Ignite Inspired Wellness With Kelly

The Whole Woman, Made Whole! This show's mission is to create awareness of the connection between spiritual and physical health, and to inspire a community to be led into wholeness in all area by the Spirit of God.

Still Small Voice (Epi 25)

Are you having so much anxiety that it is making it difficult to keep focused? Join the podcast host as the issue of hearing during times of confusion is discussed from both the personal perspective of the host and Biblical perspective is studied. It is more important than ever to remain in a place of clarity so that vital instructions for life, health, business, and leadership can be understood.


From Revelation Implementation Manifestation (Epi 24)

Often when we are waiting on the promise, we forget that we have a part to play in things coming to pass in our lives. In this podcast, the host describes the vital step that most miss in the journey from the revealed promise to the tangible manifestation of what was revealed. Fresh spiritual perspective on this issue will be gleaned as we allow the process to unfold!


The Importance of Integrity (Epi 23)

In today's cultural climate, it seems as though the values of honesty and integrity are a thing of the past. Join the host as the importance of operating in personal and professional integrity is discussed. Using scripture and personal experience, the host explores the subject of remaining true to oneself so that the blessing of the Lord can be manifested in business leaders, career professionals, and ministers' lives.


Don't Emulate Innovate (Epi 22)

This podcast explores the societal and spiritual forces that attempt to form a person and how spirit-led leaders are to recognize them. Using scriptural references, the host discusses the importance of embracing God-given individuality.


Not a Resolution But A Revelation (Epi 21)

Kick-off the new year with this eye-opening discussion about the difference between making resolutions, and receiving revelation from the Lord about your goals and focus for 2020. Using Habakkuk Chapter 2, the host gives a framework for manifesting, and conventional wisdom on seeking our a game plan for this year.


The Power of No (Epi 20)

This week we explore one of the simplest and yet most difficult parts of establishing boundaries: saying no.


Passionate vs Panic: Balancing Your Perspective (Epi 19)

Everyone has responsibilities, and one of the biggest of those responsibilities is often earning a living. In this podcast, maintaining work/life balance from a Biblical perspective is discussed. Focusing on your passion with faith allows you to go forth without burning yourself out.


Getting Your Game Plan for 2020 (Epi 18)

As this year draws to a close, thoughts turn to plan for the next year. In this week's podcast, the host gives some insight into evaluating the previous year, as well as seeking guidance from the Lord about the year to come. A failure to plan is a plan to fail, and these nuggets will help set the course for a successful 2020.


Own Your Own Grief (Epi 17)

Grief is an inevitability in this life. Join the host as she speaks about the recent loss of her mother, the loss of her first husband, and the unique experience of grief. Although there are recognized stages of grief, there is no one "right" way to experience loss. In this segment, the individuality of the grief process is explored, as well as scriptural references to help understand and navigate this difficult, but common experience.


Dealing With Emotional Manipulation (Epi 16)

This week's podcast deals with effectively handling emotional manipulation no matter where it rears its head. In business, in relationships, etc. others often try to gain an advantage over us by using our emotional attachment to them. This discussion involves ways to identify emotional manipulation, and also scriptural references about being led by anything other than the Spirit of God.


Discovering and Taking Your Territory (Epi 15)

This week we explore how to discover your own unique territory. We are tasked with both spiritual and natural territory in which to fulfill our callings. Learning how to recognize, explore, and operate within these territories is important to our own sense of satisfaction with our lives. Enjoy this practical, scripture-based advice on how to define your areas of influence, and succeed in them.


Use What You Have: Stop Complaining and Find Solutions (Epi 14)

The podcast this week deals with something everyone does: complain. Although it is a common practice, it isn't conducive to your wellness journey. Putting energy to better use, and how to begin finding real solutions is the focus of this teaching. The host shares her personal testimony about dealing with dissatisfaction, keeping focused and changing perspective.


Face It Head On: Dealing With Conflict Effectively (Epi 13)

No one likes conflict, but it is a part of the human experience. Wellness at its root is being able to live in a state of peace. How do we reconcile maintaining our peace of mind while dealing with conflict? In this episode methods of reducing conflict, as well as how to speak the truth in love are discussed. Scriptural precedents for dealing with conflict are used a basis for the teaching.


Feast or Famine: Maintaining Wellness in Turbulent Times (Epi 12)

In this episode, small tips that lead to big results are given on how not to let "life happening" derail your wellness journey. Is it possible to maintain self-care when all hell is breaking loose? Listen in to hear the host's personal experiences and keys for doing just that. Scriptural basis is also discussed to help find encouragement on the journey.


Toxic Relationships (Epi 11)

In this episode, the issue of toxic relationships and their affects on wellness are discussed. From defining what makes a relationship toxic, to what the Word of God has to say on this subject, this podcast gives insight and guidance. Also the host discusses a personal experience with a toxic relationship to better illustrate the subject.


Self Caring While Caregiving (Epi 10)

Millions of people in this country are caring for others, be it for children, spouses, or parents. The vast majority of these caregivers are women. This can create a unique and stressful situation. What are the signs that caregiving is wearing you out? This podcast discusses the signs of caregiver stress and burnout. Methods to alleviate some of the stain associated with caregiving are discussed, as well as scriptural encouragement for the caregiver.


Social Media Affects on Mental and Spiritual Health (Epi 9)

Social media has become one of the biggest influencers on our society. Unfortunately much of that influence isn't positive. In the podcast, the negative impact that social media can have on mental health is discussed, with some of the factor including depression and anxiety. Then vanity, a major component of narcissistic social media culture is explored through the prism of scriptures in the books of Ecclesiastes, Psalms, and Romans.


Breaking Down To Build Up (Epi 8)

This weeks podcast explores the science behind something everyone is trying to do this time of year: get fit. The science behind how weight training builds muscles is discussed, as well as the benefits of building muscle for women. Then the concept of building spiritual "muscle" is discussed with the foundational scriptures of James 1:3, Hebrews 12:11, and Hebrews 5:8. Listen in to hear how these two issues correlate.


The Myth of the Strong Black Women (Epi 7)

In this podcast, the myth of the "strong black woman" is discussed in relation to its effect on the mental health of black women. How has this trope defined black women, and how has it negatively impacted them? The host details her own experiences with the unrealistic expectations of this issue, and what the Word of God has to say about the underlying issue of being "independent".


What Are You Craving Edited (Epi 6)

Episode 7 deals with the nutritional and behavioral issues that can manifest as cravings. The two cravings discussed as sugar and salt as they are the most common, and the most difficult to overcome. Transitioning to the spiritual, Proverbs 27:7 forms the foundation for the rest of the podcast as emotional cravings are discussed with Psalms 16:11 giving insight on how to remain focused on finding satisfaction in relationship with the Lord Jesus.


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