Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurship with Miles

Unlock the next level of your life and the true lifestyle freedom that is possible through tapping into the power of entrepreneurship, digital media, and the connected economy. Miles Beckler is an entrepreneur on a mission to help people to escape the rat race and unlock the abundance and lifestyle freedom possible through internet marketing and entrepreneurship. Being an entrepreneur can feel overwhelming and confusing at times... Whether you're just embarking on your journey as a digital marketer, or have been building an online business for years. Miles has a natural talent for breaking down complex ideas and internet marketing strategies into simple and easy to understand concepts. One of the main goals of this podcast is to cut through the noise and help you to focus on the key things and strategic areas that will create the most impact in your business. Miles has been a full-time internet entrepreneur since 2010 and has been earning income online since 2003. He has helped thousands of people grow their businesses online through his blog and YouTube videos.

3 FREE Ways to Get Tons of Traffic in 2024

Learn the best sources of free traffic for your website, today.  Top organic traffic sources revealed.  You can access the deep dive free traffic trainings in the description by clicking "more" 👇 First off, be sure you're getting my helpful marketing emails, here: These emails are where I send out my most up-to-date experiment results, traffic hacks and moneymaking tips as they happen... So get on the list, now. Second, the free Pinterest tool that can help you see if your niche is a good fit for pinterest traffic is here: If you want to go through my free pinterest traffic course here on YouTube, go here:     • If you're more into YouTube to drive free organic traffic to your website, the free YouTube traffic trainings are here:     • Lastly, if you're blogging to drive traffic, you can learn my tricks to driving organic traffic from Bing, Yahoo and duckduckgo search engines here:     • Although the world of organic traffic has changed drastically in 2024 with the roll out of Google's Helpful Content Update (explained here:     • There are still many viable free traffic sources available to you, today. You can get more web traffic ideas and insights here, too:     • Cheers. Miles Beckler


Why Most People Fail To Get Rich Online

This video reveals the #1 reason why people fail to make it online and then it shares the proven system for success to help you become one of the 1% of internet entrepreneurs who make it online. In this video, Miles Beckler reveals the "ATM Strategy" for making money online that he and his wife have used to fire their bosses and go full time online in 2010...  Since teaching this method on YouTube, the ATM strategy has now worked for thousands of students, too! It's time to get clarity on your plan and FOCUS in on doing the work.  If you want more help building out your personalized business plan, go to  for the free 1 page business plan template that requires no opt-in.


5 Highest Paid Digital Marketing Skills

These are the highest-paid digital marketing skills you can build nights and weekends on your laptop.  If you're feeling lost and need a free business plan template to follow, go here- Here are the resources/notes mentioned: First, if you don't know how to create & sell your own digital products, watch this video next - In this video I mentioned that Email gets the highest ROI out of any digital marketing channel.  Here is the source for the Email Marketing ROI stat mentioned- If you're wanting to start online as an entrepreneur but you're not sure where to start... Go here - I mentioned that I have created sales copy templates based on my proven winners which are here -


Taxes For Online Businesses Made Easy

Learn the easy way to prepare your taxes for online creators, affiliates and eCommerce entrepreneurs!  This video reveals my simple system to prepare my taxes as an internet entrepreneur that only takes a couple hours per year! In this video I mention my "Do You Need an LLC to Start Making Money Online" video which you can watch here: First you'll learn the differences in tax requirements for entrepreneurs vs. employees.  This will help you understand what is required from you so you can hit all of the required deadlines. Second, you'll learn my exact tax prep processes and you'll learn the tax software you can use to make this entire process of preparing your taxes easier every year. Finally, you'll learn how to grow a small team of professionals who can help you manage your taxes every year that will save you countless hours of headaches compared to doing everything yourself. Taxes isn't exactly a 'fun' topic but it is something that all online entrepreneurs need to deal with.   So learn how to make your tax preparation easy in this video. Here are the timestamps for chapters: 0:00 Intro to taxes for online businesses 0:22 The 3 keys to making your tax prep easy 0:56 Tax differences between employees vs. entrepreneurs 1:50 Tax forms you'll need as an online entrepreneur 2:16 Differences between ad revenue vs. affiliate income or selling products 3:06 Required tax payments for online entrepreneurs explained 3:48 Tax deductions for creators, affiliates & side hustles 4:44 How internet entrepreneurs pay fewer taxes than employees 5:59 These tricks will save you dozens of hours in tax prep each year 7:48 How to use cash back credit cards to earn money and help your tax prep 8:40 This one tool will save you hours of headaches each year 10:21 What documents do you need each year to file your taxes 10:45 Growing your tax team to maximize deductions and minimize time spent 13:30 How to find a great local CPA who understands home-based businesses 14:46 The keys to remember when preparing your taxes as an online entrepreneur


