Intermediate Spanish - Spanish Obsessed

Intermediate Spanish from Rob and Lis of Spanish Obsessed. Couple Lis and Rob (Colombian and English) have a range of natural, engaging conversations in slow Spanish. We talk slow enough so that you can understand everything, but that doesn’t stop our conversations from being 100% authentic! We cover a variety of topics, equipping you in the process with super cool Spanish phrases which are actually used, as well as nuggets of grammar, pronunciation, and culture. Listen to Lis' crystalline Colombian Spanish, but we also talk with speakers with a variety of different accents. We update weekly, so be sure to subscribe using the button on the left to stay up to date. Also, check out our world of Spanish material, articles, culture and general Spanish love at!

Por and Para: Part one

Rob and Johana discuss "por" and "para". Why are these words so difficult for learners, and what approach can we take to tackling them? In this episode, we'll look at two common uses for por and para.


Should you learn slang?

Join Rob and Spanish teacher Johana in a conversation about Spanish slang. What are the difficulties for us as learners in learning slang, and is it even worth it? 


El Clasismo...

Rob and Lis discuss an infuriating situation where they live, and what this shows about classism in Colombia


Too old to learn Spanish?

We discuss learning Spanish later in life. While we are not (just yet) in that situation, we have inspiring students who have shared with us how they are successfully learning Spanish in their senior years.


Can you teach a 2 year old Spanish and English?

Our experiences trying to teach our 2 year old daughter Spanish and English. 


Bogota Immersion trip: what we learned

We recently held our first full Spanish immersion trip in Bogota, where we were joined by 10 participants. Here's how it went.


How to get a native Spanish accent

How important is a native accent, and is it possible to develop one? Is it even desirable? Rob and Lis talk about their own efforts to develop better accents, and some reasonable goals for learners.


¿Las protestas siguen funcionando?

Earlier this year, two protestors threw soup over the Mona Lisa. This follows a long list of similar protests of vandalism of artwork - they got our attention, but do the ends justify the means? And, are these types of protests still effective?


Positive Thinking?

We discuss the trend of "positive thinking" - where does this trend come from, and how have we found it? Also, how is it connected to the concept of "manifestation"?


A new life in... The Coffee Country

Rob and Lis recently moved to the "Coffee Axis" in Colombia, not just so Rob could feed his caffeine addiction.They discuss their new lifestyle, and how it compares to city living (so long, Bogota!).


We got hooked on Traitors

Have you seen the show "Traitors"? Rob and Lis got hooked on it, and discuss it in this episode.


Why we find people so annoying

Have you met someone truly "toxic"? What do you think made them that way? In this episode, Lis and Rob discuss the "Fundamental Attribution Error" - when we try to explain someone's behavior based mostly on their personality and don't think enough about the situation they are in. 


El secreto del amor...?

¿Qué hace que una relación a largo plazo tenga éxito, y hasta qué punto podemos predecirlo de antemano? ¿Existe un alma gemela para todo el mundo, o podemos decidir a quién queremos?


La procrastinación: 3 estrategias para superarlo

Why do we decide to bake cookies when we've got a deadline tomorrow?How has procrastination affected us, and what can we do about it? Lis and Rob explore their own experiences with procrastinating, and discuss 3 effective strategies to combat it.


Status Symbols

Status symbols... How do people mark themselves as high status around the world, and have we fallen into these traps?


Ser empresario

We discuss coming up with business ideas, and how running a business has changed our lives. Also, some new business ideas, both from us and our friends! Rob describes his "Ayahuasca for Silicon Valley" business idea, as well as new cafe concept called "The hangover"...


La contaminación acústica

Lis and Rob talk noisy neighbours, sounds of the city, and noise pollution. How noisy are our cities, and how much does this bother us?


Entrevista: Spanish Land

We chat with Andrea and Nate, who run Spanish Land. They divide their time between USA and Colombia - how do they find life compares in the two countries, and what are their plans for the future?


Being parents: Expectations vs reality

We've been parents to our daughter, Ana Paz, for nearly a year now. Here, we reflect on what we expected going into it, and how things really were in reality.


5 things we love about Bogotá

We've been living in Colombia over a year! Lis and Rob talk about what they most like about life in Bogotá.


Mahdi Yarandi

👏🏻muy bien

09-20 Reply

Elaine Kim

I tried the first podcast, but it's hard for me to understand the woman speaker. She swallows her words and sometimes laughs a lot while talking. In the beginning of the second podcast, I think her volume was turned down low. This discouraged me from upgrading.

06-13 Reply

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