DiscoverIntuitive Art Sales with Jessica Craddock
Intuitive Art Sales with Jessica Craddock
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Intuitive Art Sales with Jessica Craddock

Author: The Artist Market Co.

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This is the show where I, Jessica Craddock, am going to teach you how to source your art marketing from within. You're going to practice claiming that authentic art business that you want and leaning into the most natural way for you to get there. You're going to learn to get connected to your intuition, your confidence and your community, so that you can sell your art consistently while holding strong boundaries on your work, life balance.
86 Episodes
EP38: Alexandra Verboom Fritz is a contemporary western artist whose art celebrates the cowboy culture alive in Canada. She is self-taught and considers herself to still be in the early part of her career as an artist. Alexandra has been selling directly to customers at trade shows, art fairs and ranch rodeos, but she can only do so many events per year. Alexandra has a one-year-old and another little one on the way, so the amount of time she has available to travel to shows and to devote to her art is very limited. This has Alexandra feeling overwhelmed, and she knows that time will be even more limited when her second child arrives in August. Alexandra loves to connect with people who are interested in her art. Her current project involves connecting face to face with local cowboys, listening to their stories, creating a series of paintings around those stories, and building an art show to showcase those pieces. But because of her current schedule, she needs to find an alternative way to make those connections and gather those stories. She is looking to create a plan of action to be more active online which will hopefully present new ways to connect and expanding her audience. Another big challenge for Alexandra has been forecasting a regular monthly income given the fact that infrequent events have been her main source of income. She wants to determine a better business plan and general focus for her art career that will help her increase her income and maximize the time she has available. ‌Listen in as I help Alexandra create a plan to make genuine connections online and determine a clear focus for her art career. >> For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts here: Contact me‌ >> For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @‌artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES
EP37: Megan Martin creates whimsical and playful drawings for kids and adults who are young at heart. She has been producing her art for around 20 years, and she makes a good part-time income from it. A few years ago Megan found it easier to put her artwork out into the world digitally while her children were small. Her current business model is licensing with a print on demand site, generally using her artwork as pattern for fabric and wallpaper. Over the last five years the trend has been for that income to double each year, and sales from her Etsy shop have been supplementing that. Now that her children are entering school, Megan is ready to be in the driver’s seat instead of relying on other companies to promote her business. Her lack of control over what happens to the print on demand company she works with makes Megan nervous about her future income. She has been successful so far but feels like she needs more stability and prowess for the long term. Megan knows she needs to diversify her marketing assets to attract an audience of true fans and ideal art buyers. However, she’s not exactly sure what that’s going to look like. Listen in as I teach Megan the simplest ways to help her step into the driver’s seat and take control of the future of her business. ✨ For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts here: ✨ For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @‌artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES  
EP36: Melissa Loyd is an acrylic artist living in Denver, Colorado. She is trying to figure out who she is as an artist and what she wants to say to her audience. Melissa typically works in acrylics, but is also dabbling in mixed media on wood panel and rock canvas. By exploring different options, she hope to find the combination that’s best for her. Until this point, she has been using the launch model, and it’s been going pretty well. However, as a lot of us know, doing launches can be fairly traumatic, and Melissa’s not sure if that's the way that she wants to continue. Melissa feels like she’s making a lot of progress in her business, but she longs to be more organized and consistent in her efforts. As an artist and a mother of four, she sometimes feels as though she is trying to do it all but isn’t really doing anything well. She just wants someone to tell her where she should focus right now and what she needs to prioritize. Tune in to hear how I help Melissa find her focus and learn what to prioritize so she can continue to move her business forward. >> For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts here: >> For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @‌artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES
