Imperfect Parenting

<p>Making life easier and reminding you of all you do right, not wrong. You are the expert of your world. Let each episode and moment with other experts and ideas simply add to the world you are doing beautifully imperfectly well:)). Ariel Green Andersson is here to get you through life’s big transitions, aligning you with self, family and work giving access to joy and health.. Through.. moving you BEYOND the “it’s not possible”to creating and being what you're meant to. At home, in your belly or the work your meant to grow and create.. Does your life feel in alignment with what you do each day/week? We support overwhelmed world moms/parents who are getting lost in the mix of daily demands.. What are you (re)creating? Your business, New family, and best work AND life.. Sharing personal and guest world stories, shared madness, and coaching inspires and moves your forward at your own pace. Every week, Coach, Mom, writer, and creator, Ariel Green Andersson and Imperfect Parenting is focused on your story is asking for. We know it's challenging to be on your own path AND be a present, especially as a conscious parent. We've got your back!  AND, bonus:  Every 1st week of the month is dedicated to Midlife Fertility and Pregnancy and being an older mom. Our early shows grow the foundation of empathy  as beautifully imperfect world parents shared their own journeys through life, work, and creating. In this new era, Mindfulness, the entrepreneurial path, and reality of many people at home is something we are familiar with as coaches, parents, creators and we want to continue to shed light on the possibilities to keep building joy and health.</p>

Is that it for Fertility?

Sometimes, it’s time to give up.Or, is it?This is the topic in the podcast and the live 5/3/24 (grab link, below).It’s important to get real about where you are on your path.FERTILITY:THIS FRIDAY Fertility Youtube: LIVE MAY 3, 2024  @. 10:00. Can’t wait to see you, or someone you know who needs support:))That’s all folks: look on Youtube and here in podcast for the link:)), PARENTING Things: 1. * Free teacher Appreciation week gifting template:  GREAT DEAL  on the whole week’s worth: 3 Day FREE Imperfect Parenting “Made Easier” Event!*33-44 minutes each dayCome join the fun!New RESOURCES PAGE ON WEBSITE FOR the growing list of resources!:)Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Are you slowing down? Boundaries and family

Slow and Easy podcast, this week. Do 1, or several, thing and others get slowed.Like when you work and organization suffers.._______SURPRISE BELOW____Let parenting be EASIER:)PRINT FREE and paid bundle TEMPLATES and Ideas (May 6-10, 2024) Teacher/Staff appreciation week!Let’s show them we care.. while also taking care of ourselves, growing our kids and hopefully having fun!:)).This last week’sPodcast:Where do you need to slow down?Are you listening to your body?Ooh those moments to teach our kids about paying attention to their bodies and boundaries:)).PARENTING Things: 1. * Free teacher Appreciation week gifting template:  GREAT DEAL  on the whole week’s worth: 3 Day FREE Imperfect Parenting “Made Easier” Event!*33-44 minutes each dayCome join the fun!New RESOURCES PAGE ON WEBSITE FOR the growing list of resources!:)FERTILITY: Friday: Midlife mom/fertility podcast!THIS FRIDAY Fertility Youtube: LIVE MAY 3, 2024  @. 10:00. Can’t wait to see you, or someone you know who needs support:))That’s all folks: the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Parent child Creativity

There’s little better than creating WITH your child.So much happens on the way, during and after that makes it SO worthwhile.  So I’ve gotta ask..WHAT DO YOU WANT TO CREATE .. on your own, together as a family.. with others.. or maybe community?Business?Food?Art?A space?What helps and allows that to happen?Clear space at home to relax into creating.Different families different values, activities will lead you different directions.Engaging in this practice= moving beyond the daily demands.THIS MONTH’s FERTILITY LIVE ON YOUTUBE:  May 3, 2024 @10AM Pacific: the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


