On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Joe Pane about the Courage To Be You, emotional fitness and the quality of our relationship with uncertainty. We also dive deep into how our identity and ego defines you, managing difficult conversations, and human behaviour.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Lisa Sharapata about State of Culture, having the right mindset, normalising feedbacks and a culture of having honest conversations. We also dive deeper into what psychological safety is and how we create it, the differences between inward and outward mindset, and understanding diversity and inclusion.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Scott Mautz about The Mentally Strong Leader, working with Procter & Gamble, and how we can lead effectively. We also dive deeper into what made him focus on mental health for leaders, the six core mental muscles, and relating emotional intelligence with mental strength.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Danielle Colley about The Chocolate Bar Life, understanding what burnout is, and how work culture affects our mental health. We also dive deeper into what a Mars Bar is and why we should prioritize work, rest, play.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Peter Kingma about Cash is King, why you should build your business around a cash culture and not a profit-and-loss culture, and what to consider to ensure effective cash flow management. We also dive deeper into management of liquidity and cash, his role as Americas EY-Parthenon Working Capital Leader at Ernst & Young and how establishing a Cash Leadership Office helps ensure a healthy bottom line.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Valerie Cockerell about Manage Like a Mother, leadership lessons from becoming a mother, and overcoming life’s turbulence to become the best version of yourselves. We also dive deeper into normalizing honest and courageous conversations and some tips on how we can provide feedback and clear expectations in order to gain desired results and performance.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Chris Hood about Customer Transformation, creating customer centric experiences and how customer experience has evolved in today’s digital era. We also dive deeper into how good storytelling can impact the customer transformation process, the advancement of technology, and how we could encourage people to be able to feel more confident and comfortable in sharing stories.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Dr. Veronica Anderson about the importance of get the respect you deserve, courage, and learning how to trust and forgive yourself to be able to pursue what your heart desires. We also dive deeper into understanding the respect method, battling clinical depression, and knowing how important imprinting is in shaping the way we think and behave.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Todd Davis about navigating difficult conversations, leading at FranklinCovey and managing tensions that might arise with it. We also dive deeper into understanding the factors that hold us back from approaching people during difficult conversations, managing the tension and how we should start a difficult conversation.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Victoria Pelletier about Influence Unleashed, resilience and how we can build a strong personal brand. We also dive deeper into creating and discovering our own legacy and what our workplace culture should be like in order to create harmony and belongingness amongst people in your organization.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Adam Blum about Easy Target, serving for the NSW Rural Fire Service, and coping with emotional and mental struggles. We also dive deeper into how we should handle behavioral problems at work, separating the problem from the person, and how we could shift negative thoughts into positive ones and turn them into inspirations as well.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Dr. Paige Williams about The Leaders Ecosystem, antifragility and psychological safety. We also dive deeper into how we should manage our team’s strengths and weaknesses, address difficult situations, and navigating leadership transitions.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Martin Bean about creating a future that works and how we should identify and handle burn out and defensiveness. We also dive deeper into the changes we are currently experiencing in the modern world and how we should be able to deal with cultural changes and differences.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Jennifer Speciale about career transitions and leadership, cultural agility, and how we should handle the barriers during transition periods. We also dive deeper into the essence of building psychological safety in the workplace, imposter syndrome and how companies should execute recruitments.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Graham Winter about Toolkit for Turbulence, unlocking the potential of people and teams, and how we should handle uncertainty and conflict as leaders. We also dive deeper into having a real sense of focus and perspective, working with the Australian Olympic Team, and how we should handle feedback and insights to create a more compelling environment.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Jaquie Scammell about The Future of Service and how digitalization affects customer relationships. We also dive deeper into some of the differences between human interaction and machine interaction and how we can better ourselves to become effective service providers.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Anna Glynn about Strong, relationship selling and building trust and permission in the workplace. We also dive deeper into understanding the challenges faced by our leaders right now and how resilience and optimism play an important role along the way.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Andy Brown about the Emotional Overdraft, empathy's role in leadership and building resilience as a leader. We also dive deeper into the qualities of becoming a great leader, how to actively listen, the challenges that may arise hindering success, and why curiosity is a driving force to success.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Anita Madan about how leaders cannot know everything, and allowing and creating space within organisations for innovation and creativity. We also dive deeper into identifying if an individual contributor is suited for management, gender diversity in leadership, and recognising the importance of human touchpoints.
On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Dr. Jane Foster about emotional resilience, vulnerability in leadership, and how to handle negative emotions. We also dive deeper into learning to regulate and control emotions, reshaping perspectives, and changing the language used around emotions, stress and problems.
Andy Brown
I really enjoyed this podcast. The idea of seeing weaknesses as strengths really resonated with me. I'd recommend this podcast to anyone with a curious mind.