In This Body

<p>In This Body is a podcast dedicated to providing thoughtful dialogue to demystify the unseen influence of the unconscious in your life. Through consciously curated conversations with leading experts from across the globe, we’ll uncover the silent stories woven into the fabric of our lives, unlocking the door to genuine change and deeper authenticity. In This Body hosts conversations with leading experts about the importance of embodiment in living an authentic life. In This Body asks the important questions: How does connecting to your body change your life? How will connecting to your body allow you to love better and live more authentically? And how does connecting to your body change the trajectory of our shared world? </p>

The Power of Dream Work with Dr. Leslie Ellis

Join Ailey Jolie and Dr Leslie Ellis for In This Body's third episode. In this episode, Ailey and Dr Ellis discuss focusing-oriented therapy, the transformative power of dream work, and how dreams serve as profound access points to the unconscious. Dr. Ellis shares her journey from journalism to psychology, her experiences working with trauma, and the importance of embodiment in addressing unfelt experiences. Together they also explore the relationship between dream work and trauma, the...


Exploring the Intersection of Somatic Healing & Sexual Wellbeing with Ariel Giarretto

Join Ailey Jolie and Ariel Giarretto for In This Body's second episode. In this episode, Ariel shares their personal path to discovering the deep connection between body awareness and sexual well-being. Ariel discusses the different approaches of a sex educator and a somatic sexologist, and why integrating a trauma-informed lens is critical when addressing sexuality and the body. Importantly, Ariel touches on cultural and societal barriers that lead to sexual and somatic disconnection. Ariel ...


This Body Is Home with Ailey Jolie

Join Ailey Jolie and her interviewer, Giselle La Pompe-Moore for the first episode of In This Body. Giselle is a slow living advocate, author of "Take It In," artist, and writer of "Be Difficult, Darling" on Substack. Her approach to slow living emphasizes making joy, healing, and reflection more accessible to help us cope with fast-paced, distracted, and disconnected living. Giselle explores how we can find Quiet Joy in simple, everyday things, practice Quiet Rebellion by questioning hustle ...


Introducing: In This Body the Podcast

In This Body is a podcast dedicated to providing thoughtful dialogue to demystify the unseen influence of the unconscious in your life. Through consciously curated conversations with leading experts from across the globe, we’ll uncover the silent stories woven into the fabric of our lives, unlocking the door to genuine change and deeper authenticity. Everything your mind has not processed lives inside your body. Everything your mind has not processed will rule your life until it is revealed. ...


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