DiscoverInner Wealth
Inner Wealth

Inner Wealth

Author: Summer Kang

Subscribed: 7,481Played: 2,520


Inner Wealth is the place where we break down complex spiritual and self-development topics into digestible truths for a greater existence. Answering questions like ‘Who am I in this world?’ and ‘How do I become happy?’. The real secrets to a rich life: pouring into your mind and soul. Nourishing your evolution, bringing you greater clarity and discipline, resulting in a life where you wake up joyful to be alive. Discussing truths that awaken the light in you, aiding a life of love, peace, and prosperity. This is the podcast where you can evolve your soul and connect with the highest version of yourself, recognising what a gift it is to be here. A place where we understand our power and think on a high level to ensure a fruitful existence. Each episode leaves you energised and encouraged to fulfil everything you set out to do in this world.
10 Episodes
How to Have it All

How to Have it All


Pain, struggle, and difficulty are not the only paths to success. In this episode, Summer discusses how often we create our own problems, stress, and pain, and how adjusting our mindset can transform our lives. KEY TAKEAWAYS There is a place for struggle and pain, for us to evolve and make changes in our life. But it isn’t essential to find success at all levels. The universe is a mirror and copies everything you put out. You can control what vibration you are putting out into the world. Don’t create problems for yourself and make yourself more stressed than is needed. Minimise the negative chatter in your mind and instead replace it with thoughts that allow you to embrace your higher self. BEST MOMENTS   "We can also be the greatest reasons for our own suffering” “When we are chasing and chasing it can feel like we are pushing the goals away” “The path of least resistance starts within you and starts with your mindset” HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast
Reminders For The Soul