honesty, kids and parent process

We all parent our own way.And, how much do you share with kids about your process?Regardless of your choice.. Or, mine/ours..The most important thing to remember is that kids feel A LOT.. and validation of what they’re feeling.. is SO valuable for all involved..Looking for support and inspiration for both parenting hiccups and your own path forward, your way?**We’re ramping up a parent membership to dive in, invite guest speakers to, having an exchange and supporting your journey:)).If this is interesting for you.. to have consistent support, and moving forward in alignment with both your own needs and family..Jump on the waitlist by writing me with SUBJECT:  “Waitlist” and when we open up in the next weeks, you’ll be the 1st to know:))*If fertility is w current challenge, come ask all your questions and let things be easier May 3rd, live on Youtube:  in creation and re-creation:))..* Writing is going well and I’m riding the way with you, excited about what’s next:). Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Letting go of Fertility Regrets

This week we come back to what is, your choices, regrets and space for where you are, right now.It’s Fertility over 40 week and there’s always more to say there:).And, if you want to join the conversation,Jump onto a call with me the next two months.Fertility over 40 Fridays are back:)).Mark your calendar for this  Friday, and another Friday next month at 10AM PST.It’s Mercury retrograde.. so let’s take a breath and work the tech and communication issues and internal bugs out:)).I’m ready, if you are:)).4/5/24 When to say, “no”. (is it really) That’s all folks, more you might be into for free, below:)Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


School disruptions and the mix

How to work with disruptionsWhen I think of your path as both mom/parent/creator and business person.. I think also about all the disruptions along the way..THIS WEEK’s title has double meaning..1. We look at disruptions for your child(ren).. because every energy draw that demands your attention, pulls you in the few moments you have for yourself.. to be on your own path..To get things done at home or in business/work.. and so solutions in one area.. ripple back to the other=Getting you the space you need to get to joy and health.2. Literally it’s about looking at effects and possible solutions to disruptions in school (hoping to continue the conversation on Instagram ip_parenting with your own experiences and thoughts).We aren’t perfect. Our daughter has her own moments.And, many kids in school are working with multiple issues that need attention and new solutions for THEM to get the education they also deserve..It’s the whole story that makes a difference for us all:)).Ultimately, we all just want peace, joy, abundance, health, hopefully some fun and growth, magic and abundance mixed in:))**********MEET LIVE*************Be sure to jump on Youtube live fertility over 40 calls 1st Fridays for next couple months:4/5/24 @10:00AM Pacific“What to say NO(PE) to”  10:00AM Pacific“That’s all folks” topic and Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Yes’ and Nos inside Imperfect Parenting

For those on Fertility over 40 path.. come join me LIVE today at 3/22/24 10AM PST (After today April 5 and May 3rd we’ll meet live on youtube.. I’ll do a topic you’ve brought me to + Q and A and a touch of mindfulness:))Meanwhile, this podcast is about what’s a yes for you and ..Exploring nos and rejection to find yourway to full flow of your energy..For what matters for you:).And, how is your body responding to nos and yes’.Where do you both lose and gain energy.. and are you powerless .. or not.. when things happen and pull you down?.* Ready for the experiment at the end of the podcast!Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


#306 Being Vulnerable, deepening connections

Looking at having a more satisfying life that feels like yours.Being guarded and safe vs open vulnerability as a parent, person and partner,Expectations.Being real, where it feels safe.Getting real to grow and open connections we crave.This week’s gentle challenge and exploration  (always toward the end) might just shift things your way:) by being true to you and them.Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


#305 Fertility Story #1: Jana’s Fertility and pregnancy over 40

You’ve been asking for it… so, here it is:)..AT LAST.. I’m honored to share the 1st of our fertility and pregnancy over 40 stories !As I continue the  documentary process with the FULL conversations of brave midlife women.. I kick things off with a familiar voice:)..We start with our dear Jana of previous podcasts (below).She honors us with the truth of what it was like in Australia to be over 40 and moving toward pregnancy and later more.We talk also about our journey together where we used “defocusing” to move her toward a successful pregnancy.And, she shares what helped her most.Other Podcast Links mentioned in this episode:1. Downsizing family2. Challenges on the road and at home.3. Defocusing to get pregnant:4. Upsizing with Jana: Pt 15. Jana The beauty of imperfect motherhood:Pt 26. Jana On the road: 7. Jana: Moving in new directions/on road in Australia: FREE WORKSHOP, this week.**And, if you’re looking to move forward with your fertility, business or something else that’s calling you I’m doing a workshop 3/11,12 and 13thLooking forward to seeing you:)) inside, or another day:). Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


