In the bunker with Darth Putin

The Darth Putin Master Strategist podcast recorded from the bunker using a 56k dial-up modem. Features Darth and a co-host, plus frequent guests. You may hear Medvedev snoring drunkenly on the sofa.

Episode 11 - Rick Wilson, ex-Cold War warrior and Never Trump Republican

Isn't it exciting that Darth and I are now talking to the smart guys at the GOP? Tune into our chat with Rick Wilson, an American political strategist who ran campaigns for George W. Bush (R), Dick Cheney (R), and Rudy Giuliani (R). In this episode: Why is U.S. support for Ukraine being micromanaged? Why do Putin's policies resonate with Trump supporters? Rick, who is the fifth-generation Floridian, is boasting that his soon-to-be-born granddaughter gets a parole officer at birth. Oh, those Floridians!   Yours truly, Katie from Minsk


Episode 10 - Michael Weiss, a CIA polymath (according to Darth)

Darth and I welcome Michael Weiss, an investigative journalist renowned for his extensive coverage of the wars in Syria and Ukraine, as well as his publications on Russian espionage and disinformation. Amid a fair amount of jokes and sarcasm, we delve into discussions about the GRU and how its spy culture contrasts with that of the SVR, Russia's foreign intelligence service. We look at some of the GRU’s “successful” operations, as Michael is currently writing a book about this infamous institution. Interestingly, some of the most talented individuals who served in the GRU during its inception in the 1920s-1930s, were foreigners rather than Russians. My favorite takeaways: How the appeasement of Russia failed: attempts by the Obama and early Biden's administrations to restart relations and "tickle Putin's tummy" were fruitless. Michael nearly developed a PTSD from dealing with the divided Syrian opposition, which had a hard time uniting against the common enemy. I can relate to this, since there are similar conflicts among the Belarusian democratic groups in exile. Do you remember the footage of Russian soldiers shipping the looted fridges and other stuff from Ukraine via Belarus post offices? The footage of that circus was actually leaked to the public by the Belarusian state services, so there is a bit of the Fifth column in the Belarusian power vertical.     Yours truly, Katie from Minsk


Luka 101: How to enjoy the presidency for 30 years

This is our first episode in the monthly series on Belarus.  You'll gain insights into Belarusian domestic politics as we discuss how our guy is running the country, relying on his family and the network of "mini-garchs.". According to Wikipedia, he is the "longest-serving European president." That's one way to put it. Tune in and learn more about our lovely dictator's adventures.  On a more serious note, there are over 1,300 political prisoners, political repressions continue as we speak, and my home country is at its biggest political crisis in its modern history. More on this in the upcoming episodes. Subscribe to our Patreon/IntheBunkerwithDarth to get fast access to our newest episodes and to ask questions to the Master Strategist.   Yours truly, Katie from Minsk    


Episode 9 - Ben Wittes and his martial arts challenge to Putin

In this episode, Ben Wittes agrees to serve as a token for the gender equality balance, as he is the second male guest in our podcast series. On a more serious note, we're discussing Trump’s trials and how they'll impact the 2024 elections. While Darth’s parody plots to bring the bad guy back to the White House, we are discussing the unfavorable consequences for U.S. foreign policy if that happens. Follow Ben’s work on and on Instagram at, as he was blocked on Twitter for mischief. We hope you like our talk, as we shed some light on why it happened and dive into the details of Ben’s challenge to fight Putin, “Any Time, Any Place He Can't Have Me Arrested.”   Consider supporting us on, Yours truly, Katie


Episode 8 - Homo-romanticism with Natalia Antonova

Darth & I are joined in bunker by Natalia Antonova.  Natalia is an OSINT researcher, writer, playwright and close watcher of Russia.  Based in DC, she's from Ukraine but also lived in Moscow for a number of years.   Listen and learn about Russian homo-romanticism, as opposed to homo eroticism, incels who hate women but love Putin, techbros who love Putin and sex offenders who also lvoe Putin.  There's a fair few double meanings and Darth pointing out and important spelling point.


Alone in the Bunker. With Maria Snegovaya

In this episode Darth is joined by Maria Snegovaya.  Maria is a post doc at Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service, a Senior Fellow with the Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and a Fellow at the Illiberalism Studies Program at George Washington University. More interesting, the Kremlin declared her a foreign agent so Darth and her discuss Russian public opinion, what they think and know and the crazy stuff the Kremlin believes. She decided to choose a drink not on the menu, presumably thinking she'd have a better chance of survival


Episode 6 - The German Fox News with Minna Ålander.

In this episode Darth and I joined by Minna Ålander, an expert on both Finland and Germany as well as Arctic security.  We talk about German relations with Russia, nuclear blackmail, how China is apparently an arctic nation, and Macron's recent statements about the war.  Darth insisted that Minna decide between tea, sushi and perfume. Katie: @kshmatsina Minna: @minna_alander Patreon:


Episode 5 - Election Tension

In this Episode Darth and I talk about the election results and how it was a real cliffhanger.  We talk a little about what this might mean in future and what the prospects are for Russia becoming a democracy (spoiler, not much).  We recap some of the events this week aside from the voting theatre and then introduce the Patreon we're gonna be loading these future epsides to.


Episode 4 - "The Darth Putin Guide to Master Strategy"

This episode is just Darth and I.  We talk about Parody Putin's adress to the Duma, Medvedev's comrade Mao jacket with the buttons that can barely take the strain, and most of all, Darth's new book. Follow me: @kshmatsina There's also a Patreon: click here for more details.


Episode 3: "It's the Anglo-Saxons you know" with Jade McGlynn

In this episode Darth & I are joined in the bunker by Jade McGlynn, an author & research fellow from King's College London.  Her books "Memory Makers" and "Russia's War" discuss how Russians see the war in Ukraine and how Russians see their own history nd we dig into these in the pod.  We also also talk how the Kremlin uses and abuses this and why it's not just Putin's war but Russia's war.  Darth askes Jade about the Kremlin's peculiar obsession with the "Anglo-Saxons" despite how the Russian elite keep their wealth and mistresses in the evil West. Follow Jade: @DrJadeMcGlynn Katie: @kshmatsina Note:  This episode was re-upped after being professionally edited by some an elitist with access to imperialist western technology.


Episode 2 - From one head of state to another

In our first, formal episode, Darth & I are joined by the former president of Estonia, Toomas Hendrick Ilves, who gives us his take on the state of the war, Western Europe's almost willful lack of understanding of Russia, the selection process for head of NATO, what Medvedev is like in person, how Estonia became a success after de-occupation, and how he's that rare thing—a President of Estonia who didn't end up being murdered by the Kremlin. Once he leaves (by the nearest window), me and Darth have a quick chat about western academics and ceasefires. We have a Patreon now and will be adding some exclusive perks for the subscribers. My (Katie) twitter is @Kshmatsina


Episode 1 - Welcome to the "In the Bunker With Darth" Podcast

Welcome to the "In the Bunker With Darth" Podcast.  In this intro I introduce myself (Darth needs no introduction) and we talk about what the pod will be about, master strategy and why it's all going to plan.  We also discuss the new book that's about to be released, why some academics get Russia so wrong & refuse to admit when you can learn plenty about the Kremlin by just listening to what they tell you. Darth also points out that while I have a very rare "get out of the gulag free" card, I only have one but I am wanted in two countries, Russia & Belarus so I have to be careful. We've started a Patreon: click here for more details.


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