Infusion Health

<div>Infusion Health is more than just a podcast - it's a movement towards a brighter, more inclusive future for healthcare. Hosted by Rach and Cris, the podcast merges traditional medical practices with holistic therapies to provide patients with a well-rounded approach to their wellness journey. By avoiding potential health concerns in the future, Infusion Health empowers patients to take control of their health and lead their best lives. But Infusion Health's mission goes beyond just improving physical health. The podcast team understands that inclusion and diversity are essential in creating exceptional healthcare for all individuals, regardless of their background, gender, race or identity. They believe that everyone deserves to be heard, understood, and valued in their healthcare journey. Tuning into Infusion Health is not only an opportunity to learn about holistic healthcare practices, but also to be a part of a community that advocates for a better future for all. So join the movement towards optimal health and wellbeing, and let Infusion Health guide you on your journey. With their passionate and knowledgeable approach, Rach and Cris will surely inspire you to lead a life filled with vitality and purpose. Thank you for supporting Infusion Health's mission!</div>

Snapshot in Truth Palestine (what’s going on)

Join us in uncovering the truth and history of the ongoing genocide of Palestine Muslims by Zionist forces. It is crucial that we shed light on this humanitarian crisis and bring attention to the atrocities being committed against innocent civilians.We cannot stand idly by while governments continue to support Israel, despite their flagrant violations of human rights and international law. It is time to hold our leaders accountable and demand an end to this unjust funding.Together, let's stan...


Restoration Road: Stories of Forgiveness and Healing W/ Rev. lyle

I. Introduction- Introducing guest speaker, Rev. Lyle, an expert in personal healing and growth, who will talk about the importance of forgiveness and how to cultivate this habit in ourselves and in our children. II. Understanding Forgiveness- Discussing the true meaning of forgiveness and its impacts on mental and physical health. III. The Importance of Self Forgiveness - Exploring the importance of self-forgiveness and how it impacts our wellbeing.- Rev. Lyle shares some personal experience...


"The Procrastinator's Brain: Unraveling the Neuroscience behind our Delays" W/ Terre Short

Procrastination is something we all deal with, whether it's putting off a task at work or avoiding going to the gym. It's a habit that can negatively impact our lives in various ways, from increasing stress levels to harming our overall health and wellbeing. But why do we procrastinate, and what can we do to break the cycle? According to Terre Short, the answer lies in our brain's reward system. "Our brain is wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain," she explains. "When we have a task that we d...


Mindful Living with Amy Novotny”

Welcome to this week's episode of "Mindful Living with Amy Novotny". In this episode, we'll be talking about how to calm down our nervous system and get out of the fight or flight response.Have you ever experienced that feeling of being stuck in a state of heightened anxiety, where everything seems like a threat and you feel constantly on edge? Well, that's what we call the fight or flight response, and it's something that our bodies have evolved to do in response to stressors.But sometimes, ...


The Safe Zone: Exploring Psychological Safety in the Workplace with Maurice"

In this episode of the Infusion Health Podcast, we sit down with Maurice to discuss the topic of psychological safety in the workplace. We explore what psychological safety is, how it impacts individuals and teams, and what organizations can do to promote it.Maurice defines psychological safety as the belief that one can express themselves without fear of negative consequences. He emphasizes that psychological safety is crucial in promoting a positive workplace culture, increasing employee en...


The Abundant Life: Embracing Rebecca Whitman's Seven Pillars

As I sit here, pen in hand, ready to dive into the topic of abundance, my mind starts to swirl with ideas and questions. What does abundance truly mean? Is it a tangible thing that we can touch and feel? Or is it more of a mindset, a way of looking at the world and our place in it?After some reflection, I believe that abundance is a combination of both. It's a mindset that allows us to see all the blessings and opportunities that surround us, while also acknowledging the physical gifts we hav...


Flipping the Script with Boyd Patrick: Real Estate Insights and Tips

In this episode of Infusion Health Podcast, we had the pleasure of chatting with Boyed, a successful real estate investor and house flipper. We dove deep into his experience and insights in the world of real estate investing and house flipping. Boyd started by explaining how he got started in the industry, which was starting small and growing from there. He became fascinated with the idea of owning properties and making profits from them. Over the years, Boyd honed his skills, perfected his s...


"Guilt and Shame: The Silent Burden of the Soul A Reverend's Perspective"

Welcome to another episode of the Infusion Health Podcast. Today, we are excited to have Rev Lyle with us once again. Rev Lyle has always been an insightful guest on our podcast, sharing his vast knowledge and understanding of different religions and spiritual practices. However, in this episode, we will be diving into a slightly different topic. Today, Rev Lyle will be discussing the intricacies of guilt and shame, two emotions that can weigh heavily on one's conscience and have a significan...


Rewiring the Brain: The Story of Brain Injury and the Power of Neuroplasticity With Laura Renner

In this episode of the podcast, we had the honor of listening to Laura's incredible journey of perseverance and hope. Laura began her career as a nurse, dedicating herself to helping others in need. However, fate had a different plan for her when she suffered a traumatic brain injury from a fall.Initially, Laura underestimated the severity of her injury and delayed going to the doctor. But soon, the reality of the situation hit her hard as she realized the dangers of leaving a brain injury un...