#304 2024 you do you

As promised.. a special event to feed your soul and path:Monday March 11- Wednesday March 13, 2024 at 11 AM PST, Daily.. Let's meet if you're ready or looking to get to "ready" for your next phase.. as you.. for your true needs and destiny.Entrepreneur, business woman or woman keeping all things together at home.. if you are SPIRITED and looking to more forward or just looking for some grounding nourishment..  JOIN US:)FREE 3 DAY RADIANT RENEWAL WORKSHOP to launch you into your next phase with sweet clarity and nourishment.4Today's podcast is all about YOU.. Just like the workshop coming up.Wishing you and incredible 2024.. supporting you in all ways possible.*There is always a bit of resistance.. when there's something for you over the horizon.. Even these last episodes coming so late in the way.. is ALL about that.. I am right there with you:).  ArielSupport the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


#303 Being different, Being you and passing it on

Does being yourself feel off center?And, finding your way through it all.How deep does it go?Get to the end, when we talk about why being yourself matters.In parenting.Life.Your work and all.An exploration: In this podcast, we do an exercise to dive in and give you an opportunity.Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Imperfect Happy Valentine - Glad Alla Hjärtans Dag -❤️😘🥰❤️🥰😘🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍

Valentine’s feels pretty imperfect on the best of days.. especially as a parent.And, anytime you’re on your own, or the only adult.. it can be a little tough..So, I Love the production surprise of sweetness (💕 emojis) across the ocean from my lovely Swedish production team and husband!Happy Valentine’s..Remember to give sweet love and kindness you deserve that.I take a turn on usual Valentine’s especially for those of us on our own, this year:)).I think you might like this one;).Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Fertility February!

Well.. with storms and step son in surgery and production team across the world... the fertility episode for February is coming, TODAY!!Keep remembering what/who is ready to support you on your fertility journey.Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Imperfect Parenting 300th Celebration Episode!

We did it!  EPISODE 300!And, by we, I mean you, Mats and I and well.. the whole imperfect parenting community..  EPISODE 300! Woooo!THIS WEEK’S EPISODE + GIVEAWAY1. FLASH BACK: Top episodes from the past.2. MATS AND I re-connect to reflect.3. FLASH FORWARD.. for the 1st time you will hear 2 short clips from the future:- A wonderful book about Waldorf Home Schooling by Catherine Read, THE GENIUS OF HOME.And, the wonderful and generous soul, Sarah Arao of Uganda speaking about our her own journey through fertility. *THESE episodes in the coming weeks!:)CONTEST: ✨BE A WINNER ✨ February 13th, 2024(You’re actually always a winner with us:))*Just 3 things to enter the drawing!Send  your email to: with the following: 1. Where did Mats and I record our1st Imperfect Parenting podcast?2. DO A PODCAST REVIEW on Apple, screen shot and sent it.3. What’s your FAVORITE EPISODE? Share it with a friend personally or on social media and screenshot/let us know in the email you send.🤗☀️Do them all and send  mail and you’ll be entered in the IMPERFECT SPIN TO WIN for  300th episode celebration prizes:) (TBA 2/13)February 13th, I’ll go live  AT 17:00 at 9:39AM = SPIN TO WIN:))..MENTIONED EPISODE LINKS BELOW:TOP Episodes mentioned:Imperfect Parenting 1.0 Naturally Pregnant over 45: Meditation for family in Czech snd English with Jana Pirandevi Huberova:  Blog page with both English and Czech  meditations and talks. Mats’ favorite episodesThe one we forgot for a moment: Chris and Holly Santillo / Resilient ParentingSantillos 2: Coming in next weeks!Lisa Wik GrenbergSupport the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Parent Field of Dreams

