughts on Kamen Rider Fourze episodes 43~46! • I once again plug Rising Sun Tokusatsu and fail to provide answers to their questions. • A frank, honest and open (re: boring) reflection on the Kamen Rider Decade TV finale in both its original and edited incarnations, including complaints about Movie WAR 2010 and a big SPOILER WARNING! as a bunch of other series finales or penultimate episodes are covered (the original, V3, X, Super-1, Kuuga, Agito, Blade, Ryuki, W, OOO, and of course, Decade.) Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka "Journey through the Decade" by GACKT "Battle World" (BGM excerpt) • This is it folks... the final episode of Rider Break! ...in America, anyway. The next episode will be recorded in the land of the rising sun itself! No clue when that'll be, or when you'll hear it, but hopefully, before the end of the year/world/whatever. • I mention that this will probably be a shorter episode... that turned out to be false! It clocks in at just over an hour & thirteen minutes. • An extra-big thanks to Lynxara of Low Visibility and HJU fame for inspiring a large chunk of this episode. • Other podcasts/sites mentioned this episode include: HJU Radio Low Visibility Rising Sun Tokusatsu • Here's the article about the Decade finale I mention. Check it out, it's a great read. • Many thanks to all who responded and shared their thoughts on Decade 30~31. Hopefully you guys didn't mind me reading some of them to pad out the episode (which I swear I thought would end up being like 27 minutes long.) Also thanks to all who sent well wishes and congratulations for my upcoming move! • For some reason the old layout I've been using up until now stopped working back in early July, and if I try to post any links after the embedded mp3 player, everything turns into a jumbled mess. If anybody knows what the deal with that is, let me know. Until then, I'll just stick the embedded player and episode links after the show notes and timestamps from now on to save myself some headaches. Timestamps:  00:00 - Watch that volume! 02:06 - Fourze talk 17:33 - Break time already!? Also, use of "cliffhanger" twice in the same sentence (I did record this at like 3 AM.) 19:04 - Decade episodes 30 & 31 are talked about (sort of) in a nearly hour-long rant that touches upon multiple Rider series finales (all of which I inevitably end up liking no matter how much I try to view them objectively) as well as the nature of a multi-part series ending. The description of how Agito's final battle tells a big story on a small scale is my favorite moment of the episode (36:12) and possibly the show's history so far. 1:13:20 - If you listened to all that, you are a true hero. • As always, let me know what topics you'd like to hear in future episodes, and I'll put them on the roster! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


Rider Break! Episode 06: The Devil's In The Details

A tribute to igadevil.com's kinda-sorta namesake, plus the first-ever Rider Break! contest! Which is now long over! This episode was originally released on 7/14/2012 In This Episode:  • Rider Break!'s shortest episode yet (next one'll be longer, I just wanted to try something different.) • Kamen Rider Wizard gets some new toys! • Some brief thoughts on Kamen Rider Fourze episodes 41 & 42! • The Top 6 Reasons Ikadevil is My Favorite Rider Kaijin Of All Time. • Plus an exciting announcement you must sit through the episode to hear (though if you're listening to this any time after 2012, it no longer applies.) Episodes Notes: • Music used includes: "Let's Go!! Rider Kick 2006" by Hiroshi Fujioka "Shocker Pursuit" (BGM) "Shocker of the Devil" (BGM) "Fight! Cyclone" by Masato Shimon • This was the shortest gap between two episodes ever! While there likely won't be another one until the end of the month/early August, hopefully this is the start of more regular episodes of this little podcast. •  Recording this episode was almost as difficult as the filming for the Rider episode I spend the majority of it talking about. My voice was starting to go early on, and I recorded this while juggling a billion other things (including Ishinomori Week) so it's all a bit, as I say in the episode, haphazard. I had to record it in chunks at different times, hence some slight changes in volume & sound quality. I also notice I slur a couple words together ("astronaut and all that" and "good on you" is what I was saying.) Despite all that, this was one of my favorite episodes to do. • Wizard pictures described in the episode can be found here and here. • Sound clips in this episode come from Kamen Rider episodes 68 & 93, as well as All Riders vs. Daishocker. • For a comparison of Girizames & Ikadevil: Notice the "cowl" motif I mention, plus the golden belt buckles (and, now that I think about it, the silvery belts, the aquatic theme, even the asymmetric left hand. I forgot to mention that even poor Girizames was a victim of the behind-the-scenes shenanigans, with the trailer for episode 67 using the earlier scenario name of "Nokogirizames". • Hopefully the contest rules are clear enough and this won't turn out to be a total disaster! I think it's simple enough: retweet or favorite the message for this episode post. That's it! I'll worry about the rest. • I mention no other sites, podcasts or people on this episode. Give them all a visit anyway! Timestamps:  00:00 - Speakers blown! 01:06 - Some thoughts on the new Wizard toys. 05:03 - Kamen Rider Fourze talk! 17:33 - (Premature) Break time! 19:13 - Igadevil talks about Ikadevil for a long, long, long time. 44:06 - Rules for the first ever Rider Break! Contest/Giveaway! 47:47 - The End • As always, let me know what topics you'd like to hear in future episodes, and I'll put them on the roster! • Thanks for listening! Get The Episode Download here Rider Break! on iTunes Or listen here:


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