Imperfect Heart

Imperfect Heart is a podcast designed for, hosted by and recorded with those affected by or involved with the care and support for those with the birth defect of a Myocardial Bridge. Interviews with healthcare professionals, support professionals and those navigating their way through the often challenging process of diagnosis and treatment are the focus of the content. It’s their stories that are meant to inform, educate and even entertain in an effort to insure hope for the listener that what they are experiencing is real, that they are not alone and that there is hope for relief from the varied symptoms of a Myocardial Bridge. <br /> <br /> The host, Jeff Holden, has his own story to tell from symptom to diagnosis to treatment thus giving him insight and empathy as well as experience in the process of advocating for the patient. The program also seeks to make the healthcare industry more aware of the real symptoms of Myocardial Bridges with an aim to eliminate the gaslighting that is so prevalent around this defect and directly address the reality that Myocardial Bridges may be responsible for many more deaths from sudden cardiac arrest than previously thought. Early diagnosis and treatment could not only improve but may actually save lives when properly applied. More information can be found on the podcast website,

Episode 30: You Have a Myocardial Bridge. Could You Die? Stanford’s Dr. Ingela Schnittger Explains.

Can a legal case become a catalyst for groundbreaking medical research? In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Ingela Schnittger, a trailblazer in the field of cardiology, as she recounts how a tragic courtroom moment ignited her passion and led her to a pivotal collaborative effort at Stanford. Dr. Schnittger explains the complexities of myocardial bridges and the vital role a multidisciplinary team plays in accurately diagnosing and treating this often-misunderstood condition. You'll gain insights into the significance of combining expertise from cardiologists, radiologists, and surgeons to tackle the intricacies of this cardiac anomaly. We'll touch on the latest technology in myocardial bridge treatment and the meticulous surgical interventions pioneered at Stanford. Dr. Schnittger shares the precision required in preoperative evaluations and the importance of thorough diagnosis to ensure successful surgical outcomes. We delve into the potential widespread prevalence of myocardial bridges and their significant impact on cardiac events, emphasizing the need for expert care and comprehensive preoperative mapping for proper diagnosis. Dr. Schnittger's discussion underscores the critical role of experience and dedication within the surgical team at Stanford, highlighting their exceptional track record over the past 10+ years. We'll close with the patient-centric process of cardiac rehabilitation and recovery, crucial for post-surgery. Dr. Schnittger offers valuable guidance on structured rehab programs, medication management, and the importance of a gradual return to normal activities. We also touch on the importance of family medical history in diagnosing and managing heart conditions. Concluding with a heartfelt exchange of gratitude and appreciation, this episode underscores the profound impact of Dr. Schnittger's work on countless lives. If you've just been diagnosed, or believe you need to get properly diagnosed to identify or eliminate the possibility of a myocardial bridge, this conversation will give you everything you need to take the next steps with your cardiologist. If you know of someone suffering from undiagnosed chest pain, angina or heart attack like symptoms, please share this episode with them. If you have a doctor or worse yet, cardiologist that is uncertain of the impact of a myocardial bridge, or possibly doesn't accept them as symptomatic at all, be certain to share this episode with them. Share all the episodes with them.  As always, stay positive and grateful. There's hope for what it is you're going through. For more information, visit Chapter Summaries (00:00) Understanding Myocardial Bridges and Treatment Dr. Schnittger discusses his journey into myocardial bridges, the importance of a multidisciplinary team, and advancements in surgical intervention. (18:42) Advancements in Myocardial Bridge Treatment Myocardial bridge treatment at Stanford involves precise preoperative evaluations and a dedicated surgical team with a successful track record. (34:32) Myocardial Bridge Diagnosis and Treatment Stepwise approach to treating myocardial bridges with medications, surgery if needed, and advancements in non-invasive diagnostic tools. (50:21) Cardiac Rehab and Recovery Guidance Cardiac rehab for endothelial dysfunction and myocardial bridges, importance of structured programs and gradual recovery, managing professional stress, and proactive family medical history. (57:25) Gratitude for Benefactor and Speaker Host expresses gratitude for Dr. Schnittger's positive impact, while Dr. Schnittger regrets not meeting in Stanford but is happy to see the host thriving.


