Igniting Hope Ministries

Equipping individuals with hope, joy, and divine strategies for success.

I'm Supposed to be Here

One of our most powerful beliefs is to believe we are supposed to be where we are. In this podcast, Steve Backlund gives you a powerful tool for inner victory and increased influence. 


Having Done All I Know to Do, I Stand

Join Steve Backlund for this insightful message on Ephesians 6 that will help you stand in faith during challenging times.


I Choose It Again

Steve Backlund explores the power of attaching faith to our commitments, responsibilities, and callings. This message gives a great key for increased personal victory and greater positive influence.


Soul Prosperity

Our response to something is almost always more important than the something. Our response will either cause us to go higher or take another lap in the wilderness. Join Steve Backlund in this podcast as he shares about one of the most incredible verses in the Bible. 


"I Get To" Vs "I Have To" Revisited

Steve Backlund shares again this powerful message that was released in 2021. He explains how the words we use reflect our beliefs and how we can use our words to change our beliefs and, thus, our lives. This fun and powerful message is a demolished to mediocrity, passivity, and lifestyles of obeying out of duty and obligation rather than faith. 


Count It All Joy

James 1:2 is an extraordinary scripture verse. It says "Count it all joy when you fall into various trials." In this podcast, Steve Backlund gives profound insights into why we can do this. 


Prophetically Praying Through the Bible

In this podcast, Steve Backlund mentors listeners in how they can use the testimonies in the Bible to prophetically release life over themselves, others, and their nation. This teaching will also give insights into how you can take our teaching and preaching ministry to the next level. 


5 Ways to Radically Grow

This message will give you great wisdom and inspiration to grow personally and in your influence.


Victorious Emotions

Steve Backlund interviews his wife Wendy about best selling book, Victorious Emotions. You will be inspired and equipped with truths and habits to grow in emotional victory.


Shot Out of a Cannon

Steve Backlund shares about a dog he had many years ago named Snoopy. When he heard the sound of his leash moving, it was like he was shot out of a cannon and came running to where the leash was. Because of this, he frequently pulled future walks into his present experience. In this message, you will be inspired to become just as excited as Snoopy to hear what God is really saying to you. 


You Are a Modern Day Andrew

Andrew brought his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus (John 1:40-42). He is one of a number of biblical characters who were instrumental in connecting key people with the people or resources that would change their lives and change history. In this faith-filled, prophetic message, you will receive grace to strategically influence people like never before.


7 Reasons to be Encouraged Right Now

One of the most important skills and habits to develop is the ability to encourage ourselves so we can fulfill our purpose and be a greater strength to others. In this message, Steve Backlund gives you seven reasons that will stir you today to be encouraged.


Hearing God's Voice

In this powerful podcast, Steve Backlund interviews Dr. Andy and Jenny Fitzgerald on hearing God's voice. This message is simple, profound, empowering, and gives hope in great ways.


Blowing the Lid Off of Your Mind Renewal

This powerful message gives powerful insights into what mind renewal is and how to do it effectively. It also will release grace over you to be more intentional in your thinking so you can see life-launching transformation in your emotions and life. 


Worry With God

Negative worry is imagining your future if God does not show up. Positive worry is imagining your future if God fully shows up. In this fun and inspirational podcast, Steve Backlund will help open you up to a new way of thinking. 


Perfectionism Hinders Joy and Healthy Relationships

Psychology Today describes perfectionism as “a trait that makes life an endless report card on accomplishments or looks. A fast and enduring track to unhappiness, it is often accompanied by depression and eating disorders. What makes perfectionism so toxic is that while those in its grip desire success, they are most focused on avoiding failure, so theirs is a negative orientation This podcast will help you identify perfectionism in your own life and help you overcome it. 


5 Life-Launching Truths

Steve Backlund shares five more of his favorite quotes. He releases some zingers about hope, efficiency vs. effectiveness, healthy relationships, how to have more energy, and intentionality.


Six of My Greatest Quotes

Join Steve Backlund as he unpacks some of his favorite, power-packed one-liners. This will be a "now word" podcast for many who listen. 


Taking the High Road

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:18). Taking the high road means maintaining integrity and honor even when others don’t. This message will help you live a fulfilled life and be trusted by other people.


Is Joy Really 1/3 of the Kingdom?

"For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17). In this podcast, Steve Backlund shares why he embraces the belief joy is 1/3 of the kingdom. This message will stir up your gladness, challenge you in good ways, and will give you practical ways to increase your joy. 


Melissa Franklin

Wow. How do I even begin to express how valuable this podcast is?! Listening to Steve and Wendy Backlund always ignites fiery hope within us. Everyone in our family loves to engage with this ministry. Our kids have benefited greatly from having good beliefs from the very beginning. How incredible to be a part of a whole culture shifting! We love you and your team Steve and Wendy! Favor and blessings upon you, o shining ones!! 🔥🔥🔥

04-23 Reply

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