
This is Institutionalized: Living After Deconstruction. Deconstructing is hard, especially when done alone. In this raw, accepting, and sometimes hilarious space, host, Josh and his guests will ask the questions they weren't allowed to ask, challenge norms that keep us stuck in the past, and actively listen to different perspectives. This podcast is about love and living after deconstruction.

A Gen-Z Approved Episode

This is the first ever recorded conversation for Institutionalized. I chat with my 19-year-old daughter, Alivia, at the dinner table. Alivia is a college student with a heart for the homeless. She talks about growing up Gen-Z, what she wished she'd been taught in school, and what older generations can do better to foster a better conversation with young people.


It's Always Both.../And...

Rob Gardner, an old friend of mine, is the guest this week. We chop it up about life, God, sports, psychedelics, mental health, the shadow self, and more. We sure aren't professionals, but it's a fun conversation.


The Value of Saying "I Don't Know"

This week's guest is an old friend of mine, Doug Carpenter. Doug is a former fundamental Baptist pastor who has deconstructed his faith, yet remained a Christian. It's a great conversation about problematic passages in the Bible, and it hits on some hot topics as well.


Sherri Bothwell's Story Pt. 2

In episode 6, Sherri tells the story that led to her leaving the faith, how she's been healing, and how we can generate better dialogue between Christians and agnostics.Content warning: This episode discusses child abuse and abusive situations. Listener discretion is advised.


There's No Hate Like Christian Love

This week's guest is Sherri Bothwell, former pastor's wife and advocate for abuse survivors. Sherri tells of her escape from a high-control, fundamentalist Christian environment, the backlash that followed, and the relief and joy she has in her new-found freedom.


Build a Bigger Table

Josh catches up with an old friend, Jeremy Martin. Jeremy is a pastor who lives in Las Vegas and is the author of the book, Build a Bigger Table.


Allowing Faith to Be a Mystery

Josh and author F.E. Feeley, Jr discuss the upcoming documentary, 1946, and the state of Christianity today. 1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted a Culture


The Spouse of a Serial Deconstructor

Josh and his wife Abbie talk about what it's like to be the spouse of someone who is deconstructing.


Josh's Story

Josh opens up about his experience with deconstruction and his recent mental health struggles.


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