Episode 29: You’re Having Symptoms of a Heart Issue. The Story of Myocardial Bridges You Should Know.

In this episode, I attempt to reveal some lesser known truths of myocardial bridges as I unravel the complexity of heart-related symptoms that often go misdiagnosed. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the disparity between the prevalence of this condition and the surprisingly low number of patients who receive accurate diagnoses. Did you know one-in-four of us is likely to have a myocardial bridge? How many people may actually be dying as a result of an undiagnosed bridge? Amidst the statistics that paint heart disease as the leading cause of death, I'll shed some light on the silent battles many face with undiagnosed chest pain, shortness of breath, and the emotional toll of not knowing. This episode is meant to outline and guide those affected or suffering from chest pain or shortness of breath or chronic fatigue towards recognizing the proper signs and advocating for themselves in a healthcare landscape that can sometimes overlook such crucial ailments. With options ranging from traditional sternotomy to state-of-the-art robotic surgery for "unroofing" a myocardial bridge, guests have shared their personal anecdotes of navigating these decisions and the life-changing moments post-surgery. With myself included, we're all testament to the fact that the surgery does benefit us and it needs to be more accessible for those in need. Let the "cycle to diagnosis" support you in your journey giving you a list of action items that should lead you to your resolution of the condition or at the very least a proper diagnosis of your condition. I have no doubt proper diagnosis of a myocardial bridge saves lives through the ripple effect of heightened recognition and medical progress.


Episode 28: Kathy Hoseth’s Rebellion Against Symptom Dismissal Erased 50 Years of Doubt.

Join me as I sit down with Kathy Hoseth, a remarkable woman with a compelling story of heart health struggles and self-advocacy. From her early childhood days experiencing unexplained chest pains to the complex journey of navigating the healthcare system as an adult, Kathy's narrative is a testament to resilience. She candidly shares the dismissive attitudes of medical professionals she encountered and how she persisted in the search for a diagnosis, shedding light on the crucial need for patients to listen to their bodies and advocate for their health. As her tale unfolds, she reveals the discovery of a myocardial bridge that was overlooked for years. Her story takes a hopeful turn with the identification of her condition, leading to the "unroofing" surgery that set her on a path to recovery. This episode gives you a front-row seat to the inspiring account of Kathy's medical journey, her relentless pursuit of answers, and the life-changing operation that ultimately improved her quality of life. We explore the significant role of having a supportive medical team and the importance of being heard when it comes to one's health. A staunch reminder that to be heard, one needs to speak up and in the case of myocardial bridges, the voice needs to be, not only spoken loudly, but confirmed it was heard. Kathy's experience is more than just a medical case; it's a narrative that underscores the power of patient advocacy and the difference it can make. As she shares her post-surgery life and the joys of being a grandmother of eight, Kathy's story serves as an encouragement to anyone facing health challenges. Her contributions to raising awareness are invaluable, reminding us all to never overlook symptoms and to push for timely intervention. This is a heartwarming episode that celebrates Kathy's journey, the surgical progress to correct a myocardial bridge and the collective power of shared experiences in healing and recovery.


Episode 27: Jed Baker’s “Bridge to Nowhere” Journey Went Right Where it Belonged.