EP35: Jeska Losonsky is an oil painter living in Washington DC. She is inspired by nature and works to capture the nostalgia and stillness of being immersed in nature through her landscape paintings. Jeska is confident in her skills and vision as an artist. She would love to have a multifaceted art business, where she gets to inspire people to appreciate and collect artwork that's meaningful to them. She would also like to encourage people to explore their own creativity and live more fully immersed in nature and the real world as opposed to virtually and on social media. Marketing is a struggle for Jeska, so her biggest challenge is knowing how to make connections that will create leads and referrals. She would love to do live paintings of wedding bouquets at the actual event and hopes to team up with wedding planners to help her find clients. Her goal is to turn her vision into a sustainable and profitable income. Listen in as I teach Jeska to make the connections and collaborations she’s looking for and guide her through the steps to making this vision a reality! >> For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts here: Contact me‌ >> For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @‌artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES  
EP34: Casey Wait is a pastor and storyteller. Her art is mostly a mixed media, celebrating humanity, the call to create and the freedom to be ourselves. She's been selling for about three years, but seriously for two. Selling art is still her side income, but she's growing in both her practice and her business. Casey is one of my coaching clients, and she is currently working hard to be more focused in her business by deepening her marketing and developing a strategy. Painting is a spiritual practice for Casey, and her connection between being a pastor and being an artist is evident in her work. However, she struggles with being true to herself because she tries to be the person she thinks other people want her to be. As a result of taking my coaching program, Casey has realized that people connect to authenticity and has decided to lean into who she is. Listen in as I talk with Casey about her next steps and help her continue to overcome what holds her back. ✨ For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts here: ✨ For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @‌artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES
EP33: Sandra Gale is a color-loving artist from South Australia. She works in traditional media and about 18 months ago she developed a line of products with her unique artwork. Creating Sandra Gale Studio allowed her to fulfill a dream of being her own boss and bringing happiness into the world with her bold, colorful style. Because of her background as an illustrator for another company, Sandra was very comfortable creating, publishing and printing. However, she faced a big learning curve when it came to the marketing, sales and operations side of the business. While Sandra loves what she does, her biggest challenge is time management. She finds herself immersed in her product-based business which leaves no time to create. She is hoping to have the ability to hire an assistant once her business becomes more profitable.‌ Listen in as I teach Sandra how to take control of her time and see that making room in her schedule to create is possible. >>For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts here: Contact me‌ >>For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @‌artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES
EP32: Rebecca Sobbi is a landscape artist from Alberta, Canada. She paints in watercolors and oil and loves to draw inspiration from places she has visited. Rebecca is inspired to paint the feeling, not just the direct representation. She is a single mom of three boys and has been full-time with her art business for about four years.  Rebecca would love to be able to travel the world with her boys and sell her art to sustain her lifestyle. Last year she was able to quadruple her print sales and is currently doing a lot of wholesale work. Her goal for the year is to double her income, but she is having a hard time selling her originals. She feels this is a result of not finding the right collectors, which has led her to the decision to add some variety to her business. Specifically, she has thought about teaching.  Listen in as I talk with Rebecca about taking a more active role in forming relationships with buyers. You can take this information and apply it to your own business!   >>For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts here: >>For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES
EP31: Michelle Boudreaux is a watercolor artist living in Atlanta, Georgia, who paints mostly florals.  Michelle has always wanted to be a fine artist, but when she shared her dream with others, she was disappointed to find that many of their reactions were discouraging. As a result, she decided to go in another direction, studying graphic design first and later going back to school for interior design. After a few years, she realized she was burning her out because it just wasn’t what she wanted to do.  About a year ago, Michelle moved from New York to Georgia with the intention of following through with her dream of becoming a fine artist. Knowing that she needed to make money from her art, she decided to move towards surface design and created a brand called February Rose.  Michelle has lots of ideas about the directions she could take her art, but she is finding the choices to be overwhelming. She is struggling with the feeling that she’s made zero progress towards her dream. Being overwhelmed and not knowing where to focus her energy causes Michelle to shut down and paralyzes her to act. She hopes that sharing where she’s at will help her find the direction she needs to keep her from feeling lost.  Listen in as I break it down for Michelle and help her learn to take it one step at a time.  ✨ For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts here: ✨ For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES  
