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Indie Podcaster

Indie Podcaster

Author: Jeff Townsend Media

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Jeff, AKA Indie Podcast Father, interviews content creators of all stripes on Indie Podcaster podcast. What is it they're passionate about? What drives them?
Support independent creators!

The show's goal is to highlight and promote creators and artists. Some may be well known, others are lesser-known but just as spirited. Jeff is bringing you the stories of independent creators on Indie Podcaster.
Join him on this journey, as the Indie Podcaster.
93 Episodes
This content is repurposed from episodes of Podcasting Power Hour. Podcasting Power Hour is recorded live on Twitter Spaces. On this episode: The panel discusses Dave Jones’s work with the podcast index, a searchable database of podcast episodes. They also discuss his experience as a podcaster, and how he got involved in the industry.HighlightsAdam Curry and Dave Winer met 12 years ago while working on a project called the AECT for poets. They later spun out of that project to create the Freedom controller, which became the basis for Adam’s no agenda show. The podcast index is the first product that they launched together. It is a way to collect and read RSS feeds.The podcast index is a free API for app developers to use to write podcast apps. The podcasting 2.0 side of things is just our effort to push podcasting forward, feature wise, to build crazy new stuff that will eventually end up in every player and hosting company, as new features that are not bound behind some huge company like Spotify or Apple.Apple and Spotify will both adopt podcasting 2.0 features for different reasons. Apple will do so because it is ultimately good for their customers, while Spotify will see the benefits of adopting these features without having to incur the costs.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Good Morning Podcasters! Episodes 33-36. Good Morning Podcasters (GMP) explores the world of podcasting with a specific focus on marketing, public relations, and social media as they relate to content creation.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Podcasting Power Hour. Podcasting Power Hour is recorded live on Twitter Spaces. On this episode: we talk about creating good Podcasting intros and creative content strategies. Of course, we answer your podcasting questions as well.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Podcasting Power Hour. Podcasting Power Hour is recorded live on Twitter Spaces. On this episode: we talk to Jason Falls about Influence. Are podcasters influencers? Of course, we answer your podcasting questions as well.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Podcasting Power Hour. Podcasting Power Hour is recorded live on Twitter Spaces. On this episode: Are Podcast Conferences for Indie Creators? Special Guest Jared Easley from Podcast Movement.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Good Morning Podcasters! Episodes 29-32. Good Morning Podcasters (GMP) explores the world of podcasting with a specific focus on marketing, public relations, and social media as they relate to content creation.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Podcasting Power Hour. Podcasting Power Hour is recorded live on Twitter Spaces. On this episode: Do Podcasters listen to Podcasts? Special Guest Tom Webster (now of Sounds Profitable) answer that question and many others.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Podcasting Power Hour. Podcasting Power Hour is recorded live on Twitter Spaces. On this episode we dicsuss: Should episodic podcasters still have seasons? We have a great conversation about the pros and cons and Special guest Fatima Zaidi CEO of Quill Inc. joins us.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Podcasting Power Hour. Podcasting Power Hour is recorded live on Twitter Spaces. On this episode we dicsuss: Dave Jackson appears, Patreon Talk Irritates Jeff and Tanner Recommends Ten Thousand Dollars to Sponsor a Podcast Season.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Good Morning Podcasters! Episodes 25-28. Good Morning Podcasters (GMP) explores the world of podcasting with a specific focus on marketing, public relations, and social media as they relate to content creation.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Podcasting Power Hour. Podcasting Power Hour is recorded live on Twitter Spaces. On this episode we dicsuss: Finding a podcast coach, Social Podcasting Apps, and more.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Podcasting Power Hour. Podcasting Power Hour is recorded live on Twitter Spaces. On this episode we dicsuss: Focusing on a Podcast Topic, and How Much Effort is a Podcast?
This content is repurposed from episodes of Podcasting Power Hour. Podcasting Power Hour is recorded live on Twitter Spaces. On this episode we dicsuss Important Podcast Host Features, Podcast Marketing tips, Spinning off a new idea and more.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Good Morning Podcasters! Episodes 21-24. Good Morning Podcasters (GMP) explores the world of podcasting with a specific focus on marketing, public relations, and social media as they relate to content creation. GMP is hosted by Fuzz Martin. Good Morning Podcasters! Good Morning Podcasters and Podcasting Sucks!: All rights reserved to Snoring Dog Media, LLC. & Jeff Townsend Media, LLC.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Good Morning Podcasters! Episodes 17-20. Good Morning Podcasters (GMP) explores the world of podcasting with a specific focus on marketing, public relations, and social media as they relate to content creation. GMP is hosted by Fuzz Martin. Good Morning Podcasters! Good Morning Podcasters and Podcasting Sucks!: All rights reserved to Snoring Dog Media, LLC. & Jeff Townsend Media, LLC.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Good Morning Podcasters! Episodes 13-16. Good Morning Podcasters (GMP) explores the world of podcasting with a specific focus on marketing, public relations, and social media as they relate to content creation. GMP is hosted by Fuzz Martin. Good Morning Podcasters! Good Morning Podcasters and Podcasting Sucks!: All rights reserved to Snoring Dog Media, LLC. & Jeff Townsend Media, LLC.
This content is repurposed from an episode of Good Morning Podcasters- Podcasting Sucks! These are bonus episodes where Fuzz Martin and Jeff Townsend take a cathartic look at podcasting.Jeff and Fuzz talk about some of their audio horror stories. Whether it's antics from a guest or a bumbling boss who would give Michael Scott a run for his money, Jeff and Fuzz talk about some of their most memorable horror stories of podcasting (and radio).Podcasting Sucks!Good Morning Podcasters and Podcasting Sucks!: All rights reserved to Snoring Dog Media, LLC. & Jeff Townsend Media, LLC.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Good Morning Podcasters! Episodes 9-12.Good Morning Podcasters (GMP) explores the world of podcasting with a specific focus on marketing, public relations, and social media as they relate to content creation. GMP is hosted by Fuzz Martin. Good Morning Podcasters!Good Morning Podcasters and Podcasting Sucks!: All rights reserved to Snoring Dog Media, LLC. & Jeff Townsend Media, LLC.
This content is repurposed from an episode of Good Morning Podcasters- Podcasting Sucks! These are bonus episodes where Fuzz Martin and Jeff Townsend take a cathartic look at podcasting.On this week's edition of Podcasting Sucks! with Jeff Townsend & Fuzz Martin, the guys explore a recent study from Cumulus about podcast...viewership. Younger generations embrace mobile video as a part of their listening experience, and if you want to stay relevant, it might be time to start thinking about incorporating video into your show. Podcasting Sucks!Good Morning Podcasters and Podcasting Sucks!: All rights reserved to Snoring Dog Media, LLC. & Jeff Townsend Media, LLC.
This content is repurposed from episodes of Good Morning Podcasters! Episodes 5-8.Good Morning Podcasters (GMP) explores the world of podcasting with a specific focus on marketing, public relations, and social media as they relate to content creation. GMP is hosted by Fuzz Martin. Good Morning Podcasters!Good Morning Podcasters and Podcasting Sucks!: All rights reserved to Snoring Dog Media, LLC. & Jeff Townsend Media, LLC.