Embark on a mission dirven purpose with Jed Baker, as he narrates his battle with enigmatic health symptoms, culminating in the pivotal uncovering of a myocardial bridge—an anomaly that remained undiagnosed for an agonizing duration. This episode threads through Jed's encounters with the labyrinth that is modern healthcare, where he met his "surgery sisters," Kaylin Kellert and Liane Aigner, and concurrently, they braved parallel surgeries. Through his voice, learn of multiple medical opinions, the delicate decision-making in cardiac care, and the profound importance of being an informed and proactive patient. With clarity and vulnerability, Jed opens up about his decision to pursue heart surgery over less invasive treatments, guided by Dr. Theodoris Kofidis. His pursuit of multiple medical opinions illuminates the complexities of cardiac treatments and the lifesaving power of perseverance. As we follow his journey, Jed's recovery unfolds as a testament to resilience, offering a beacon of hope to those navigating similar health challenges. His insights into the emotional and physical rigors of heart surgery provide invaluable guidance for those at the crossroads of such weighty medical decisions. Concluding with a powerful reflection on the role of hope in confronting health adversities, we draw parallels with Mark Durand's research on parental hope and the impact of community support in fostering optimism. Jed's story is more than a medical case study; it’s a narrative of human tenacity and the shared quest for healing. His candid discussion not only educates but also inspires, emphasizing the necessity of hope, community, and informed choice when facing the daunting prospect of heart surgery. To learn more about Jed, you can visit his website - You can see more of Jeds drumming and performance on the FB page: Be sure to visit "Imperfect Heart" on YouTube    if you would like to see the guests. To learn more about Myocardial Bridges visit


Episode 26: Dr. T. Sloane Guy Explains His Robotic Unroofing Procedure and Process for Acceptance.

Have you ever marveled at the precision of robotic cardiac surgery or pondered the moral complexities hidden behind the robot's arm? Dr. Guy, a cardiac surgeon with a unique military background, joins us for a compelling exploration of this life-saving medical discipline, blending his battlefield-honed skills in teamwork and strategic thinking with the meticulous demands of heart surgery. We venture into the nuances of robotic vs. traditional sternotomy in unroofing procedures, weigh the critical balance between patient survival and health resolution, and unwrap the layers of decision-making that guide the evolution of medical practice. Our journey through the heart's intricacies doesn't stop at the operating table. Dr. Guy opens up about the rigorous diagnostic process that informs the path to surgery, sharing candid reflections on the ethical tension between alleviating patient suffering and avoiding unnecessary risks. The challenge of accurate diagnosis and the sobering fact that medical science isn't infallible are laid bare, illustrating a surgeon's commitment to ethical practice and the human side of medicine that's driven by a desire to heal, not just to operate. As we close, the conversation takes a turn towards the personal, revealing how Dr. Guy's own leisure pursuits provide respite from the operating room's intensity. We also shine a light on the collaborative efforts at the Georgia Heart Institute and the importance of patient-driven care. Our discussion culminates in a tribute to the altruism pervading the medical field where patient empowerment and informed dialogue stand as the cornerstones of quality healthcare. For more information visit Georgia Heart Institute by visiting You can also call Dr. Guy @ 770-219-7099 To learn more about myocardial bridges or review prior episodes, visit


Episode 25: Louis’s Odyssey Turns Into a Tale of Tenacity

Join me as I embark on a heartfelt journey with my guest Louis Merlin, who bravely shares his personal struggle with his myocardial bridge—a condition we know is often overlooked or mistakenly dismissed as benign. Louis opens up about the frightening onset of symptoms like chest pain and dizziness, which led to a maze of ER visits and the haunting suggestion that it was all just anxiety. Despite inconclusive test results, the true nature of his symptoms remained a mystery until the exertion in 2022 made the connection to his heart condition undeniable. We'll navigate the complex and often misunderstood world of chest pain diagnosis. We'll also take a closer look at one patient's distressing quest for answers, starting with vague aches and escalating to an emergency collapse. The frustration of inconclusive traditional tests is palpable, as we discuss the elusive diagnosis that spans potential issues like vasospasms and microvascular disease. This conversation underscores the importance of perseverance and the emotional toll of seeking multiple medical opinions when dealing with mysterious cardiac symptoms. Hear about the transformative decision to pursue surgery abroad in Greece with Dr. Theodoros Kofidis, as we delve into the life-changing choice made in the face of debilitating symptoms and rejection in the states. Our discussion reveals the practicalities and emotional considerations of seeking treatment overseas, the supportive care at St. Lukes Hospital, and the challenges of recovery. Louis leaves us with an empowering reminder of the importance of self-advocacy and the strength found in support groups, as we celebrate the courage and shared experiences within our community, including his inspiring return to an active lifestyle. St. Lukes Hospital with Dr. Kofidis  (Professor Kofidis email)


