Inspired for Action

A podcast for female entrepreneurs to learn what's working now in the online marketing space for connecting with your audience and selling your offers. You'll learn from your fellow boss babes who have seen success and are breaking down exactly what they did so you can take action and apply it in your business.

How to Create a Profitable Email Welcome Sequence with Monica Snyder

What happens after someone signs up for one of your freebies? If the answer is you deliver the freebie, and then nothing... settle in for today’s episode, because you’re going to learn how to pick up all that money you’re leaving on the table by implementing a profitable email welcome sequence into your business.In today’s episode, I’m talking to Monica Snyder – founder of and a business & marketing strategist that helps entrepreneurs, experts, and authors systemize customer e...


How to add day rates to your business with Jordan Gill

There are only a few pivotal moments in my business that I can look back on and think “why didn’t I do this sooner?!” and launching my day rate offer, Buy My Day, was definitely one of them. Up until then, I had been offering custom sales page design as a typical 4-6 week project. It always felt so HARD and I had decided that working with clients 1-1 just wasn’t for me… until I discovered day rate offerIn this episode, I’m chatting with Jordan Gill all about day rates/intensives/VIP days and ...


The Secret Script for Effortless Sales Calls with Meghan Lamle

Do you dread getting on sales calls with potential customers? Does the thought of “selling” right there on the spot make you break out in hives? What if sales calls didn’t have to feel so scary? What if you had a script you could follow that would help you feel more comfortable talking about your services over the phone?In this episode, I’m chatting with Meghan Lamle, sales expert for female entrepreneurs, all about how to run an effortless sales call using her proven script. As a go-to sales...


Leveraging live streams to skyrocket your business with Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou is the creator of the Employee to Entrepreneur system, which teaches people how to leave their day job and start their own six-figure plus business working for themselves. She’s helped thousands of students launch their own businesses that generate anywhere from 30K to 100K in less than a year. Her advice has been featured in numerous online and print publications including Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, Success magazine, and more.In today’s episode, Luisa and I are talking about how t...


12 Easy Ways to Build Major Authority and Trust on Your Sales Page

The fact is, as more people start online business, most business owners struggle to get their message heard. The online world is super noisy and customers are looking for authorities in specific niches to trust with their money and time.I want YOU to be one of those authorities and today I’m going to walk you through 12 different ways you can show your authority on your sales page.Keep in mind, you can use these tips for everything else you do in your business, too. They’re not just for sales...


Why You Procrastinate and How to Stop with Cristina Roman

Cristina Roman is a Washington, DC-based Certified Life Coach, though you may find her wandering the streets of Guatemala or Italy. She works with people who are ready to give up overwhelm, stress, and procrastination in order to bring more focus into their professional and personal lives. She half-jokes that she’s the Cross Legged Coach; her goal is always to keep things casual but wildly impactful in her work.In this episode, I’m talking to Cristina about procrastination – why we do it, wha...


How to Get More Leads and Sales from Pinterest with Meagan Williamson

If you run an online business (and I assume you do if you’re currently reading this), are you fully utilizing the power of Pinterest to get more eyeballs on your offers? If not, then listen up, because today’s episode is going to blow your mind.In this episode, I’m chatting with Meagan Williamson – Pinterest Strategist, niche marketing expert and OG Pinner. Meagan helps overwhelmed and confused business owners learn how to run their own Pinterest marketing so they can grow their audience with...


The Power of Focusing on One Offer with Heather Crabtree

Have you ever felt the nudge to let go of something in your business in order to go all in on something else? The thought of closing down something that you worked so hard to create can feel so scary, but the benefits of doing so can be huge. From an internal standpoint, when you put all of your energy and focus into one offer, you’re able to make it the best it can be. From an external standpoint, your audience will be crystal clear on what you sell because you’re only promoting one thingIn ...


The 4-Step Organic Funnel Strategy for Booking Clients Every Week with Stephanie Hess

Raise your hand if you feel like getting your ideal clients on the phone feels like pulling teeth! 🙋‍♀️ It felt like that for my guest, too. Discovering that one strategy that works for you and creates a pipeline of potential clients for your business can take a lot of trial and error, but I want to shortcut that path for you.In this episode, I’m chatting with Stephanie Hess – a Fortune 500 Beauty Director turned self-made entrepreneur, online business strategist and high-vibrational mentor t...


