
InfosecTrain is one of the finest Security and Technology Training and Consulting organization, focusing on a range of IT Security Trainings and Information Security Services. InfosecTrain was established in the year 2016 by a team of experienced and enthusiastic professionals, who have more than 15 years of industry experience. We provide professional training, certification & consulting services related to all areas of Information Technology and Cyber Security. Website:

Cracking CISSP Domain 7: Security Ops Decoded (Part 2) | InfosecTrain

In this second part of our in-depth series, we dive deeper into CISSP Domain 7: Security Operations. Join our expert trainers as they decode complex concepts and provide actionable insights to help you ace this critical domain. Whether you are preparing for the CISSP exam or looking to enhance your security operations knowledge, this video is packed with valuable information.


What is Vulnerability Analysis?

In an era where digital adoption is not just a trend but a necessity, the cybersecurity landscape has become increasingly complex and severe. As we increasingly depend on technology, malicious actors are seeking more ways to exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, and softwares. This puts organizations, governments, and individuals at constant risk of cyber-attacks that can lead to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. One critical aspect of fortifying our digital defenses is to conduct vulnerability analysis, which identifies weaknesses and potential entry points in an organization's information systems, networks, applications, and infrastructure. Introduction to Vulnerability Analysis Vulnerability analysis, or vulnerability assessment, is a crucial aspect of cyber security. It is a systematic and proactive approach used to detect and resolve vulnerabilities, flaws, or gaps that malicious individuals could exploit to compromise information assets' confidentiality, integrity, or availability. It involves a comprehensive assessment of software, hardware, and network components to pinpoint potential entry points and security vulnerabilities and gaps that attackers could exploit. View More: What is Vulnerability Analysis?


Cracking CISSP Domain 7: Security Ops Decoded (Part 1)

Unlock the secrets to mastering CISSP Domain 7 in our comprehensive guide! In this video, we delve deep into CISSP Domain 7: Security Operations, providing you with expert tips, proven strategies, and key insights to help you ace this crucial part of the CISSP certification. Don't miss out on this valuable resource! Whether you're just starting your CISSP journey or looking to fine-tune your knowledge, this Podcast is designed to equip you with everything you need to succeed. Subscribe to our channel for more CISSP preparation videos, tips, and resources. Hit the bell icon to stay updated with our latest content! For more details or to get a free demo with our expert, just give us a heads up at


What is PCI-DSS Compliance Framework

The protection of confidential financial data is crucial in a time when digital transactions predominate. PCI-DSS Compliance Framework, which offers comprehensive requirements for companies that handle credit card transactions, protects against the rising tide of cyber threats. The PCI-DSS standard stays steady as a light of security, directing organizations towards safer shores as we traverse the changing landscape of digital commerce.


What are the Different Types of Risk in an Organization?

Discover the different 𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒌 that organizations face and learn how to manage them effectively. In this Session, we delve into various organizational risks,inherent risk,residual risk, control risk and audit risk. Understanding these risks is crucial for safeguarding your business and ensuring long-term success.


How to Become a DevSecOps Engineer in 2024?

What is DevSecOps? DevSecOps builds upon DevOps, which combines software development with IT operations to enhance application deployment speed and competitiveness. DevOps has become standard practice in application development, facilitated by IT advancements like cloud computing. DevSecOps, an extension of DevOps, integrates security practices into every DevOps phase. It fosters a ‘Security as Code’ culture through continuous collaboration between Release Engineers and Security teams. What is a DevSecOps Engineer? DevSecOps Engineers play a crucial role in configuring IT infrastructure, proactively identifying security vulnerabilities, and ensuring the security of the software development process. Their responsibilities overlap with those of many IT security professionals. View More: How to Become a DevSecOps Engineer in 2024?


Ethical Hacking in Cloud Computing

Organizations rely more on cloud computing because of its security than its on-premises equivalent; however, attackers also find any way to exploit it. According to the Thales Global Cloud Security report, 40% of organizations report that they suffered from a cloud data breach. As attackers target the cloud, enterprises need more cybersecurity professionals, like ethical hackers, who can assist organizations in fixing those attacks on the cloud.