Episode 24: From Racing Pulse to Steady Resolve, Faith Leads Kelly Portillo to a Renewed Life

Discover the power of perseverance and the importance of advocating for your own health as we share Kelly's captivating story, an individual who transformed her struggle with undiagnosed heart issues into a journey of self-discovery and medical triumph. At the young age of 13, Kelly's life took a dramatic turn in a karate class when she first experienced symptoms that would lead her on a path filled with challenges, misdiagnoses, and a relentless pursuit for answers. Her experiences shed light on the complexities of navigating the healthcare system and the courage it takes to stand up for oneself when faced with skepticism from professionals who should be allies. Feel the frustration and eventual elation as Kelly, undeterred by failed multiple ablasions, discovers and then connects with the expertise at Stanford to tackle her condition head-on. Her story is not just about the physical ailment of supraventricular tachycardia and a myocardial bridge but also about the emotional battle with it all, including the insurance companies, the exhausting appeals, and the sweet success of validation. Kelly's journey highlights the critical role of patient advocacy and the difference it can make in receiving proper care, offering hope and guidance for those who may find themselves in similar, overwhelming situations. Her constant and consistent belief in her faith and her fortitude, would yield incredible transformation from living with decades of pain to now embracing an active lifestyle post-unroofing surgery. Her narrative not only provides solace but also inspires; there is hope if you're suffering from a myocardial bridge and with the right support and determination, a quality life after years of furstration, is more than just possible—it's within reach. Please give us a positive review, leave a comment and subscribe. For more information, visit If you would like to participate and share your story on the program, you can email me at  If you would like to ask a question and have it played answered on the program, you can leave me an audio message via DM on the facebook group page. Thank you.


Episode 23: Only Days After Unroofing Surgery, 24 Year Old Kaylin Kellert Enthusiastically Shares Her Real Time Experience.

I never imagined that a story of heart surgery could come with a side of laughter and gourmet hospital food. Yet here we are, with Kaylin Kellert, an Air Force veteran who, only a week post sternotomy and unroofing surgery, brings an inspiring tale of self-advocacy, resilience, and a surprising craving for Stanford's vanilla pudding. Kaylin's journey through the confusion of heart attack-like symptoms to the clarity of diagnosis with a myocardial bridge is as enlightening as it is emotional. She highlights the power of community after bonding with her "surgery soulmate" Liane Aigner, both finding solace and support on their concurrent paths to recovery. Kaylin's progress reveals the complexities of navigating the military medical system and the importance of pushing for the care you deserve. Transforming a dire medical narrative into one of hope and humor, this episode isn't just about the trials of surgery but also about embracing the rollercoaster that follows. Kaylin's post-op revelations—from the unexpected delight of hospital dining to the bewilderment of waking up with no memory of the operation or the pleasure of having the chest tube removed—offer a candid look at recovery's unpredictable nature. We share in her moments of disorientation, the astonishingly swift two-and-a-half-hour surgery, all in, and the simple post-surgery comforts that can mean the world. Her positive mindset, the role of faith, and the belief that life's events unfold 'for you'—not 'to you'—are powerful reminders for anyone facing their own battles. Her perspective is that of someone much further along in life experience as her age belies her wisdom and outlook. This is certainly an episode that's as about as unorthodox as a heart patient eagerly anticipating the appeal of their hospital bed. For more information about Imperfect Heart or Myocardial Bridges, visit Be sure to join the myocardial bridge support group facebook page as well to see Kaylin's post discussed in the program as well as others going through the same issues we all have been through.


