Intelligent Content Marketing Talks

An ongoing discussion on how to build a modern business model and dominate your expert niche by applying a proven and highly profitable way of doing business. Entrepreneur Stephen Barnes shares his learnings and secrets of how he's built a monopoly from nothing with no money invested by harnessing the dynamics of today's increasingly disruptive Connection Economy.

S2Ep12: Reinventing Value and Price

To wrap up the final episode of the series, Jason discusses with Stephen what he’s learned during this series on the Power of Free. From the tips on working with the google algorithm to get to the top page 1 by using natural language techniques, dominating your niche by publishing high-quality content that answers any question that could be asked about your specialism, and understanding the true power behind ‘Free.’ For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep11: What's Your Platform?

On today's episode, Stephen and Jason discuss the importance of online platforms, and how it's much more than just a website. We look at successful companies such as Netflix, Airbnb, and uber who have all created fantastic online platforms, carved out new niches for themselves, and disrupted marketplaces all over. Stephen also discusses how he built his own online platform to help customers look for solutions to immigration problems that weren't being solved previously in his niche. In the connection economy, your online platform is the engine for creating relationships! For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep10: Do You Have Permission?

Inspired by Seth Godin's book, 'Permission Marketing,' On today's episode, Stephen and Jason discuss how you can respectfully earn your customer's attention whilst being sensitive in your marketing strategy. Today many businesses are fighting for our attention, using aggressive and outdated interruption marketing tactics that spam our inboxes, leaving us with a sour taste in our mouth. Your customer's attention is a privilege, not a right, so you always need to have the best interest of your customer at the forefront of your strategy. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep9: The Currency of Attention

The internet today is saturated with noise and information, and never before has the value of people’s attention been more important. Today on the podcast, Stephen and Jason discuss how by understanding and appreciating the true value of attention and changing how your online proposition is configured, your face will be seen, and your voice will be heard. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep8: The New Era of Marketing

In the last 15 years, the world of commerce has changed forever, consumers have adapted to the realities of the connection economy, but marketing has not! In today’s episode, Stephen and Jason discuss how applying Intelligent Content Marketing techniques can help businesses market their products and services in today’s connection economy. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep7: Disrupt, Disrupt

COVID-19 has very much been the catalyst for disruption in 2020. In today's episode, Stephen and Jason discuss how we have arrived at a transition point where creative disruption when done properly, can shift the ground from underneath the feet of your competition. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep6: What's Your Story?

Episode 6 - What’s Your Story? We’re halfway through the Power of Free series! Stephen and Jason’s discussion today is all about the importance of telling your personal and professional story. This authenticity and transparency (even your vulnerabilities) allow the customer to understand the person and the company they are dealing with, building up trust and forging honest relationships. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep5: Natural SEO

In today’s episode, Stephen and Jason discuss Natural SEO and how to create quality content for your audience, that also works in favour of the Google algorithm to get you to the top of page 1 of the search page - all without spending a cent on SEO expertise. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep4: Feel Your Market

In the fourth episode of the series, Stephen and Jason discuss the topic of ‘Feeling Your Market’. It's all about putting yourself in the shoes of the customer and considering what kind of experience and service you would hope to have as the customer. From here you can design your proposition, always doing it with the customer focus and their experience at it's core. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep3: Purple Cow

Today’s discussion is inspired by Seth Godin’s book ‘Purple Cow’. Stephen and Jason discuss how in today’s over-communicated world, the only thing of true value is people’s attention. They discuss ways and techniques you need to stand out above your competitors to be the ‘Purple Cow’ in your niche. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep2: Expert Niche

In the second episode of the Power of Free series, Stephen and Jason speak about being an expert in a specific niche. They discuss the manner in which service professionals can transition from operating in a traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ manner to operating online, and within the framework of the connection economy. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S2Ep1: The Connection Economy

