DiscoverInto The Parabnormal with Jeremy Scott
Into The Parabnormal with Jeremy Scott
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Into The Parabnormal with Jeremy Scott

Author: Into The Parabnormal with Jeremy Scott

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Jeremy Scott and his guests investigate everything between the paranormal and abnormal. We entertain those fringe topics, diving deep into subjects that are very often ahead of their times and censored or even banned from the mainstream.

553 Episodes
A common explanation for contact with non-human entities is these are physical beings, but there could be a consciousness-based element. Jeremy welcomes Rey Hernandez to discuss the academic research that has been done on contact modalities and the theory that we are spiritual beings living in a multidimensional reality.
Getting to the bottom of what's really going on with UFOs has been a decades-long pursuit that has been stifled at every attempt by the powers that be who will stop at nothing to keep it quiet. But that doesn't mean there is no truth to the matter. Jeremy welcomes Chrissy Newton to discuss her UFO studies and the cases investigated on "Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction. Bill Weber delves into his case files and also the attempts to cover-up sightings and discredit witnesses. Ron James shares the results of analysis done on purported material of non-human origin.
Thoughts that exist outside our level of conscious awareness are said to originate in the unconscious mind. Perhaps this is where suppressed memories, thoughts, feelings and cognitions reside. Jeremy welcomes David John Oates to discuss the messages he has found in current and historic events by reversing the audio which he theorizes comes from our unconscious mind.
The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump comes during an intense astrological cycle unlike we have seen in many decades. Using the positions of planets and stars, the ancient practice of astrology is said to be able to determine probable outcomes for such world affairs. Jeremy welcomes Jeff Harman to discuss the powerful energies that are aligning, how this influences geopolitics and what these cycles have brought us historically.
Our privacy has never before been under such attack as the state of electronic surveillance grows exponentially thanks to technological advancements and the internet. Jeremy welcomes James F. Ponder to discuss the lengths that some agencies are going to keep tabs on us and the implications for society.
Some extraterrestrial encounters reported by witnesses bare striking similarities to humans. What if we are not a separate race from aliens and if we’re more like them than we think? Jeremy welcomes Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim to discuss the conclusions he has reached about our true origins and his communications with an ancient alien mystic.
Paranormal experiences are often times not one-off occurrences, but rather part of a series of events that replay over the years. Jeremy welcomes Dan Harary to discuss his life of supernatural contact involving a variety of phenomenon.
From classic alien abduction cases to those that have never seen the light of day, there is something to this phenomenon that a countless number of people have recalled. Jeremy welcomes Camille James Harman to discuss her UFO sighting that was followed by abduction experiences which led her to undergo hypnosis. Dr. Christopher Macklin delves into his work assisting abductees with the trauma they have faced and why these experiments are being carried out.
The mind works in mysterious ways including how we recall memories. If you find yourself reliving events over time that don't seem to match up with reality, you could be experiencing what's come to be known as the Mandela Effect. Jeremy welcomes Cynthia Sue Larson to discuss why some people remember things differently and others are convinced that their reality has been altered.
LIVE! from the 3rd annual Blue Mountain Bigfoot Festival in Baker City, Oregon, Jeremy welcomes Tom Sewid to discuss sasquatch from the Native American perspective and Tom Bennett talks about his experiences and those others have shared with him. They're joined by Robert Leiterman and Scot Violette during our Bigfoot Town Hall. 
LIVE! from the 3rd annual Blue Mountain Bigfoot Festival in Baker City, Oregon, Jeremy welcomes Robert Leiterman to discuss rediscovering the Patterson-Gimlin film site at Bluff Creek and Scot & Hannah Violette share their thoughts on some of their latest finds. They're joined by Thomas Sewid and Tom Bennett during our Bigfoot Town Hall featuring stories and questions from the community.
We open up pandora's box where anything parabnormal can happen as Jeremy welcomes all-new guests to the program. Katherien Lundin discusses her work as a clairvoyant medium and being careful what you believe about the paranormal. Lady Ann shares her sasquatch encounter and playing with a homemade ouija board. Matthew McKay, Ph.D. talks about channeling his late son and afterlife communication. Curry Stegen speaks of his journey from skeptic to documenting paranormal experiences at haunted locations.
Paranormal and anomalous phenomena is experienced by people of all stripes, some of whom struggle with facing this reality alone fearing ridicule or retaliation. Jeremy welcomes Les Velez and Jason Wolf to discuss the contact phenomenon and how the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support is helping people cope with their encounters.
The wilderness provides ample cover for predators and the same can be said about the ape-like creature known as sasquatch, yet people are still encountering the unknown and it's no different in Canada. Jeremy welcomes W.T. Watson to discuss the wide array of sasquatch sightings outside British Columbia and the paranormal aspect of the phenomenon. Mike Paterson details his life of contact experiences that have provided insight on how these creatures interact with humans.
The taboo nature of UFOs has led many down the rabbit hole to investigate their origins and the silencing of researchers and witnesses. Some have been threatened or ended up six feet under for getting too close to the truth while others died following their encounters. Jeremy welcomes Nigel Watson to discuss fatal encounters involving UFOs at the hands of the government, secret agents and extraterrestrial occupants.
There is an apparent growing belief in divine beings such as angels, that they might be related and could be a possible explanation for some paranormal events. Jeremy welcomes Dr. Scott Guerin and Nichole Bigley to discuss the shift in belief of spiritual beings, angelic experiences and how to connect and communicate with angels.
Official briefings and mainstream media ignore the peculiar when it comes to the highly complex subject of UFOs including countless wild stories of contact with a species that might not be from here. Jeremy welcomes Preston Dennett to discuss the little known and more unusual aspects of the UFO phenomenon including the case of Dolly Safran who joins us to share her experiences of being taken by aliens and learning to pilot their craft.
While the official narrative concerning aliens is that there's nothing to see, we can't rule out the possibility that we are not alone. Jeremy welcomes Thomas Jane to discuss the odds of being visited by an advanced race of extraterrestrials who may have their eyes on us for any number of reasons.
The Vatican has revised how the Catholic Church treats reports of apparitions and other supernatural phenomenon while we're hearing more about the spiritual aspects of such encounters. Jeremy welcomes Michael H. Brown to discuss the church's role in discerning signs that may be coming from above in the form of apparitions and miracles. Mark Christopher Lee explores whether spiritual, angelic and demonic elements could explain the UFO-alien phenomena and the impact of first contact on the world’s religions.
Bird flu is reportedly killing off bird populations and infecting mammals while the first case of H5N1 jumping from a cow to human has been recorded. Officials are now warning us to be on alert, but is it all overblown? Jeremy welcomes Dawn Lester to discuss how our health is adversely affected by being in a state of fear and rethinking what we thought we knew about viruses.