Episode 22: Only Days From Surgery, Liane Aigner Shares Her Conviction and Confidence

Never before have I had a conversation with somebody only days from their surgery sharing their story and their thoughts on a life-changing and controversial procedure that lies so closely ahead. Embark on the journey with Liane Aigner as she stands on the cusp of a transformative heart surgery, revealing the highs and lows of her battle with a myocardial bridge. Her candid narrative displays the emotional whirlwind from the onset of disturbing symptoms to the relief of an accurate diagnosis, emphasizing the crucial role of self-advocacy in navigating the healthcare system. Discover how her story is not just one of medical challenges but also of unwavering perseverance and the profound impact of community support as she prepares for her upcoming procedure. If you've made it to and through surgery, you'll closely relate. If you're still in the process of diagnosis and scheduling, this is a textbook case from someone with a wonderful mindset. As Liane steers us through the complexities of mental and physical preparation for her heart surgery, she offers an invaluable roadmap for anyone facing a similar situation. Her approach to dietary changes, the serenity she finds within her faith community, and the logistics of arranging personal affairs pre-surgery underscore the multifaceted aspects of bracing for a life-altering medical event. You'll grasp the sometimes overlooked yet vital steps that fortify one's resilience and readiness to embrace post-operative recovery. Leanne's remarkable openness just days before her surgery demonstrates courage and hope. Her experience underscores the importance of persisting in the search for medical answers and the transformative power of finding a doctor who looks beyond the symptoms to address the underlying issues. As we send heartfelt wishes for her myocardial bridge unroofing procedure, we're reminded of the collective wisdom and strength found in the solidarity of those sharing in the journey towards healing and health. In a surprise twist, we've also found that she has connected with Kaylin Kellert, another Imperfect Heart family member, having her unroofing procedure the same day, in the same hospital with the same doctor. That would be January 23rd, 2024 at Stanford with Dr. Jack Boyd. They'll be in recovery together and more than likely, able to see each other during their stay. That, is truly a blessing for a reason and certainly a reminder, there are no coincidences.  Enjoy her story, subscribe to the program and please give us a positive review if you appreciate what we're doing. For more details on myocardial bridges, be sure to visit the website,


Episode 21: What You Need to Know About the Sternotomy with Thoracic Surgeon Dr. Mark Francis Berry

You're standing at the crossroads of cardiac care and ready to make the decision for your "unroofing" procedure. From the conversations I've had with many of our listeners, it's clear the sternotomy itself creates more fear than the actual heart surgery it allows. You may have options for a minimally invasive procedure or even robotic procedure but the most common of all open heart surgeries is the sternotomy. There are over 750,000 performed each year! Whether a choice or a necessity, this episode will help you along the way in better understanding every detail of this procedure that provides the surgeon access to the heart for the corrective process. It will also help you evaluate the options with more clarity of the sternotomy by comparison to minimally invasive and robotic procedures. Stanford's Dr. Mark Francis Berry will take us on a virtual step-by-step journey from the very beginning of prep for the sternotomy, to the sawing open of the chest and the procedure's delicate, choreographed movements.  With the precision of a maestro, he conducts us through the procedure's every step, easing the trepidation that often accompanies the thought of heart surgery and providing solace with his clear, calming insights. By educating us in the process, fear of the unknown dissipates and we learn the sternotomy may not be as frightening or painful as originally thought. Discover why the sternum's steadfast wiring might just be the unsung hero of your recovery, and how advancements in pain relief are changing the postoperative landscape. Finally, the conversation moves to the oft-ignored psychological battles patients face, underscoring the imperative of managing not just physical pain but emotional turbulence to truly address the impacts of the procedure. The episode provides the knowledge necessary for the power of patient advocacy and informed decision-making. Whether you're a patient or supporting someone who is, the episode highlights the importance of posing questions and the strength found in understanding one's choices. Dr. Barry's experiences illuminate the various surgical paths available and inspire confidence on the road to wellness. For more information on myocardial bridges, visit


Episode 20: Embracing Gratitude to Replace the Fear of Uncertainty Our Myocardial Bridges Create. Dr. Peggy DeLong Explains.

