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Interior Design Business

Author: Terri Taylor

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Are you an interior design professional who wants to create time-accurate, money-generous, and fee-based job offers that clients jump to say "yes" to? Terri Taylor, President and Creative Director of the Interior Design Business Academy and the host of the Interior Design Business Podcast, is here to help interior design professionals who want to create lifestyle design businesses that pay them what they are worth.

Each week, Terri is bringing her clear, proven, and repeatable step-by-step "recipes" for attracting ideal luxury clients along with her overreaching attitude of gratitude, abundance, beauty, and joy for creating long-lasting and meaningful success.

Terri knows that what you believe to be true and how you feel about wealth and money have a direct connection to the level of clients, budgets, and jobs you attract, so tune in each week to discover the strategies and support mechanics you need to achieve your goals as an interior design professional.

109 Episodes
Dream Big

Dream Big


Do you ever wonder if you're playing it too safe in your interior design career?In this episode, I’m challenging interior designers like you to dream big and tap into your true potential. I'll guide you through the process of applying your design visualization skills to business growth, showing you how to break down your big dreams into actionable steps. By the end of this episode, you'll understand the parallels between designing spaces and designing your ideal career, and you'll learn ...
If a client told you they could pay your discovery fee and your design fee, but they couldn’t exceed a total budget of $50,000, what would you say?This episode of the Interior Design Business podcast shares an example of what can happen when old belief systems alter your present expectations and outcomes. Old beliefs about money are really hard to shake, there’s no shame in that, but when you do shake them, you open yourself up to so much more potential. This episode is going to help you...
How do you get published in a national design magazine? Our guest in this episode of Interior Design Business, Erin Shakoor, is a long-time member of the Interior Design Business Academy who recently scored an eight-page spread in House Beautiful. I asked her if she would come on the podcast and talk to us about what that process was like. Topics covered in this episode include:The method Erin used to attract her dream client What it looks like to put a magazine-worthy design t...
Looking for Clients?

Looking for Clients?


Looking for clients? Try these strategies! In every designer's journey, there are times when you’re crazy busy, and times when you’re wondering where the next client will come from. If you’re currently experiencing the latter, don’t panic. It happens to us all and you will come out the other side of it. To help you speed that process along, I’m sharing five designer marketing strategies that will get you out of a lull. Topics covered in this episode include:How to figure out your ta...
About Those Systems

About Those Systems


Picture this: You’re the leader of a process-driven design company with a dreamy client experience, predictable and repeatable results, and a balanced schedule. Can you envision it? Then you’re one step closer to achieving it! In this episode of the Interior Design Business podcast, you’ll learn how to use systems and processes to create the business of your dreams. Topics covered in this episode include:How I turned my business around when it was at breaking pointWhat every bu...
How do you take a lead, turn it into a prospect, and then turn it into a good design job?In this episode of the Interior Design Business podcast, I’m sharing my process for turning leads into prospects and prospects into paying clients. This is one of those things that you need to have a process for in your business. Without a clear and repeatable process, a lot of leads are going to fall through the cracks when they could have turned into really great design jobs. We’re covering ev...
Designer Marketing

Designer Marketing


What do you wish you knew about marketing for designers?By the end of this episode, you might just have your answer. There’s a lot of information out there about SEO, social media, and all things marketing, but it’s hard to sift through and none of it is focused on designers. Our industry is a little different from others. There are things that need to be done in a certain way and in a certain order to create the best platform for you to build your interior design business from. In ...
"Keep Your Shape"

"Keep Your Shape"


What does it mean to “keep your shape” as an interior design business owner?“Keep your shape” is a motto we use at the Interior Design Business Academy to talk about standing your ground. This comes into play in every area of your business: pricing, time, systems, offers, boundaries… you name it. We’re diving into it all in this episode of the Interior Design Business podcast, and today is our lucky day because IDBA lead coach Valerie Priester is back for another episode to share her expertis...
Too Many Little Jobs

Too Many Little Jobs


Do you feel like you never have any free time and yet somehow you still don’t have enough jobs to turn a profit?This problem is more common than you think, and in this episode of the Interior Design Business podcast we’re unpacking why that is. I sat down with our lead coach at IDBA, Valerie Priester, to talk about why designers get stuck with so many little jobs that they don’t have time to take on the big jobs they really want. If that sounds familiar, stick around because this is for you.&...
How do you tell the difference between honest sustainable companies and those that are trying to trick you with greenwashing in their marketing?This is just one of many questions you might have if you’re thinking about going green in your interior design business, so I've recruited the help of expert Megan Thompson to answer some of those questions and point you in the right direction. In this episode of the Interior Design Business podcast, we’re talking about how interior design impact...
Business or Hobby?