EP30: Danica Factor is an acrylic artist who paints mostly florals with rich colors to create a joyful feeling in your soul. Danica started painting as a therapeutic outlet from around 2018 to 2021 and discovered that it made people feel happy and joyful. She has had great success connecting with buyers at art shows, but has found it difficult to make the same type of connections with her Instagram audience.  Sharing her background and what drove her to become an artist allows others to connect with Danica on a very personal level. As a result, she has decided the time is right to share her vulnerability and find her fellowship in the digital space, but she just doesn’t know where to start.  Listen in as I coach Danica on how to talk about her story in a way that people can relate to, making them want to stay on the journey with her. >> For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts to  >> For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES
EP29: Mindy McClendon is an abstract, intuitive artist from Florida. She is at an exciting place in her business where she feels like she's getting there, she's getting a foothold in the art world, and she's starting to build momentum. Mindy’s dream is to own and operate an art empire. Now that she is in a good place with her business, Mindy is looking to explore more paths as a working artist. She is interested in trying out other avenues of income, such as teaching in-person classes and running online painting courses. Mindy loves talking to people about her art, connecting with people, and developing relationships, so teaching classes is a natural progression for her.  In this episode, I guide Mindy through the process of turning her interests into her reality. There's plenty to take away from this episode, so be sure to listen in! >>For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts to  >>For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES  
EP28: Cecilia Battaini is an Illustrator and Surface Designer from Milan, Italy. She used to work in the fashion industry but lost her job as a result of Covid. Although Cecilia started painting to relieve anxiety, she found herself falling madly in love with it and decided to do it as a full-time job.  Cecilia finds inspiration in florals, animals, plants and mushrooms, and she dreams of building a lifestyle that allows her to work remotely. Ultimately, she would like to travel around the world, collecting inspiration from the plants and animals she observes. Currently, her income is generated through licensing and print on demand. Her most recent project is creating wallpaper for children, but she sees the need for a new focus that will bring more income, more quickly. Because she seeks perfection in her work and worries that she isn’t doing everything right, Cecilia finds it challenging to keep a positive mindset. Her income is currently limited, but Cecilia is determined to step outside of her comfort zone in order to make her dream lifestyle a reality. Listen in as I instruct Cecilia on the steps to making money now, creating a core income for herself that will give her the security and confidence to make her business succeed.  ✨ For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts to  ✨ For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @artistmarketco. SHOW NOTES
EP27: Kayla Gale is an oil painter and a mother of two from the Canadian prairies of Saskatchewan.  Kayla started painting about eight years ago, and for the last five years she has grown her art business into a full-time income. When she is not painting, she is homeschooling and spending time with her beautiful children.  Kayla has a free-spirit outlook, preferring not to make specific goals but simply following what feels like a natural progression with her art business. She is passionate about her work and creating art that will become a part of her buyers’ lives. Witnessing a buyer make a deep connection with one of her paintings really lights her up. However, finding those buyers through marketing makes her feel very uncomfortable.  Lately, Kayla has considered taking her business in a different direction, working with designers and tradespeople. She hopes this will lead to more opportunities to create larger pieces and find the perfect home for each of them while avoiding the icky feeling that selling gives her. Listen in as I teach Kayla how to reframe marketing her art and see that selling and marketing are both about connecting.  ✨ For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts to  ✨ For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @artistmarketco.  SHOW NOTES