My own heart skipped a beat upon hearing Dr. Peggy DeLong's tales of loss and fear. Peggy, a beacon of resilience, opens up about the profound losses that shaped her life—her fiancé and her father both taken too soon; Her father by a heart condition, her fiance by cancer. Her very own terrifying brush with what she feared was a heart attack rekindled her commitment to gratitude, a practice she has long championed. The power of embracing gratitude to replace fear is exemplified as Dr. DeLong discusses strategies to counterbalance fear, stress and anxiety for us, especially during the emotionally charged holiday season. We examine the shared exercise of "team gratitude," where partners enrich their connection by daily acknowledgments of appreciation, and explore how gratitude can serve as a compass to steer us away from the shadows of fear. Peggy's insights on the delicate dance between honoring our fears and not allowing them to consume us are a testament to the strength that comes from vulnerability and her belief that we cannot truly experience joy without having first gone thru the fear or pain of a situation. As festive lights twinkle, reminding us of the joys and challenges the holiday season brings, I hope this episode brings a gift or understanding of a practice we all can use to relieve some of the pressure, anxiety and fear of the unknown we may be dealing with. Peggy's journey reminds us all of the small steps we can take towards maintaining hope, and the profound impact a simple act of gratitude can have on our lives. If the fear is particularly distracting at any given time, why not buy a stranger, well... a cup of hazelnut coffee? I am personally grateful for all of you, my family of "Imperfect Hearts", that are doing what you must to get your symptoms relieved, advocating for yourself and helping others along the way.  Have a blessed holiday season with friends and family and here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous new year in 2024.  From the bottom of my Imperfect Heart, Thank you. For more information on Myocardial Bridges, visit


Episode 19: Inside the University of Chicago OR for a Robotic Unroofing Procedure. What It’s Like.

Prepare to journey through the operating room doors as I give you a front row seat to a robotic unroofing surgery with Dr. Balkhy at the University of Chicago. I find myself amazed at the intense emotion of watching this procedure firsthand as I know the outcome and what a miracle it is. My partner for the day, is Dr. Kumaran Mangalam, a cardiothoracic surgeon from Bangalore, India who practices for Narayana Health. I'll take you right into the depths of the operating room, immersing you in the intricate details of the unroofing procedure as best I can as a layman. You can feel the focus as Dr. Balkhy maneuvers a robotic system, expertly unroofing a myocardial bridge, while explaining how the stabilizer holds the heart in place. I hope to paint a vivid picture of the complex art and skill of removing muscle tissue from the artery. Despite the nature of the procedure, it's interesting how music creates an ambiance in the room.  A calming wave in the sea of something so serious. As I culminate the surgical journey, I reflect on the impact and potential of robotic surgery for patients suffering from myocardial bridges. Hear from Dr. Balkhy and Dr. Kumaran on the need for increased awareness and education about this condition within the medical community, while also contemplating the life-threatening complications it could cause. Finally, I hope to build a movement advocating for the adaptation of DaVinci XI machines to facilitate these surgeries. I'll have more in future updates on what that's going to look like.  We can make a difference with our efforts to educate more cardiologists and surgeons about the value of robotic unroofing given the proper circumstances and we need to do what we must to gain the support of the DaVinci robot manufacturer, Intuitive, to retrofit the stabilizer to the newest machines, including the XI models. To connect with Dr. Kumaran, his information is below. Dr. Kumaran Mangalam Narayana Health Bangalore, India email: PH: +91 829-607-5465 For more information, you can visit


Special Episode: With Gratitude…Happy Thanksgiving.

From one Imperfect Heart to another, may your day be full of family, friends and gratitude.  Happy Thanksgiving. Today, is a great day to be alive.


Episode 18: Emily Tedore’s Heart Attack Changed the Holidays Forever.

