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In Search of Green Marbles

In Search of Green Marbles

Author: Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers

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Host "G3" discusses the impacts of technology & AI, crypto, health & longevity, and public policy on financial markets with Weiss partners and friends of the firm. Frequent guests include President and CIO, Jordi Visser, Deputy CIO, Michael Edwards and Senior Vice President, Lundy Wright.
128 Episodes
Hello. It’s G3 and this is a sad moment for Green Marbles. After 124 episodes, we have determined that we should go on hiatus for the time being. None of us took this decision lightly, but unfortunately, due to circumstances, we think it’s best. Please know that we are grateful to you for listening and supporting the podcast and for your feedback, which we always took to heart. Jordi and I didn’t know how things would turn out when we embarked on this journey, but I think I can speak for everyone on the Weiss team when I say that this podcast became an important, integral part of how the firm communicated ideas to the greater investment community. Some of those ideas covered straight markets topics, while others were intended to educate and to inspire, like the episode you’re about to hear which explores the connection between AI and cooking. And as usual, Jordi offers up plenty of green marbles throughout the discussion.So, on behalf of George Weiss, Jordi Visser, Mike Edwards, Lundy Wright, my producing partner Reem Abbassi, our Compliance Team Victoria Stearns & Catherine McCabe – who always reminded me to remind you to check important disclosures at the end of the episode – Jena Roche, Pierce Archer and Jeff Dillabough, we thank you for listening. And on a final note, my actual name isn’t G3. It’s Gregg Schoenberg, and I thank you as well. And with that, welcome and hope to meet you again.Timestamps:Who is G3? [1:28]How does Jordi connect learning to cook with learning how to use AI? [3:33] How can people begin integrating ChatGPT into their daily tasks? [8:36]Why is visualization a key part of learning how to use AI? [13:41]What analogy does Jordi use to describe ‘prompt engineering’? [17:09]Resources:The art of perfectly scrambled eggsJohn Starks dunks on Michael JordanJosh Waitzkin, The Art of Learning, "Beginner's Mind"Jordi’s LinkedInJordi's email: jordi.visser30@gmail.comG3's LinkedInDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has...
Jordi and G3 are joined by special guest Robert Bogucki, a Portfolio Manager at Brevan Howard, where he leads liquid trading for BH Digital, the firm’s digital assets business.Rob’s perch puts him right in the middle of the action when it comes to crypto flows, trends and narratives. He is also an old friend of Jordi’s who, as our listeners know, has a sharply defined vision for where crypto is heading. With a little friendly provocation by G3, these two one-time derivatives traders had the green marbles flying in no time. Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode This podcast was recorded on February 27th. Timestamps:How did Rob make the transition into crypto? [9:35]Who helped Rob overcome his initial skepticism on crypto? [14:49]How does Jordi view Bitcoin vs. other digital assets such as Ethereum and Solana? [27:54]What is the importance of the Bitcoin spot ETF to the macro landscape? [36:57]What is Rob’s perspective on crypto’s inherent volatility? [50:45]Resources:Linkedin Biography for Robert Bogucki9 Spot Bitcoin ETFs Break Volume RecordsUnraveling the Difference Between Bitcoin, Ethereum and SolanaHow Hedging Helps Bitcoin Miners Disclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
As many of you know, there is no Fed meeting this month. As such, it would be reasonable to assume that we wouldn’t have Lundy Wright on the podcast because he’s the expert we turn to when it comes to analyzing the latest meeting. However, as you may have noticed, a recent spat of economic numbers has put a real question mark over the prospect of rate cuts any time soon. If not flipped, the script has certainly been ruffled. So, we asked Lundy to come on and provide his latest views on where things stand and what factors he’s watching ahead of the March Fed meeting. Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode.This episode was recorded on Wednesday, February 21st after the market close.Timestamps:Does Lundy think that seasonal factors have skewed January data, including Core CPI? [5:16]What is the r-star rate and why does Lundy refer to it as “mythical nonsense”? [8:55]Could the supply of Treasuries that will come to market counter economic stimulus? [17:39]What is Lundy anticipating ahead of the March Fed meeting? [23:48]What is Lundy’s “recipe” for creating trading paralysis in the bond market? [27:55]Resources:Fact Sheet on seasonal adjustments in the CPIGazing at r-star: Gauging U.S. monetary policy via the natural rate of interestAn ugly 20-year bond auctionDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
