Claim Ownership


Author: Matt Skolnik

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Celebrating and promoting the convergence of God, the world, and the church. There are two types of episodes. Some are topical and include discussions and interviews. Others are simple prayers and scripture reading to help people calm and nurture their soul. Most listeners enjoy these prayers when trying to fall asleep.
33 Episodes
Scriptures and Prayers to Refresh and Renew.
Scriptures and Prayers for Pastors to Refresh and Renew
Scriptures and Prayers for Pastors, Elders, and Volunteers to Refresh and Renew
Scriptures and Prayers for Pastors, Elders, and Volunteers to Refresh and Renew
Scriptures and Prayers for Pastors, Elders, and Volunteers to Refresh and Renew
Sleep and Soul 2

Sleep and Soul 2


Having trouble sleeping? Have a friend who is struggling with life? Here is the second of a handful of quiet meditations and prayers to listen to when falling asleep. You might find the words to be unrighteous! That is ok. God can handle it.
Sleep and Soul 1

Sleep and Soul 1


Having trouble sleeping? Have a friend who is struggling with life? Here is the first of a handful of quiet meditations and prayers to listen to when falling asleep. You might find the words to be unrighteous! That is ok. God can handle it.
Christmas Meditations

Christmas Meditations


Need some quiet reflection during a chaotic season? Slow down as we recenter our lives around God's saving actions.
"The Umbrella of Orthodoxy" is a thought-provoking podcast episode that invites Christians to explore the nuances of theology and the interpretive nature of the Bible. It acknowledges that while there is no single interpretation, Christians are also not free to adopt unlimited interpretations. Instead, the episode emphasizes the importance of grappling with the complexities of scripture while drawing insights from the rich tapestry of the Christian tradition. By engaging in thoughtful, prayerful, and respectful conversations with one another, grounded in mutual humility, Christians can navigate their faith with greater understanding and unity. Join us as we delve into this enlightening discussion on how to approach theology and biblical interpretation as followers of Christ.
This week, the events unfolding in the holy lands have led to an outpouring of anger, confusion, and further conflict. In this particular episode, Matt puts forward the argument that rejection lies at the core of such violence. To support his point, Matt refers to the story of Cain and Abel from Genesis 4. Ultimately, Matt urges the church to embrace radical acceptance, following Jesus' teachings, which include praying for our enemies and loving our neighbors. If you are seeking constructive actions to take during these challenging times, consider getting involved, offering comfort to those who are suffering, and listening to their stories while embracing their humanity, thus embodying the love of Christ. The exciting news is that you don't necessarily need to travel by plane to forge connections. Thanks to technology, we live in an incredible era where we can instantly connect with people from all over the world. Discover where and how to utilize these opportunities.
Against All Odds