You likely can relate navigating life's ups and downs, then suddenly, your heart throws you an unexpected curveball. My guest, Emily Tedore, a 39-year-old mother of two, courageously steps into our conversation to unravel her heart health journey. She takes us through her experience, starting from a sudden chest pain at the gym to a heart catheterization and eventually an unroofing procedure to treat her myocardial bridge. That first episode was a heart attack that led to the steps toward her unroofing procedure. Emily shines a light on the emotional roller coaster her diagnosis process was and how it changed her life's viewpoint dramatically. Our discussion also uncovers the period of anticipation leading to Emily's surgery at Stanford, a time marked by uncertainty, worry and anxiety. Emily offers a look into this challenging period, retracing her steps through the arduous process of getting medical records, securing her surgery approval, and the distress that came with pausing her exercise routines. Emily's surgery, scheduled just before Christmas, meant spending the festive season away from family due to her health condition. A testament to the her resilience, Emily's story paints a vivid picture of how family support can anchor us through life's most difficult times. As we dig deeper into Emily's experience, we explore her recovery process post-surgery, emphasizing the indispensability of self-care and adherence to exercise routines. Emily's narrative serves as a reminder to listen to our bodies, even when our recovery journey presents hurdles. Our conversation further addresses the anxiety and fear that often accompany heart conditions, providing insights into coping with emotional stress, finding supportive communities, and learning to value life.  A perfect episode to lead us into the holiday season. As promised in the episode, if you're in the Eastern Sierra or western part of Nevada, Carson Tahoe Health is where Emily's cardiologist practices.  Her name is Dr. Lorrel Toft and the number for the department is 775-445-7650.  The website for the hosipital is To learn more about Myocardial Bridges and the surgery that relieves the debilitating symptoms a bridge may cause, visit


Episode 17: Minimally Invasive Myocardial Bridge Unroofing Explained by Professor Theo Kofidis

Join me for a conversation with Professor Theo Kofidis, Head of the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at the National University Hospital of Singapore, as we explore the complexities of myocardial bridges and minimally invasive heart surgery. An expert in his field and a renowned cardiac surgeon, Professor Kofidis discusses the importance of patient education, understanding myocardial bridges, and the various approaches to treatment. You'll hear about the impact of global perspectives on this condition, from Europe's slower acceptance to the influence of the United States on Kofidis's approach to innovation and patient outcomes. Listen as we take a closer look at the intricacies of treating a myocardial bridge. We talk about the process of unroofing and treating our condition, with a keen focus on minimally invasive procedures. We discuss the pros and cons of access to the heart and emphasize the need for customized patient-centric approaches. We also explore the challenge in diagnosing myocardial bridges due to a lack of scientific understanding of the condition, stressing the importance of cautious and conservative treatment approaches. We'll close with a glimpse into some of the pastimes this surgeon enjoys when he does get a break from the process of what can be an incredibly stressful career. You might be surprised. To reach Professor Kofidis his email is For more information on Myocardial Bridges be sure to visit


Episode 16: Robotic Cardiac “Unroofing” with Dr. Husam Balkhy

What if you could peer into the future of cardiac care and discover a method for Myocardial Bridge "unroofing" surgery that offers less pain, less scarring, and faster recovery? That future is now. Welcome to the new world of robotic cardiac surgery, as revealed by our guest, Director, Robotic and Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery at University of Chicago Medicine, Dr. Husam Balkhy. He shares his wealth of knowledge with us, unraveling his history and the potential of robotic surgery in treating heart conditions, specifically myocardial bridges. We discuss the intricate landscape of the heart, how different perspectives can help access deep coronary arteries or Myocardial Bridges and delve into the technicalities of unroofing myocardial bridges robotically. A process that requires precision, skill, favors experience and proper patient selection. Dr. Balkhy also shares the hurdles and rewards of robot-assisted surgery, emphasizing the pivotal role of a stabilizer in ensuring successful operations. This very stabilizer is currently being phased out and may not be replaced, rendering this procedure impossible and therefore no longer able to be performed going forward. Whether you're seeking to understand myocardial bridges, explore treatment options, or better understand a diagnosis, this episode will leave you with a deeper comprehension of robotic cardiac surgery's pioneering world and your options.  Cutting edge?  Not so much and happy to say. For more information about Dr. Balkhy, click  here To inquire about possible robotic surgery for your Myocardial Bridge call Ruth Buckner at Dr. Balkhy's office: 773-834-1612 To voice your concern about the deletion of the robotic stabilizer, you can contact Intuitive Surgical and watch for more information from me on the website, My Imperfect Heart


Episode 15: Surviving to Thriving – 6 Steps to Turn Trauma & Depression Into Transformation.

