Intuitive Revolution in Business Podcast

The Intuitive Revolution in Business Podcast is a show for ambitious female entrepreneurs who suffer from imposter syndrome and who want to trust their intuition to create a business that fulfils them and finally bring them the success that they deserve. Ange de Lumiere is your business intuition mentor and every week, she brings you teachings, news, guests, book reviews and Q&A sessions so that you can deepen your understanding and your trust in your intuition to make empowered business decisions.

088 Biz chat with Katie on the fear of judgment

In this last episode, Katie and I talk about the fear of judgment, how fear works, how to overcome it, how to handle haters and we finished with a tapping sequence to shift that fear so that it does not stop us being present and active in our businesses. This is the last episode for this podcast. I will be back with a new podcast called the Spiritual Lawyer in the new year. If you would like to be informed of when I launch the new podcast, sign up for my newsletter here Also Katie and I talked about my relax and recharge hypnotherapist-reiki meditation. If you are interested in purchasing it, click here


087 How to trust your intuition

How does one trust their intuition? I still wonder myself and I have been teaching this stuff for the past five years. One of the ways to get started is to do a bit of detective work. I hope you enjoy this episode. Next week will be our last episode for this podcast.


086 Interview with Samantha Lubanzu

Samantha Lubanzu is a profound and energetic career and business development coach, mentor, and motivational speaker specialising in diversity & Inclusion. In this episode, we talk about the importance of diversity and inclusion but also the difference between diversity, inclusion, equality and equity. You can purchase her Black Friday Diversity & Inclusion Unlocked Awareness Strategy 90 minute Session at £49 only with a free book and entry into a prize draw. You can find her on LinkedIn


085 Interview with Savio Clemente

Savio Clemente was an IT professional with brilliant prospects. He was even offered a brilliant job in a start up company. He didn't feel it so he refused. A few months later the person who had offered him the job died in 9/11 as the start up had their offices in one of the towers. It is only five years after he was in remission from cancer, though, that he embraced what he believed was his true calling, supporting people in remission from cancer.  Our conversation today was inspirational, fun and exciting. I hope you enjoy it too.  You can find Savio at, on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok as @thehumanresolve. 


084 Why intuition gets a bad rap

I asked in a group why people would not hire an intuitive business strategist and the answers were so interesting that I decided to turn it into a podcast episode. I would love to know if you have reserves or objections to hire an intuitive business strategist. I know from observation and first hand experience that people have a negative bias towards intuition for many reasons. I believe the first is that it is not respected by the cultural norms as a valid experience. The second is that most people have negative experiences with intuition. I am hoping that with education both will change. I also explore in this episode the difference between fear and intuition, as they are very often confused.


083 Biz chat with Katie - the energy of visibility

Visibility is a key element of success whether you have an online or in person business. In this episode, Katie and I dig deep because visibility is more than posting a selfie. It's being ok to do it and showing up as the whole you. It's also finding the right level of vulnerability so that your audience can relate to you. I mention in the episode a video where I became invisible. Here is the link to it on YouTube 


082 Setting an intention for your intuition

My grand mother was an untrained psychic whose gifts she considered a curse because she believed she had no control over them. When I started my journey with my own intuition, I set an intention for my intuition and it has served me well. This episode is day 1 of my Trust Your Intuition five day challenge. If you haven't signed up yet, please do so here so you can take part in the competition and receive a very special offer at the end. Here is a link to do so You have until Sunday night 7 pm UK time to complete all the tasks of the challenge and complete the bingo sheet to be entered in the draw. If you do not have time to join or complete the tasks, you can still sign up for my Trust your Intuition Masterclass that I will deliver on Tuesday the 2nd of November at 7 pm UK time. You can sign for that masterclass here. There will be another competition for people who join the masterclass live.


081 Q&A How to combine consistency with intuition

In this episode I explore the reasons why consistency is so important in business, especially in the online world, and how to combine that need with how intuition works. Before I started, I mentioned our spooky business treasure hunt in my free group which starts today. To join my free community, click here


080 Interview with Matt Boyles

This is the first interview of a new series on Inclusion and Diversity with Matt Boyles, a Personal Trainer who specialises in Gay, Bi and Trans men. Matt works online and is passionate about supporting the LGBT community to stay fit and to build body confidence in ways that gyms have never allowed him to, due to the serious cis straight model of men that the fitness industry promotes in its marketing. It is important as ally that promote the businesses of people from diverse backgrounds. This is my small effort to do so. Matt can be found at Fitter You Global on Facebook, Twitter and IG.


