Brock Pierce, began his career as a child actor, notably appearing in Disney's "The Mighty Ducks" series and "First Kid." Transitioning from entertainment to entrepreneurship, he co-founded the Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) in the late 1990s, aiming to deliver original episodic content online. Pierce later became a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency industry, co-founding Tether in 2014, a leading stablecoin, and serving as Director of the Bitcoin Foundation. In 2020, he ran as an in...
Amanza Smith is an accomplished entertainer, real estate agent, and advocate who has overcome immense personal challenges. Born to a mixed-race family in small-town Indiana, Amanza faced racism and abuse from a young age. Despite these adversities, she pursued her dreams, becoming a cheerleader, model, and reality TV star. Amanza's big break came on the hit show "Deal or No Deal," which led to her joining the prestigious Oppenheim Group and starring on "Selling Sunset." Beyond her professiona...
Dave Asprey, known as the "Father of Biohacking," is an influential entrepreneur, author, and founder of Bulletproof 360. He pioneered the Bulletproof Coffee trend and has played a crucial role in promoting the biohacking movement, which focuses on optimizing human performance and health. Starting his career in tech, Dave shifted focus to explore how nutritional and environmental changes could enhance personal well-being. In this episode, he discusses his journey from tech enthusiast to welln...
Dave Asprey, known as the "Father of Biohacking," is an influential entrepreneur, author, and founder of Bulletproof 360. He pioneered the Bulletproof Coffee trend and has played a crucial role in promoting the biohacking movement, which focuses on optimizing human performance and health. Starting his career in tech, Dave shifted focus to explore how nutritional and environmental changes could enhance personal well-being. In this episode, he discusses his journey from tech enthusiast to welln...
Gary Vaynerchuk, commonly known as Gary Vee, is an influential entrepreneur, speaker, and internet personality, best known for his expertise in digital marketing and social media. Starting his career in his family's wine business, Gary's innovative approach to e-commerce and content creation catapulted the business from a local enterprise to a national leader in wine retail. He later founded VaynerMedia, a leading digital agency that services Fortune 500 clients across the globe. In this epis...
Gary Vaynerchuk, commonly known as Gary Vee, is an influential entrepreneur, speaker, and internet personality, best known for his expertise in digital marketing and social media. Starting his career in his family's wine business, Gary's innovative approach to e-commerce and content creation catapulted the business from a local enterprise to a national leader in wine retail. He later founded VaynerMedia, a leading digital agency that services Fortune 500 clients across the globe. In this epis...
Sean Mike Kelly is a serial entrepreneur and an influential advocate in the Web 3.0 space. From launching Jersey Champs during his freshman year of college to navigating the volatile world of cryptocurrency investments, Sean’s entrepreneurial journey is marked by both spectacular successes and educational setbacks. In this enlightening episode of “In Search of Excellence,” hosted by Randall Kaplan, Sean delves into his unique experiences growing up with immigrant parents, his early business v...
Sasha Pieterse Sheaffer is an accomplished actress and advocate, widely recognized for her role as Alison DiLaurentis in the hit TV series Pretty Little Liars. Throughout her career, Sasha has captivated audiences with her compelling performances and has become a powerful voice in promoting body positivity and mental health awareness. In this episode, Sasha delves into the complexities of acting, sharing candid stories from her time on set, the challenges of handling intimate scenes, and how ...
Sasha Pieterse Sheaffer is an accomplished actress and advocate, widely recognized for her role as Alison DiLaurentis in the hit TV series Pretty Little Liars. Throughout her career, Sasha has captivated audiences with her compelling performances and has become a powerful voice in promoting body positivity and mental health awareness. In this episode, Sasha delves into the complexities of acting, sharing candid stories from her time on set, the challenges of handling intimate scenes, and how ...
Sean Payton is a highly respected NFL coach, celebrated for his strategic brilliance and leadership on the football field. Known for his transformative tenure as the head coach of the New Orleans Saints, Payton led the team to its first and only Super Bowl victory in 2010, solidifying his legacy as one of the most successful coaches in NFL history. With a career marked by innovative offensive strategies and an ability to develop winning teams, Payton has been a driving force behind the Saints...
Sean Payton is a highly respected NFL coach, celebrated for his strategic brilliance and leadership on the football field. Known for his transformative tenure as the head coach of the New Orleans Saints, Payton led the team to its first and only Super Bowl victory in 2010, solidifying his legacy as one of the most successful coaches in NFL history. With a career marked by innovative offensive strategies and an ability to develop winning teams, Payton has been a driving force behind the Saints...