This week, G3 welcomes Mike Edwards onto the pod to continue their exploration of how the 2024 election could impact markets today and in the future. As listeners know, Mike has been a frequent guest on the show given the eye-popping headlines we are witnessing as the 2024 election season approaches.Topics covered in the conversation include whether the market has priced in the difference between MAGA and traditional Republicanism, Donald’s Trump’s potential immigration & tariff policies, Trump’s recent comments concerning NATO and his desire to be a dictator for a day, and President Biden’s perceived frailty. Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode.This episode was recorded on Tuesday, February 14th. Timestamps:Should Trump win the election and remove sanctions on Russia, what could be the potential effects on the Russia-China relationship? [11:44]How might Inflation play into the tariff regime that Trump is proposing? [17:11]How are our European allies reacting to Trump’s statements concerning NATO? [22:27]Does Mike believe that the markets are likely to “freak out” if Trump wins? [31:25]Resources:Jordi’s latest webinar NBER: Help for the Heartland? The Employment and Electoral Effects of the Trump Tariffs in the United StatesThe Democratic Party is Having an Identity Crisis by Ezra KleinHistorically Low Faith in U.S. Institutions ContinuesDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
This week, Jordi and G3 welcome Sultan Meghji back to the podcast. As long-time listeners know, when Sultan is the guest, green marbles start flying everywhere.This episode continues in that tradition, but it focuses narrowly on cybersecurity, as Jordi and Sultan believe that cybersecurity isn’t getting the attention it deserves by the markets. In fact, while generative AI may have been the key factor driving the equity markets higher last year, 2024 is a new ball game. And cybersecurity – not LLMs – could represent the dominant narrative this year. But according to Jordi, the best way to participate in the “cyber surge” is through Bitcoin.Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode.Timestamps:What is Jordi’s point of view on the national threat posed by TikTok? [9:12]How confident is Sultan on the U.S. possessing superior abilities to defend against cyber attacks? [21:46]Is the strong market performance of leading cybersecurity names a reflection of a growing concern of a cyber attack? [25:14]What is the role of decentralization, blockchain, and crypto in combatting cyber attacks? [34:05] What advice does Sultan offer on how to prevent being hacked? [42:18]Resources:Frontier Foundry’s websiteUK report on state-sponsored cyber attackersFirst of its kind AI heist AI Voice ScamsWhat ever happened to Alta Vista?Disclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to...
On this week’s In Search of Green Marbles, G3 welcomes Weiss’s political expert, Mike Edwards, to discuss the 2024 election cycle. As things are beginning to heat-up, there was no shortage of subjects for them to discuss.Topics included which sectors of the economy would benefit under Biden and Trump, how tariff talk and tax policy are connected, Chevron Deference’s importance, the implications of the UAW’s Shawn Fain’s decision to back Biden, the Trump Veepstakes, the Taylor Swiftboating of the GOP and why Nikki Haley is staying in the GOP race for now. Please check important disclosures at the end of the podcast.Timestamps:What's the strategy behind Donald Trump's push for higher tariffs on Chinese imports? [2:59]What is Mike's opinion on the polling data showing Americans have more confidence in Trump's economic leadership compared to Biden's? [14:52]Are there any surprises in the Biden and MAGA Baskets being issued by the sell-side firms? [20:35]Does Mike give any credence to any of the political ‘Page Six’ worthy stories that he has been hearing? [31:20]Resources:Donald Trump Ramps Up Threat of Tariff War if Elected PresidentSCOTUS Likely to Discard Chevron DeferenceTrump Is in a One-Sided Popularity Contest With Taylor SwiftByron Donalds BiographyDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
Normally, when Weiss’s bond expert, Lundy Wright, comes onto the pod, it’s because the Fed has just met and made its decision on interest rates and the choice of words it used in the accompanying statement. We also spend a lot of time discussing Chairman Powell’s press conference that follows the decision and what he said (or didn’t say) and how he answered questions posed to him by the press. But it’s a new year, and G3 is going to try something new in ‘24. As our listeners know, the Fed will be meeting next week, so G3 invited Lundy onto the pod ahead of time. In doing so, our hope is that it will provide our audience with a new vantage point by revealing the specific things that Lundy will be looking for during the meeting.Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode. This episode was recorded on Thursday, January 25th. Timestamps:Besides the FOMC meeting, what other factors could drive markets next week? [1:50]When did markets start expecting rate cuts as a norm instead of a response to economic downturns? [8:25]Could details of the anticipated tapering of quantitative tightening play a role in the market’s reaction to the Fed meeting? [16:29]How might the markets react to a divergence between the Fed’s statement and Powell’s press conference? [22:28]Resources:Overview of the TBACThe careful balance between hard and soft data on the economyThe Fed and the dual mandate in plain EnglishLagarde speaks after rate decisionHow might the Fed roll back QT?Disclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or...