Is Blogging Dead? Should You Start A Blog in 2024?

Did Google kill blogging?  With Google's "Helpful Content Update" and other algorithm updates, should you start a blog, today?  Here are 5 things you must consider before starting a blog in 2024. Google's Core Update that has been rolling out through March 2024 (as explained in this video -  has caused a lot of pain and questions from bloggers, niche site owners, and affiliates... The big question is:  Is blogging dead? And... Should you start a new blog in 2024? Some folks are saying blogging is gone and it's time to move on to YouTube or social media traffic. Now, I've been teaching folks how to blog here on YouTube for nearly a decade here, and the core How To Blog training is still relevant - But man folks are scared that blogging is dead. Yet, others are doubling down on their blogs in hopes of a traffic recovery from the Google algorithm update. But, is there a middle ground for bloggers? Can you still use a blog to help you make money online without being all in on Google? Can you rise above the Google algorithm and SEO traffic schemes and still succeed?  Do you need to buy SEO backlinks if you want to make it online? This video reveals the 5 ways that bloggers are still able to use their blogs to grow their businesses online without depending on traffic from Google. And, if you're struggling to drive traffic to your blog, watch this video for some much needed perspective: Because a Blog should not be your one and only traffic strategy. It should be 1 component in a broader traffic strategy as explained in this video here: Remember... No matter what happens in the world of SEO and Google Algorithm updates, you still need a place to publish your ideas, your tutorials, your reviews, your recommendations and your affiliate links! A YouTube channel is NOT enough for a long term successful online business, either. Now, I teach how to use YouTube to grow your business online here: But again, thinking you can do ONLY YouTube and ignore the rest of the marketing channels (like having a blog, too) is EXTREMELY RISKY! Because, if you went 'all in' on YouTube or Social, you're putting yourself in the same situation as those who were all in on Google SEO traffic and just got slapped. This video offers bloggers some much needed perspective about blogging in 2024. Whether you're a total beginner blogger.  Or whether you've been blogging for a decade or more like my wife and I have... This video will teach you the 5 ways we are using our blogs in 2024 after the Google algorithm updates to grow our businesses online without needing to build backlinks or mass publish AI content to a blog. Remember... Your blog is a great way to build your BRAND. Look beyond the ups and downs of traffic and you'll see a bright future for your online business and your blog! This video shares the types of blog posts that make money online -


3-Steps To Get More Views On YouTube Videos

Growing a YouTube channel can feel daunting if you don't have a proven process to follow.  This 100% beginner-friendly video reveals my 3-step process that has grown 2 channels to gain 48,000,000+ views and over 550,000 subscribers! Here are the links mentioned and shown in the video:  I use Tubebuddy for some video research and to manage my A/B tests on my thumbnails.  I highly recommend TubeBuddy if you're committed to growing your YouTube channel and driving more views from your YouTube vids : Then, there are the free YouTube training's I've published previously here on YouTube... Like the 100% beginner friendly how to get started on YouTube video, here:     • Also, you should watch the free YouTube deep dive course that teaches you the secrets of the YouTube algorithm so you can grow your channel, your subscribers, and your views faster on YouTube -     • The key to driving traffic to your YouTube videos from YouTube search and Google search is mastering keyword research.  Find those phrases your audience is searching for so you can create the content they're looking for! All of my free keyword research videos are here:     • Here's the link to the keyword research tool I use and showed in this video: Also, I mentioned the importance of learning persuasion in writing.  To help you with this, here is the free 1 sentence persuasion course available on my blog with no opt-in required: This is a must-read and once you "Get it" you'll find it easier to write great video titles, to come up with better topics and it'll help your email marketing and your copywriting, too!


