Pioneering complementary medicine practitioner Dr. Ronald Hoffman takes a cutting-edge approach to health, wellness, and aging. He covers both conventional and alternative modalities, as well as nutrition, exercise, and supplements.
Weren't the young people who died of Spanish flu the so called "les sans gueule" or "the shell shocked" coming from the WW I ?!
#nicotinamideRiboside increases energy output in the #mitochondria. Other #supplements to improve performance and healthy aging are discussed as well.
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Mihai Barbulet
Weren't the young people who died of Spanish flu the so called "les sans gueule" or "the shell shocked" coming from the WW I ?!
Niclas Daniels
#nicotinamideRiboside increases energy output in the #mitochondria. Other #supplements to improve performance and healthy aging are discussed as well.