G3 welcomes Jordi Visser onto the podcast to offer up a market update. Thus far, January has kicked off 2024 to a rocky start. Jordi will discuss the headwinds behind this turbulence and offer his latest perspectives on inflation, AI and investor sentiment. Jordi and G3 also discuss the Mag-7 and whether or not Apple has Tesla should remain in the group.Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode.This episode of Green Marbles was recorded on Wednesday, January 17th. Timestamps:What are Jordi’s market expectations in the short term? [1:45]Why might declining inflation fail to be a tailwind for the equity market? [8:30]What does Jordi mean by “demographic adjusted net worth”? [13:18]What are some of the surprises that Jordi is eyeing this year? [20:15]Resources:Baby Boomers are hitting “Peak 65”2024 Market Outlook [Video]Chinese economic outlook is weakMistral complete fundraising valuing the start-up at $2 billionDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
This week, G3 welcomes Mike Edwards onto the pod for the first time in the new year. We can assure you it won’t be the last time either because 2024 is shaping up to be a year to remember on multiple fronts that play to Mike’s expertise. As listeners of this podcast know, Mike is a keen observer of the tango that takes place between markets and politics. And with the 2024 election looming large, we wanted to get Mike onto the show ASAP in order for him to lay out his preliminary thinking, bat away a few buzzy-but-irrelevant issues and provide a heads-up on the factors that could meaningfully impact various economic sectors. Please check important disclosures at the end of the podcast and brace yourself for this one. A final note: This podcast was recorded on January 3, 2024. Timestamps:Does Mike believe that Donald Trump's legal issues will impact the 2024 election outcome? [3:23]Will third-party candidates influence who the next president will be? [12:36]What is the probability of neither major presidential candidate securing 270 electoral college votes? [16:24]Which possible 2024 election outcome is the market currently ignoring? [24:04]What does Mike believe that market participants should start considering in advance of November's election? {35:49] Resources: The Senate map looks very tough Democrats John Mulaney’s “There’s a Horse in the Hospital” (Warning: Explicit Content) Trump’s reign of tariffs Bob Lighthizer biographySuper PAC to support No Labels Launches Disclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any...