Google Update March 2024 The UnHelpful Content Update

The Google Core Update in March 2024 is causing havoc for SEOs, affiliates and niche site owners.  With this new algorithm update hitting hard, what's your next steps?  Where do you go from here? This video dives in... If you resonate with the idea of mastering the game of direct response marketing and leveraging sales funnels to grow your list and your business, this playlist is for you -     • If you're looking for a big picture video that reveals the Google algorithm-proof business model you can build from your laptop, watch this video next -     •  I mentioned the importance of growing your email list in this video, which is explained in greater detail in these videos:     •  To grow your list as an affiliate you will want to use a simple affiliate marketing funnel as explained here:     • You can do it... It does take pivoting and remember... Everyone who has achieved great success online has dealt with this kind of BS in the past. It's those who keep getting back up and chasing down their dreams are the ones who make it in the end. That's the real 'secret' the gurus don't want you to know! Cheers Miles "The Helpful YouTuber" Beckler


How To Build A Profitable Affiliate Funnel In 15 Minutes

Learn how to build an affiliate marketing sales funnel without any overpriced funnel software even if you're a complete beginner!  Click "...more" 👇 to access the free resources mentioned in this video! First, I'm using LeadPages in this example which is my go-to landing page builder. If you want to try LP for yourself to see how easy it is, you can get a free trial here: I'm using Aweber for the email part I am an affiliate If you need the 100% free landing page builder I mentioned/showed in the video, get the step-by-step tutorial for that system here: And then, of course... If you want to take me up on the special offer to get the Affiliate Marketing Accelerator Training Bundle for just $19, go here: This must-have affiliate marketing bundle includes my top-rated niche navigator course that will help you to find a profitable affiliate marketing niche in one hour or less, guaranteed. You also get the offer recon course which will teach you my secret strategies for finding the highest-converting affiliate offers that your competitors are overlooking. Third you get the full affiliate marketing business plan training that walks you step-by-step through creating your personal plan for traffic, marketing, niche and email. Other marketers charge $297 or more for this kind of information but I'm here to help make sure you have the step-by-step training you need at an affordable price. With that said I also have hundreds of free videos here on my YouTube channel that will teach you all of the specifics but it requires more resourcefulness and time on your end to dig through and find the videos. I will put together a big list of my most helpful affiliate marketing videos for you here in this description. in this video you will get to follow along step-by-step while I build out a profitable affiliate marketing sales funnel in real time using a screen share. If you have wanted to start affiliate marketing as a beginner but you feel like affiliate marketing is too complicated, this video will reveal the simple process to making money online as an affiliate marketer using affiliate marketing funnels. These funnels consist of 4 separate components. Your traffic, your landing page, your offer, and your email marketing follow-up. let's start with traffic… Generally, you need to decide whether you are going to invest your time and energy to drive organic traffic or whether you're going to use paid traffic strategies like advertising. If you want to do organic traffic for affiliate marketing, watch the videos in this playlist here where I teach you how to drive traffic for free as an affiliate: if you like writing you should definitely look into blogging as a main traffic source and you can find my free how-to blog training series on YouTube here: If you want to use advertising to drive traffic as an affiliate then I recommend starting with my five dollars Facebook ads strategy here for the best training on email marketing for affiliates, go here If you need help setting up your autoresponder ( I recommend Aweber - ) watch this video: finally, if you just want to make money with affiliate marketing, watch these videos here: Whether you choose to dig through the free YouTube videos and self-educate on how to make money online as an affiliate, or whether you choose to get a course that can shortcut your path to success as an affiliate… The one main key is resourcefulness. Making money online as an affiliate is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time, determination, patience, and overcoming challenges and ultimately you must persevere longer than your competitors. With that said, creating lifestyle income as an affiliate is the best option I've found for creating true lifestyle freedom in 2024. If you have any questions about the process or my videos, please leave me a comment as I'm happy to answer comments as I have time. Cheers! Miles "The Helpful Affiliate" Beckler


Landing Page vs Sales Funnel -What's Best In 2024?

