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Innovation on Main

Author: UofSC College of Engineering and Computing

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Here on Main Street, there is one goal: to innovate tomorrow. Host Abe Danaher brings in guests at the forefront of science and technology innovation to discuss the impact their research has on listeners. Whether it’s decreasing traffic on the morning commute, clarifying the ethical dilemmas surrounding artificial intelligence, or mitigating the dangers of natural disasters, Danaher and his guests discuss how their work today will affect our lives tomorrow.
10 Episodes
Michael Gower, an assistant professor in the UofSC College of Engineering and Computing's biomedical engineering program, joins host Abe Danaher to talk about promoting muscle growth through particulate systems. First, Michael describes his work with the Veterans Administration (2:04) and why his research is needed by elderly people (3:09). Then, he explains why the particulate system is targeting fat tissue (5:33) and how the injectable system he's creating would work (7:26). Next, Abe gives...
Travis Knight, the director of the UofSC College of Engineering and Computing's nuclear engineering program, joins host Abe Danaher to talk about nuclear energy. First, Travis describes his winding journey through the field (1:39) and why he chose to stay the course despite all the obstacles (6:21). Then, he describes the sinking feeling he felt when he heard the news of the V.C. Summer project (10:33) and how it is emblematic of the larger problem facing nuclear energy in America (15:20). Ne...
Amit Sheth, the founding director of the UofSC Artificial Intelligence Institute, joins host Abe Danaher to talk about artificial intelligence. First, Amit explains the meaning of the institute's tagline, "turning big data into smart data," and he lays out his vision for the future of the AI Institute (6:46). Then, he explains why people need to be careful and concerned about emerging AI technologies (15:01) before discussing ethical concerns he has faced in his own AI research (19:36). Lastl...
UofSC Chemical Engineering Professor John Monnier joins host Abe Danaher to tell about his journey from industry to the university and his now successful quest to create bimetallic catalysts. First, John explains the practical applications that both catalysis and engineering have (4:06) and how the industry evolved during his 32 years in it (8:33). Then, he explains his realization that everything that could be done with single metal catalysts had been done (11:46) and his ensuing decision to...
UofSC Civil and Environmental Engineering Associate Professor Nicole Berge joins Host Abe Danaher to tell how her research on hydrothermal carbonization is allowing for waste to be converted into energy and fertilizers. Nicole begins by sharing how she got into researching landfills as an undergraduate (2:01), before explaining what her current research on trash aims to do (4:10). Next, she explains how close we are to using her technology widely in the US (7:25) and the reactions of her stud...
UofSC Mechanical Engineering Distinguished Professor Mike Sutton joins Host Abe Danaher to tell the story of how the now international company Correlated Solutions Incorporated began and about the digital image correlation technology that he helped create. Mike begins with how NASA and UofSC didn't want to patent his technology (2:45), which forced him to start Correlated Solutions in 1997 (4:03). Then, Mike explains what it was like to start the company in Columbia, South Carolina (10:47). N...
Host Abe Danaher is joined by UofSC Electrical Engineering Department Chair Roger Dougal to talk about the state of America's energy grid and the benefits of switching to direct current power. First, Abe tells a story about the history of DC and AC energy, providing the framework for the rest of their discussion (1:02). Then, Roger explains why now is the time to change to DC energy (4:23) and why the change should occur (6:58). Next, Roger explains why DC energy would make renewable energy p...
Host Abe Danaher is joined by UofSC Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor Ramy Harik to talk about automated fiber placement and the transformative effect it is having on the aerospace and automative industries. First, Ramy explains what composite manufacturing is (2:15) and what AFP machines produce (8:20) before addressing the newness of the field and the potential that it has to grow (11:56). Next, Abe asks Ramy about the pressure of trying to always stay at the forefront of the ever-...
Host Abe Danaher is joined by UofSC Integrated Information Technology Associate Professor Ben Schooley to talk about the transformative effects his apps will have on the health care field. First, they discuss his app that aims to improve the foster care system in the state of South Carolina (2:15) before moving onto his Alexa-powered app designed to improve the health and well-being of elderly cancer survivors (11:02). Next, Abe asks Ben how he got into the field of health care after majoring...
Host Abe Danaher is joined by UofSC chemical engineering Professor Bill Mustain to talk about the future of batteries. First, they discuss the effect changes to the lithium ion battery will have on electric cars (2:17) and the growing problem of emissions (7:00) before moving onto alkaline batteries and their impact on soldiers (16:11). Next, Abe opens the mailbag (21:13) and asks Bill three questions about his time at the University of South Carolina and his research. Then, the episode ends ...