Welcome to the first episode of In Search of Green Marbles in the new year. To kick things off, G3 welcomes Jordi Visser onto the pod to take a walk down memory lane. Specifically, they discuss all the mistakes and miscalls Jordi made in 2023. The idea for this episode was Jordi’s and it’s based upon his view that one should always be learning from one’s screw-ups. In fact, Jordi’s 2023 screw-ups are important inputs into the 2024 playbook that he’s devised. G3 and Jordi discuss this playbook in detail. Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode.Timestamps:What were some of the wrong predictions that Jordi made in 2023? [3:35]What is Jordi’s 2024 playbook based on what he sees in the economy, stocks, rates, and politics? [7:33]What are some potential surprises we might encounter in the market throughout 2024? [12:04]What does Jordi predict will be the 2 most important themes in 2024? [22:00]What is the relationship between Bitcoin and interest rates? [26:16]Resources:Don’t Just See, Observe: The End of Fiat Asset Inflation and the Bitcoin Moment [Paper]UBS Billionaire Ambitions Report 2023: The great wealth transferCNBC’s Kelly Evans talks Bitcoin with Jordi Visser Disclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
For the very last In Search of Green Marbles episode of 2023 (what a year it’s been), G3 gathers with Jordi Visser to speak about AI and college, two topics that are near and dear to Jordi’s heart. A final note to our listeners: We would like to thank you for the steadfast support we have received in 2023. You have provided us with a great deal of useful feedback and insights that we have incorporated into the pod. We appreciate it very much and would ask that you keep it coming next year.If you haven’t rated and reviewed the podcast, we ask that you consider doing so. Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode.Timestamps:What are Jordi’s views on how AI will disrupt the work environment in the future? [3:00]Does Jordi believe AI will de-value a degree from a prestigious school? [8:24]What advice has Jordi provided to his own son regarding how to thrive in the age of AI? [16:30]Are there different considerations for younger children who have not yet advanced to the high school level? [21:44]What is the significance of the number 139,944? [32:00]Resources:#JordiPlusJarvis LinkedIn ArticlesA Whole New Mind by Daniel PinkThe Coming AI Revolution—And Why College Graduates Will Be Ready For ItDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
In this episode, which was recorded earlier in December, G3 continues his inquiry into Jordi Visser’s new portfolio recommendation that calls for a 50-30-20 allocation between money market funds, fiat assets and Bitcoin. Those who missed Part 1 of the discussion may want to first listen to Episode 111, which was released on December 8th. Please, check important disclosures at the end of the episode, and join us for this far-reaching discussion. Note: This episode was recorded on December 7th, 2023.Timestamps:How do the trends in demographics fit into Jordi’s 50-30-20 allocation model? [2:34]What exactly are money market funds, and how do they impact other assets within the fiat system? [11:09]How has the evolution of AI contributed to making entrepreneurship a more critical element in our economic landscape? [20:43]What does Jordi foresee as the key areas where AI will cause major disruptions in the future? [30:20]Why does Jordi believe that those who haven't invested in Bitcoin will soon feel a sense of missing out (FOMO)? [47:24] Resources:The Continued Rise of the Extended WorkforceAI and Covid-19 Vaccine: Moderna’s Dave JohnsonThe world’s largest proteins? These mega-molecules turn bacteria into predatorsWhat is AlphaMissense?Disclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
This episode of In Search of Green Marbles was recorded on Wednesday, December 13th at 4.30pm, which was subsequent to the Fed’s December Meeting and Press Conference.The week’s episode featured Lundy Wright, Weiss’s bond expert. In addition to providing his assessment of the Fed meeting, Lundy offered up his latest take on where things stand in the fight against inflation and how the Fed’s meeting impacted that effort. Please check important disclosures at the end of the podcast. Timestamps:What is Lundy’s take on the Fed's decision to insert the word “Any” in its latest statement? [2:25]What is the Fed’s “Dot Plot” and can it be used to accurately predict future Fed Funds rate trends? [4:22]What could be the unintended consequences of Chairman Powell’s dovish press conference and Fed statement? [12:40]In Lundy's view, how might the outcome of the latest Fed meeting influence housing affordability? [27:23]Resources: The Fed's dot plot: Breaking down the latest projectionsPresident Biden gives a rare take on interest ratesWhat is Fiscal Dominance?Disclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