We're back with Series 2!  In our first episode of the new series, Stephen and Jason discuss the current topic of the coronavirus pandemic and how today we are living in a very different world than we lived previously. COVID-19 has forced all businesses (big and small) into an industrial economy to connection economy transition before their very eyes. As the world finally wakes up to the knowledge that many things in business have changed forever, we begin our 'Power of Free' series to show and explain new ways of marketing your business using smart and simple techniques with 'FREE'. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S1Ep57: Idea Viruses, Building Tribes & Finding Secrets

On our final episode of Series 1, Stephen and Jason start off the discussion with Seth Godin’s concept of an Idea Virus and then moving onto the whole idea of building and loving your Tribe and what it can do for your business. Finally they discuss how finding an important truth very few people will ever agree with you on, will allow you insights into secrets that your competition will never have. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S1Ep56: Achieve Market Alignment By Design

In this episode Stephen and Jason discuss how to achieve market alignment by design. They look at the barriers of the ‘policy layer’ within many industrial economy businesses today, they discuss how to set a communications strategy and how to build an emotional connection with customers. In conclusion, it's all about taking the opportunity to tell the story of the market you operate in, what you are doing there, and why you are doing it. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S1Ep55: Control the Experience Environment

Today on the podcast Jason and Stephen discuss the Hong Kong protests and their impact on the local economy as well as on the locals themselves. After which they dive into how to control the experience environment. A great example of the best way to control the experience environment is the one given by Disney and their chain of excellence, which starts with leadership excellence, the leader sets the standard for the employees through leading by example, cast excellence which reflects the idea that every member of the team plays a key role in your production designed to offer the best customer experience, "guestology", the process of understanding your customer's needs, wants, emotions and the preconceived notions they might have about you, by understanding them you can establish your unique quality standards by which to measure customer satisfaction. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S1Ep54: Your Irresistible Offer

Today on the podcast it’s all about how to craft an irresistible offer. To create an irresistible offer you must make it clear to your customer that the value you offer is greater than the price, this shifts their mindset from the uneasy feeling of  "I'm being sold to" to the urgency of "buy now", you should also find the touchstone that is a perfect fit for your proposition, an example would be "double your money back" as the HKVC is offering, most importantly your offer should be believable, a sure way to inject authenticity is with social proof, real data to back you up, credibility and authority endorsement. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S1Ep53: Reverse The Risk

Today on the podcast Stephen and Jason will be talking about risk reversal and how you can achieve incorporate it in your business. Find out the two types of risk and the three strategies to adjust it so you can infuse your business proposition with the best option for you, and  to ensure your customers will always choose you, not your competitors. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S1Ep52: Harness the Psychological Hardwiring Evolved in Your Customer

Today on the podcast we dive into fascinating topics (including faux chicken), all kidding aside join us and find out what you need to take into account when crafting your business proposition. We discuss human psychology from the lessons of Robert Cialdini, Dan Ariely, Frank Kern and Charlie Munger. They provide all the tools for configuring a bulletproof proposition by understanding what's important and making sure that you are ethically nudging your customers' behaviour in a way that is good for them and designed to achieve your objectives as well. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S1Ep51: Outselling Your Competition

Today we have a really interesting discussion for you, find out what it takes to position your content platform in such a way that you ensure a win by default and what are the best and easiest ways to differentiate yourself from the competition. Learn how to manifest value in the connection economy and reach the two types of customers, those who want to pay and those who do not. Find out how to turn the customers that don’t want to pay into allies and advocates of your brand. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


S1Ep50: What Do You Really Sell? - Part 2

Join Jason and Stephen as they continue their discussion on What Do You Really Sell. Most people don’t have a clear understanding of what they are actually selling. Many overlook the fact that what you are actually selling is what you can do for people and the experience they have with you. They discuss the importance of building a purpose brands as they talk about great examples of such companies. You’ll also find out how to make your business bulletproof in the connection economy. For more information check out our encyclopedia at


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