Introduction to DevSecOps Maturity Model

DevSecOps is critical in today’s fast-paced software development landscape, emphasizing security integration to mitigate vulnerabilities and breaches. This methodology offers a structured approach, guiding organizations to enhance security within DevOps processes. The DevSecOps maturity model is a roadmap for progressing through its stages to strengthen security posture, accelerate software delivery, and foster collaboration. It signifies a significant change in the way security is addressed in today’s digital era, emerging as a crucial resource for managing the intricate challenges of modern software as organizations adopt DevSecOps practices. Its adoption is no longer optional but essential for staying ahead in today’s dynamic threat environment. Introduction to the DevSecOps Maturity Model The DevSecOps maturity model is a framework aiding organizations in assessing their security integration across the software development lifecycle (SDLC). As a roadmap, it emphasizes collaboration among Dev, SecOps, and Ops teams to enhance security and efficiency. This model comprises multiple stages, each signifying varying levels of security integration within the DevOps pipeline. These stages span from initial ad-hoc practices to fully automated and optimized security processes, enabling organizations to evolve their security posture systematically. View More: Introduction to DevSecOps Maturity Model


Is a DevSecOps Career Right for You in 2024?

In the increasingly digital world, DevSecOps has emerged as a crucial career path for those seeking to contribute to the security landscape. By incorporating security practices into the software development process, DevSecOps professionals play a vital role in safeguarding organizations against cyber threats. As we step into 2024, the demand for skilled DevSecOps professionals is only expected to grow. For example, according to a recent report by Glassdoor, the job outlook for DevSecOps engineers is projected to grow 37% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is being driven by the increasing adoption of cloud computing, DevOps practices, and the need to protect against increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. If you are considering a career in DevSecOps, here are some of the pros and cons to weigh, as well as tips for preparing for this exciting and rewarding role. View More: Is a DevSecOps Career Right for You in 2024?


How to Prevent Session Hijacking Attacks?

In this technological era, signing into various online services and accounts is a regular activity. Each time we login into any web service, a session is created. The most straightforward way to describe what a session is is to say that it is when two systems communicate with each other. This will keep working until the user stops communicating. This is called a session that the user started.


What is Race Condition Vulnerability

Race condition vulnerability is a type of software or system flaw that arises when the program's behavior depends on the timing of events or processes. It occurs in concurrent or multi-threaded environments when multiple threads or processes access shared resources, like variables, files, or data structures, without proper synchronization or coordination.


DevOps Vs. DevSecOps

The terms “DevOps” and “DevSecOps” are relatively new to information technology. Although these ideas have been around for a long time, it has only been more recently that they have become well-known as buzzwords. DevOps makes things fast and helps individuals work together quickly when creating software. DevSecOps is like a safety guard that ensures the software is safe from the beginning. When you use both, you can make fast and secure software suitable for the individuals who use it. What is DevOps? DevOps is a collection of methods to speed up the delivery of software changes and new features to users. It combines software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops). DevOps focuses on automating and enhancing the software delivery process, spanning from development and testing to deployment in production. A key objective of DevOps is to simplify and quicken the process for developers to put their code into production by cutting down to the necessary steps. View More: DevOps Vs. DevSecOps


What is LogShield APT Detection Framework?

Organizations seek innovative solutions to stay ahead of the continually expanding array of cyber threats. The LogShield APT Detection Framework is a beacon of excellence in cybersecurity, providing a proactive defense against Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). By adopting advanced techniques and staying ahead of the threat landscape, this framework enables organizations to prevent APTs and protect their digital assets proactively. As APTs evolve, LogShield continues to serve as a reliable ally, ensuring organizations remain well-prepared for the cybersecurity challenges of today and tomorrow. What is the LogShield APT Detection Framework? LogShield is a groundbreaking framework that utilizes a transformer-based architecture to detect advanced persistent threat (APT) attack patterns within system logs. LogShield effectively captures how events are related in provenance graphs by using the self-attention mechanism found in transformers. This enables the framework to identify nuanced patterns that could signify APT activity. Its proactive approach sets it apart in cybersecurity, offering an effective means of early detection. With LogShield, organizations gain a powerful tool to safeguard against sophisticated cyber threats. View More: What is LogShield APT Detection Framework?


Top Benefits of CCSP Certification for 2024

In today's cloud-dominated era, the demand for skilled professionals to protect digital landscapes is more crucial than ever. Introducing the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) certification, a potent credential that affirms your expertise and unlocks a myriad of opportunities in the dynamic realm of cloud security. The CCSP certification represents more than a document; it signifies a strategic step toward forging a resilient and prosperous career in cloud security. As we enter 2024, the CCSP credential proudly guides professionals to new heights in the ever-growing world of cloud technology.


