In The Footsteps Of The Parsha

<h2><strong>In The Footsteps Of The Parsha</strong></h2> <h3>Weekly Parsha Shiur</h3> <p><strong>Contact Info</strong><br>Don Jarashow <br>Email: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> <br><span style='color: rgba(0,0,0,0.65);background-color: rgb(255,255,255);font-size: 14px;'>Phone: 845-367-2959</span></p> <p><strong>WhatsApp community link</strong><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a> </p>

Shavuos: A limping Nation

The story of Rav Mendel of Viznitz and Rivka, who brought him tea while he was in exile, can serve as a parallel to our current situation and our relationship with Avinu Malkeinu and His Torah.


Bamidbar: His Orchestra's Violinists

As Yidden, we must all realize we are playing in His orchestra, and when we're not there, He realizes the missing music.


Bechukosai: Unveiling Unprecedented Accomplishments

The words 'אם בחקתי תלכו' ('If you walk in My statutes') reminds us as Jews that, even in the dog-eat-dog world we live in, there is another, forgotten dimension of accomplishment.


Behar: Big Bucks From the Real Gvir

Never lose sight of who really pays, and remember there is no shortage of ways He can do it.Never loose sight of who really pays. and theres no shortage of ways he can do it 


Emor: Preserving the Good for a Rainy Day

Reb Meilech of Lezensk reminds us that during the good times, we have to store away for even the rainy days, in order to rise to the occasion, become better, and grow.


Kedoshim: Against the Norm

It's almost 90 degrees, and Kabbalas HaTorah is around the corner. Is this ironic, or perhaps very much intentional?  To join the Lechteich community or for more information, please visit


Acharei Mos: Never Await an Opportunity

Explore the journey from Pesach to Shavuos, where each moment offers spiritual growth. Discover the essence of our commitment to Hashem and embrace opportunities for reflection, connection, and transformation. And remember, as a servant of the King, there is no such thing as waiting for an oppurtunity.  


Tazria: Chiseled from the Same Rock

The Chofetz Chaim and the Apiryon remind us through the laws of negaim that sometimes it's about the long-term goal, and the short-term trials are a tradeoff for eternity. Purchase the brand new Lechteich Haggadah on Amazon:


Shemini: Cradled by the King

How Aharon HaKohen reached the state of 'vaydom,' akin to a rock, and how the Sanzer Rav was eager to praise Hashem after burying his son, are aspects we will never fully comprehend. However, the common trait shared by both, which we can all strive to cultivate and enhance in our own bitachon, is their profound realization that they were always cradled by the King. PURCHASE THE NEW LECHTEICH HAGGADAH AVAILABLE IN MOST BOOKSTORES OR SIMPLY CLICK THIS LINK: 


Tzav: Gaze and Gravitas

The profound significance of the penetrating gaze of the Alter of Kelm is illuminated by the insight of Rabbeinu Yona regarding the act of removing the ashes performed by the Kohanim.


Pekudei: Gems of Glory

We're all striving for greatness, aspiring to be better versions of ourselves. Let's not forget that each of us is a precious, pristine, and glorious gem.


Vayakhel / Shekalim: Achake Lo

Galusis painful; The Shekalim remind us, all we can do is show Hashem that we won't give up. We know He's here, and we trust that He will redeem us. 


Ki Sisa: Appreciation In Retrospect

Learn from the mistakes of our forefathers. Don't reach a point where you'll want to say, 'chaval.' 


Tetzaveh: In The Seat Next Over

Embark on a transformative journey as we navigate the peaks and valleys of spiritual growth, drawing inspiration from the recently concluded Shovavim period. Join our insightful discussions, featuring wisdom from Rabbi Trenk and the bochur who drove to the movie theatere on Shabbos. Delve into the spiritual insights derived from the Novominsker Rebbe's teachings about the ketores, and explore parallels that resonate with our own personal journeys.


Teruma: Tabernacles Through Sacrifice

Building a dwelling for the Shechina in this world demands more than mere materials; it extends beyond the historical tabernacle. This principle applies to the personal tabernacles we yearn for in our individual lives, requiring a deeper, spiritual foundation.


Mishpatim: Triumphing Meat's Defeat

Listen to the lesson from a Russian security guard in Siberia in the 1900s that Reb Meir Futerfas has to tell us. It sheds light on the ear-piercing punishment of the eved ivri and has the most acute and applicable applications for us today.


Yisro: Exchanging the CEO Badge for Ivri Anochi

Titles like CEO, president, doctor, and lawyer, along with impressive degrees, may radiate grandeur and prestige. However, as Yisro teaches us, life embraces much more than these professional roles and academic accomplishments.


Beshalach: What Rav Chatzkel Would Have Said

If we were privileged to hear a fiery mussar shmuz from the venerated Mashgiach, Rav Chatzkel Levenstein, regarding the manna and its relevance to present-day challenges, parnasah, and even the ongoing war, perhaps he would have said something along these lines.


Bo: Exodus on the Shoulders of the Hunchback

Discover the connection between the 'toirala' of the holy Piacezner, as taught during Reb Shloimal'e's encounter with the 'holy hunchback,' and the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim.'


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