In-house Insiders

In-house Insiders is a show where you'll hear from the most interesting in-house legal professionals in Australia. We'll explore their stories, the challenges they've faced along the way, and the lessons they've learned that have defined their careers. Produced by the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Australia.

Navigating global challenges as an in-house lawyer

Cathy Hoyle is the General Counsel and Company Secretary of Enero, an international network of marketing and communications businesses. Following a ten-year-long stint in the music industry in Los Angelos, Cathy retrained as a lawyer but never lost her passion for working with creative people. Cathy and her team were also the winners of the Small Legal Team of the Year Award at the 2021 ACC Corporate Lawyer of the Year Awards. In this episode, Cathy explains how she got her start in the music industry, and how she made the transition to law. She breaks down what it's like working at a global company like Enero, and shares the importance of maintaining good relationships. Plus, Cathy shares her insights about working in a small legal team, before reflecting on her 2021 award win. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


How one lawyer faced the global financial crisis in the delivery room

Nadia Mansour is the Chief Legal Counsel at HBF Health Limited, one of Australia’s largest private health insurance providers. Before moving into in-house roles, Nadia worked in private practice and ran her own consulting firm. Nadia is passionate about mentoring, and in 2021 she won the Mentor of the Year award at the Australian Corporate Lawyer Awards. In today’s episode, Nadia shares what it was like transitioning from running her own business to transitioning to an in-house legal role, you’ll hear what she finds most rewarding about being a mentor, and Nadia will tell the incredible story of how she found out about the global financial crisis… while she was in the middle of giving birth. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


The challenges and opportunities of being a sole in-house legal counsel

Michael Guilday is the General Counsel and Head of Property at the Sydney Fish Markets. Michael's job is incredibly diverse, involving the management of a wide range of stakeholders and overseeing the complex relocation of the fish markets. He was also the recipient of the Sole Legal Counsel of the Year Award at the 2021 Corporate Lawyer of the Year Awards. In this episode, Michael breaks down his experience in managing such a broad range of stakeholders and the challenges involved in relocating a well-established institution. He also shares what it was like to be recognised with such a prestigious award. And, he unpacks the challenges and opportunities of being the sole in-house legal counsel in an organisation. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


The benefits and challenges of working for a not-for-profit

Cate Bennett is the General Counsel and Company Secretary for Movember, the world's leading men's health charity. Cate's career has comprised entirely of in-house roles in government and social enterprise, and in 2020, she won the Not For Profit Lawyer of the Year at the ACC Australia Corporate Lawyer Awards. In this episode, Cate shares what it's like working at Movember, how the company began, and why their cause is so important. You'll hear what Cate's experience has been in her long career in social enterprise and government roles, before she shares her tips for any other in-house counsels in these fields. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


Leading a response to public scrutiny

Aditi Kogekar is the former Deputy General Counsel of icare, and the current Chief Legal Counsel at WWF Australia. Aditi was a key player in the icare's response to their recent independent review. As a result of her work in this response, Aditi was awarded Government Lawyer of the Year at ACC's Corporate Lawyer of the Year Awards. In this episode, Aditi discusses the biggest challenges faced in responding to the government review, as well as the lessons she learnt. She also shares what it meant to receive the Government Lawyer of the Year Award, after such a tumultuous period of work. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


The unique legal world of public infrastructure

Nathan Lanthois is the Chief Legal and Commercial Officer at Transdev. Nathan's career has focused primarily on public infrastructure projects, where he's gained a unique insight that most in-house lawyers wouldn't get the chance to see. Nathan also won the In-house Lawyer of the Year Award at the 2021 Australian Corporate Lawyer Awards.  In this episode, Nathan explains some of the challenges he had to overcome in delivering the new Sydney light rail project. He also shares some lessons he's learnt from his unique career trajectory and breaks down how these experiences led to winning his recent award. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


Why you need your General Counsel in your leadership team

Mike Madden is the General Counsel at Future Feed, and has recently stepped down from his position as Chair of the ACC Global Board of Directors. After starting his career in private practice, Mike transitioned into in-house roles where he eventually had to choose between his law career and his other dream of being a rugby union coach. In today's episode, Mike shares the lessons that he's learnt from rugby, and how they crossover with his legal career. He also explains the work he's done fostering greater diversity on the ACC Global Board. Finally, Mike shares his thoughts on how the General Counsel role has evolved, and why it's so important that General Counsels get to work side-by-side with senior leadership. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


How to change careers, and countries, at the same time

Ria Manguray is an award-winning in-house lawyer and experienced corporate practitioner with over 10 years of combined experience in the legal industry in the United States and Australia. At the time of this interview, she was Legal Counsel for Tourism Australia; she’s since moved into a similar role at The Iconic.  In this episode, you’ll hear how Ria’s career has had a number of twists and turns: she started out in California as a paralegal, before deciding to make a big change and move to Australia as a single parent. She also shaes how her career as a paralegal enabled her to jump into in-house roles earlier than most, and how the theme of “giving back” has had a big impact on her career. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