This week, G3 speaks to Jordi Visser about his 50-30-20 (Money Market Assets / Fiat Assets / Bitcoin) portfolio recommendation, which he believes can lead to outperformance in the years to come. This episode is the first installment in a series that will explore Jordi’s recommendation from a variety of vantage points. Inspired by the character Sherlock Holmes, G3 and Jordi treat this discussion like an unfolding mystery novel. Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode. Timestamps:What is Jordi’s 50-30-20 rule? [2:07]Is the 50-30-20 rule a reflection of a dark, bearish outlook? [11:35]Why is Web3 poised to be more of a disruptive force next year? [17:40]How does Jordi connect the ‘no more business cycles’ idea to the decline of the fiat system? [24:30]What other topics will be covered in the coming episodes of the 50-30-20 rule series? [32:37]Resources:Mistral AI, the French Competitor of OpenAI, Prepares a €450 Million Fundraising RoundHealthcare job growth How AI is making entrepreneurship more accessibleGreenspan on technological advancement Disclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
In this episode, recorded on Wednesday, November 29th, G3 speaks with Weiss’s China expert, Mike Edwards, about the upcoming presidential election in Taiwan. China, the US and much of the world will be watching this election closely because Taiwan’s status has been a major source of tension between the world’s two superpowers. Mike provides an overview on where Sino-US relations currently stand and discusses if and how the election could impact the trajectory of those relations. Mike and G3 also discuss the geopolitical significance of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), which is headquartered about 45 miles to the southwest of Taipei.Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode and join us for this important discussion. Timestamps:How could the Taiwanese presidential election impact Sino-US relations? [1:30]Who are the key players in the Taiwanese election? [7:12]Who is the PRC rooting for and against in the upcoming election? [18:45]What is the geopolitical significance of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)? [24:26]How might the Biden-Xi meeting at the APEC Summit as well as Congressional China hawks like Mike Gallagher impact the trajectory of US-China relations? [29:13]Resources: Joe Biden meets Xi Jinping in California: seven key takeawaysWho is Hsiao Bi-khim?Taiwan’s Semiconductor Dominance: Implications for Cross-Strait RelationsDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
For our Thanksgiving week episode, G3 is joined by Jordi Visser, President and CIO at Weiss. Of course, food is very much top-of-mind during this holiday. And like every day of the year, food is top-of-mind for Jordi. As such, we thought it would be fun to do a follow-up episode on anti-obesity drugs like Ozempic.Topics covered on this episode include the impact of Agonists on various economic sectors, how pension liabilities could be impacted by these drugs and last but certainly not least, why Jordi serves lobster over turkey at his Thanksgiving.Please check important disclosures at the episode.Note: This episode was recorded on November 8th, 2023.Timestamps:What are Jordi’s current views on Ozempic and other obesity/weight loss drugs and their impact on the economy? [2:44]What conclusions can be drawn from Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly's recent acquisitions? [9:19]What is Jordi's perspective regarding the potential consequences for pension liabilities as healthspan and lifespan are extended? [11:11]How does Jordi relate the 'food be thy medicine' principle to the rising trend of Ozempic? [15:11]Why serve lobster over turkey? [22:53]Resources:Episode 99: G3 and Jordi discuss Ozempic and AIEli Lilly’s “Triple G” obesity drug leads to 24.2% weight loss in trialDigital camera sales over timeDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
In this episode of In Search of Green Marbles, recorded on Wednesday, November 15th, G3 welcomes Weiss’s Jena Roche, Director of Investor Relations & Marketing, and Reem Abbassi, Senior Project Manager, to talk about Weiss’s full embrace of AI. Both Jena and Reem are on the front lines of the firm’s AI efforts. As such, G3 asks them about how they are deploying AI today and how it might be used in the future. Other topics include whether or not AI will replace professionals at the firm and what AI means for female professionals on Wall Street. Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode.Timestamps:Is it Weiss’ goal to replace human jobs with AI? [3:37]What is an example of how AI is being used by the Operations Team at Weiss? [7:54]How long did it take Reem to become proficient in using text-to-image AI technologies for creating social media content? [11:36]How does Jena describe the firm’s process for deciding when to use an AI solution and when not to? [15:15]How is AI leveling the playing field for women on Wall Street? [18:25]Resources:#JordiPlusJarvis LinkedIn ArticlesClaude vs. ChatGPTBuilding customized chatbots with co-pilotRegulatory sandboxes for AIAI tutorial on youtubeDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
