Impact Leap

Impact Leap
Author: Son Nguyen
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© Son Nguyen
Disruptive Business for a Thriving Earth! The Revolution has started!
We live in a remarkable time in our evolution. The old paradigm of separation has brought humanity to the brink of global disaster. By fixating excessively on profit, business has been at the heart of the problem. But a new era of Conscious and Disruptive Business is emerging.
Business is poised to radically transform.
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We live in a remarkable time in our evolution. The old paradigm of separation has brought humanity to the brink of global disaster. By fixating excessively on profit, business has been at the heart of the problem. But a new era of Conscious and Disruptive Business is emerging.
Business is poised to radically transform.
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93 Episodes
In this meditation we invoke a sphere of multidimensional crystalline blue light to take you through the Christ grid to your Over-Soul Temple of light. Here, being held by the loving and powerful energy of your Over-Soul, we begin to reverse the toxic patterning and imprinting created within the 3D Matrix. Specifically, we focus on three patterns: firstly seperation and feeling unloved and abandoned, secondly fear and terror and thirdly unworthiness and undeserving. All these patterns and imprints are dismantled within a powerful cleansing energy from your Over-Soul or I Am Presence.
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Oracle Sound Healing: Healing Imbalances in our Self Worth, Self Value, and restoring our original Divine Sense of Self, balancing our giving and receiving of Love and cultivating our Love Affair with the Universe. Our sense of our own self worth ties directly into how we orchestrate, create and experience our entire reality, because everything we manifest will reflect the frequency of our feelings towards our self. This then becomes the foundation of our whole reality, as we create our experiences based on what we belief we deserve, is capable of acquiring, we like, and who we belief we are.
As we begin to awaken, we realize that we are Perfect Sovereign Divine Beings, rightly deserving Life as Life flows equally through all of Nature. As Humanity became degraded and enslaved my interdimensional forces, our sense of divinity and worthiness within our self had to be taken away. The truth of our Divine Love means we would never fall for fear tactics of the controllers. Only through this deceptive false belief that we are inherently lacking, would we seek fulfillment and validation from the external reality.
This act then gives our power away to the hidden controllers, over the centuries continually degrading our Divine True Sense of Self. In this quantum healing journey, we explore the different fragments and distorted geometries in our energy bodies which carry the worthiness wounding, and allow divine grace to heal and restore these geometries back into divine coherence.
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At this moment there is the energy of war that has been on the planet for many thousands of years. This has created much destruction and bloodshed. We are at a crucial point in our history where war and violence is at its peak. This meditation seeks to neutralise the energies behind conflict, violence and war and replace those with the foundation of peace that can be built upon by higher energies further down the national future timeline.
For the purpose of this meditation choose ONLY ONE country that is involved in conflict or war. You may wish to choose a country within the Middle East which is a major area for war at the moment. Countries involved in war include: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel/Palestine, Syria and Yemen. You may wish to choose a country at war or involved in violence elsewhere in the world or alternatively you may wish to choose a country promoting war. This might be a country you are living in now that is experiencing conflict or exporting arms or military personnel to another country.
PLEASE NOTE, that your choice will most likely be influenced by a karmic connection you have to that country. This means you will have a pull to a particular country. This karmic connection allows your intervention for peace to be all the more powerful. You may wish to repeat this meditation with that country or another as many times as you feel necessary.
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$ ☸ Money Mantra for the whole new year!
$ ☸ Lakshmi mantra of Wealth ☸ $
$ ☸ Om Lakshmi Vigan Shri Kamala Dharigan Svaha ☸ $
$ ☸ Most Powerful Laxmi Mantra for Money & Business ☸ $$$ Business & Money Cycle ☸
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Welcome to this guided self hypnosis experience for helping you to find your life's purpose. This hypnotic experience creates a safe and self-guided visualization to discover your most authentic answers - all coming directly from your own higher self.
Simply listen along to the gently relaxing suggestions as you allow your subconscious mind to create powerful associations and meaningful insights into what is most important to your deepest being.
Discover your passion, your true path and your greatest enthusiasm for living your most satisfying life!
This self hypnosis experience may be repeated as often as you choose to reinforce your positive intentions and your own personal answers and inspirations.
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Greetings, we are the Council of 144, as a collective we represent every member of the Universe of the Creator. We exist at the cosmic level and yet are often recognised as the Council of 12 (the 12 core energies that are first expressed from the Creator, of which each of you pass through and are an expression of.) As the Council of 144, our purpose is to maintain the energy, frequency and vibration of creation as born from the Creator. The frequency we emanate as the 144 synthesises into many dimensions and even civilisations upon the Earth. During major ascension shifts the 144 frequency is present to support the necessary manifestations.................
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Our Definition of Creation: An energy at the core of the Creator which entwines into and through all that is the Creator, supporting the expression and manifestation of the Creator in numerous forms.....
Steps for Connecting with the Globe of Creation
Call upon the 144 Frequency of the Cosmic Level to download into your being with the purpose of cleansing and purifying all of your energetic systems.
In your own words ask the 144 Frequency to prepare your entire being for an ascension shift, awakening and blossoming.
Ask the 144 Frequency to download their energy of Creation from the Cosmic Level into your being.
‘With the support of my guides and the 144 frequency of the Cosmic Level I wish to connect from the purest essence of my being with the Globe of Creation, an energetic source gifted by the 144 Frequency to the Universe of the Creator. If it is divinely appropriate and guided by my soul, I wish to download the necessary energy from the Globe of Creation into my being to support the perfection and awakening of my creation skills and co-creation with the Creator. May I now receive all that is appropriate and guided. Thank you.’
Allow yourself to receive and experience for as long as is necessary.
Ask within your being how many more times you need to connect with the energetic Globe of Creation in order for the process to be complete within you.
Call for the 144 Frequency to perfect any ascension shifts that may have taken place, to ground any downloads and to synthesis the energies you have experienced with your physical being and reality. (Give yourself time to return fully into awareness and your reality.)
We, the 144 Frequency give this gift of an activation with the Globe of Creation in trust and respect of your truth.
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Continuation of a channeling from the Soul Group Collective Ascension Upgrade for the Earth Workshop by Archangel Michael.
You may wish to use this method:
Recognise the presence of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity. Which one is present? Where is it present? What is it creating? (It doesn’t matter if you are unable to answer these questions, the simple recognition of the presence of one or more of these energies is enough.)
‘I am ready, willing and open to release and transform the energies that do not serve me/in this relationship/the world in embodying the Creator.’
Allow yourself to be guided to one or more of the energy vibrations, I, Archangel Michael wish to share with you. Each energy vibration is a tool and technique, an energy frequency you can call upon to be anchored and activated. It will create a healing, release and transformation. There is no need to state the transformation or result you wish to create. Liberation from chaos, confusion, conflict, and negativity is the outcome we seek and amplification of light.
Once you have chosen the appropriate energy frequency I provided; it is important to invoke it into embodiment. ‘Archangel Michael, I call upon your presence and divine energies to draw close to me. I wish to now activate and anchor Archangel Michael’s ……. (state which frequency) to create liberation, transformation and magnificent light in……. (describe the situation, whether it is within you, with others or in the world.) Thank you.’
Remain in meditation as you receive the energies, I, Archangel Michael may guide or inspire you as to what needs to be achieved or how the energies are working. Enjoy and trust this process.
You can achieve this practice as many times as you feel guided to and each time you recognise the presence of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity.
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Assisting with Energy Shifts and balancing energy within your being.
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Soul Mates, Connecting with and Manifesting Your Soul Mate.
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Initation for Ascension in Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt, focused upon Oneness. Some background noise.
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