Are sales funnels dead?  Do you need one of those all in one $297/mo funnel builders to make money online?  This video reveals the truth that the gurus are afraid to tell you. My top landing page builder that I recommend is LeadPages: Aweber -    The full 'How to get started email marketing for Free with Aweber' post I mentioned is here:    If you're a wordpress user and you want to keep building on Wordpress, I highly recommend Thrive Architect landing page builder plugin! Thrive Architect is here:    I show how to setup a landing page with Thrive Architect here: Ok, if you want to go with a shopping cart, I recommend either SamCart or Thrivecart. If you're not sure which one is best for you, definitely go through my SamCart vs thrivecart video where I compare the two options in detail here:   Also, you can access all of my sales funnel videos here - I explain the basics of sales funnels... What they are and how they work. Plus you'll learn how to structure your offers to work in a sales funnel no matter what tech you use. And that's the real key here... It doesn't matter what tech stack you use to build out your sales funnel... Because all in all it's just a series of pages. But, you will find that you'll convert more leads and more customers when you embrace sales funnels (even if you use a simple landing page builder)  The tech is NOT what will drive your conversions. Making great offers and having great sales copy on each and every page is the key. You've got this! get at me in the comments if you have any questions!


How To Get Started Making Money Online In 2024

"Miles, if you were starting your online moneymaking career over in 2024, how would you get started?"  Learn the right way to start an online business in 2024 as revealed by 20+ year affiliate marketing veteran.


2024's Best Affiliate Marketing Strategy Revealed

This video reveals my #1 affiliate marketing strategy to drive more sales in less time!  This works like magic. Here's the link mentioned in the video - What is your affilaite marketing straetgy?  Do you need help coming up with a plan of action? Do you seek a step-by-step affiliate marketing plan you can follow to build a real business online? This video reveals my top affiliate marketing strategy with a real example that you need to see!


How To Use Google Trends To Find Products, Keywords, Content Ideas & More

This Google Trends for Beginners video shows YouTubers, bloggers and internet marketers how to use Google Trends to find products, how to do free keyword research, to find video and blog post ideas, and more. This 100% free market research tool is my favorite free keyword research tool there is. First, you'll learn what is Google Trends and how to use it as a beginner. Then you'll learn the basics of Google Trends so you can do market research like a pro even if you're new to this tool. Once you see how to find product ideas, keywords, blog ideas and youtube video ideas you ill learn how to understand the data that you get for free with the Google Trends results page. Finally you'll learn the advanced Google Trends tactics you can use to get the most out of this powerful research tool! You'll see why Google Trends is one of my top free keyword research and market research tools in 2024 and beyond. Enjoy!


New Email Rules For 2024 📧 Set Up Email Authentication in 5 Steps

Gmail and Yahoo have imposed new email rules for bulk senders (aka email marketers).  This video shows you exactly what you need to set up to make sure your emails hit the inbox and don't go to spam!   These new email rules for 2024 focus on email validation and email authentication to combat spam with the new Gmail AI algorithm.  For all the nerdy details, here is the post that explains everything straight from Google - Here is my post that teaches you how to setup and grow your email list - Follow along in this email marketing video that shows you exactly how to verify your email address in your autoresponder and how to set up the SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records at your domain name's DNS.   Here are the links shown in the video: I recommend aweber for new email marketers -   Here is the Aweber post that walks you step by step through the process: Here is the Aweber post about the SPF record; How to scrub your list in Aweber - If you're on ActiveCampaign, here's the link to their tool to help you get verified - Here is the text from the document I was showing in the video so you can have a checklist to follow to get your new email sender requirements set up based on the new rules from Gmail and Yahoo!   Step-By-Step! Here's How To Comply With Gmail & Yahoo’s New Email Rules For 2024: Step 1: Verify your YourName @ email address! Step 2: Add your DKIM records to your domain's DNS zone via a Cname record  Step 3: Add your DMARC records to your domain's DNS zone via a TXT record Step 4: Add your SPF records to your domain's DNS zone via a TXT record Step 5: Get your domain name set up at and keep your spam rate below .3%!!! By taking these 5 steps, your email marketing should not be affected by these changes and you should continue to hit the primary inbox with all of your marketing emails. If you skip these processes, you risk having your emails go straight to spam, lowering your open rates and your click-through rates... Which would result in less revenue for your online business.