Reminders For The Soul


Summer delivers a powerful message of self-affirmation and personal growth. She encourages listeners to embrace their unique journey, find peace in life's impermanence, and trust in the divine plan. With a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical advice, Summer offers a refreshing perspective on navigating life's challenges and celebrating our individual paths. KEY TAKEAWAYS Your journey is unique, and success is defined by your own standards, not society's expectations. Life, the universe, or God is always working in your favour, even when it's not immediately apparent. Embracing change is essential for growth; nothing changes if nothing changes. People-pleasing and perfectionism lose importance when we consider our place in the vast universe. Gratitude is crucial; reflect on the things you once prayed for and now have in your life. Facing fears and stepping out of your comfort zone is key to personal development. Chasing peace rather than pleasure leads to a more fulfilling life. Perfection isn't necessary; strive for excellence and continuous improvement instead. BEST MOMENTS   "Your journey doesn't have to look like everybody else's. Your path is allowed to pave in different ways to the people around you, and you're allowed to desire a different life than what society tells you to." "Sometimes life makes us uncomfortable to make us move, otherwise we wouldn't grow. Nothing changes if nothing changes." "When you're stepping outside your comfort zone, say to yourself, This is scary because it's unfamiliar, not because I'm incapable." "Only chase the things that bring you peace and not pleasure." "A beautiful day starts with a beautiful mindset. The moment you start acting like life is a blessing, I promise you, it will start feeling like one." HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast
Join Summer as she explains why your problems aren’t what is holding you back and why they are actually part of your plan. She explores how the many things we may perceive as problems or barriers can pave the way for evolution and talks about why embracing fear can be transformative, in how you view the world and what you achieve.  KEY TAKEAWAYS When it is time to grow, fear can help you. Use the fear as the energy you need to take the next step. Many of us are people pleasers, but this leads to ignoring our own needs and worth to make others feel more comfortable. If you avoid problems and pain you are avoiding life. Suffering has to be part of the journey to do great things. Allowing change to come into your life is one of the most powerful things you can do. Nothing is permanent, if you can accept change and the fear alongside it you will do great things. BEST MOMENTS  "We often demonise our problems, believing they are the thing holding us back in life” “Fear is an invitation to evolve” “Simply, why do you care, you weren’t placed on this earth to please other people” “True contentment and happiness comes from connection, love and service” HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast
Do you let your ‘humanness’ get in the way of your destiny? In this episode, Summer talks about how we can learn to trust the plan the universe has for us. She explores the impact our own mindset has on difficult situations and gives practical techniques on what you can do to escape survival mode and start living the life you were always meant to. KEY TAKEAWAYS If you are always negatively anticipating what happens next, your body will go into fight or flight mode. You will be living your life in survival mode. Think of the lessons you have learnt from difficult and painful experiences. Ask yourself, would you erase these lessons if you could? Usually, difficulties in life are put there to help us develop as a person and put us on the right path. We decide how long we suffer from painful experiences. Learn to let go and move on, trusting the universe. Life has a weird and wonderful way of working out. Just when you feel that there is no option or solution, the universe will present one to you, even if it isn’t what you expect. BEST MOMENTS  "One thing that was so prevalent is that I was always living in survival mode” “Sometimes things need to fall apart in order for them to fall together” “Life is happening for us, it is not working against us” “How long do I want to suffer?” “We are fully responsible with how we heal from them” HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast
Join Summer as she shares her wisdom on the power of taking that first step towards your goals. She emphasises the importance of manifesting your desires through positive thoughts and actions, trusting in the universe's plan, and embracing the journey. Summer's insights will inspire you to start walking on your path and let the way illuminate itself as you go. KEY TAKEAWAYS The hardest part of achieving your goals is often just getting started, but taking that first step is crucial. Manifesting your desires requires a combination of positive thoughts and actions in the direction of your goals. Trust that the universe has a perfectly planned journey for you, even when faced with seemingly defining moments or crossroads. Embrace redirection from the universe as a gift, as it may lead you to a better path than you had planned. Leave space for the universe's magic to unfold in your life, as some things can only be gifted by a higher power. Enjoy the journey and let the path illuminate as you walk on it, rather than trying to plan every step. BEST MOMENTS  "As you take each step, the next one appears...I now understand all I have to do is take the beginning step in the direction of my goal" "When I say manifesting, I mean simply having the correct thoughts, knowing what you do want" "The path will continue to illuminate as you walk on it." "Everything is working in your favour, even when it seems like you made the wrong decision. Really, you are just being put on the better path." "You must leave some space so that the universe can let magic happen in your life." HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast
In this insightful episode, Summer talks about the importance of personal development and self-discovery. She emphasises that the most critical work in life is the work we do on ourselves, as it directly correlates with our success and happiness. Summer encourages us all to prioritise our inner growth, sharing her own experiences and the transformative power of continuous evolution. KEY TAKEAWAYS Personal development is the most important work in life, as it directly impacts our success and happiness. Our beliefs and stories from childhood shape our reality, and self-development involves readjusting these belief systems. Consistent expansion and evolution keep the mind happy and create quality optimism. Nourishing ourselves with rich energy sources, such as meditation, nature, and serving others, leads to a more fulfilling life. Healing and working on our inner selves are essential for personal growth and unlocking our dreams. Self-love is a service to humanity, as the person we show up as in the world either serves or disserves others. We are never truly stuck in life; we have the power to change ourselves and our circumstances. God resides within us, so prioritising our own growth and soul work is crucial. BEST MOMENTS  "The true riches in life are our mind and body, and the actions that we carry out that serve ourselves and others." "When we fill ourselves up from the source, the energy is strong and potent. If we refuel using things that are empty in their meaning, we are actually further starving ourselves." "The inner work is what will set you free. So make sure you take the time to rewire your brain. The more healing you do, the richer the quality of your life." "Take the time to rewire your brain" "We keep unlocking the next level of our dreams" HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast
In this episode, Summer shares a powerful lesson about focusing on your own life and growth instead of comparing yourself to others. Through a captivating story and insightful reflections Summer talks about how we can overcome jealousy and find true happiness and success, by channelling our energy into our own journey, not chasing an illusory perfect life. KEY TAKEAWAYS Comparing yourself to others and their seemingly perfect lives is a waste of energy that could be used to improve your own life. The grass is greener where you water it so focus on nurturing your own growth and happiness. Everyone regardless of wealth or success, faces problems and struggles that money cannot solve. Pain and challenges are opportunities for growth and evolution, not obstacles to a perfect life. Success is the result of hard work, consistency, and learning from failures, not overnight luck. Wishing blessings and success upon others attracts positivity and blessings into your own life. You are the creator of your life – take responsibility and put in the work to achieve your goals. Jealousy dissipates when you understand the effort and challenges people face to reach success. BEST MOMENTS  "If people focus on their own life instead of worrying about mine, they might have a G-Wagon too." "The grass is not greener on the other side. It is in fact greener where you water it." "Pain and problems are put there as a tool to evolve because the easy days are not where the growth comes from." "You are the creator of your life. You are not getting any further ahead looking at someone else's life." "If you knew the things it took for people to be where they are, your jealousy would hugely disintegrate." HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast
Summer explores the role of pain in personal growth and living a good life. She challenges the notion that a perfect life is pain-free, instead arguing that pain is an essential part of the soul's journey. Summer explains how embracing pain and discomfort can lead to wisdom, compassion, and personal evolution. If you choose your pain purposefully and view challenges as opportunities for growth you can alter your mindset, honour your struggles and unlock the next stage of your being. KEY TAKEAWAYS Pain is an integral part of life and necessary for personal growth and evolution Embracing pain and discomfort leads to wisdom, compassion, and a deeper understanding of oneself and others We often have the power to choose our pain, such as the pain of discipline versus the pain of regret Challenges and difficult situations are opportunities for growth and should be welcomed as lessons Healing and addressing pain, rather than masking it, is a rewarding process that brings peace The universe presents discomfort to encourage change and growth; resisting this leads to more pain Polarity is a universal law; joy and beauty cannot exist without their opposites Each level of pain is a gateway to a new level of personal development BEST MOMENTS  "Pain is just as much part of life as joy. If anything, it's actually more significant because it's where the growth lies." "Growing is uncomfortable. We have to talk about things that make us emotional, take action that terrifies us, and enter parts of life we haven't before." "We have not been sent here to stay the same" "The good people and the evil people, the heroes and the villains, are fueled by the same pain. They have just made different decisions on what to do with it." "The faster you understand that pain and discomfort is placed as a tool to grow, you will get to a point where instead of resisting your challenges, you'll honour them." "If the low moments, the tough ugly times, didn't exist, neither would the joy" HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast
In this powerful episode of Inner Wealth, Summer explores the art of controlling your emotions and harnessing their power for personal growth. Discover how to step in and out of emotions, create clarity in challenging situations, and take charge of your state of being. Learn to respond rather than react and use your feelings as tools for evolution. KEY TAKEAWAYS Emotions are not your master; you have the power to step in when it feels good and step out when it doesn't. Acknowledging your feelings while maintaining a bird's eye view of situations creates clarity and space to respond rather than react. Use emotions as fuel for change and motivation to analyse your strategy or work harder towards your goals. Avoid giving others power over your state of being. You can choose your own reactions and responses. Embrace gratitude and maintain inner peace, even when faced with irritating situations or unexpected challenges. In every moment, you have the choice to rise or sink; living with a high external locus of control hinders your ability to enjoy life. BEST MOMENTS  Emotions are not my master, and they're not yours either. One of my greatest teachers always says to me, step in when it feels good, and step out when it doesn't." "Live in the conviction of knowing that nothing is permanent and your approach to everything will shift" "To be able to have a bird's eye view from situations, completely removing your emotions, while still acknowledging your feelings, will create so much clarity over challenges that arise." "Think how often you hear people say, you are making me angry. Really? Other human beings are just being, you are giving them the power to have that effect on you." HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast
The Secret of Joy

