Indescribable Kids Podcast

Join Norah, Raz, Joshua, and Evyn in their backyard shed recording studio as they dive into the amazing world around us, and the Indescribable God who created it all! Brought to you by the Passion Podcast Network, Passion City Church, and Louie Giglio, the Indescribable Podcast for Kids is a podcast for kids, by kids that will guide them through devotionals from the Indescribable, How Great is our God, and Wonder of Creation books.

Episode 14 - Don't Forget Bartimaeus

Norah & Raz take a trip down memory lane in this episode about remembering things. —Memory Verse: "I will not forget you." Isaiah 49:15—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode 13 - Just Laugh it Off

Join Norah & Raz as they share some of their embarrassing stories and how to manage being embarrassed well.—Memory Verse: "My power works best in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode 12 - Germs and a Scientist!

In this special episode of the Indescribable Kids Podcast, Joshua + Evyn are joined by a real-life scientist to learn about things we shouldn't share—germs and a bad attitude.—Memory Verse: "Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not become angry easily."   1 Corinthians 13:5 —Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode 11 - Move Your Body!

Norah & Raz join us for the Indescribable Kids Podcast with an episode on using endorphins to deal with feeling scared, anxious, stressed, and nervous.—The episode's memory verse is Philippians 2:4."Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others."—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


The Christmas Story

Join us as we are reminded of the reason for the season of Christmas, the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. You can follow along with us in your Bible as Norah, Raz, Evyn, & Joshua each take turns sharing the story of Christmas from Luke 2.—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Christmas with the Kids

In this special episode of the Indescribable Kids Podcast, our friends Norah, Raz, Evyn, & Joshua opened presents, shared some of their favorite parts from the Christmas Story, and taught each other facts about stars and about how we can shine a light on Jesus.—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Just the Facts // BONUS Episode 3

Join our friends Norah and Joshua as they continue our new game show here on the Indescribable Kids Podcast called, Just the Facts! —Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Just the Facts // BONUS Episode 2

Join our friends Norah and Joshua as they continue our new game show here on the Indescribable Kids Podcast called, Just the Facts! —Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Just the Facts // BONUS Episode 1

Join our friends Norah and Joshua as they kick off a brand new game show here on the Indescribable Kids Podcast called, Just the Facts! —Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode Ten - Obadiah, Fruit Snacks, and the Sermon on the Mount

There are ants everywhere! No need to worry, they're staying pretty busy with these fruit snacks we left out overnight. Join Joshua and Norah as they learn all about what it's like to do the right thing, even when only God knows you're doing it. —The episode's memory verse comes from 1 Thessalonians 4:111 Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before.—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode Nine - The Quiet (and nosey) Life of a Rhinoceros

Join Norah and Joshua as they discover that it's not just humans who like to eavesdrop on others' conversations, and learn how God has called us all to live a life devoted to listening to Him instead. —The episode's memory verse comes from 1 Thessalonians 4:111 Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before.—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like The Wonder of Creation,  Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode Eight - The Incredible Light of God's Love

Join Evyn and Joshua for our first-ever nighttime episode as they explore the cycle of day and night, and how we can ask God to help up make every day the best it can possibly be!—The episode's memory verse comes from Psalm 86:10You are great, and you do miracles. Only you are God. —Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode Seven - Light Speed and the Image of God

Close your eyes. Now open them. How can you see so fast? Light is amazingly fast, and with it we can see everything! In this episode, Norah and Raz learn all about how in the same way light reveals the world around us, Jesus revealed God to us by showing us His love, grace, and mercy. —This episode's memory verse comes from Psalm 146:6He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. —Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode Six - The Holy Spirit, Our Rocket Fuel

How do rockets go so fast, and so high?? In this episode, Joshua and Evyn learn about the amazing power of rocket fuel, and how the Holy Spirit can power us in the same way! —This episode's memory verse comes from Galatians 1:10God is the One I am trying to please... If I wanted to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode Five - Space is so close, and so is God!

Have you ever wondered how far away space is? You can look up and see it at night, but could you ever touch it? In this episode, Norah and Raz investigate how far away we are from space, and learn how close God is to each and every one of us!—This episode's memory verse comes from 2 Samuel 7:28Lord God, you are God, and your words are true.—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode Four - A Trip Around the Sun

What if we told you that you are on a trip right now? This trip isn't in a car, or even on a plane, but it's one that has you zooming through space super fast! In this episode, Evyn and Joshua learn all about how we are all taking a trip around the Sun this year, and how God has already given us everything we will need to make it our best trip ever!—This episode's memory verse is from 1 Peter 2:11Dear friends, you are like visitors and strangers in this world. —Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode Three - Stress and Supernovas

Have you ever felt like you are about to explode?? Stars feel the same way, but unlike us, they actually do blow up! In this episode, Raz and Norah learn all about what it means for a star to go supernova, and how you and I can avoid exploding when things get hard in our lives by bringing all of our worries to Jesus. —This episode's memory verse is Psalm 141:3 Lord, help me to control my tongue. Help me be careful about what I say.—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode Two - The Amazing Life Of an Astronaut

Ever wonder what it's like to be an astronaut? Well, for one thing, you have to tie yourself down just to sleep! In this episode, Joshua and Evyn learn all about the amazing life of someone who lives in space, and how you and I can tie ourselves to God to keep us steady.—This episodes memory verse is Psalm 62:2 Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.—Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Episode One - Esther and the Goldilocks Zone

Did you know that Earth, the planet we live on, is found in what's called the "Goldilocks Zone?" Don't worry, that doesn't mean that we all have to eat porridge! In this episode, Norah and Raz explore our corner of space, the story of Esther in the Bible, and how God has made each one of us to live right where we are, right now! —This episode's memory verse is Esther 4:14 Who knows, you may have been chosen queen for such a time as this. —Learn more about the amazing universe around you and the Indescribable God who created it with resources like Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Little brothers or sisters at home! Snuggle up with them and show them this amazing God with Indescribable for Little Ones!—Want to know about Pastor Louie Giglio? Visit!—Want something to watch? Check out Passion Kids Online: 


Indescribable Kids Podcast // Season One Preview

Season One of Indescribable Podcast for Kids is almost here! Subscribe today and get ready for a season's worth of adventures in space with your favorite podcasts hosts, Norah, Raz, Joshua, and Evyn as they learn all about the amazing universe we live in, and the Indescribable God who created it all!—The Indescribable Podcast for Kids is brought to you by The Passion Podcast Network,  Passion City Church, and Louie Giglio!  You can read these devotionals and more in the Wonder of Creation, Indescribable, and How Great is our God books from Pastor Louie Giglio:—Looking for more bible content for your Kids? Subscribe to our Passion Kids YouTube Channel:—At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. — Follow Passion City Church: Follow Louie Giglio:


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