079 Interview with Emma Pleasure

Emma Pleasure is a pleasure coach and I decided to interview her on the podcast because she has a story of intuition (that's what the interviews are about) but also because focusing on pleasure in our lives, gives us a glow in business that attracts clients to us. It's a thing. The other reason is that I am a big fan of tantra (the philosophy of life - not the kama sutra - it's so much more than that) which teaches embodiment and presence. Emma is qualified to teach us about all of that.  Don't forget that my five day signature challenge starts next Monday - 10th of October. To sign up for Spooky Business Bingo Sheet, click here


078 Is your Intuition strong enough for business?

Is your intuition strong enough to use in your business? That's an important question. In this episode, I explore the reasons why our intuition might not feel strong, what to do about it and the role free will plays in it. I even talk about how the law of robotics apply to angels. Intuition is a journey that will require to work on your mindset and your emotional baggage too. Otherwise, your mind and heart will be clouded, and intuition comes through the body. I also talk about thought forms, which is a very important topic to understand how they affect us. If you want to take my quiz to find out your intuitive profile, click here I am running my trust your intuition challenge on the week starting the 10th of October. Make sure you join my free group before that date here


077 Biz chat with Katie and Ange about Body Image

In this brand new episode type, I am joined by Katie Allen, Body confidence coach, to talk about all things business. Our first episode is about body image and how important that is for us online entrepreneurs. This is Katie's zone of genius. I shared why I have been working with Katie now for over eighteen months and how it has helped me to reach the next level of confidence. We finish the episode with Katie sharing with us her top three tips on how to improve our body images so we can show up in our businesses and on camera and video. Please come into my Facebook community called the Intuitive Revolution for Ambitious Entrepreneurs and ask us any question you would like us to answer. 


076 Q&A What is the difference between intuition and psychic gifts

In this week's episode, I go into the details of what psychic gifts and intuition look like so that you get a good idea of the differences. I want you to have a framework to understand what the heck is happening to you when you have an experience that is unusual without freaking out. I also did this because I want you to understand that intuition might feel mundane in comparison to psychic gifts but that is actually our ego saying this. Intuition is just as powerful even if it doesn't have the same halo. I mentioned that I have one VIP spot available in September, so if you want to book a discovery call with me, use this link to book yourself in.


075 Book review: Blue Ocean Strategy

First a special announcement for a new type of episode coming out on the 19th of SeptemberL Biz Chat with Katie and Ange. Second announcement is that the replay of the intuitive planning masterclass is available if you sign up before the 10th of September with this link The premise of the book is that it is possible to eliminate competition in business all together by creating a Blue Ocean, a market that has never been tapped before. The book was a best seller for several years and has sold millions of copies, but I have found it to be a little tedious due to the amount of jargon used and to some extent, the repetitiveness. The authors offer a methodology as well as multiple examples, so I think it's still worth a read. And, from what I read, I have created a Blue Ocean in my field, so I was just a little bit proud of myself. 


074 Interview with Ingrid Koivukangas

Before I introduce this week's guest, I am running a Festival of Manifesting starting today. Every day in my group now called the Intuitive Revolution for Ambitious Entrepreneurs, I will do a livestream where I will give you a task. If you want to receive the Bingo sheet to have a chance to win a 15 min espresso session with me worth £90, sign up here Our guest today owns a beautiful farm on the beautiful Canadian Spring Island, has created two decks linked to flowers and is an activist for bees. She left the corporate world as a marketing specialist to dedicate herself to her passion: create a better world. She shares her story of intuition in this episode. You can find out more about the magazine here


073 The importance of nature

In this episode, I explain why being outdoors and connecting to nature is good for your business and your intuition. I have myself spent the entire week-end in my garden, which is unusual, digging the earth and planting things. This had done more for my mindset in my business than talking to a mentor. Not to say mentors are not important. They are. Nature has an extraordinary form of intelligence that perhaps us human underrate due to our faculty to think. This can disconnect us to the very thing that sustains us. Nature is such a great environment to create the space for our intuition to fruition, but also for our bodies to clear negative energies. My all time favourite is watching the stars. I also share the extraordinary of Willow, my step daughter's cat and the special bond we created in minutes.


072 Q&A How to choose a tarot deck

In this episode, I cover a little bit of the history of tarot and which decks came out first because I find that interesting. A man called Stuart Kaplan was instrumental on making tarot decks widely available even though he never read the tarot himself. At the end of the episode, I drew the card of the week, which is the Knight of Pentacles. If you are subscribed to my tarot list you will receive a full reading.  In this episode I also mentioned my planning in the akashic records masterclass on the 5th of September.


071 Book review - Chillpreneur

Denise Duffield Thomas is known for her book Get Rich Lucky Bitch, which I highly recommend. She has since written several books but I chose Chillpreneur because it fits best with the theme of this podcast which is about business and intuition. I love Denise's work and this book is no different. In four parts, she shares the wisdom she has cumulated on her journey to becoming a multimillionaire building a business with the least amount of effort possible. This would make some feel shameful but I love that Denise owns is as she can show the way for us workaholics. As she says "There is an easier way to make money". If you would like to get my insights on my own journey of entrepreneurship sign up for my newsletter here


070 Interview with Helen Hardware

Our guest today is a spiritual hypnotherapist who specialises in past lives. This is a beautiful follow up from last week's podcast about past lives and business. As usual we explore what she does, how long she has been doing it, what got her into what she is doing and a story of intuition. If you would like to connect with Helen Hardware, head over to her website


069 Past lives and business

I have explored several past lives with my clients that had a direct impact on their success in business. But before I dive into examples, I explore my own experience with the concept and what turned me from someone who liked the idea to a convert. Past lives can create unhelpful beliefs that impact our mindset. And we all know that 50% of our success is mindset. I finish the podcast with some tips if you want to explore your past lives. If you would like to book a session with me, click here


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