Affiliate Marketing Business Plan For Beginners

Get the 7-step affiliate marketing business plan that made me a millionaire in my 30s.  Simply answer these 7 questions and you'll have a 100% beginner friendly plan of action to grow your online business in 2024! If you want to get the Affiliate Marketing Accelerator training bundle for just $19 as mentioned in this video, go here: In this bundle, you'll get my top rated Niche Navigator training that teaches you how to find a profitable niche in 1 hour or less, guaranteed. You see...  If you don't have a niche you love that's a part of the Big 5 money niches... You're chances for success dwindle leaving you at risk to waste years working in a niche that will never generate a full-time income. Choosing the wrong niche (or staying stuck paralyzed from analysis) is the #1 reason why people fail. Which is why you get the full Niche Navigator training in the affiliate marketing accelerator training! Plus, you also get the Offer Recon course that teaches you how to find high-converting affiliate offers with big commissions, in any niche. Too many people are struggling to find those great products their audience loves which leaves you without any inventory to promote to your audience. Or worse... They promote the scammy clickbank products because that's what all the gooorooos say to do. But, when you learn the secret to finding great offers on autopilot, you'll have everything you need to grow your affliate inventory with the high-quality products and offers your audience will love. And finally... You also get the full Affiliate Marketing Business Plan Training that goes even deeper into these core 7 questions you're learning about here, today... This training will help you get crystal clear on your traffic growth strategy, your email list growth strategy and your monetization strategy. These 3 trainings combined are easily worth $147 but you can get all 3 for just $19 as my way of saying "Thanks for being a YouTube subscriber!" Get instant access here - And...  Be sure to like this video and subscribe to get more free affiliate marketing trainings here on YouTube. Cheers. Miles Beckler


How to Make 10K a Month In Only 1 Hour Per Day

This video reveals how I'd make $10k a month if I was starting over and only had 1 hour per day to build passive income from an online business.  Resources mentioned are in the description 👇 The first big decision you have to build an online business to 10k/mo is what niche you're going to focus on. If you haven't figured this out yet, here's my video training that will help you to find a profitable niche in 1 hour or less, guaranteed! If you'd prefer to read this info, you can get it all in my Niche Navigator book on Kindle for $0.99 here: Once you know what niche you're going to be of service to, you need to build out the foundation for your online business which includes your landing pages and your email system. This post on my site shows you how to set up your email list and grow it for free: There are several approaches you can take for traffic. First is blogging, which is tight on 1 hour per day but it is possible.  This post teaches you how to setup your blog on the cheap:   The other option which uses way less time (helping you really dial in that 1 hour per day approach) is running Facebook ads, which is explained in this video here:     • The Secret To Success w/ Facebook Ads...   From here, it's all about embracing email marketing because your email list in this online business model is your distribution system.  Here are 3 of my best free videos that teach you how to become an email marketer, fast:  This is the full email marketing course that's 100% free here on YouTube:      • #1 Email Marketing Secret: How To Gro...   Definitely start with this email marketing video above, first! This video goes deeper into what you can/should send out in your emails as you start emailing  your list more:     • Email Marketing Made Simple! How To W...   This video is all about automated email follow up series' (often called autoresponders)     • Email Marketing - How To Craft A Grea...    That's it for this one... Hope you enjoy. Give this vid a like and leave me a comment and let me know what you think!


Advanced Affiliate Marketing Strategy Revealed

Brand new video reveals how affiliate marketers can simplify their business, get off the content marketing treadmill, and scale their business to $1M/year faster than ever... If you want to get access to the free eclass mentioned in the video, go here: If you're brand new and have not gone through the free affiliate marketing crash course, you can get access to it here: Affiliate marketing for beginners Step-by-step affiliate marketing here on youtube How to make money with affiliate marketing if you are not an expert -


My $1M Funnels Revealed (& How You Can Copy Them!)

