In Medias Res

A podcast about the business of being creative. Co-hosts Brandon Duke & Clayton Romero talk about running their company, Novis Opera, and talk to their friends in the arts & media community about what makes good content and how to get it made.

Where We Go From Here

With every endeavor there are the fun parts and there are parts you avoid. Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day and sometimes you have to admit the work you’ve been avoiding has piled up. So what else is there to do but put your toys away, roll up your sleeves, and get the bitter work done.Novis Opera website: novisopera.comFacebook: -’s Crossing -



Of all the genres in all the artforms, making a romance movie is one wrought with so many potential perils and traps that getting one right feels like an act of fate. In this episode, we’re here with guest Billie Jo Konze to see if SERENDIPITY has what it takes to be in the pantheon of great romantic movies.Billie Jo Konze’s website: Runner Sue: Oeuf is Enough (from Icebox Radio Theater) -


IMR Breakdown - ARRIVAL

First contact is one of the great tropes of science fiction. Encountering the radically different and unique can hold a mirror up to humanity, but it's not everyday that a movie about aliens teaches its human audience how to better communicate with each other. In this episode, we’re breaking down Denis Villeneuve’s film, ARRIVAL, to see how it uses a new twist on an old idea to tell an elegant and original story. The Arrival Score on Song Exploder - Judy / Under Dead Water -’s Claws (Part 1 of The Incarn Saga) -


The Art of The Sequel - Part 2 (with Shawn Arnold)

It’s rare that a sequel comes along that's just as good as the movie that came before it. When a sequel comes along that surpasses its predecessor, it’s almost a miracle. In this episode, we continue our study of great sequels by taking a look at The Godfather Part 2 to see how it sets the bar for filmmakers and storytellers.Shawn Arnold’s TMI Podcast:


The Art of The Sequel - Part 1 (with Shawn Arnold)

Telling a great story is a blessing and a curse. Everyone will be clambering for more, from the audience to the marketing people.Try to bottle lighting and you’ll wind up getting fried, but don’t you dare throw the baby out with the bathwater. In this episode, we take a look at Terminator 2 and Aliens to see how they managed to preserve what made their first story great while crafting new and interesting narratives. Featuring Shawn Arnold as a guest host.Shawn Arnold’s TMI Podcast:



They Don’t call it movie Magic for nothing. Telling a great story has all the same rules as a magic trick. You gotta show them what they expect, then show them how it ‘s anything but ordinary and leave them wanting to know how you did it all the while. Tonight, we take a look behind the curtain at Christopher Nolan’s THE PRESTIGE to find out how it makes its cinematic magic.Mandible Judy / Under Dead Water -’s Claws (Part 1 of The Incarn Saga) -


IMR Breakdown - SNATCH

We all know Romantic comedy, action comedy, buddy comedy, but what about crime comedy? Keeping a genre fresh is no mean feat. It takes a lot of fancy footwork, So it’s fitting that this early 2000’s crime caper is all about illegal boxing, or is it? In this episode, we break down Guy Ritchie’s high-octane British classic, SNATCH, to see how it manages to score a cinematic knock-out.Mandible Judy / Under Dead Water -’s Claws (Part 1 of The Incarn Saga) -


IMR Breakdown - GHOSTBUSTERS - Part 2

Sometimes watching a movie or reading a book decades after its release can be like raising the dead. If you know how to look, you can learn a lot about the place, time, and climate that gave birth to the creative works. In this episode, we’re joined again by James David Patrick to see what lessons the 1984 classic, GHOSTBUSTERS has to tell about the era that produced it.James Bond Socal Media Project: Shame:


IMR Breakdown - GHOSTBUSTERS - Part 1

Conjuring a great comedy is like witchcraft. Even when you have all the right elements, you need a coven to make the magic happen. Tonight, we’re joined by James David Patrick to break down the 1984 classic, to find how it continues to haunt film history in the best way possible.James Bond Socal Media Project: Shame:


IMR Breakdown - SE7EN - Part 2

We creators stand on the shoulders of giants, and with giants like Chaucer, Dante, and every religion known to man plugged into the collective unconscious… Well, let’s just say: the high ground comes with its advantages. In this episode, we’re back to finish the ritual, to break down the movie SE7EVN to see how it crafts a tragic morality play for the modern age.