How to Pivot in Your Business with Hayley Luckadoo

Do you feel a calling to do something more in your business? Or maybe you want to change what you’re doing altogether? Well then, today’s episode is for you!In this episode, I’m chatting with Hayley Luckadoo – a motivational speaker and business coach who loves to empower women entrepreneurs to take steps towards their big dreams and a better life. Hayley spends her days creating content and resources to help entrepreneurs take risks, go all in, and turn their “what if’s” into tangible realit...


Strategy Session: Instagram Micro-Funnels & Launching a New Membership Site with Hannah Holmes

I had the opportunity to get on the phone with 20 people that are a part of my audience and learn so much about them. It was really awesome because these calls were set up more as strategy sessions. I was able to help them get through and solve something, get through a struggle that they were having, a decision they needed to make or something else and actually get them one step closer to reaching their goals to taking that next step, getting them to take action.This one is with Hannah Holmes...


Pivoting Your Offers to Better Serve Your Customers with Meg Sutton

Have you ever wondered what it's like to totally pivot your business as a product-based shop? If so, this episode is for you!Today I'm chatting with Meg Sutton, who is the founder and creator of the products over at Belle & Union, which is a company that sells Letterpress printed cards are printed southern-inspired wrapping papers and handcrafted Artisan goods. The shop has been featured in Country Living, Rachel Ray, Southern Living, Southern Lady, and Oh So Beautiful Paper.In this inter...


The Top 3 Ways I Organically Grew My Email List in 2019 (And What I’m Planning for 2020)

I could preach all day about the importance of starting an email list. I’m so thankful that I listened to my mentors back in 2012 and started my email list soon after I went full-time in my business. But just saying “start an email list” is one thing. Actually starting one and getting people to voluntarily hand over their email address is a completely different thing.So how do you actually find people for your email list? How do you grow your email list without paying for ads?In this epi...


Strategy Session: Building an Online Audience from Scratch with Pamela Cancel

Back in December, I got on the phone with 20 members of my email list to learn more about them and help them work through something they were struggling with.I learned so much from these calls and I’m so thankful for the women who said yes to showing up and sharing their struggles with me.One of those amazing ladies is my guest on today’s podcast episode, Pamela Cancel. After our call, I emailed her and asked if she’d be ok with me sharing our conversation for all to hear.And thankfully she s...


Transitioning Back to 1-on-1 Coaching with Sheila Joy

Have you ever launched a new offer and realized it wasn’t a good fit for you and your clients? Sometimes we want to test out all the different way to work with clients, and you won’t know what works until you try it.But what happens when you launch something and quickly realize it was the wrong move?! That’s what I’m talking to Sheila Joy about on today’s podcast episode.Sheila Joy is a Purpose, Mindset, and Business Coach who helps growth-seeking creatives transform their calling into a fulf...


How to Create and Book Out a Signature Service with Courtney Chaal

I have a question for you… What’s your number? I know you have one… That BIG revenue goal you’re determined to hit in 2020, and no matter how big that number is, the hardest thing to figure out is how you’re actually going to reach your goal without totally burning yourself out.There are so many things you could do, but I want to show you the easiest and fastest way to hit your revenue goal this yearI asked my long-time friend, Courtney Chaal to join me on the podcast this week to share all a...


7 Black Friday Promo Ideas for Course Creators

It’s already the middle of November, have you thought about your Black Friday promo yet?Even if not, you can still do a special offer for your audience.If you’re selling information, I have seven ideas that you can do for a Black Friday promo this year.Some are going to be easier than others to create, but the good news is that most of them don’t require you to create anything new in your business.Grab my sales page success secrets for FREE >>


Write Your Sales Page in Half the Time

The #1 struggle I hear from my audience when it comes to creating a sales page is the act of writing your sales page.And you stay stuck in overwhelm for way too long when you could have already had your sales page done and ready to launch with the right tools and mindset.So today, I want to help you take the next step.I’m going to share 3 tips that will help you write your sales page in HALF the time it would normally take.Because I want you to finish your sales page as quickly as you can so ...


3 Ways to Niche Your Online Course So It's Easier to Sell

If you’ve been in business for more than a millisecond, you’ve probably had at least 5 people tell you that you need to niche down.And although, you know they’re likely right… for some reason, you still haven’t committed.The concept of “niching” can be a bit intimidating.I mean, you don’t want to leave anybody out, right?!Niching down allows you to laser focus on a specific group of people and/or problem and go all in. It allows you to speak your ideal customer’s language because you can pinp...


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