Since you’re listening to this podcast, you’ve likely got symptoms of a Myocardial Bridge or you’re post-surgery and have been “unroofed”.  In either case, whatever your symptoms are or were, a heart attack, shortness of breath, severe angina or chest pain, for most of us, that’s traumatic.  On-going concern pre-surgery about whether or not you’re going to die, or post-surgery concern about what will life be like now and the depression that so often follows are what we’re addressing in this episode. My guest today, Dr. Joyce Mikal-Flynn, overcame a death experience surviving over 20 minutes of CPR. Through a harrowing journey of resilience and determination, she created a path to recovery, known as Metahabilitation, turning trauma into transformation. Dr. Mikal-Flynn walks us through her journey post the life-altering event, inspiring us with her story of grit and perseverance. She recognized life as she knew it had changed forever and embraced her newfound strength, eventually earning her Master's and Doctorate degrees. Her research is eye-opening, showing how people can not only survive but thrive after trauma. Through her Metahabilitation process, she helps us understand how positive thinking, self-awareness, and spirituality play crucial roles in the aftermath of such events. Discover the various stages of “Metahab” and how they have helped Dr. Mikal-Flynn and others transform their lives after trauma. For more information about Dr. JMF and Metahab visit To learn more about Myocardial Bridges and prior episodes of the podcast visit For support from others with Myocardial Bridges be sure to join the private Facebook page, "Myocardial Bridge Support Group".


Episode 14: Death Ride, Carmel and An Anniversary

Join me as I reflect and celebrate several anniversaries, acknowledge the emotional and mental shifts post-surgery, and advocate for proper diagnosis and treatment of our condition. A treated myocardial bridge lifestyle is significantly improved and both pre and post surgery requires positivity, persistence, and advocating for yourself. Remember, you are not alone and I encourage you to reach out to share your story with me and help raise awareness of our condition for the benefit of so many others. I welcome your questions and engagement through the website, podcast, and social media. I appreciate all the support and encouragement and hope my efforts with your help, make a difference. For more information, visit To watch a short video of my death ride experience:


Episode 13: Amanda’s Heart Journey Takes Another Unexpected Turn…

In this second part of Amanda's journey, a relatively successful unroofing procedure leaves a residual problem related to the sternotomy.  Of course, given the nature of the process she's been through with all the twists and turns, why should the outcome go smoothly?  After all, this is one of the most unusual stories I've heard from our guests.  Now, nearly a year post-surgery, the final outcome on what to do about the sternum is still undecided.  As Amanda makes her decision to correct her "non-union", we'll be sure to share once we know. You can find Amanda on her social platforms: Instagram -  hrt_of pearl, Twitter - @amanda_pearlman, Facebook - Amanda Pearlman To learn more about Myocardial Bridges visit and be sure to join the Facebook group on the Myocradial Bridge Facebook page.


Episode 12: Outrageous Diagnoses Lead to Surprise Solution for Amanda Pearlman

Amanda Pearlman was training to be a law enforcement officer when during Police Academy, a heart attack took her out of contention.  But that's just the tip of the iceberg as unbelievable diagnoses compounded the real issue of a Myocardial Bridge.  How she eventually got to her unroofing surgery is fable enough but what happens afterward, just when it seemed everything had finally been taken care of, is hard to fathom. This first part of a two part episode, takes us up to the correct diagnosis of her Myocardial Bridge and leads into part two, the surgical outcome and the unfortunate reality that everything didn't go as planned. You can find Amanda on her social platforms: Instagram -  hrt_of pearl, Twitter - @amanda_pearlman, Facebook - Amanda Pearlman To learn more about Myocardial Bridges visit and be sure to join the Facebook group on the Myocradial Bridge Facebook page.


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