Against All Odds


🎙️ New Episode Alert! 🎉 Join us on the latest episode of "Intersect" as Matt takes us on an incredible journey of hope and guidance in the face of adversity. 🙌💪 In "Against All Odds," Matt delves into the captivating story of Jacob wrestling with an angel in Genesis 32, discovering the power and importance of wrestling with life's challenges. 💪✨ Struggling to find good choices, Matt's relatable message, delivered during a difficult time in one of his churches, will gently affirm and inspire you. 🌟✨ Prepare to be blessed and discover the beauty of receiving a new name as Matt offers practical advice based on the scripture. 📖🙏 Tune in now and let this episode uplift your spirit, reminding us that even in our toughest moments, God's presence intersects with the world, offering us hope and strength. 🌍💫✨ #IntersectPodcast #AgainstAllOdds #FindingHopeInTimesOfStruggle #WrestlingWithLife #NewEpisodeAlert
In this episode, Matt interviews 3 Ukrainians who serve in the humanitarian aid field. Together, they talk about their work and personal stories. Lena and Edward serve with the United Nations, and Gregory serves with the International NGO Safety Organization. The purpose of this episode is to expose our audience to how individuals are experiencing war in their own country, and to invite the church to pray, reflect, and act. Matt has said in the past that there is pain, suffering, and heartache all around the world. Where does God call you? And how does Jesus lead you into the world to share God's love, grace, and salvation?
As Matt continues to visit Ukraine, he shares a Good Friday message that reviews some of the destruction in the city of Irpin, and wrestles with the question, "What is a Jesus Oriented Goal?" Matt argues that a Jesus oriented goal is one that works towards the shalom/peace/reconciliation/wholeness/safety/healing that is experienced in God's reign. To use a religious term--Shalom. On Good Friday, we celebrate that Jesus' death on the cross is the ultimate exclamation point on God's work to "reconcile the world to God in Christ," (2 Corinthians 5:19). To use a more accessible term to the masses--healing. Likewise, the prophet Isaiah writes, "But [Christ] was pierced for our transgressions,
 he was crushed for our iniquities;
 the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
 and by his wounds we are healed (MADE SHALOM)," (Isaiah 53:5). To learn more about the destruction and rebuilding efforts of Irpin, visit:
Matt should have started with this question! So, you may want to begin with this episode as you begin the series. In it, Matt: 1) Explores how God's mission and ministry are always growing, 2) Shares some examples of God-sized goals, & 3) Compares God-sized goals to typical church ministry He does this by explaining the historical and modern context of pain and suffering in Ukraine (and by extension, anywhere). At its core, this is a message which invites the church to get out into the world.
This is the second episode of three in a series called, "God-sized and Jesus Oriented Goals." In it, Matt brings his message from Kyiv, Ukraine. He starts with a brief update about his time in Kyiv so far, and then offers several reasons why, and how we avoid setting God-sized and Jesus oriented goals in the church. At the end of the episode, Matt offers several practical steps local pastors and churches can take to help prepare their church to set healing and righteous goals that fit within the powerful mission of God in the world. In the final episode of the series, Matt will teach about how to set clear, concise, and focused goals which help lead the church forward.
This week, Matt visited and interviewed Father Yuriy Kozlovsky, PhD., at Ukrainian (Greek) Catholic University, in Lviv ( In this episode, Father Yuriy and Matt talk about the history of the university, its understand of their local martyrs, and how their faith community has always worked to bless the marginalized in their society. Having roots in the 1920's, the seminary which eventually became a university, was pushed underground during the Soviet era, and now continues to educate, inspire, and train the next generation of Ukrainian leaders. All of this takes place on the land which the USSR once held its most western military base, poised to attack key locations in Europe. Father Yuriy celebrates God's victory: a location that was made for war was transformed by God into a institution that works for peace, develops faith, and educates students. In his own words, you will hear how Father Yuriy is motivated by his students and desires to help them be the future leaders of a stronger and healthier Ukraine.
This is the first episode of 3 in the series "God-sized and Jesus Oriented Goals." In this episode, Matt compares two churches with contrasting approaches to ministry. The first church has a wonderful institution with a beautiful building and amazing music. The second isn't as shiny and "professional." Which would you want to come alongside? Wait...the second has a growing and inspiring ministry to the most volunerable in their city. Now, which moves your heart the most? While we can celebrate a strong institution, we are looking for God-sized and Jesus oriented goals which are the heartbeat of every congregation. So, what is your next step? At the end Matt offers some actions steps, and claims ownership for not having a critical mass of churches who embrace big ministry goals, yet. In chapter 2, Matt will explore why we do not set God-sized and Jesus oriented goals, and in chapter 3, Matt will offer a process to help every church set their God-sized and Jesus oriented goals for healing, wholeness, and salvation.
Every church deserves at least three forms of leadership in this era. In this episode, Matt challenges all churches to find ways to put the leadership they need in place:   1. Organizational leadership who helps the church focus on its mission  2. Pastoral leadership whose primary goal is equipping the church for the work of ministry  3. Local mission leadership who walks with the church to meet human and spirit need by developing mission funnels/pipelines   Churches can build these leadership categories through church partnerships, or piecemeal.    To get started, write Matt! Watch this episode on Youtube:
Some key things on the horizon!   1. We have our first Leadership Summit on February 11. The conversation will be lead by elder Jennifer Crow! She is amazing. Jennifer and Ben George helped design the conversations. Kudos to them:) The day is open to anyone who has a heart for God's mission in the world, and moving the church forward. Several people from outside our system will be there. To learn more or signup, visit: ; if you can not sign up on line, just send me an email.   2. Terri Bate is our new Director of Mission Development, her job is to raise funds so that we can call, train, and send local mission partners (missionaries) to work with churches around eastern Ohio. The mission partners will help churches engage and love their communities and emphasize both physical and spiritual care.  To connect with Terri, save her contact information:    3. We firmly believe that every church deserves 3 forms of leaders in this day: a) organizational leaders who can align the work of the church to the mission of God, b) pastoral leaders whose central focus is to equip others, and c) local mission leaders who help congregations love their local communities. One way we do this is through church partnerships. We have one partnership established and are excited that we have 2 others in progress. We are always looking for ways get these forms of leadership in every church, Presbyterian or not.   4. If you are new to our podcasts, there are a few great podcasts to nourish you and get you up to speed. You can listen through a web browser, or app on your phone.    The most recent is “Birthing Jesus,” in is a recap of a Christmas sermon I gave at Reedurban Presbyterian Church during Advent: This message is gentle and encouraging while it calls the church to birth Jesus in the world;    The second is called “Ministry Pipelines” with Pastor Mike Smith, and is focused on how to reach the masses, serve a subsets, and welcome as many as possible into a Christian community.  5. We have changed contact information in the past year, and we are trying to stay in touch better. To save Matt's contact information, follow the link below, and click “save contact,” then “download contact.” Terri's contact information works the same way.  We want to do better at staying in church.  As elders, please sign up for our emails, so you can be up to speed on the exciting things that are going on around the presbytery. Currently, there is a sign up box at the top of our webpage 6.  Finally, we are in a mode of equipping. We have a wonderful training that is designed to help individuals build skills and comfort with praying out loud with and for others. To learn more see: You are welcome to join one of the upcoming Prayer Labs, or work with Matt to schedule one in your area.    Thanks for everything! Much love, Matt
Birthing Jesus Today

Birthing Jesus Today


In this episode, Matt reviews a message he delivered on Sunday, December 11 at Reedurban Presbyterian Church. There, Matt preached on Luke 1, Mary's Song, and encourages the church to consider how we are called to birth Jesus in our time and location. This message is short, but it is encouraging and powerful. In addition, Matt asks churches to invite him to walk with them so that he can help them birth Jesus in their local towns, cities, and regions.