
<p>Experimental podcast edited by Stephen King, senior lecturer in media at Middlesex University Dubai.<br><br>Correspondence email: or</p>

Incongruent - Friends Reunion Special

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you!In our latest episode, the team share their thoughts on this month's Friends Reunion. We find out which of our Incongruables is a "Super-Fan" with a special quiz; Hashim and Lydia give reasons for not watching; Steve promotes Friends merch and displays his growing musical prowess... and we finish with a phenomenal (!) reading from one of the shows. This is an absolute gem you won't want to miss....


Arjun Talks to Grads - with Elena Stoica

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you!We are back with the new instalment of Arjun Talks to Grads. So in this episode Arjun explores how Elena Stoica spent her university life and her recent experience with CNN Academy Abu Dhabi. Check out Elena's story on CNN Academy here:


That Hashim Riyan Show with Dr Colleen Darnell

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! In this episode, I discuss with award-winning author and Egyptologist Dr. Colleen Darnell, the recent Saqqara expedition discoveries in Giza, made famous on the Netflix documentary 'Secrets of the Saqqara Tombs'. We also explore the fascinating context of these discoveries and clarify some widely misunderstood concepts in Ancient Egypt. Dr. Collen is also a vintage style lover and with her notable instagram following her page is fil...


S3E1 Plus Kehkashan Basu

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! Today we share some of our back catalogue in anticipation of a major sustainable development event that our team is participating in today. Our guest, Kehkashan Basu, is also part of the same event and panel. Kehkashan Basu is an eco ambassador who has received awards from so, so many places. According to her LinkedIN profile she is a United Nations Human Rights Champion; the Founder-President, Green Hope Foundation; a Forbes 30 Under 30...


S3E1 Plus Juan Pablo Celis Garcia

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! In what is technically the first episode of season three, we kick off with a bang. Lydia and Arjun had the chance to interview Juan Pablo Celis. a youth policy and climate advocate and empowerment speaker in the run up to his participation at a major UAE conference on sustainability. Juan Pablo is an Adviser to the Youth Representatives Steering Committee of the United Nations Department of Global Communication, Civil Society Unit, where he was a fou...


Arjun Talks to Grads with Divya Premchand

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! As we prepare to launch season 3, Arjun takes time out to speak with our celebrity graddie, Divya Premchand (@divsglam) who is not only one of our top graduating media students, but also a rising social media star. Divya is shortlisted in the Filmfare Middle East Social Media Awards. Our Arjun meets up with Divya and gets the low-down on what it takes to be an Instagram "Beauty Queen" and social media "Rising Star". Check out https://filmfaremiddleea...


S2E9: Secret Santa

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! It's the finale for season 2 - and this time we are doing Secret Santa in an extremely Incongruent fashion. And by that, we mean we get everything wrong... it's chaos as we conclude 2020 - but that does mean that 2021 will be a better year, it has a low bar to leap over! Hosted by Arjun Radeesh and Stephen King (and Santa!) With: Angelica BanaresHashim Riyan @hashim_riyanLydia Vourlidi: @lydia_vrlArjun Radeesh: @arjunrads_20Mabel Roy: mabellle__Imna...


S2E8 Art and Culture

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! This was always going to be our most challenging episode... but little did we know this topic would also be contentious. Culture wars break out as the Taj Mahal takes on the Pyramids and then are stomped by the Greeks... But all is well as the Philippines rise to spread peace and joy to the world, potentially inspired by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber... If that doesn't make any sense, then you may well enjoy this week's episode of the Incongruent! Hosted b...


S2E7 Fashion

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! In this episode Hashim finally offers some valuable advice on his Mastermind Specialist Subject - fashion. And it's clear that the boys have a better (!) idea on style than the ladies... or is it. The usual shenanigans are afoot with Arjun arriving fashionably late and random discussions on horoscopes. Sit back and enjoy our longest episode yet... Hosted by Imnah Varghese: @potted_ivy With: Hashim Riyan @hashim_riyanStephen King @stevekingindxb...