The Secret of Joy


This episode is all about defining success on your own terms. What makes you feel rich and alive? Is it having control over your schedule, pursuing your passions, or spending quality time with loved ones? Summer explores how to align your life with your genuine values and create a vision that lights you up. KEY TAKEAWAYS Ditch society's expectations and define success on YOUR terms Get clear on what truly makes you feel rich and fulfilled Practice gratitude for the everyday miracles in your life Honour how far you've come and appreciate the journey Face your fears and limiting beliefs head-on Do the inner work to sort out your mind and emotions Remember: external changes can't bring lasting joy if you're struggling within Align your life with your genuine values and watch the magic unfold BEST MOMENTS  "You have to look at your life and see what makes you feel rich. Is it having the flexibility to wake up and choose how your day looks?" "Gratitude doesn't need to just be being grateful because you have something someone else doesn't, but looking at how rich and fortunate these things make your existence." "The other day, my alarm went off and I knew it was time to get up and train. And I'll be honest, for a split second, I contemplated staying in bed where it's warm and cosy, but my mind quickly flooded with the younger summer, the kid who couldn't wait to grow up and finish school, to get to choose how her day looks, to be able to work out whenever she likes, the kid that couldn't wait to be able to drive." "You cannot run away from yourself, you will never be able to outrun the stuff holding you down. If you don't deal with it, these fears and traumas, pains and belief systems will rule and shape your life." "When you have mastered the mind and got it right, all things will be joyful to you. Otherwise, you can have the world and it will still never be enough." HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast
Comments (1)

Princess Zenel

Great God bless you .😍😍

Jun 27th