This week, G3 welcomes Jordi Visser on the pod to talk about the regime change he’s seeing in the markets. He’s also eager to discuss who wins and who loses in this new regime and how he believes investors may want to get ahead of the new world that we are entering. Spoiler Alert: Bitcoin figures prominently into Jordi’s thinking.Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode. Timestamps:What does Jordi mean by the terms “macro inflection point” and “regime change”? [4:13]How much weight will Jordi place on the ISM to predict future economic conditions? [13:13]Are the peak in fiat assets and the “no more business cycle” concepts two sides of the same coin? [15:25]Why is Jordi calling for “Peak Ponzi”? [18:40] What should replace 60/40 in the new regime that Jordi foresees? [29:50]Resources:Raoul Pal’s The Exponential Age Speaks to Jordi VisserSVB, ChatGPT and the Future of Trust: The Bitcoin Moment [Paper]Shrinking Populations Around the WorldM2 ExplainedWithout A Fight Wins 2023 Melbourne CupWeiss’ Daily Morning Meeting SummaryDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
Lundy Wright joins G3 to discuss the FOMC’s latest policy meeting in this week’s episode, recorded on Wednesday, November 1st. In their wide-ranging discussion, Lundy and G3 discuss the Fed’s policy statement and Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s press conference. They also discussed recent economic data and why Lundy believes that 10-year yields are headed higher.Please check important disclosures at the end of the podcast. Timestamps: What is the significance of the Fed updating its statement to include a mention of tighter financial conditions? [3:05]Why do central bankers seem to ‘whipsaw’ the markets on purpose? [9:48]What risky bet is both the Fed and Treasury making right now? [17:55]Does Lundy think that yield curve control will be implemented eventually? [21:53]Why does Lundy believe that the longer end of the curve will sell off further? [27:24]Resources:Fed Chair Jerome Powell and Philadelphia Fed President Harker visit York, Pa (video)$7.6 trillion of US government debt will mature in the next yearThe Atlanta Fed’s GDPNowDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.
In this episode, recorded on Wednesday, October 25th, G3 welcomes Sultan Meghji and Mike Edwards to the show to discuss the unfolding war in the Middle East. Please note that we all recognize the terrible carnage that has taken place and in no way want to be insensitive to it. However, this podcast is designed to look at events through a markets angle. As such, while our hearts are heavy, we will be adhering to that approach. Please check important disclosures at the end of the episode. Timestamps:Is Israel’s postponement of the ground incursion into Gaza an escalation or de-escalation of the war? [2:22] What is Mike's perspective on Iran's intentions behind alerting Israel about the Oct. 7 attack? [16:10]What are the implications for defense spending as a result of the war? [24:50]Why does Sultan view space infrastructure as being critical to both U.S. military capabilities and the stability of the economy? [32:09]How could the recent events in the Middle East influence the price of crude oil? [39:37]Does Mike anticipate that the Middle East War will have any impact on the candidates vying for the GOP presidential nomination? [50:46]Resources: Sultan’s start-up, Frontier FoundrySultan’s BiographyThe current “warm war” in spaceUkraine’s 3D printed bombsDisclosures: This podcast and associated content (collectively, the “Post”) are provided to you by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers LLC (“Weiss”). The views expressed in the Post are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Information in this Post has been developed internally and is based on market conditions as of the date of the recording from sources believed to be reliable. Nothing in this Post should be construed as investment, legal, tax, or other advice and should not be viewed as a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You should consult your own advisers regarding business, legal, tax, or other matters concerning investments. Any health-related information shared on the podcast is not intended as medical advice or for use in self-diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting upon any health-related information on the podcast. Weiss has no control over information at any external site hyperlinked in this Post. Weiss makes no representation concerning and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature, or reliability of any hyperlinked site and has included hyperlinks only as a convenience. The inclusion of any external hyperlink does not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification, or ongoing monitoring by Weiss of any information in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall Weiss be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any security. Please visit to review related disclosures and learn more about Weiss.