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Thamud bin Æzazeil
I think the most important and fascinating reason to learn persian is its poems! I boldly daresay you won't find nothing like persian poems in any other language! Actually I don't think learning persian would help you know about the history of Iran. Because it's a new language and it didn't exist thousands of years ago. On which Iran existed! In other words the old types of persian were kind of mightbe... royal or court languages of the aristocrats from about 2thousand years ago. Later on it got the official language of all the country in 18th century. So totally, it can't help you anything with knowing the real history of Iran. Because: 1. It's not that old and it was not that wide spread in the previous centuries! 2. The real history of Iran is highly omitted, censored and hidden from the public and the Iranian people don't know their own real history while knowing persian very well🍁
Thamud bin Æzazeil
When it comes to the turkish language and race and it's history and geography, actually for the first time!! I really learnt and enjoyed and "trusted" what I was hearing from a real neutral unprejudiced resource! I wish you mentioned tens of millions of Turks breathing in Iran, who can't talk and educate and live(!) in their mother tongue but anyway they exist!🥺 And if you had given the refrences of the facts told in the podcast it would have been much better😍 Anyway… Thank you very very much for what you've done. I approximately loved most of the episodes🌺