IMR Breakdown - SE7EN - Part 1

Some fiction is heavy because of the weight of its subject matter. Some is heavy because of how much detail it shows the audience. As Crime dramas go, SE7EN has enough of both qualities to dent the universe. In this episode, we’re here to breakdown David Fincher’s 1995 masterpiece, to see how this movie manages to suck in its audience without becoming a black hole.


IMR Breakdown - TENET - Part 2

It takes many small puzzle pieces to tell a complete story. When you have to weave a tale that travels backwards and forwards in time simultaneously, that puzzle can become a lot to handle. We’re back with guest Shawn Arnold to see writer & director Christopher Nolan makes all the pieces fit together in order to craft is mind-bending opus, TENET.Shawn Arnold’s TMI Podcast: Airport 3D Breakdown: Tallinn Car Chase 3D Breakdown: Gateway Scene (Neil's Death) 3D Breakdown: Ludwig Gorranson breaking down his music for TENET:


IMR Breakdown - TENET - Part 1

Time Travel is sexy, cool, and insanely dangerous. The creative that decides to take on a story that makes time travel a central pillar in its plot has a minefield to navigate. And yet, every generation seems to get it right at least once. In this episode, we’re here with guest Shawn Arnold to determine if Christopher Nolan’s TENET is an overcomplicated mess or a misunderstood masterpiece?Shawn Arnold’s TMI Podcast:


IMR Breakdown - COWBOY BEBOP - Part 2

All art aspires to the condition of music. Cowboy Bebop exemplifies this better than any other. Its characters are finely tuned instruments and it’s storylines play out different movements. But when it comes to its finale, does it end on a crescendo or leave with a sour note? In this episode, we’re back with musician Travis Schmidt to finish the session to decode this classic anime series beat by beat to unravel how it creates a ballad for the ages.


IMR Breakdown - COWBOY BEBOP - Part 1

Take Spaghetti westerns, add Noir Crime drama, plus a dash of scifi, then prepare it with Japanese flair and what do you get? “The Work, which becomes a genre itself, is called Cowboy Bebop!” In this episode, we’re here to break down the classic anime series to see how it combines genres and old tropes to make such sweet bad-ass music.Listen to Travis Schmidt's band, The Hearsay at


Theatre of Sound (with the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company)

In a time when millions of dollars are being thrown at VFX budgets, only a few creatives are using the most powerful tool in creation, The human mind. The theater of the mind comes with its own set of unique challenges and advantages. In this episode, we talk to members of the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company about telling stories exclusively in the theatre of sound.Atlanta Radio Theatre Company - Hoganson on Instagram -


Creating A Vibe - Part 2 (with Chris Burke)

Few things can have an effect on an audience like music. Like any supporting actor, it plays a vital role in conveying your message, filling the space, and creating a mood. Tonight, we bring back musician, writer, and producer Chris Burke to talk about using music to strike all the right notes when telling stories.The Mandible Judy Podcast - Mandible Judy Twitch Feed - Mandible Judy on Patreon -


IMR Breakdown - THE CABIN IN THE WOODS - Part 2

When you’re using your art to act as a mirror for your audience it can be a risky gambit. Like angry gods, they can be cruel and capricious, but show them the unexpected or original and you might find yourself handsomely rewarded. Tonight, we’re back to finish the ritual and delve deeper into THE CABIN IN THE WOODS to see if it's worthy to appease the audience and the story gods.


IMR Breakdown - THE CABIN IN THE WOODS - Part 1

Horror as a genre, has fallen prey to the original slow walking slasher: “profit margins”. It’s tropes are so overplayed that the audience already knows what’s going to happen. Tonight, we breakdown The Cabin in the Woods to learn how to overcome the great American slasher.


Breaking Through (with Alan & Carrie Tupper from Kamikaze)

Creating a successful storytelling project is no small feat. Whether its online, in print, or on video, any one requires a lot of creative skill and no small amount of business savvy. To make a project successful across different platforms is particularly impressive. Tonight, we’re talking to the creators of the Kamikaze comic series to find out how they continuously break through barriers to come from a small web comic to the printed page, and soon, an animated short.Kamikaze Web Comic - Trial By Fire Teaser -


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