EP12: Elizabeth LeMaster is a floral and figurative realistic painter with the purpose of giving moms a place to stop and remember why they choose to walk the beautiful journey of motherhood.  A stay-at-home mom to a crazy bunch of wonderful kids, Elizabeth feels drained and has no energy left at the end of the day. This compromises her productivity and limits the time she has to work on her business. Elizabeth's current challenge is identifying the most important things to spend her time on.  You'll want to watch as I help Elizabeth identify what motivates her and how to determine the best use of her time. SHOW NOTES ✨ Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram @lemasterartistique ✨ Learn to shine brightly and take up space with this free sample class from my $27 Treasury: How to Stand Out in a Crowded World of Artists
EP11: Kaitlin Mason is a colored pencil artist from Toronto, Canada. She graduated with her fine arts degree in 2013 and has been exhibiting for about seven years now. Falling somewhere between an emerging artist and a career artist, Kaitlin is not yet financially able to pursue her art business full-time.  Doing more collection releases is important to Kaitlin, but time seems to be her biggest challenge. She believes that drawing full time would speed up her process, leaving more time for her relationships. However, Kaitlin's current dilemma is figuring out how to make that happen. Listen in as I teach Kaitlin how to find the time she desires to follow the things that excite her. SHOW NOTES ✨ Connect with Kaitlin on Instagram @kaitlin_mason_ and shop the beautiful selection of artwork on her website, ✨ Would you like to know where to spend your time in order to create consistent sales, without letting it take over your life? Awesome! Grab your free training, "The Artist's Day" here: 
EP10: In this episode I welcome Susanne Hohne, a self-made gallery owner from Leipzig, Germany. Susanne was trained as an engineer in economics, but chose to leave the corporate world in 2016 to open her own art gallery. There she helps artists who have not had a formal art education learn to sell their art.  Susanne also works to educate the public about the deeper meaning of art. She is passionate about facilitating more opportunities for artists to connect with art buyers.  Susanne believes strongly that art and creativity are the key to solving many of the issues in today's world and dreams for every home to have at least one original piece of artwork. Listen in as I teach Susanne ways to bring more ideal buyers in and expose them to the amazing talent she showcases in her gallery. SHOW NOTES ✨ Connect with Susanne on Instagram @beuteltier_art_galery and shop her beautiful selection of artwork on her website,  ✨ Would you like to know where to spend your time in order to create consistent sales, without letting it take over your life? Awesome! Grab your free training, "The Artist's Day" here: 
EP09: Lotte Hauss is a German painter and mystic with a traditional education. For Lotte, creating art is a ritual. As the medium, she transmits a message through her paintings and objects using materials such as oil paint, wool, gold and bones. Lotte would love to work with galleries outside of Germany, but looks to balance travel with time to retreat to her studio, focusing solely on her projects.  Over the last several months, Lotte has invested a lot of effort in improving her business and applying to multiple exhibitions throughout Germany, but she now desires to grow her international network.  Listen in as we work through Lotte's current challenges.  SHOW NOTES ✨ Connect with Lotte on Instagram @lotte.hauss and shop her beautiful selection of artwork on her website, ✨ Would you like to know where to spend your time in order to create consistent sales, without letting it take over your life? Awesome! Grab your free training, "The Artist's Day" here: 
EP08: In this episode I welcome Sarah Hodgson Brown, an acrylic and oil landscape painter who has lived in Switzerland for the last 7 years. A former wilderness guide, Sarah desires to help people connect with the energy and power that exists in nature. She is into abstract expressionism and works primarily in paint, creating mid- to large-scale landscape pieces.  For a couple of years now, Sarah has been painting professionally but is now jumping head-on into a new adventure in her life. She has left her full-time teaching job and is moving to France, where she will be relying solely on her art business for income.   Sarah is worried about balancing her driven, systematic, teacher side with the intuitive, energetic painter that lies within. Sarah is also concerned about building a community and growing a fan base in France, even though she has been successful at organically growing a client base is Switzerland. Listen in as I teach Sarah how to capitalize on her strengths and give her actionable steps on using her existing network to build new connections. SHOW NOTES ✨ Connect with Sarah on Instagram @sarahodgsonart and shop her beautiful selection of artwork on her website, ✨ Would you like to know where to spend your time in order to create consistent sales, without letting it take over your life? Awesome! Grab your free training, "The Artist's Day" here: 