This video reveals the 3 sales funnels that earned over $1,000,000 last year  ✔ The description has all the resources and templates mentioned... Click 'read more' to access... If you haven't figured out how to quickly create info-products that sell like crazy, go through the free training here:  For access to all 12 templates and trainings so you can model my winning sales funnels and sales letters, go here:  And, if you're still new to the idea of sales funnels and how they can help you grow your business and sell more stuff, be sure to watch this free YouTube video, next


Top 7 Ways To Earn Residual Income Online

Residual income is the fastest way to fire your boss and escape the rat race whether you're an affiliate marketer, coach or course creator.  Learn the secrets to unlock passive residual income, today! If you want help finding great affiliate offers with recurring commissions be sure to watch the Offer Recon video, here:   If you want to to get my help growing your business, join me for Office Hours every other Tuesday at 9:30am Pacific time, here:   And, if you're still struggling to figure out the right business plan that can free you from the rat race in 2024, watch this video, too:


Unlock Prosperity & Abundance In 2024

This video reveals how I went from $50,000 in student loan debt working jobs I hated to millionaire in just a few short years.  Now you can apply these prosperity principles in your life, too!   Links to all the resources mentioned are in the description!   Here are the books mentioned:   (Assume these are all affiliate links and I'd earn a tiny % of your order as a commission if you click through and buy within 24 hours of clicking my links! ...So load up an Amazon cart 🤣  I appreciate the support when you buy through my links) #1 The Day That Turns Your Life Around by Jim Rohn - #2 - The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles -   This is free in audiobook format on YouTube here -   And you can get the pdf or kindle version free on Gutenberg here -   #3 - You Too Can Be Prosperous by Robert Russell - Print book - The audiobook is on YouTube here - #4 - Grow Rich With Peace of Mind by Napoleon Hill - #5 - The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price - print book and kindle  You can get the audio version on YouTube here -  but it is slightly different. I highly recommend getting the kindle or print version of The Abundance Book because the little part that's left out in the YouTube version was very important for my understanding. Also, it's important to go through the audiobook version too because it has an exercise that's not in the print book... lol.  So both are good to do! Also... John Randolph Price has a meditation to go with The Abundance Book which you can listen to on YouTube here - It is important to go through the full book to 'get it' before going through the meditation. You've got this! Miles "The Helpful YouTuber" Beckler


How I Grew My List By 156,486 Leads In 2023

Million-dollar internet marketer reveals exactly how he grew his email list by over 156k subscribers in 2023 and what's changing in 2024!  👇 Links to free resources in the description! Here's the eclass I mentioned where you can learn how to quickly create low-ticket products that sell like crazy, here - This course has been a game-changer for me! Resources mentioned & additional YouTube videos to help you grow your email list and your business faster than ever in 2024: Get my help growing your business every 2 weeks by joining my Office Hours, here -   High Ticket lies revealed - If you've been confused or overwhelmed by the concept of using 'sales funnels' be sure to watch this video next - It'll help you see how simple a successful sales funnel can be and it reveals the secret to success with your funnels. If you aren't an expert and you still want to make money online, watch this video: Here's the full creator's business plan revealed in detail:


Ali A. Mahani


05-18 Reply

Keyran Walsh

this was a great episode! Miles had the opportunity to answer my question and give some real motivation to take action and start a Podcast. I have been following Miles for over a year now. I am also a member of his Content and Conversion inner circle. this is where he provides even more insight and crazy amount of value. I was lucky to in on the ground floor and able to lock in the intro price. Miles is someone is top priority is ALWAYS his listeners / viewers success! That's it! he drops knowledge bombs that help clear those hurtles you are experiencing in your online ventures and dissuades you from any and all toxic marketing gurus (aka the MLM clowns) . no clowning around with Miles though. He absolutely provides some of the best advice and knowledge through his own personal experience online . He has been marketing in some form since the late 90s and is always ready to help out those just getting the online biz off the ground. He is a motivator and a great source for all things rea

01-27 Reply

Keyran Walsh

I have been following Miles for a number of months now. He really boils things down well and is very relateable

08-15 Reply

Brittany Hong

how to stop procrastinating ?

03-07 Reply

Brittany Hong

super useful!

02-08 Reply

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