How volunteering in a non-profit can benefit your paid job

Tara Sutherland is the Legal Counsel at Coles. Throughout her career she’s had a focus on the property side of the law, but in her private life Tara is also the Treasurer of the Camberwell Area Multiple Births Association. In today’s episode you’ll hear what it is about property that Tara finds so rewarding, how her work in the Multiple Births Association has affected her professional development and how other in-house counsel can benefit from taking a similar approach. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


The role of lawyers in the face of increasingly capable technology

David Field is the Chief Legal Counsel at Canon. David has followed a unique path to get to where he is today. Starting his career in Taiwan, he eventually returned to Sydney and roles in private practice.  But after jumping to an in-house role with Telstra, and staying there for 19 years, it’s safe to say he never looked back. In this episode, David shares how he found himself in Taiwan in the first place, his love for robotics and coding and how he sees the role of in-house counsel changing in the future. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


How Tri Nguyen became South Australia's first Vietnamese graduate lawyer

Tri Nguyen is the general counsel and company secretary at Incolink. Tri has had an incredible journey throughout his life. Growing up in Vietnam in the 80s, Tri’s parents wanted a better life for him, so they placed him and his brother on a fishing boat and the two of them made the harrowing journey to Australia.  In this episode, Tri will take you through the dangerous journey that led him to Australia. We'll also explore what it was like in Australia for a refugee in the 80s and how Tri eventually became South Australia's first Vietnamese graduate lawyer. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


Authentic leadership: Finding strength through vulnerability

Niti Nadarajah has followed a unique path through the industry.  She started her career in Australia but spent a number of her early years in London, before returning to Australia and diving into in-house roles.  Today, you’ll hear about Niti’s perspective on the importance of authentic leadership. Niti also shares some of the personal struggles that she has faced with workplace flexibility, mental health, and pregnancy loss and fertility. We’ll explore the benefits of having a transparent and open dialogue in the workplace, and the importance of normalising the conversation. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


Why successful people still deal with impostor syndrome

Nicole Duncan has had an eventful career working in-house in the mining industry. Formerly the Chief Legal Officer at South32, she made her mark working on both the merger between BHP and Billiton and the demerger of South32 from BHP. Today, you’ll hear the challenges she faced and the lessons Nicole learned from these experiences. We also discuss how growing up with a father who worked for the World Bank affected Nicole's career choices, and how someone so successful deals with impostor syndrome. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


Overcoming the challenge of starting over

Kripi Bhatt is Legal Counsel at CPB Contractors, and previously had an established legal career working at a top firm overseas. But when she moved to Australia, she found despite her vast experience, the challenge of starting her career again was more difficult than she thought. In this episode, Kripi shares how her career played out in her home country of India, the challenges of requalifying and obtaining a job in Australia and the amazing moment where she threw down the gauntlet and challenged an employer to give her a shot. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


Strategies to improve, strengthen and rekindle business relationships

Malcolm Haack is the Group General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at the Australian based mining multinational Orica. Unusually, Malcolm went from law school directly into an in-house role, before taking on a more traditional role in a top-tier Australian law firm. However, the seeds had been sown, and after a few years of soul-searching, he realised he missed the deep interaction with the business that in-house counsel provided. In this episode, he shares his unique path to where he is today, the lessons he’s learned from working worldwide, and the skills he’s developed to maintain relationships across borders. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


Building the plane while you’re flying it

Kate Sherburn is the "Legal Beagle" at Who Gives A Crap, a direct-to-consumer toilet paper company with a social cause at the heart of its business. Kate started in July 2019, and six months into the role she had grand plans for the year ahead. But when the pandemic hit in early 2020, being a toilet paper company, they faced some pretty unique challenges. In this episode, Kate shares how she built the legal department at the business, the importance of being a part of an organisation that shares your values, and how working for a social enterprise has influenced her personally. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


Diversity, inclusion and overcoming assumptions in-house

Christalyne Look is the Deputy General Counsel of Gaming and Corporate at Tabcorp. Christalyne has had a varied career having worked in-house at multinational, listed and regulated companies in the technology, financial services and entertainment industries, as well as in private practice. In this episode, Christalyne shares her views on how working in a wide range of industries can benefit your career, the challenges and assumptions she faces as a person with a disability and in her words, the importance of being brave. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


The ethics, culture and moral grey areas found in-house

Amy Salapak is the Senior Legal Counsel at Curtin University. In 2018, she was awarded a Fulbright scholarship in the U.S. on the role of ethics, regulation, law and governance in the financial services sector following the global financial crisis. Amy has presented at Australasian and international forums on business ethics, banking and finance, dispute resolution and governance issues. In this episode, she breaks down the findings of her studies, discusses how ethics and culture impact in-house legal professionals, and shares a recent personal adversity she’s overcome. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


How to build resilience through adversity

Anthony Mennillo is the Senior Manager of Legal Services at MIGA, who’s career transitioned into an in-house role when he found himself, like so many other lawyers, disillusioned with the timesheet. But after finding success in this role, his world was turned upside down when he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). In this episode, Anthony shares the moment he decided to transition into an in-house role from private practice, how it felt to be diagnosed with MS, and how he’s overcome his diagnosis. This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.


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