Wise Business Building in a Diverse World: Conversations with Dr. Helen Ofosu

In today's episode, we had the privilege to sit down with Dr. Helen Ofosu, a renowned diversity expert who has helped numerous businesses navigate the challenges of creating an inclusive workplace. We discussed the importance of building a business that embraces diversity, as well as the obstacles and challenges that business owners face when trying to achieve this goal.Dr. Ofosu emphasized the importance of being proactive in creating an inclusive workplace culture. She encouraged business o...


"Forest Bathing: How Nature Can Heal the mind” w/Mike Martin

Mike shared with us how difficult it had been to face his problems head-on and how he had initially felt trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts and emotions. However, he began to open up about how his experiences exploring nature had really helped him to heal. He explained that when he first started going out into nature, it was simply to escape the stress and pressures of daily life. But as he started to spend more time in nature, he found that the world around him began to inspire a sense ...


The Power of the Pause: Hans Hagerman Guide to Mindful Breathing for Overwhelmed Minds

As I sat down to have a conversation with Hans about mental health, I found myself intrigued by his insights into the power of breath. Hans explained that when we feel overwhelmed, the simple act of taking a breath can work wonders in calming us down and grounding us in the present moment. He shared that he often finds himself feeling anxious and stressed out, especially in the fast-paced world we live in. However, Hans has found that by taking a few moments to pause, close his eyes, and take...


“Checking our tone, and choosing to be word wise” With Terre Short

The words we choose to use in our writing can either bring people together or drive them apart. Therefore, checking our tone and being word wise is critical. One way to ensure that we maintain the appropriate tone in our writing is by taking a step back and analyzing our audience. It's essential to understand their background, culture, beliefs, and opinions to know how our words might be perceived. Being word wise means using words that are not only appropriate but also clear and concise. It'...


Embracing the Veiled Marvel Of Catholicism w/ Rev Lyle

Unveiling Catholicism: The Path Less Travelled invites you to embark on a remarkable odyssey through the enigmatic depths of Catholicism. Step into a realm that transcends conventional explanations, where dogmas are deconstructed and ancient traditions intertwine with philosophical inquiries. Brace yourself for an intellectual and spiritual rollercoaster as you journey through hidden corners, exploring the tapestry of Catholicism's history, traditions, and controversies.Reaching out to Rev Ly...


Tony Hartman in mental illness and gut health

In the latest episode of Infusion Health podcast, Tony delves deep into the topic of gut health and how it impacts our overall well-being. He stresses on the importance of eating healthy, especially during times of mental health challenges.Our gut health plays a vital role in keeping us healthy both physically and mentally. As Tony explains, the gut is home to trillions of bacteria that help in digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. These gut microbes also communicate with the b...


Deep conversation about Spicy Lust and Adult Love with Karl Backstrand

Are you ready to delve into a discussion that tackles diversity, love, and connections? Join us as we talk to the best-selling author/illustrator, Karl W. Beckstrand, who has published twenty-seven multicultural/multilingual books, including biographies, Y.A. stories, e-book mysteries, and even western novels!In today's conversation, we want to highlight Beckstrand's insight into love and connection. Regardless of our marital status or sexual orientation, we all have legitimate needs for love...


A story of finding the life you love W/Kathleen Flanagan

Kathleen Flanagan's journey has been anything but ordinary. For most of her life, she's felt a strong pull towards something bigger, something spiritual. However, being a logical and pragmatic person, Kathleen didn't always follow these spiritual nudges. In fact, more often than not, she would resist them, convinced that she knew better. But as fate would have it, Kathleen always ended up following these callings, much to her own surprise. And every time she did, she discovered a world that w...


The Hidden Reality of Big Pharma and the Benefits of CBD and Essential Oils W/ Rachelle Jackson NonToxic Lifestyle and Wellness Coach Essential Oil Educator

(DISCLAIMER) Because we are not professionals. We will only give suggestions in the lighter subjects and bringing in professionals in harder subjects. In a world filled with stress and pain, people are constantly looking for natural remedies to help ease their discomfort. Enter Big Pharma, CBD and essential oils. These three entities have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many claiming that they can work wonders on various ailments. However, what is the truth behind...


Navigating Learning with ADHD: Tips and Tricks for Children to Excel W/ Inell Billups

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects children all around the world. It can cause problems in academic settings and makes learning difficult for many students. If you are a student with ADHD, it can be challenging to keep up with schoolwork and stay focused during classes.But it's not all doom and gloom. There are ways to improve your focus and manage ADHD symptoms so that you can excel academically. Here are some tips and tricks for children with ADHD:1. Create a structured...


"Nourish Your Body: Separating the Myths from the Truths about Organic” Devin Briggemann

Let's begin with organic foods. The organic food movement has gained momentum in recent years as people seek healthier options and greater transparency in their food choices. While it is true that organic foods are grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, it is important to note that organic does not necessarily mean healthier or more nutritious. In fact, some studies have found no significant difference in the nutritional content of organic versus conventionally grown produce. Add...


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