Intellectual Insight

It's not a piece of cake being an entrepreneur, and it's definitely not for the weak! Join us as we candidly discuss the realistic and relatable lifestyle of being Entrepreneurs! We will provide the opportunity to hear perspectives from various guests from Newbies to seasoned players! Let's have intellectual conversations that will shed insight that will undoubtedly help you along your journey! From how to start an LLC to scaling a successful business, we're dropping gems! Tune in for raw material highlighting experience & knowledge as we unite and Grind it out together!

Episode 7: How well do you know yourself?

Tune into hear the hosts dive deep into the much needed conversations ranging from self-care to mental health and its effects on our entrepreneurial journey. Zachary Lee brought amazing perspectives while also shedding light on the importance of self-care and becoming more in tune with yourself.


Episode 6: How do YOU network??

We have OKC's own community guru, Apollo Woods, on the mic that discussed his experience with effectively networking within the classroom to being in the boardroom to successfully creating OKC Black Eats! The growth has been astronomical since 2017! Tune in for an earful as Apollo & the Hosts provide a earful of insight that will be applicable to your Entrepreneurial Journey!


Episode 5: The Journey Isn’t Picture Perfect

The motivations, challenges,  experiences amongst a list of many other things all shape our entrepreneurial journeys. Do some people in the same line of business as you withhold info or? Grab a glass of your favorite drink, and tune in as we candidly discuss our special guest photographer's, MaRyh Lashell, journey!


Episode 4: What you Comparin for?

Some of us may know, comparison is the thief of joy, and a slippery slope to jealousy! As an entrepreneur, how often do you stay in your own lane?


Episode 3: Do you know your boundaries

 Separating Professional and Personal Relationships as an Entrepreneur.


Episode 2: How Are You?

The question least asked but most important: “How are you?” Join us as we dive into the importance of mental health, self-care and entrepreneurship!


Episode 1: Who Are We?

We're new to the podcasting scene, so wanted to give our audience a small glimpse into "Who we are?"


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