Remember the movie Field of Dreams?“If you build it, they will come?”This week, we’re talking about the parent version if this.AND, ramping up for episode 300 celebration, next week!  I’m thinking up something for our anniversary! Keep your eyes on INSTAGRAM:ip_parenting  arielgreenandersson  or if you grabbed one of our free things, below, you’ll get a mail in next days:)).Either way.. we’llHave some fun:))..Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


“I see you”, parents

We didn't sleep this week, so this is the coming, today!We’re talking about 1 practice that makes all the difference  on this full parenting path, that I hope you’ll experiment with.I love this practice and can’t wait to kerp echoing it forward, each next week of this year.Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Riding in cars with kids - Opportunities and realities

Today’s podcast recording in the car, got me reflecting on past life in Europe as an expat.And, being reminded of the joy and opportunities with our kids while in the car:).Mornings vs afternoons and connecting in.Getting real and sweet with kids in the car and at home.Beautiful to realize how important it is to connect, ask for help and support other parents.And, more!Would you like to join me for future workshops and meditation and creating events?  Yes?! Cool, I’ll see you, next time by connecting in, here:’m excited about what’s on the horizon.Keeping things as simple as possible for you and for me.. to enjoy and find the joy in what’s ahead.Right now, I’m writing.. and excited about it!:)Can’t wait to share.Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Body Led Fertility Over 40

So often fertility and life expectations can get you (and I) fixed in 1 direction. What if cracking open the possibilities.. or simply “slowing down” or “pausing” is important for what comes next for you?This is your year.To listen to what YOUR BODY needs most.To create what your meant to.Maybe in surprising ways..Through the MOST important thing.. that I talk about in this podcast…And, to take things further, join the replay below.:)**REGISTER to get the “Pause and Exhale” 22 minute REPLAY:).  It’s time for YOU as you move into 2024 toward what you want most.:).Let’s manifest.And, this year, soon.. new encouraging stories are on the way. Would that be helpful? Lead you forward?Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


Falling Away last family podcast of 2023

Sometimes, it’s just time to let things fall away as they are meant to:).That’s what this podcast is about:).Also, if you missed the “Exhale 2023 Virtual retreat/ meditation and pause.. to reflect, center and remember the goodness of what you’ve done and welcome in the 2024 you DESERVE..Click this and register.. and I’ll send you the replay..It’s my thanks to YOU.If mysterious links make you nervous.. here it is straight up: this me YOUR YEAR.. my year.. and let our success, peace, joy, happiness and inhales and exhales echo out to one another and those in our communities.. and close by..💕✨Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


The Power of Giving and Receiving

Holidays are upon us..and while in health recovery.. You are on my mind..And, as is Solstice and the return of light.. somehow through the rain..Old traditions. And, new ones.. giving and receiving..Being there for each other. The balance of both giving and receiving.. in the way that you can and the way that calls you..Do what brings both what brings YOU joy.. and brings it to others..__________* LiVE EXHALE RETREAT FOR YOU:Sign up right, now:))), it’s my gift to you:)WEDNESDAY 12/27 11-11:22 (possibly 33 min depending on energy in the room:))STEAL AWAY A MOMENTKeep your eyes open on instagram and/or sign up for a sweet re-charge moment I’d like to give to you to round out the year:Sign up snd join me, FREE:)).*I’ll send you sign up link when I make it (I’ve been down with big dental work and was a bit slow, this week:))____________Support the Show.IMPERFECT PARENTING:*Free parenting meditation* Free parent de-stress tips: @Ip_parenting Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel Website:https://imperfectparenting.netWrite me: Ariel@imperfectparenting.net______ WORKING WITH FERTILITY? FREE Fertility Meditation: and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson*Looking to get pregnant over 40? *Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. TO SUPPORT this podcast?’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).


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