Business or Hobby?


Do you run a business or a hobby? In this episode of Interior Design Business Podcast, I’m diving into how your mindset and approach to money can make all the difference in the success of your business. Join me as I share practical insights into essential financial practices and mindsets that will help you get paid what you're worth.Topics covered in this episode include:The numbers you need to know to determine the health of your business on a daily basisCommon pitfalls of being a hobby...
How many times have you said, “If I just had more time, then I could get it all done”?I think we’ve all been there, but I want to let you in on a secret: It’s not about how much time you have, it’s about how you manage it. In this episode of the Interior Design Business podcast, I’m revealing five tips that will change your relationship with time so that you can improve your time management.Topics covered in this episode include:How I’ve avoided working on Fridays, weekends, or evenings for t...
What if you had a shortcut to identify the profitable and unprofitable practices in your business?Enter this episode of Interior Design Business! I’m here to give you the class on business finances that you never got in design school. Tune in to learn an easy way to understand your financial reports and use them to increase your profits. I’m sharing best practices, communication skills, tips for setting boundaries, and so much more. Topics covered in this episode include:An easy-to-follo...
Do you feel like no matter how much care you put into your design business, you never seem to increase your profits?This episode of the Interior Design Business podcast will teach you how to make your business more profitable without starting from scratch. I’m sharing some of the hidden money leaks lurking in your business, unexpected obstacles that are getting in your way, and five simple strategies to start implementing for better profits. Topics covered in this episode include:How man...
What are the appointment do’s and don’ts?As you know, a first appointment is a rich opportunity to gain a potential client’s trust and business. How do you make sure that happens? That’s what I want to share with you in this episode. I’m talking about what to charge, what to include, how long it should be, and lots of other appointment do’s and don’ts. If you’ve ever had a question about how to handle a first appointment, this episode has an answer for you. No more giving away your time and v...
How do you stay in control of a job when your client is getting carried away?A client that wants to add more work to their job is a good problem to have, but if you don’t know how to appropriately handle it, you’ll soon find yourself out of the driver's seat and wondering “how did I get here?”. In this episode of Interior Design Business, I’m teaching you the simple steps to follow to make sure that you and your client are on the same page, you have a clear idea of the scope of work, and...
These are the confessions of a recovering perfectionist. This episode of Interior Design Business is all about perfectionism and the surprising problems that it’s causing in your business. I’m sharing what I’ve learned about the dark side of perfectionism and how to overcome it so that you can be a better designer. Topics covered in this episode include:Why your designs aren’t turning out the way you want them toHow to know when to be done with a project Lies that the voice in ...
In this episode of the Interior Design Business podcast, find out the four major roadblocks to success that most designers face so that you can take the fast track to overcome them. The four roadblocks I’m sharing in this episode are things I’ve seen come up again and again for struggling designers. I’m coaching you through each roadblock in this episode so that you have the tools you need to troubleshoot your business and get things running smoother than ever. Think of this as your chea...
The Mini-Me Myth

The Mini-Me Myth


How many times have you wished you had a mini-me to help you get everything done? When you’re working at 2 a.m. and dreaming about that mini-me, you might think it’s a good time to hire someone, but in this episode of Interior Design Business, I’m going to explain why it’s not. I’m walking you through the problems you’ll encounter if you try to hire a mini-me or jack-of-all-trades, how to avoid making a knee-jerk hire, and what to do instead. Topics covered in this episode include:W...
Networking doesn’t work, it’s just a waste of time. Not true! Sorry if the title got your hopes up, but stick with me! Networking is not as hard as you think it is, it’s actually pretty fun, and I’m here to walk you through it. I’m going to turn networking from something you dread into something you look forward to. Don’t believe me? Tune in to this episode of Interior Design Business. Topics covered in this episode include:How to make networking fun The value of building relat...