EP07: Katie White is a watercolor artist from Tampa, Florida. She is a working, professional artist, making a living and providing for her family by living her dream. Katie's mission is to bring softness, serenity and calm to the world, especially during the chaos we are currently living in. Her art comes from a very grounded place, and she conveys this in many of her paintings by using the horizon as a focal point. Being a former elementary art teacher, Katie loves teaching workshops, which allows her to authentically connect with students through art. However, time limits the number of classes she can offer. Finding ways to make connections on a broader scale in an authentic way is Katie's current challenge. Listen in as I recommend ways she can increase her connections. Show Notes ✨ Connect with Helen on Instagram @katiewhiteartist and shop her beautiful selection of artwork on her website, ✨ Would you like to know where to spend your time in order to create consistent sales, without letting it take over your life? Awesome! Grab your free training, "The Artist's Day" here: 
Helen Phlen needs to get more eyes on her work Helen Phlen is an artist, healer, teacher, and author from Huntington Beach, California. Helen is very passionate about sharing her gifts of creating art and bringing light into the world by being a spiritual worker. For a decade now, Helen has been on a spiritual journey, and her current focus is on laying the foundation for her next 10 years and moving towards getting more eyes on her work. Listen in so that you too can implement the action steps I recommend to Helen for increasing her visibility.   Key Takeaways to Grow Your Audience as an Artist [03:06] - Identify what it is that you want to give to others. [08:28] - Be brutally honest with yourself and trust that tiny steps will bring the success you want. [11:08] - Learn how to get more eyeballs on your business. [17:33] - Practice new visibility activities and rotate them with the ones you are already using. [22:02] - Start tracking your numbers if you’re not already doing so [25:18] - Don’t forget to be specific in your calls to action. Jessica Craddock: I am here with my good friend, Helen Phlen. Helen is an artist, healer, teacher, and author. She is one of my multi-passionates, and now she knows what to offer and who her audience is. Now she's focusing on laying the foundation for her next 10 years and working on getting more eyes on her work. So, Helen, how are you? Helen Phlen: Fantastic. Jessica Craddock: So happy you're here, so happy. Um, Helen and I have worked together for a year, correct? Helen Phlen: Yeah, about a year. Jessica Craddock: And it's been, I don't know, maybe six months since we've worked together, but I always love staying in touch. Because she is such an interesting person. I'm actually in one of her classes now, I guess we call it a group membership, but anyway, um, so let's get to helping you outline your next six to 12 months or figuring out what your next steps are. And in order to do so, I have to figure out where you want to go, and some of the, some of the pieces that are holding you back. So, um, imagine that we are celebrating a year from now and you have accomplished so, so much. I'm going to look at what you gave me earlier and say you are an and art and spiritual business offering joy, beauty, and wisdom. Your artwork is making consistent sales, and it's valued by collectors. You've got a solo gallery show going with your father's work. You've got your book published. You've got your membership going. Wow. Tell me about that. Tell me a little, tell me a little bit more about it. What does that look like to you? Why do you want it? What's important to you there? Helen Phlen: Yeah. Um, I guess it's joy and fulfillment that I'm looking at that point, and that's the reason I started the beginning, you know, to begin my business. And, um, definitely I want these to be, having consistent income, but by sharing my gifts. So, um, you know, creating art and checking light to the world, working as a lightworker, a spiritual worker. I feel like it's my life purpose. It's my calling. So, um, yeah, one year from now, I think, uh, yeah, I want all of that, and I'm the type of, uh, girl that wants it all. Jessica Craddock: I think what I, what I really love about what you just said is it's not just, I want to sell my art, but I want to be a Lightworker. Like you've figured out, not just that top level desire, but what is three or four or five underneath that. And I know that all of the things that you offer all pull into that core mission of yours. Identify what it is that you want to give to others. Jessica Craddock: So it's not just about the art, it's not...
EP04: Daisy-Anne Dickson is a nurse and abstract artist whose work focuses on healing and the use of salvages materials. Daisy-Anne's passion for healing, renewal and restoration has led to her current vision of making connections in healthcare to create large-scale artwork. She also hopes to expand into the international art market. Like many other artists, Daisy admits that she experiences imposter syndrome, but she is committed to moving forward and making her dream come true.  In this video, I recommend ways that Daisy can be proactive in her networking by giving her three action steps to get there.  You'll want to watch to find out how you can do the same. SHOW NOTES ✨ Connect with Daisy on Instagram and shop the beautiful selection of artwork on her website, ✨ Would you like to know where to spend your time creating consistent sales, without letting it take over your life? Awesome! Grab your free training, "The Artist's Day" here:  