Insight Technomics

Technomics is an Insight podcast series where the worlds of technology and economics meet. Technology is rapidly changing the way we live, work and play. Marketplaces are evolving at an unprecedented rate, so keeping up with the latest technological trends and IT strategies has never been more important for an organisation. In this series, Insight speaks with IT experts across different businesses and industries, to discuss the future tech trends, solutions and business challenges.

Protecting applications and data from threats

Some topics of the WAF are no-brainers: of course, topics such as reliability and cost optimization are essential when designing your cloud architecture. Today's episode is also about such a topic: security. Jurjen Uijttenboogaart and Carlo Garavaglia are here to talk about security.


The ability of a system to recover from failures and continue to function

We're still on the topic of the WAF, the Well-Architected Framework. That's a set of guidelines to strive for the best cloud infrastructure possible. Today we've arrived at step 4: Reliability. It seems like a no-brainer: of course, that's important in your cloud management. Zegert van der Linde got his questions lined up, time to ask them to Carlo Garavaglia and Jurjen Uijttenboogaart.


The ability of a system to adapt to changes in load

Our 5 part series on the Well-Architected Framework of WAF is a direct follow-up to our previous series about de CAF: Cloud Adoption Framework. So topics we discuss in these episodes might sound familiar to you. Today, we're talking about Performance Efficiency. And that topic has a lot's similarities with topics like cloud management and governance. Zegert van der Linde will be joined by Jurjen Uijttenboogaart and Carlo Garavaglia.


Operations processes that keep a system running in production

We've just started a new mini-series on Microsoft Azure. In 5 episodes, we'll discuss the WAF, the Well-Architected Framework. In the first episode, we learned that the WAF is Microsoft's guideline to help you assess your cloud architecture. Today, we'll discuss step 2: operational excellence with Zegert van der Linde, Insight's Carlo Garavaglia and Jurjen Uijttenboogaart.


Managing costs to maximize the value delivered

We're back! five new episodes of the Insight Cloud Channel Podcast are coming up. The episodes are a direct follow-up to our previous ones about the Cloud Adoption Framework of CAF. In addition, we'll be tackling a new abbreviation: The Well-Architected Framework (WAF). In this first episode Zegert van der Linde will be joined Insight's Carlo Garavaglia and Jurjen Uijttenboogaart.


Insight Cloud Channel - Finding New Ways forward for ISV’s and MSP’s

The world is changing, and with a changing market, the needs of customers for IT services are also changing, and that is happening at a rapid pace. How do you keep up with the ever-changing demands of your end users? More than ever, adapt or lag behind. And that's why Insight's Insight Cloud Channel team is determined to find new ways forward. Within this podcast we share insights for the MSP and ISV challenges and how we can support you journey in this ever changing world.


The Cloud Adoption Framework - Organize in the cloud

This episode will go through how a business can support its employees in adapting to the cloud and why it is important. You will discover how to avoid the most common pitfalls organizations make when it comes to cloud adoption.


The Cloud Adoption Framework - Manage in the cloud

This episode will go through how you manage your workloads once they are up and running in the cloud. Jurjen and Alexandru will advise on how you monitor your environment and optimize investments.


The Cloud Adoption Framework - Governance

During this episode we will guide you through the importance of implementing governance practices in the cloud. Applying governance across your entire environment will ensure that your assets remain secure and within your control.


The Cloud Adoption Framework - Innovation through the cloud

This episode will dive into the importance of innovation and how to leverage the cloud to stay competitive and improve current business processes.


The Cloud Adoption Framework - Migrating your workloads

This episode will explain what the migration means, the different types of migration options for your business and the actual migration steps.


The Cloud Adoption Framework - Get Ready for migration

This episode will explain how you migrate your first workload, the importance of backing up your data and the different tools that can support you throughout your migration process.


The Cloud Adoption Framework - Planning Your Cloud Journey

This episode will go through how to prepare your business for the cloud, such as making an inventory of current assets and investigating your business processes from an operational perspective.      


The Cloud Adoption Framework - Developing a cloud transition strategy

This is the second episode in a series of podcasts exploring the Cloud Adoption Framework defined by Microsoft. This episode explores the different cloud migration drivers and the underlying reasons.


The Cloud Adoption Framework - Get started with your Cloud Journey

This is the first episode in a series of podcasts exploring the Cloud Adoption Framework defined by Microsoft. This episode will go through what you need to consider before beginning your cloud journey. There are many cloud adoptions paths to take and preparing your organization is crucial for success.


Insight Cloud Channel Podcast - Introduction to Windows Virtual Desktop - Commercial focus

This podcasts will introduce you to the commercial side of Windows Virtual Desktop. During the session you will learn how WVD can support your business from a strategic perspective.


Insight Cloud Channel Podcast - Introduction to Windows Virtual Desktop -Technical Focus

In this podcast we will dive deep into the technical aspects of Windows Virtual Desktop. You will learn how Windows Virtual Desktop works and how you deploy the solution.


Insight Cloud Channel Podcast - Introduction to Windows Virtual Desktop

In this podcast episode we introduce you to the basics of Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop. During the podcast you will learn about the fundamentals of the virtual desktop and how the solution can benefit your business.


Insight Cloud Channel Podcast - Introduction to Azure Automation

Learn how Azure automation works, why it is important and how it can help you save resources. During the podcast you will find out what you can automate and when automation is beneficial.


Insight Cloud Channel Podcast - Introduction to Azure

In the first episode we talked briefly about Microsoft’s Cloud Computing Platform. This time we’ll dive deeper into this subject. We talk about the possibilities, the way you use Azure to develop your company's Cloud architecture and that one important word: identities. Here with me to talk about this topic are Insight's Alexandru Malos and Jurjen Uijttenboogaart.


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