Intermediate English Conversations

Listen to the following conversations to improve your English. If you don't understand something, you can see the full transcript of each dialogue online at

Conversations in English: New Cell Phone

Listen to the following conversation to improve your English. To view the transcript of each conversation or schedule a private English lesson on Skype, visit my website at Two friends talk about cell phones. A: Hey, look at my new cell phone. B: Where'd you get it? A: I got it at the mall. It was free with my new plan. B: So what stuff can it do? A: It has text messages, voice-mail, Internet and instant messenger too. I think you can even watch TV on it. B: Cool. What about music? Can you use it like an mp3 player? A: Umm... I think so. Let me look... Yeah, it has a USB card to hold the mp3s. B: I think I may need to go get one too. How long of a contract do you have to sign? A: Just a year, I think. B: That's not too bad.


Conversations in English: The Post Office

Listen to the following conversation to improve your English. To view the transcript of each conversation or schedule a private English lesson on Skype, visit my website at Two friends are in line at the post office and are losing their patience cause the line's moving slowly. A: We've been waiting in line for like 20 minutes. B: No, it's been like an hour. A: No way. You always exaggerate. It does feel like way more than 20 minutes, though, cause the line's moving so slow. Probably cause there's only two people here. B: I bet they have more than just two people here. They're probably just taking breaks or goofing off somewhere. A: Finally, the line's starting to move. B: Hey, I didn't know you get passports at the post office. I just saw a sign for it. A: Yeah, I got mine here last year. B: Cool. I still need to get mine. I haven't ever been out of the country, so I haven't needed one. A: But you're going to Europe this summer, right? B: Yeah, so I should probably get mine soon. A: You should. It might take a while for them to send it too you.


Conversations in English: Did you see the last episode?

Listen to the following conversation to improve your English. To view the transcript of each conversation or schedule a private English lesson on Skype, visit my website at Two friends talk about a soap opera A: Did you see the last episode? B: Nope. What happened? A: Let's see.... Angela got pregnant. B: Really? Who's the father? A: Robert. B: Wow. So does everyone know or is it a secret? A: No one knows. If Angela's dad knew about it, he'd be really pissed. B: I bet. He's really protective of her. A: The next episode starts in an hour. You wanna stay and watch it? B: Of course I will. Thanks.


Conversations in English: Driving to the Vet

Listen to the following conversation to improve your English. To view the transcript of each conversation or schedule a private English lesson on Skype, visit my website at Jake, a dog, is sick and needs to go to the veterinarian (vet). One person holds him, while the other drives the car. A: So when did Jake start throwing up? B: He's been throwing up every day this week. Poor thing. A: At first, I just thought he ate some bad food, but if he's been throwing up every day, he's probably sick. B: Yeah, I think he might have worms. A: Hopefully not. B: Well, he needs to get his shots anyway. A: Do you have insurance? B: No, it's not worth it. I only come to the vet like twice a year. A: Ah, ok. So which street do I turn on? B: 5th. Thanks for driving, by the way. I have to hold Jake whenever he's in the car, or else he'll get scared. A: No problem.


Conversations in English: Shopping for a Picnic

Listen to the following conversation to improve your English. To view the transcript of each conversation or schedule a private English lesson on Skype, visit my website at Two friends are at the grocery store to buy food for a picnic the next day. A: So, what do we need to get, again? B: Just a few things for the picnic tomorrow. Like paper plates, bread, lunch meat, chips. Stuff like that. A: What about soda? B: That too. I'm trying to remember what kind they wanted. A: Let's just get Coke or Pepsi, and maybe some Sprite too. Everyone likes those. B: Sounds good. Let's split up, so we get everything faster. A: I'll get the bread and sodas. You can get the other stuff. B: Alright. Let's meet at register 3. A: Ok. See you in a minute.


Conversations in English: Email Lingo

Listen to the following conversation to improve your English. To view the transcript of each conversation or schedule a private English lesson on Skype, visit my website at “E-mail Lingo” Cody helps Elaine with her e-mail account. Elaine: Just let me check my e-mail real quick. Cody: Alright, no problem. Elaine: Look. What's this mean? Cody: It says your inbox is full. So it won't let you receive any new e-mails. Elaine: Then I need to delete some messages to make room. Cody: Yeah. Why don't you delete everything in your junk mail folder first. Elaine: It should be fine now. I deleted a few e-mails with really big attachments that were taking up a lot of space.


Conversations in English: I Couldn't Sleep

Cody stayed late at work and his wife, Elaine, was still awake when he returned home. Cody: Hey. Why are you still up? Elaine: I couldn't sleep, so I decided to read for a little bit. Cody: Is everything alright? Were you worried about something? Elaine: Well, not really. I don't know. Cody: Do you wanna talk about it? Remember, we said that we wanted to tell each other everything and be honest. Elaine: It's not a big deal. I'm sure she'll be fine. Cody: Who? Elaine: My sister called and said that our aunt is having surgery tomorrow. So I was just worried about her. Cody: What's wrong? Elaine: I'm not sure exactly. She said it wasn't anything major. Cody: I'm sure she'll be fine. Let's go get some sleep and tomorrow we'll call and see how it went.


Conversations in English: That's a Good Deal

A: So, I found a new apartment. B: I didn't know you were moving out. A: Yeah. My lease is up and I need a cheaper place. B: How much is the new one? A:$400/month, all bills paid. Plus, it's a two bedroom. B: Whoa, that's a good deal. A: I know. It's a steal.. I'm moving in this Thursday. B: Is it furnished? A: Yeah, but I still need a TV. I wanna get a free one. I already looked on Craig's List but didn't see anything. B: I have an extra one you can use until you find a better one. A: Really? Thanks. I appreciate it.


Conversations in English: Getting Up Early

Brittany's car is getting repaired at the mechanic. So her friend, Sharon, is driving her to work and she doesn't like it. Brittany: I really appreciate you getting up early to drive me to work. Sharon: It's ok. But you owe me one. Brittany: My car should be out of the shop soon. I'm still not sure what's wrong with it. Sharon: Hopefully it'll be easy to fix. What a minute... how are you getting back home? Brittany: Well.... Sharon: No. Take the bus. Brittany: There's no direct bus to get home. Sharon: Then take a taxi. Brittany: Come on. It's only for a few days.... Why are we stopping? Ouch!


Conversations in English: I Got in a Wreck

Two friends talk in the parking lot. A: Is that a new car? B: No, it's just a rental. A: That makes sense. I didn't think you could afford a car that nice. Wow, it's a convertible too. B: Yeah, it's really nice. I got in a wreck. So I'm just using this car until they fix mine. A: When'd you get in a wreck? How'd it happen? B: It was on Monday. The other driver wasn't paying attention, ran a stop sign, and hit me. A: No one got hurt, right? B: No. We were both fine.


Masood Tokhi

Very nice

07-16 Reply

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