Firewall vs. Antivirus

The ever-evolving landscape of the digital world presents us with countless opportunities, but it also harbors a growing number of threats. As malicious actors become increasingly sophisticated, robust cybersecurity measures are paramount. Two of the most crucial tools in this fight are firewalls and antivirus programs, each playing a distinct yet complementary role in safeguarding our systems and data. Let us explore them in detail. Firewall or the Guardian of the Digital Gate Imagine a fortified city, its walls impenetrable and its gate strictly guarded. This is analogous to a firewall, a cornerstone of network security that acts as a vigilant gatekeeper, controlling the flow of incoming and outgoing network traffic. View More: Firewall vs. Antivirus


Unlock Cyber Leadership: Your Guide to CCISO Success | CISO Exam Structure and Preparation Tips

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on "Become a Cyber Leader: Master CCISO Certification!" In this video, we will walk you through everything you need to know about becoming a cyber leader with the Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO) certification.


Benefits of ISO/IEC 27001 Compliance for Organizations

In the modern era of technology, organizations are constantly confronted with a growing demand for strong information security management. Given the escalating frequency of cyber risks and data breaches, ensuring the protection of IT assets and confidential data has emerged as a paramount concern. ISO/IEC 27001 offers a robust framework to enhance an organization’s Information Security Management System (ISMS). Adopting this standard allows organizations to systematically examine their information security risks, including threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts, thereby implementing comprehensive and appropriate risk treatment measures to preserve confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Understanding ISO/IEC 27001 ISO/IEC 27001, an international standard, sets the requirements for an organization’s Information Security Management System. This comprehensive framework addresses people, processes, and technology to protect valuable assets from internal and external threats. View More: Benefits of ISO/IEC 27001 Compliance for Organizations


What is Web API Hacking Methodology?

Web API hacking has emerged as a critical focus area in the cybersecurity landscape. With the digital world heavily reliant on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), their security is paramount. In this article, we will delve into the realm of web API hacking methodology, starting with the fundamentals and progressing into a comprehensive exploration of the tactics and instruments employed by both inexperienced and experienced experts. What is API? APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, serve as the communication bridges allowing different software applications to interact. They are the unseen heroes behind the seamless functioning of our favorite apps, websites, and devices. For example, when you place an order on Amazon, an API facilitates the communication between Amazon's platform and your bank to process the payment securely. With APIs playing such a vital role in our digital lives, it is no surprise that they have become a prime target for cyberattacks. What is Web API Hacking? Web API hacking is a form of security testing that focuses on discovering weaknesses within APIs. By focusing on API endpoints, malicious actors seek to achieve unauthorized access to confidential information, disrupt services, or potentially assume control over entire systems. The prevalence of APIs in modern web applications means that web API security is critical to overall cybersecurity. Over 80% of all web traffic now relies on API requests, making them a high-value target for ethical hackers and malicious attackers. View More: What is Web API Hacking Methodology?


Cloud Misconfigurations That Cause Data Breaches

The cloud has become a significant target for cyberattacks, and these attacks increased by 95% from 2022 to 2023, with a whopping 288% rise in cases where attackers directly target the cloud. To protect the cloud environment, users need to understand how these attackers work – how they break in, move around, what they are after, and how they avoid getting caught. Cloud misconfigurations, essentially mistakes or gaps in configuring security settings, make it easy for attackers to get into the cloud security. The challenge lies in the complex multi-cloud environments, where it takes time to be evident when over-privileged access is granted or security oversights occur. Detecting when hackers exploit these vulnerabilities is even more challenging. The High Stakes of Cloud Misconfigurations A security breach in the cloud can expose a treasure trove of sensitive information, including personal data, financial records, intellectual property, and closely secured trade secrets. The primary concern is the speed at which attackers can move through cloud environments, often undetected, to locate and exfiltrate this valuable data. Unlike on-premises environments, where attackers must deploy external tools that increase their risk of detection, cloud-native tools within the environment expedite the process for threat actors. As a result, the need for proper cloud security is paramount to prevent breaches that can inflict lasting damage on an organization’s reputation and bottom line. View More: Cloud Misconfigurations That Cause Data Breaches


Azure Firewall vs. Azure Network Security Groups (NSGs)

Network security is undeniably essential for modern cloud-based applications. Given the abundance of available security tools and devices, selecting the most suitable protection for a specific scenario can be a complex task. Take, for example, Azure Firewall and Azure Network Security Groups (NSGs) in the Azure cloud environment; although both are prevalent security measures, they serve distinctly different purposes. What is Azure Firewall? Azure Firewall is a cloud-native, fully-managed firewall service that offers advanced threat protection across OSI layers 3 to 7. It is an intelligent network security tool that extends beyond traditional IP, port, and protocol-based filtering, leveraging threat intelligence and signature-based Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) to analyze network traffic for potential threats. This comprehensive service is Microsoft’s flagship for securing Azure Cloud workloads. View More: Azure Firewall vs. Azure Network Security Groups (NSGs)


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