S2Plus2 Phil Blizzard

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! In this Plus episode Arjun and Samira are joined with a true legend of radio journalism - presenter/producer - TV & Radio, Broadcast consultant, voice over artiste, moderator/compere for conferences and events, Phil Blizzard. Phil is the voice of Wish You Were Here with Phil Blizzard which is broadcast from 2pm-5pm UAE on Saturdays, via Internet radio station, Capital Radio UAE (


S2E6: Toys

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you!Santa is coming to town and we all know what that means! Toys... or at least that's what the boys are thinking as the girls have mostly deserted us for this episode leaving Lydia to provide an alternative, and more intelligent perspective on this week's theme.Hosted by Hashim Riyan: @hashim_riyanWith:Arjun Radeesh: @arjunrads_20Lydia Vourlidi: @lydia_vrlStephen King (on saxophone)


S2E5: National Days

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! We are beginning the festive season on a high, sharing some of the history and culture of our home nations. This week we are inspired by the UAE National Day celebrations, and the team imparts its collective knowledge on our own national days - filling a segment of just over 20 minutes between us... Hosted by Arjun Radeesh (@arjunrads_20) With: Imnah Varghese @potted_ivyLydia Vourlidi: @lydia_vrlStephen King @stevekingindxbHashim Riyan @hashim_...


S2E4: Holidays

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! We are all very excited that research into a COVID-19 vaccine is reaching the advanced stage... and that we may once again begin dreaming about summer holidays abroad. In our fourth episode of season two, the team tries to encourage each other to visit their home country. Listen for tips on visiting India, the UK, Greece - and find out where our first international podcast will be broadcast from! Hosted by Imnah Varghese @potted_ivy With: Arjun Radee...


S2E3: Staycations

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! Although we are still limited in our ability to travel overseas, there is still a wealth of experiences to enjoy here in the UAE. In our third episode of Season 2 we discover Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah... and Ajman. Be prepared for tales of daring do at the UAE Armed Forces Club, the new Bear Grylls survival camp in RAK, and maybe partake in the sport of kings at the Dubai Polo Academy. Enjoy as the Greeks take over to lead us into Episode 3 of the I...


S2Plus1 with Lock & Stock

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you!We are kicking off a second season of our industry interviews in our first Incongruent Plus episode of the new term. Here, the co-founder of Lock & Stock, Hussain Ali, chats with our Arjun and Samira sharing a number of hints and tips of how to save - and also, how to reach the top of the Lock & Stock Leaderboard.Thank you so much Hussain for sharing, and you can download Lock & Stock from all major App stores.


S2E2: Halloween

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you! In our spookiest episode yet, the insidious Dhan guides us through dark tales of ghostly horror. We review the Haunted House at IMG's World of Adventures, take a tour of a haunted prison in Ottawa, and get stranded, alone on the top of one of highest mountains in Europe.... but who or what was it that actually happened to Dhan's Dream notebook and was it just that...? Or a real nightmare bwahaha... Not for the faint-hearted, but definitely for Hallow...


Arjun Talks to Grads with Varun Vinod

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you!In this episode, Arjun explores with Varun about his life at University and he tells us why he gave a donut to people who are sad. He considers himself as Steve Jobs for gardening. Also, we get to know about his short film's journey and what was his challenges out there. Music score by @issraihan


S2E1: Back to School

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you!In this episode we offer our advice to students returning to school this term, whether they are learning online or are visiting campus.Hear from our regular contributors and learn some tips that could make this year a lot more fun and enjoyable!Arjun RadeeshStephen KingMabel RoyAngelica BanaresHashim RiyanImnah Varghese


Arjun Talks to Grads with Anamika Prem Kumar

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you!In this episode, Arjun explores with Anamika about her life in University and she tells how she got nicknamed the "Slay of MDX". Also, she speaks about her writing journey and her blog creation with a hilarious title to it.Music score by @issraihan


Arjun Talks to Grads - with Sharon Philip

Spill the tea - we want to hear from you!Today, Arjun gets into conversation with Sharon, a media graduate of the class 2020. She tells us how university has been for the past 3 years. Also we get to know why she is known as ‘Yellow Pages’ among her close friends!


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