Howie Mandel is a celebrated comedian, television host, and actor, renowned for his unique blend of humor and versatility across various entertainment platforms. Rising to fame as Dr. Wayne Fiscus on the acclaimed medical drama St. Elsewhere, Mandel later became a household name through his iconic role as the host of the hit game show Deal or No Deal. His sharp wit and engaging presence also made him a fan favorite as a long-time judge on America’s Got Talent. Beyond his on-screen success, Ma...
Howie Mandel is a celebrated comedian, television host, and actor, renowned for his unique blend of humor and versatility across various entertainment platforms. Rising to fame as Dr. Wayne Fiscus on the acclaimed medical drama St. Elsewhere, Mandel later became a household name through his iconic role as the host of the hit game show Deal or No Deal. His sharp wit and engaging presence also made him a fan favorite as a long-time judge on America’s Got Talent. Beyond his on-screen success, Ma...
Jon Anik is a renowned play-by-play commentator for the UFC, celebrated for his articulate and energetic commentary style that has defined the voice of modern mixed martial arts. Over the last 13 years, Anik has risen to the pinnacle of sports broadcasting, hailed by peers like Joe Rogan as the best in the field. His journey began in the Boston area where he cultivated his love for sports, influenced significantly by family and early experiences at sports events. Anik’s professional path was ...
Jon Anik is a renowned play-by-play commentator for the UFC, celebrated for his articulate and energetic commentary style that has defined the voice of modern mixed martial arts. Over the last 13 years, Anik has risen to the pinnacle of sports broadcasting, hailed by peers like Joe Rogan as the best in the field. His journey began in the Boston area where he cultivated his love for sports, influenced significantly by family and early experiences at sports events. Anik's professional path was ...
Keaton Hoskins is a serial entrepreneur, coach, motivational speaker, and author, known for his dynamic approach to business and personal development. A key figure on the popular reality TV show "Diesel Brothers," which aired on the Discovery Channel, Keaton leveraged his passion for diesel trucks into a thriving entertainment and merchandise business. His entrepreneurial journey is marked by innovative business strategies, particularly in leveraging social media and unique marketing tactics ...
Keaton Hoskins is a serial entrepreneur, coach, motivational speaker, and author, known for his dynamic approach to business and personal development. A key figure on the popular reality TV show "Diesel Brothers," which aired on the Discovery Channel, Keaton leveraged his passion for diesel trucks into a thriving entertainment and merchandise business. His entrepreneurial journey is marked by innovative business strategies, particularly in leveraging social media and unique marketing tactics ...
Dominic Ciambrone, known as "The Shoe Surgeon," is an artist, designer, culture creator, and entrepreneur. He is the world's leading creative custom shoemaker, renowned for crafting handcrafted, one-of-a-kind sneakers for celebrities like Justin Bieber, Drake, and LeBron James, professional sports teams including the Golden State Warriors and Miami Heat, and iconic brands such as Gucci, Bentley, Heineken, and Pizza Hut. Dominic has built a unique business by transforming ordinary shoes into w...
Damon West is an inspirational speaker, author, and college professor with an extraordinary story of redemption. A former college quarterback, Damon fell into meth addiction and organized crime, leading to a life sentence in a Texas prison. During his incarceration, he transformed his life, inspired by the metaphor of a coffee bean that changes its environment. Upon his release, Damon authored four bestselling books, including "The Change Agent" and "The Coffee Bean," which have sold over 10 ...
Damon West is an inspirational speaker, author, and college professor with an extraordinary story of redemption. A former college quarterback, Damon fell into meth addiction and organized crime, leading to a life sentence in a Texas prison. During his incarceration, he transformed his life, inspired by the metaphor of a coffee bean that changes its environment. Upon his release, Damon authored four bestselling books, including "The Change Agent" and "The Coffee Bean," which have sold over 10 ...
Jessie Ross
Just finished listening to the latest episode of 'In Search of Excellence,' and I’m truly impressed! The insights shared are both enlightening and practical, providing real value to anyone striving for excellence in their personal or professional life. The interviews are engaging and the strategies discussed are actionable.
Mona Peterson
Absolutely love this podcast! 'In Search Of Excellence' provides such valuable insights and practical advice for anyone striving for excellence in their professional or personal life. The interviews with industry leaders are incredibly inspiring, and the actionable tips shared are always spot-on.
Ian Seklawi
Randall Kaplan is a phenomenal interviewer! He covers so many topics with his top-tier guests that apply to everyone's lives. Definitely worth the listen!
Brian West
This is a must listen to podcast. The speakers on here are some of the best in the world and give such amazing advice!!
Brian West
Sam Zell is one of the best episodes of this podcast. He is so wise and you can learn a ton from him.